Dropped into the Prince late sunday afternoon having not been there for about 6 months. Incredibly there are some of the same good humoured folk there. Presunanly they've been home once or twice since.
Nothing has changed. A fair selection of trade on offer but I declined and moved on. There is a nostalgia about the place for me. |
-- An elderly, regular & farang visitor to the one remaining cinema in ChinaTown - The MAXIMA, 408, Yaowarat rd.*), commented that last sunday - 10th. - the place was crowded: almost standing room only!
- At one point the place was thrown into some confusion by the arrival of a family: husband, wife & young child! Ha!! --* vide: this thread, postings #20. & 84.. |
Also, the ticket receipt shows the name as "Chinatown Rama" (in Thai). Where did you get the name Maxima, Mr. Tile? |
-- Khun Rich., - A good question, forsooth! Possibly I shewed the tkt. to one of my Talking Boyz and he translated for me? But I would not be prepared to place hand upon heart. |
-- Today, (13th.), a'noon. I visited the BANG KHAE RAMA cinema.
- addr.: 176/171, Tnn. Petch Kasem, Khet Bang Khae; - Garmin co-ords.: 100-25-22.50.E.x13-42-37.62.N.. - dirn's. from TESCO-LOTUS, (Cruising Spots - post #360.), - 1.- Standing in front of TL. turn LEFT and start walking with the IN-going tfc.; 2.- After LESS than five mins'. walking you'll pass a branch of BKK. Bank, (LHS.); then, & set-back from the main rd., a whiteish & 20 storey HIGH-rise bldg., (LHS.), cross-over soi 62/3. and straight-away you'll come to a foot-bridge across the dual carriageway; 3.- Avail of the foot-bridge and note that at its other end you'll see a red & white notice advertising some dental practice, (sponsored by Colgate.), and between the two bldgs. and above a cloth covered arcade fading dull red Thai letters BANG KHAE RAMA; 4.- Pass through the covered arcade, pass, (LHS.), an open space with stalls & parked cars; pass a bldg., (LHS.); beyond the 2nd. open space, (LHS.), with parked cars you'll see the BANG KHAE RAMA cinema! - From the side-walk to the cinema is approx. 130yds.. -- Inside the Box Office is to yr. RHS.; - adm'n.: 50.Bh.; - Pass through to the interior foyer: straight before you is a snax' counter with, to yr. RIGHT, the Men's hawng nahm; - To yr. LEFT & RIGHT are the stairs UP to the cinema: walk-UP 12 steps, turn either RIGHT or LEFT and walk-UP another 10 steps to the body of the cinema; - Once inside it's better to stay at the head of the steps until yr. eyes will have adjusted - Lighting is minimal: what's coming-in from the two sets of stairs, what's reflected from the screen and the 3 sets of LOW intensity red lighting for the EMGY. EXITS. - From the head f the a/m.stairs there are 22 broad & shallow steps DOWN to the front row of seats and 11 ditto UP to the back wall. - On the back wall are a couple of fire extinguishers about 5ft. off the floor and a couple of fans - tall men should watch their heads for the supporting steel-work! - Seating is std. with four blocks separated by central longitudinal & lateral aisles. There is plenty of space between each row of seats. In general the seats are quite comfortable. -- My ETA. was approx. 14.15.hrs.; - Possibly another dozen or so spectators? - Films were hard core & ortho-sexual porn.. - I stayed there for a couple of hrs. and then decided that enough was enough. - I did not see any Lady-boyz or similar there. - Not all that much activity that I could see amongst the spectators, many of whom appeared to be in the 40s-50s.age-gp. as far as I could judge. I scored twice with youngish men: one of whom, (a student-looking type with glasses.), was for free and the other, (looks & actions a money-boi.), -we went into a cubicle - asked for 100.Bh. for smoking him. -- As with TESCO-LOTUS possibly wednesday isn't such a popular day for such activities? -- NB.: In add'n. to one's usual supplies of Condoms, lube., facial tissues, mouth-wash, (non-alcoholic.), money, (LOW denominations.), etc. etc. possibly a small torch, (US.: flash-light.), would be helpful here? |
Laemsong cinema -
-- Today, (05th.), a'noon. an elderly & American acquaintance visited the LAEMSONG CINEMA., (this thread #12. & #132.),.
- He told me that there were approx. a dozen others there, most of whom were maturer men. - Much to his surprise he met a Thai man - into his 30s.? - who is c'cised., (rara avis.),. |
Found these interesting links from a straight guy researching vintage theatres in Bangkok including some mentioned in this thread. Pictures of the exteriors are included.
Chinatown Rama (Sri Meuang Theater) Phaholyothin Rama Theater Prince Theater Hawaii Theater |
-- Many, many thanks for these fascinating reports - greatly appreciated. |
Yes, these are great posts indeed!
Laemsong cinema
-- Today, (19th.), having changed my schedule several times I decided to visit the LAEMSONG CINEMA, (vide supra #12., 132. etc.),.
- Bearing in mind Wantasian's earlier remarks my ETA. was 11.43.hrs.; - Adm'n.: 50.Bh.. - Once my eyes had adjusted themselves to the LOW level lighting I'd guestimate that there were about a dozen or so of us there at that time; a few MORE entered as the day progressed. - V. little activity; a mature looking stdnt. joined us and become the object of interest, wch. didn't seem to be reciprocated. - ETD.: 13.oo.hrs.. |
Separately, I find many of the seat/row lights very irritating in the cinema in Saphan Kwai. They should have covers, but they're broken, and you get these blinding lights in your eyes if you walk around. |
-- Y'day., (24th.), an elderly & American acquaintance visited the well-known CHINATOWN RAMA CINEMA, (this thread #20., 84. & 139.); according to him it's CLOSED for a couple of days.
-- So he went to the equally well-known PRINCE CINEMA, (this thread #116.), wch. he found to be busier than usual and in wch. he found that satisfaction that he was seeking! |
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