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CRUISING for SEX - Bar reports - BKK

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scoops 1st April 2008 05:33 AM

Dear Sextile,

He was from X boys (the first bar on the right side as you enter the soi), but I had noticed him working at Boys of Bangkok a few nights earlier. Tall very masculine boy, nice definition, no tattoos.

His number? can't remember for sure, i think 42 / 43 / 45 or similar.

To be honest I have offed about 5 boys from X boys in the last 6 months. On each occasion I have politely discussed what I'm looking for in detail: kissing, mutual sucking and I fuck the boy. No language problems, I speak advanced Thai. Every boy has been a total dud, and full of tricks about toothache, stomach ache, the rent money, etc, etc. In fact it's been a very similar story every time.

This is a good time to share another item. I was more recently again at Boys of Bangkok and noticed a very sweet young man (tall, masculine, nice definition, very polite (not the same one I've mentioned from X boys), who I took many times several years ago when he was working at Boys of Bangkok in their old location (now X boys). He mentioned that he had come back to work because of family money problems and went straight to the old location. He stayed there two nights and by then had discovered that Boys of Bangkok had moved across the soi.

I asked him why he didn't stay at X boys. His quick answer: theft and drugs amongst the boys.

He had by now discovered that Boys of Bangkok has less customers and very few customers off the dancing boys.

He's now happily working at Hero club.


rubyhanoi 1st April 2008 06:50 PM

"may I ask if anyone has ever offed #28, Nid ? He's the one with fabulous abs and body and does a few shows'

I have had my eye on #28 for a long time also. Very good looking though abit too much makeup. I have the feeling he does next to nothing so never bothered

firecat 1st April 2008 08:20 PM

I found #22 Mr Oa at XBoys to be a willing partner in everything including being a Bottom.

Beautiful Abs and a Great Ass

Tell him John from America recc him

sextile 10th May 2008 10:38 PM

-- Last night, (sat.), I went-in to 'FRESH BEACH BOYS.', (Soi Twilight), wch. used to be my favorite a go-go bar in that soi.
- I entered at 21.55.hrs. to see about a dozen or so spectators, (incl. a couple of wimmen), therein and maybe 25 R&F. a go-go boyz.
- Drinks are
- The R&F. boyz tend to be on the younger and twinkier side - but none caught my att'n..
- House lts. dimmed promptly at 22.30hrs., by wch. time there were some MORE spectators.
- Same format as during my last visit many, many months ago - possibly they felt that there has been no need to change what is, for them, a successful format?
1.- 4 dancing boyz & chantoosie;
2.- 3 dancing boys wearing just camo. trousers - MORE writhing than dancing;
3.- The 'Made in TH.' but a la Japonaise singer;
4.- 2 boyz in shower scene, briefs were removed towards the end and before the simul'd.. s*x act;
5.- 6 boyz in Big **** Show, all of whom kept-on their briefs and didn't seem all that keen on displaying their assets; #94. best endowed; a sudden rush of voyeuses entered at this time, just in time for
6.- 2 boyz in Bold Show; B*tt*m wasn't the usual effem. type but adequately built & muscled. Not as good, by a long shot, as in 'Hotmale.' a go-go bar.
- House lts. came-on at 23.10hrs..
- Saw that #94., (#5. above), is one of the waiters, sporting the fashionable under the chin hair.
- I enquired after #4., ROJ, and #54., NUT - both well-endowed, (with a little help!)? One of the long-haired and fem.-looking Capt's. told me that they hadn't come-in that night; strange, I thought, not to come-in on a sat. night, (poss. the week's busiest night?) - unless they'd both rec'd. better offers beforehand?
- I paid my bill and left soon after.
- I know that it's after the HIGH Season, that many boys have ret'd. home to help with the new season's rice and so on and so forth etc. etc. - but it was a lack-lustre and totally funless time.:(
-- bibi.. --

sydneyboy 12th May 2008 04:31 AM

Tawan Bar
Has anyone been to the Tawan Bar lately? This has always been my favourite in Bangkok and any comments on the place from recent experience including the current crop of boys appreciated.

icon513 12th May 2008 09:19 AM

Where's wowpow when you need him?

BillyHouston 12th May 2008 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 660898)
Where's wowpow when you need him?

Sadly he's no longer with us.... he died about a month ago.

rubyhanoi 12th May 2008 07:20 PM

actually it should be where's Ajarntrade (E is in Mexico now) when u need him. no offense to the late Wowpow whose favorite activities (if i remember correctly) is tamer than most .

icon513 12th May 2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by BillyHouston (Post 660902)
Sadly he's no longer with us.... he died about a month ago.

I know. I was just missing him, that's all.

sextile 17th May 2008 12:23 AM

-- An i'net. respondent from SGP., whom I've never met, has reported as follows, (I've shortened what he wrote to a few salient points.), -
1.- BOYS BKK.: Fair sel'n. of boyz and show;
2.- FUTUREBOYS: Don't waste your money, poor sel'n. of boyz, long i'vals. between indiv'l. acts - but their F*ck Show is better and MORE skillful than most;
3.- JUPITER: Best of the four - quality boyz and well-choreographed show: Big **** Show but no F*ck Show;
4.- TAWAN: Muscle men, a few younger ones but many look to be MORE than 30YO. - usual JO. * F*ck shows.
-- NB.: Above is second hand info.; I might venture to 'TAWAN.' tonight, we'll see?
-- Bibi.. --

sextile 17th May 2008 11:47 PM

-- Y'day., (sat.), evening I went-back to 'TAWAN MEN'S BAR.', (Soi Than Tawan.), after being absent for maybe a year or more.
- I arr'd. at 22.05hrs. - approx. 25mins. before the scheduled start of ther first perf.; about. a couple of dozen spectators there already; possibly some 30 R&F. boyz.
- Drinks at
- As for the R&F. boyz I'd say that most seem to be in their late twenties, with a couple looking older; but some of the long-timers, who were starting to shew their ages, weren't there. A couple of them were well-muscled - but not grotesquely developed as with some boyz formerly. Apart from #29 none caught my att'n.; possibly the more attractive ones had been offed already?
- A few interior changes: the main stage is not so deep - what looks like a temp'y. hoarding at the back - and a finger extends from stage LEFT twds. the main door, just deep enough for the boyz to stand-on but for nothing else.
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.35.hrs., by wch. time the number of spectators had doubled - so the place was fairly full but not crowded.
- First of all there was their equivalent of the Big **** Show: the boyz walked along the main aisle twds. the door and then onto the stage. None particularly well-endowed and none of them seeming to flaunt or to shew-off their assets. Possibly #55., (if my memory of faces serves aright?), is the best endowed - not overly long but thicker than most. As one says -
'Long and thin goes right in,
'Short and thick does the trick
- Nothing too remarkable any any of the indiv'l. acts: torch-boi, the usual fake S&M. and simul'd. s*x acts, the usual F*ck Show with a couple of prs., in both cases the B*tt*ms were starting to shew their yrs.. Final act was four boyz wearing hats & masks and doing a JO. - v. mechanical seeming; at wch. point I left, after some 50mins. of the perf. and certain that I'd seen enough.

-- Unless one in seriously into muscle-men I would hesistate to recommend visiting.
- I know that the so-called 'Tourist Season.' is finished, that the boyz may be tired and so on and so forth, but - as a customer - I found the whole place jaded and tired, lacking any sense of enjoyment or of FUN.
-- Bibi.. --

Mii_Kwaam_suk 21st May 2008 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 661022)
-- but - as a customer - I found the whole place jaded and tired, lacking any sense of enjoyment or of FUN.
-- Bibi.. --

I suppose the first time I saw one of the shows in Bangkok I found it exciting and I do remember a show at Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai that was quite well done in large part because they boys did seem to be having fun ... that was probably 10 years ago.

Since then if I go to the bars at all, it's as near to opening as possible, only to find someone to off and then leave quickly.

The shows which are choreographed :confused: by some farang who fancies himself as Bob Fosse's double (the old Icon and one or two other places in Pattaya come to mind) tend to be mildly entertaining for the first 5 minutes and painful as they labor on and on.

The dripping candles, showers, stringed object pulled from anuses, luminous paint in addition to the j.o. or other supposedly sexy peformances somehow always seemed to be an embarassment for all concerned on either side of the "footlights." The performers have to have gone well past being jaded assuming they'd been on stage more than a couple of times.

I still find the boys in the bars to be as enjoyable as ever when taken off, especially when you off the same guy repeatedly and he comes out of his shell, but the whole gogo bar experience really has to be no more than a means to an end , rather than something that can be enjoyed in its own right, for someone who's been around for awhile. And for the boys who are there night after night, it must be terrifically mind-numbing.

buzzard 24th May 2008 09:49 AM

slim pickings

Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk (Post 661106)
I suppose the first time I saw one of the shows in Bangkok I found it exciting and I do remember a show at Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai that was quite well done in large part because they boys did seem to be having fun ... that was probably 10 years ago.

Since then if I go to the bars at all, it's as near to opening as possible, only to find someone to off and then leave quickly.

I still find the boys in the bars to be as enjoyable as ever when taken off, especially when you off the same guy repeatedly and he comes out of his shell, but the whole gogo bar experience really has to be no more than a means to an end , rather than something that can be enjoyed in its own right, for someone who's been around for awhile. And for the boys who are there night after night, it must be terrifically mind-numbing.

I would agree with almost all of those statements. I too go early to avoid any of the dreadful shows. After 16 years of Thai gay go-go bar hopping, I suppose I'm a bit jaded. The only point I would disagree with, or rather something that I find is not the case as far as I'm concerned, is finding an enjoyable boy to go home with. I just don't find as many good ones as I used to find. I'm both a butterfly (trying to sample as many sweet things as my appetite allows), and one who likes to keep regulars for several years at a time. Have one guy coming over tomorrow (I live in Bangkok) who I've known for 7 years. Another 4-year regular returns from Khorat next week. But I find it much more difficult these days to find talented (versatile and good in bed) and personable (someone you can take out to a restaurant and have something close to a conversation with) young men in the Bangkok bars. On the rare occassion I find someone attractive, they invariably turn out to be a dud or one-dimensional in bed. Is it just me and my finicky tastes, or are the pickings truly slim these days?

sloot 24th May 2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by buzzard (Post 661176)
Is it just me and my finicky tastes, or are the pickings truly slim these days?

I think the quality of go-go boys has gone down, and it's rare nowadays to be able to find one that even tries to give good service back in the room. I find myself gravitating to massage places more and more, for their noticeably better service; though there is the occasional bad experience too.

I suspect that this is the result of gradually improving income levels in the country. Where once poverty was widespread and bar owners had plenty of willing, amiable boys to choose from, this is less the case now. However, massage work may remain attractive because (a) they can get more than one customer a day and (b) they don't have to "dance" semi-naked in full view.

sextile 24th May 2008 11:04 PM

-- Having heard and/or read several criticisms of 'FUTURE BOYS.', (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.), I felt it my duty to you, Gentle Reader, to go and to see for myself at first hand.
- Y'day., (sat.), evening I passed-by on my way to a small supper in 'Dick's Cafe.' and enquired the time of the 1st. perf.? '9.30.', I was told.
- 'Dick's cafe.' was almost empty, (although I was told that the friday evening had been unusually busy.),.
- I arr'd. at FUTURE BOYS.' just before 22.oo.hrs. and was ushered in to a raised seat about half-way along stage RIGHT - a good line-of-sight to the stage. A rough head-count was for around 30 spectators, (a mix of TH. and of farang - also a couple of wimmen.), and about 40 or so boyz.
- Drinks are 250.oo.Bh..
- I was not too happy to see ash-trays put-out; but, in my immediate area at least, only a couple were smoking ciggies.. On returning home I was better pleased to note that my clothing didn't smell as bady of nicotine as in times past.
- The R&F. a go-go boyz, who wear white briefs, circulate as usual on the stage; most of them are still quite young looking, with several of them very twinkie in appearance. In gen'l. the boyz looked no more or no less disinterested and bored-out-of-their-minds than anyother a go-go boi whom I've seen on the stage; in fact several of the younger and twinkier ones were smiling and endeavouring to establish eye-contact with spectators of their choice.

-- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.05hrs..
1.- 3 boi dancers - briefs of two of them were removed, (std. endowements.), and the boi in the middle smoked each in turn;
2.- 3 boyz in an a la 'Tawan Bar.' S&M. act;
3.- 2 boyz in a slighly different type of Candle Show;
4.- Chantoosie solo, followed by chantosie with 4 twinks dressed as fairies who danced around her, followed by another chantoosie with same 4 boyz with feather fans;
5.- 2 boyz in F*ck Show - T*p, #74., not at all ill looking and quite well endwd.; they circulated amongst us voyeurs to solicit TIPS.; B*tt*m not an effem. and twinkie-type and not too bad looking - both thanked those generous patrons who shewed their appreciation in the usual and expected manner;
6.- 2 boyz in Soap Show, ended in simul'd. s*x act;
7.- 2 boyz in Shower Show, #68. & #82., both well-endwd., (I enquired of their nos. and at first was given another pr. of nos., but later the waiter came-back and gave me the correct nos.);
8.- Boi & katoey in costumed and ethnic type dance routine;
9.- Chantoosie solo;
10.- 4 dancing boyz;
11.- 2 boyz in a Massage Show, both well enough endwd.;
12.- 2 boyz in a simul'd. knife fight, joined by 2 others and Katoey all in a dance routine;
13.- 4 boyz in dance routine and smoking;
14.- 2prs. in final F*ck Show: not as good as I'd been led to believe, but good use made by both prs. of suspended-from-ceiling rings; both prs. circulated and were rewarded suitably for their efforts. I did not take the nos. of the 2 T*ps..
- Hse. lts. ON again at 00.15hrs.; an head-count shewed approx. 50 spectators.

-- A much better o'all. perf. than I'd been led to believe, certainly better than 'Tawan Bar.' and at least as good - if not better - than the other bars into wch. I've been fairly recently in Soi T'light.: 'Hotmale.', 'X-Boys.' and 'Fresh Beach Boys.'.
- I was LESS than happy with how several of the R&F. a go go boyz circulated amongst us spectators during the perf..
- The waiters, in gen'l., weren't too pushy in encouraging us to drink-up and to re-order. I thought that their whisky was but a degree or two better than paint-stripper.
- I was annoyed when a gp. of three spectators joined me on the same seating and when a 4th. wanted to join them I was asked to move along to a seat with a slightly worse sight-line.
-- Let's say that from that one visit I'd give 'FUTURE BOYS.' a qualified approval for a return visit.
-- Bibi.. --

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