28 oct. from 19.hrs. - FRESH BEACH BOYS, Soi Twilight - 'Men of Silom.' & 2nd. Anniversary Party.;
- There'll be some 15K.Bh. in prize-money; - contact: (02)-637 1156.. 'bye.. |
After the relative success of last week's bar outing (we didn't snore for a change) my buddy and I ventured another outing on Saturday night. Tried a new bar (for us, anyway) on Soi Twilight. Can't even remember the name of the place, but it was on the left side (heading away from Suriwong) about halfway down. Definitely not one of the more popular bars on the strip: we were the only customers. About 20 boys but nothing overwhelming. We stopped by Star Boy again, but they had less boys than the week before and nothing much stood out. We finished at My Way, and that was also a letdown; only 5 boys working, and it wasn't late; not yet 10:00 when we showed up. What was working was very energetic (dancing again) and one fellow even dropped his undies to show us his jewels. No sign of Chalee anywhere.
I think you were at Fresh Boys
I think the bar on Soi Twilight which you entered could have been Fresh Boys. I peeped in once, saw a listless, mostly empty scene, and never stepped foot in it again.
Fresh Boys should be distinguished from Fresh Beach Boys, which is on the opposite side of the same soi. Fresh Boys is the downstairs shop, to X-size Bar upstairs. That too isn't worth much. |
-- Last sat. evening I decided to change my routine: instead of visiting one of the many a go-go bars in Soi Twilight I went directly to 'MY WAY.' on Rama IV. rd., arr'd. sometime before 22.hrs..
- One other farang customer there; possibly about just half-a-dozen boyz present, 3 of whom were dancing on the small stage, and no signs of Chalee. - I was joined by 30YO. GY, wearing a pr. of jeans, who apologised for the the shortage of boyz. - Drinks are just 100.oo.Bh.. - Sometime after 22.hrs. two more customers arr'd. and those Th. boyz who weren't otherwise engaged flocked around them like bees to an honey-pot. Drinks were demanded, arr'd. and a seemingly jolly party got under way. - After a while there was just one rather athletic boi an stage; from time to time someone would walk-over and tuck a mark of appreciation into the wasitband of his male boxers to recompense him for not joining-in the party - Having passed some time there I decided that I should go and visit someother place and left. -- I walked leisurely around to 'NICE BOYS.' in the sub-soi off Soi Anuman. and nr. to 'SUPER A.'. - One other customer there. - Drinks are 150.Bh.. - I was joined almost immediately by AHM, (tall & lean young man.), who joined me on my last visit there. He didn't waste much time but soon had his briefs down and started to play with himself - but without managing to achieve an erection; nor was he disposed to allow me to smoke him - well, up to him. - After a while one of the staff came-up to me and told me that I could take AHM to the upstairs room for just 1,700.oo.Bh., (wch. would incl. our already ordered drinks.), and wch. I found easy to refuse! - AHM then offered himself to me for a smoke - another offer declined. - I didn't stay there all that long. - Passing by 'SUPER A.' I was interested to note that all of its lights were out,(and it wasn't all that late into the night.),. - The barker at 'SOLID BAR.' tried to entice me in, but to no avail. 'bye.. |
-- Last sat. - after my massage in 'PRIME.' - I went to 'SUPER A.', a place well enough known by most of us not to warrant any further intro..
- I arr'd. around 22.45hrs. as their only customer. - Drinks still at 100.Bh.. - There was one rather plumpish boi dancing on stage, more for his own enjoyment than anything else, I felt. - I was joined by a cigarette smoking OB who reminded me that he'd sat before with me, and who didn't waste any time in shewing me what he had in mind, (and in his other hand!),. Be that as it may I am not partial to cigarette smokers and so chased him away. - I was joined by boi THAI, 22YO. from Surin: round faced, small and neat body with a large and blue tattoo on his LEFT shoulder and forearm. Another one who didn't believe in letting time go by as we started to get to know eachother. Laughingly he apologised that he has a small ****; true - uncut, (approx. 4ins. LOA. when erect.), PLUS there are a couple of small 'love pearls. in the 'skin.. - The Mamasan asked if we wanted to go upstairs: an offer I declined. - After I'd finished pleasuring THAI we were joined by YO-YO., the boi who'd been dancing earlier on the stage: 29YO., from I-San and who speaks fair enough English for ltd. conversations; as seven yrs. older than THAI looks on him as his younger bro. at work. - Not long before I left another customer arr'd. and was soon joined by company, of wch. he chose but one. - I left just before midnight and decided that I wouldn't visit 'NATURE BOY.'. bibi |
-- On sat. evening I decided to look-in at 'MY WAY.'.
- I arr'd. about 23.10hrs.. - No boyz were dancing on the stage; instead most were clustered around a farang - plenty of bottles on the table! - There was another oriental and middle-aged looking customer there, too. - Only a couple of the boyz were wearing briefs, a few were wearing shorts and more were wearing their street-clothes. Another couple were sitting by themselves, and one was asleep behind the stage. - Some football, (round ball.), game was being shewn on a TV. receiver, wch. seemed to interest some of the boyz. I can't say that I'm happy to see a TV. in any such bar - but there it is. - Drinks are 150.Bh.. - I left after about 30mins.. -- bibi.. |
My Way
I was also at My Way Saturday night. Left at about 10:30. The gentleman hosting the "bottles" had arrived about 20 minutes before I left. The boys were just getting into the football match when I was leaving.
On visits to bars on Wednesday/Thursday of this week my experiences were :
Dreamboys - Standard Big C and F*Show but some may find the "cast" a little on the mature side - fun dancers and the whole show lasted an hour Drinks 220. Future Boys - this bar seems to have really dipped, could not find any of the 20 or so boys attractive, very few customers and we fled before the show Drinks 220 X-Boys - Made to feel very welcome by staff here. Good show with 4 raunchy strip acts before the Big C and F*Show the latter being performed to classic music with a humourous sideline of mild S&M whilst conjoined! Hotmale - Short show buts lots of quality,the big C show having a wide range of ages and builds. The F*show had 2 good looking guys with good bodies and displayed remarkable agility and power. Drinks 200 - Great value |
Last night after Indra massage I turned the corner and went into Solid. About 10 boys but only 1 of interest to me, and he was snapped up by the only other customer as I was just settling in to my seat.
After a single 100 baht beer I left and decided to go to My Way. It is actually looking much better than the last time I was there, but still a bit tatty. 3 boys were dancing on stage - all looking twinky but with significant bulges in their shorts. Another 6 or so were waiting there turn. The boys don't wear numbers, but a 18yo called Ap was very friendly... |
Closing time
Are those bars closing at 1am or 2am these days?
-- Last sat., (29th.), heeding the advice of a mature friend from SF. who advised me that 'X-BOYS.', (Soi Twilight.), has several 'well-educated.' young men amongst its R&F. a go-go boyz, I went for the 22.oo.hrs. perf. - or at that time so two different barkers told me on separate occasions.
- Being desirous of securing a good seat, one with an unobstructed sight-line and outside of the usual flow of waiters etc. etc., I arr'd. around 21.15hrs. to find it fairly full; I was shewn to a seat on the first row of raised seating, to stage-front and slightly to its RHS.; I should have realized before it was too late to move that a pr. of green lts. at the back of the stage were fixed to shine fwd. twds. stage-front and thus didn't assist in one's viewing. Best seats are to stage RIGHT, forward of the passage-way and about half-way along by the chrome-plated ladder. - Each one of three small island stages had a boi clad only in a mini-brief dancing - of wch. #65. caught my att'n.; the boyz changed around from time to time. - The two gps. of R&F. a go-go boyz changed over en bloc every ten mins. or so.; they all wore the usual male boxers; not many of them managed to conceal their indifference to the INCREASING numbers of spectators who were crowding-in. - House lts. dimmed at around 21.49.hrs. and the first act of four boi dancers and a singing female started at 21.52hrs.. - The perf. followed its usual course wch. if one's visited there before one will know; the only difference from my previous visits was that the two chantoosies' act began straight & serious but concluded MORE as a comedy turn - the audience laughed. There were the usual hula-hoop act au naturel and the familiar candle show. The bold show was nothing out of the ordinary: a couple, then a threesome wch. then spilt-up before making a couple of prs. who were all ground-work on the stage and no venturing amongst us voyeurs.. Finally there was the Big **** Show, for wch most of the participants wore their trousers, fully unzipped and unbuttoned in a few cases but mainly just unzipped - even Khun Wee wasn't such an enthusiastic show-off as previously. - House lts. were re-illuminated at around 23.10hrs. and the usual R&F. boyz returned. - Sitting behind me in the back row of seats and in a corner were - I presumed - some local VIPs.: food was brought to them and a mini-bar was set-up for their especial use on the island stage nr. to where they were seated - hence the throng of waiters and others trying to pass-by made seeing difficult for all those in that part of the bar - not so good, I thought. - I must allow that apart from Khun Wee I did not see any well-educated boyz, either amongst the R&F. boyz or amongst the performers, but a few were better than avg. for TH. boyz who would be chosen for individual acts. - I must admit that I would hesitate to recommend that bar again; but maybe I left feeling out of sorts, manly because of all the quite unnecessary, to me, movements to and fro of waiters, other staff and spectators wch. made voyeuring difficult at the best of times with all the interruptions and others standing in the sight-lines or the way of others trying to pass-by. -- bibi. -- |
The dancers
I took off one of the dancing boys (rather than one of the shufflers) in the belief that someone who could move like that while dancing might be a bit of a mover and shaker in bed. Wrong!!! I have a general rule - the spikier the hair the worse in bed - which was again borne out by this experience. I think his number was #2 - very pretty/handsome, in my opinion
Interesting theory, Silom. I hadn't noticed it before but having given it some thought and gone through my memory of encounters, I am inclined to think that you are right.
I like your theory, too, Silom. The bar boys with the spikey hair are the ones who can afford to sit in the hair styling places along Boy-Soi every night and pay the THB 50 to have their hair done. They, therefore, consider themselves to be "superstars" in the bar boy game. And, I have found that, the higher they believe themselves to be in the bar-boy-strata, the less likely it will be that the customer will get any "bang for the buck". Khun Wee (who has been discussed here a lot) is a prime example of this. He believes that he is god's gift, and does not have to perform. Unfortunate, really. So, if you want quality rather than quantity, I'd suggest that you go with a flat-headed guy, rather than a spike-top.
Further to what Sextile has reported, I visited Soi Twilight on New Year's Eve. I was expecting BIG things but came away greatly disappointed:
1. I attended the 10.00 show at X-Boys. Clearly, most of the decent boys were away for the holidays. The hoola-hoop show only consisted of one boy. They are now back to lady-boys lip synching with 4 boys dancing high-kick dances around her. The big cock show was a major disappointment. Two couples attempted to do a fucking show but one of the couples gave up since the "top" couldn't get it hard enough (even with elastic bands) to fuck. The other couple did manage a totally uninspiring show. 2. My next stop (at about 11.00) was Classic Boys. There were a grand total of 14 customers in there. As I got there, the fuck show was taking place. They managed to find a 'top' guy to fuck one of the twinks who works there. I only stayed for one soda. 3. I rang in the New Year at Hotmale. Like the other bars, this place was fairly short on boys.....and customers. As they did their version of the countdown, there were no more than 20 customers. Their big cock show consisted of FOUR lads...none of whom would win a big-dick contest, and one of whom has been "dancing" for the better part of the past 20 years!! So, let's hope that it was a "holiday low" that I was experiencing and NOT a taste of what's ahead for Soi Twilight. However, I'm forced to wonder: If it doesn't "happen" there on New Year's Eve, when DOES it happen??? |
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