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CRUISING for SEX - Bar reports - BKK

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rubyhanoi 27th September 2007 07:11 PM

Whenever I go to BKK, I drop by X-Boys. This is weird in that I haven't off anyone there in ages. On my last visit, it seems that the bar now has a make-up person in residence as every boy seems to be sporting more make-up than my mother. I am not thrilled with make-up in general because what's radiant in a bar looks pretty cheap in a hotel lobby.

sextile 29th September 2007 10:54 PM

-- Following up on Ruby's. report about the boyz in 'X BOYS.' I paid them a return visit last night, (sat.),; arr'd. at around 21.40hrs. to find the place fairly full. I was shewn to a seat stage RIGHT , back row, (I discovered later that my view of the shower, [to my LEFT.], was screened by other spectators and the DJ's. box.),.
- Drinks priced at 250.Bh..
- Not a bad looking sel'n. of R&F. a go-go boyz - but none caught my att'n. sufficiently.
- Noticed several wimmin seated at stage side.
- House lts. powered DOWN at just after 22.oohrs..
- Perf. followed its usual format - except that this time we were entertained as well to a rather tired looking Candle-show.
- Khun Wee featured in their Putting-show, but didn't manage to pot any of the balls.
- The B*ld-show began with a duo, (the T*p seemed to have some difficulty in remaining in situ - as it were.),. They were joined by a third to make a sandwich; after wch. the aforementioned Khun Wee participated to make two prs.; despite KW's reported preference for the fair sex he performed like a proverbial rattle-snake! This time neither pr. walked amonst us voyeurs - not even for any add'n. financial gain.
- Finally there was the Big **** show, a disorganised affair with the half-a-dozen or so boyz milling-around on the stage, and wch. again featured KW. - the only one who appeared to be delighted to shew-off his manhood, (and with such an endowment why not?),.
- House lts. powered-UP about an hr. or so after the start.
- I must allow that I didn't leave 'X-Boys.' in too happy a frame of mind; possibly I'd have been better-off going to 'X-SIZE.' for their First Anniv'y. Party. - for wch. adm'n. was just 250.Bh. .

-- I'll allow that walking-back along Soi Than Tawan I did think of availing of 'INDRA MASSAGE.' to restore my equilibrium, but instead decided in favor of going to another bar just off Soi Anuman..
- 'bye..

billinbkk 1st October 2007 05:32 AM

Sextile....I totally agree with you. My female friend and I were also in X-Boys on Saturday night. The show was the WORST I've seen in BKK in a long time. My friend "knows" lots of the big-dicked guys who usually work there and NOT ONE of them was working....on a Saturday night. The whole show was totally uninspiring. When they dragged out the stage-sized plastic cloth for the candle dripping crap, we got up and left.

Hotmale was better...although not by much.

I ended up at My Way and wound up with 3 naked young guys jerking off together on one of the couches for my pleasure (and for 500 baht). The manager was drunk on his ass so he didn't care what went on. As soon as the guys each delivered a load, I went home.

sextile 1st October 2007 07:12 AM

-- BinBKK.,
- Thanks for your confirm'n. about 'X-BOYS.' last sat. evening. I feared for the moment lest it might have been just me in one of my sour moods who wasn't so charmed.
- Hmmmmm. - haven't been to 'MY WAY.' for more yrs. than I care to remember: at least a dozen. I thought at that time that the Mngr. was pushy in trying to get me to 'Off.' one of the boyz, and so never visited it again. But, thanks to your rpt., I might give it another try? Although boyz jacking-off isn't really my scene, perhaps they're willing for other pleasures?

-- On another topic, and possibly your friend might know the answer: but where might one meet guys for pleasure who, without the use of **** rings, vac. pumps and other artificial aids, are well-endowed naturally and who aren't averse to some M2M.?

billinbkk 2nd October 2007 05:13 AM


No, the "down night" at X was not a figment of your imagination. I can begin to see the pendulum of "What's hot now?" swinging away from X. They've been in the spotlight for quite a while and, although the shows are probably exciting to first-time visitors, they do NOTHING to us "regulars". Who knows what will be the next "hot" place to visit.

Like you, I hadn't been into My Way for years. However, I truly had a nice time with the 3 nude young 'uns. And, to answer your question, YES, YES, YES...the boys would be DELIGHTED to do whatever you wish. Two of them had decided, before I left that the next time I went in there, they would go with me and I'd fuck one of them whilst the other fucked me. They had NO inhibitions at all.

Now, about your last query. It's always been said that I'm one of the original sluts, so keep that in mind while I answer your question. I buddied up to all of the security guards at my condo block. After a few months of pleasant conversation, one of them showed up at my door one night (invited, of course). He's a straight guy of 24. He had always wondered about sex with a guy. To make a long story short, we "got to know each other". I gave him THB 1,000 and asked him if he had any other friends who would like to earn a little spending money. Since then, I've NEVER been at a loss for big-dicked guys. My security guard friend always clears any new people with me and is more than happy to pimp out all of his friends to me. And, since he knows that I like them well hung, he weeds out all of the little dicked guys before they get to me. How's THAT for service. And, just so you know, the only "payment" he receives for being a pimp is that he gets to speak English with me. So, if you're interersted in REAL guys, send me a private message and I'll bring you to the land of endless-dick.

sextile 2nd October 2007 07:45 AM

-- BinBKK.,
- Treble thanks: first for confirming my thoughts about 'X-BOYS.' in Soi Twilight; secondly for news about 'My WAY.', I must allow that I've become a trifle cautious about inviting a couple back to my acc'n. as the last time that I did that - and imagining foolishly that I knew them both well enough - while one & I were enjoying a bath together the other one stole my elderly laptop!; and finally for your kind offer of a PM., wch. I'll be more than pleased to accept a little later on this month.

sloot 6th October 2007 12:07 AM

X-boys, Friday 5 Oct
After being bored by the Dreamboys' 10.30 pm show which didn't end till 11.45, I had nothing better to do than to check out X-boys. Barely 5 minutes after putting my backside down, houselights were dimmed for their midnight show ("Not another show!" I sighed to myself). It was even worse than the Dreamboys' tired show. As mentioned above, it looked disorganised, dragged on too long, especially for what should be a short show as midnight shows tend to be. It went on till past 12.45 am, close to closing. How the boys would get customers when they don't get much chance of being rotated on stage is a mystery to me.

The bar had quite a large selection of boys and a handful of them caught my eye including 2 of the big c*ck performers in the show, I waited for them to appear after the show on rotation, but they never showed up. Are the performers not part of the "offer" list?

In the end I picked no. 35 (name: Bas) who turned out to be extremely energetic in bed. I was quite happy with my choice.

First and subsequent drinks 250 baht. Off fee: 400 baht. The total was more expensive than Dreamboys!

This is because Dreamboys (and sister outlet Boys Bangkok) have reduced their charges for second drinks. First drink was 270 baht on a Friday night at Dreamboys (240 at Boys Bangkok), but subsequent drink, and drinks for boys, 150 baht. I don't know what the off fee was, but if it remained at 400 baht, offing from either bar would have been slightly cheaper than from Xboys.

sloot 6th October 2007 12:25 AM

didn't bother to stay - Star Boys

Originally posted by scoops I was the only customner, arrived about 10pm.
I poked in about 5 or 10 minutes before 10 pm, and found myself to be the only customer too. In the brief while that I was there, I didn't think the music too loud, but yes, the lighting was insufficient to really see the boys clearly. There were about 15-20 boys, relatively scrawny.

I wouldn't bother to visit again anytime soon.

sextile 6th October 2007 11:18 PM

-- Last evening, (sat.), having supped in 'Marco Polo.' cafe/rest't. in Phat Pong 2., (to maks a change from 'Dick's Cafe.' in Soi Twilight.), I heeded the call of dooty, sah! and wended my leisurely way via Soi T'light. towards 'STAR BOYS.'.
- One of their touts picked me up in the soi, told me that their f*cking show was just about to start and promised to f*ck me after I'd seen the show - an offer I had no difficulty in refusing.
- I arr'd. about 22.20hrs.
- On entering one is faced by the island stage, guestimated to be approx. 9x15ft., behind wch. is the bar. Raised seating is on three sides and not all that close to the stage - possibly to allow extra chairs to be placed, if needed? Lighting was adequate and enable me to see the boyz' faces as well as their bodies. The background music wasn't all that 'Background.' but wasn't o'whelmingly loud either.
- Drinks were priced at 200.Bh..
- About a score of R&F. boyz, none of whom was really eye-catching; had I to make a choice then possibly #12. and/or #19. might have been the only two.
- Only a couple of other spectators there on my arrival. Soon a'wards. the maturer farang pulled a face when talking with one of the staff, paid his bill and left.
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.35hrs..
- !st. the usual Candle Show with 3 boyz, during wch. a gaggle of m&f. spectators entered, stayed just a few mins. and left rather hurriedly.
- 2nd. 2 boyz danced, removed their pouches and engaged in some oral s*x and simul'd. s*x.
- 3rd. 2 boyz in a Soap Show, nothing was removed. A small gp. of male spectators entered and stayed.
- 4th. 2 boyz in the Bold Show, nothing out of the ordinary, really: some ground work on stage, some use made of the suspended rings followed by a walk-about to collect add'n. money - in future one should make a prolonged effort to find one's money and one will be rewarded with a longer perf. while the boyz await their reward! I had my money all ready for them and the boyz stopped by for just a few moments only.
- Hse. lts came-on at approx. 23.25hrs..
- I wouldn't be thinking of making a return visit.

billinbkk 6th October 2007 11:34 PM answer your question: NO....some of the boys in the big cock show AREN'T in the normal rotation. They come in to do the show and leave as soon as it is finished. Sad....yeah?

sextile 6th October 2007 11:40 PM

-- After being LESS than enthralled by 'STAR BOYZ.' I walked slowly - via Thaniya & Si Lom rds. - round to 'MY WAY.' on Rama IV. rd.. I've not been there for MORE than a dozen yrs., having felt that, at my earlier visit, the mngr. was too pushy in trying to make me off one of the boyz.
- I didn't check the time of my arrival - but possibly around 23.45hrs..
- On entering one is faced by a small stage, just large enough for 3 or 4 boyz only. The bar is to stage LEFT. Seating is at the bar and to stage front and to stage RIGHT. I chose a seat at stage RT.. I didn't find either the lighting or the background music to be intrusive. There is a TV. at one end of the bar wch. was shewing some video. or other: what I'd class as mildly v. soft-porn..
- Drinks are 150.Bh..
- There were 3 boyz on stage: the oldest wearing just a pr. of rolled-down briefs and the others the usual male boxers. After a while the boys changed-over and towards the end all had left the stage to sit-down, chat and whatever else.
- There was just one other farang there, sitting-at the bar, who - after a while - was joined by one of the boyz; the farang's hands didn't stay idle for too long - ha!
- I was joined by the Bar Capt., (?). a plump individual who's getting-on in yrs. and who told me that he sees me in Silom Complex Shopping Plaza where he works during the day - possibly so?
- After a while I was joined by the eldest boi there, Gy.,(chicken.), 30+YO., speaks adequate enough English and told me that several yrs. ago he'd been invited by a German visitor to go to Austria for a few wks.. I can't say that I was all that taken with Gy. whose **** is v. small when flaccid but hardened-up to a sufficient size after a certain amt. of manipulation.
- After a while I was joined by Ball, all of 18yrs. & 2 days old! Hails from I-San. He allowed me to play with his ****, v. much a TH. boi's one.
- Finally I was joined by Beer, who told me that he's 17YO., (if I heard aright.), and also from I-San.. He was more than willing to offer himself to me - again another TH. boi-sized ****; he giggled and said that it ticked when I smoked him.
- While not as sleazy as say 'SUPER A.' I didn't feel that their boyz are as 'Ready, Willing and Able.' as the latter's; possibly MORE visits - so we become better acquainted - might reverse that opinion?
- I left around 01hrs., wch. seemed to be closing time.

buzzard 9th October 2007 07:36 AM

Went out on Sunday night for a barhopping round with another farang friend. Started off at Screw Boy, an old favorite. Quite disappointing. About 20 tired looking boys. Nothing caught my eye. Before entering I asked the doorman, who has known me for years, how much the drinks were; and he said they were same price as before. Which was 160 baht (going back several years). But inside the bar one of the queeny captains said it was 200 baht. I told him the guy outside said it was 160 baht, so that's how much we paid.
Next stop was Nature Boy. Just 7 guys working, most of whom looked bored and emaciated. One good looking boy but he had a huge tattoo, more like an art project, covering his arm and shoulder. Just in from Uttaradit. He looked a bit intimidated by the whole scene.
Next we stopped in that new bar between Nature Boy and Golden Cock (on the same side of the soi as GC). Drinks were only 100 baht, so we said "why not." Should have skipped it. Possibly the ugliest bunch (about 8 of them) I've seen in years. Only drank half my beer and fled the scene.
Next, we stopped in Solid, looked around and left. Didn't appear to be anything worth staying for. Did not even attempt a look at Super A because it's been so bad lately.
After that was this new Star Boy bar. Not too bad actually. The odd thing was they were all dancing in jeans. There was an initial promise that they would strip down to briefs, but after 30 minutes that never happened. Like sextile, I had my eye on #12. He was flirty, but maybe too much so. Reminded me of too many cute but disappointing offs, so I passed.
Last, but not least was My Way. I had not returned in over a year after getting burned (very very disappointed) by two totally useless boys that Chalee had recommended. This time around I was shocked by what I saw: boys dancing!!! Yes, for the first time in many years (perhaps in this decade) they had guys up on stage and dancing. And yes, they were actually dancing and not just standing around and hugging the pole. Actual motion and gyrations. I like that. The place had an "up" vibe that the other bars lacked. But I suspect most of the reason for that was drug usage by the boys. They were flying. I had two sit with me, and I felt them up but neither one got hard. Clearly, they were more than a bit space out. Another odd thing; most of the dancers made no eye contact with any of the customers. They seemed to having a great time on the stage, but were oblivious to the fact that we were watching them! I also suspect some of the crew may have been under 18. Nothing dangerously young looking, but I wouldn't be shocked if some were in the 16-17 bracket. Cute to play with, but I'd hesitate to off those younger looking ones. Chalee appeared happy and blitzed himself. He promised me a free off after I bitched about the horrid quality of his previous recommendations, but I didn't have the confidence, or courage, to off any of the current crew. But I'd definitely go back to watch the action. Most fun I've had in a Bangkok bar in years!

biggles69 9th October 2007 04:30 PM

So Charlee is back at My Way?? He went walkabout for about a year....was seen hanging around the 7 / 11 and touting under age boys from the street. They used to sit on the steps of the office block 100 metres along....until that got cordonned off presumably because the pimping became too obvious. The good think about My Way used to be that regardless of age, Charlee always had "hung" boys.....will give it a go next time.

sextile 9th October 2007 08:15 PM

-- It's 100%. for sure that none of the boyz who joined me in 'MY WAY.' could be described as hung; best would have been 30YO. Khun Gy, whose **** is approx. 5ins. LOA .; the other two younger boyz were unable to rise to the occasion.

-- In gen'l. most of the bars could do with having MORE well-endowed boyz who are available to be 'offed.'.

buzzard 10th October 2007 12:59 AM

The two I sat with at My Way certainly were not hung. Of course neither one got hard enough to gauge the full package, but I doubt I would have been impressed anyway. One thing I also like about My Way is that you can sit with a boy and they (Chalee or anyone else) won't harrass you into buying the boy a drink. For customers drinks there are still 150 baht. Boys there not shy about showing what they have or letting you play with the equipment.
On the subject of drink prices I forget to mention that when writing about Star Boys. When we walked up to the door, my friend asked "how much for drinks" and they told us 200 baht. We scoffed at that and turned around to walk away. They quickly brought the price down to 100 baht. Overall the lighting was fair. I thought Screw Boy was far worse for visibility.

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