- Even 'DICK'S CAFE.' hasn't been as full this season as in times past; people watching in the Soi has declined in both quality and quantity, too. - I would be extremely reluctant to recommend any of the a go-go bars in that Soi to any visitors nowadays; the same goes for the one in Phat Pong 2.. - But possibly we're all suffering from the end of season blues? - Or maybe the bars are suffering from enforced earlier closing, the bars running-out of fresh ideas for shows, Police-harrassment, influx of wimmen spectators, influence of middle-class and western values? Possibly the a go-go bars have had their days and are victims of today's preferences, hence apparent popularity of places like 'DJ. STATION.', 'G.O.D.' and similar? Anyone else any ideas or suggestions? -- bibi. --
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Ripped off ? Surely !
Read on ... An Englishman will soon kiss good bye to his 8m Baht, He is in the process of buying Future Boy for his boy who is working at hotmail and of course with the biggest tool. The same boy also has a Swiss lady about to open a new bar for him right next to Hot Male where the hair dresser was, I think they are combining J House as well to become a bar with rooms above. The same boy also has a Japanese BF who t/t 40K each month to his account. The same boy also has a Thai BF living together. Now, the same boy also told the 3 living ATM that his birthday next month so they all will be flying in for his party on the same day. How clever is that ? I hope things will blown apart at the party so the farang can save lots of money and further losses.
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I'd appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to give me the location of Sake and what are the Coyote Boys??
I agree with Bababobo about all the spikes in the hair of the bar boys these days - hate the thought of losing an eye at this late date, and heaven forbid, when you do take them home or to a hotel with their hair stinking of cigarette smoke, you insist on them shampooing their hair. So I'll give them the 50 baht it cost for that ugly (in most cases) style. I have a partial remedy for those of us who long for the old days when the boys were really good looking - just turn on UBC channel 27 - program called Mah Jung - plays all the older MTV's from 5-16 years ago and you can see what the boys looked like then - what a difference!! Maybe we should start a campaign to let them know that they must have very little pride in their own country since they emulate those freaky Chinese/Korean/Japanese hair styles these days. Get them to think ( ![]() That is My Humble Opinion - and that is why I have only taken off four in three months - including a side trip to Pattaya. They just don't turn me on in the gay areas any more - lots of really sharp guys when you get away from Patpong etc. I realize a lot of you like the guys with their military style cuts - more power to you - enjoy! And before someone comments, that if I don't like it I can always leave, no, even for the few that are left, I will stick around and hope for the days when I can again look upon all those guys with their beautiful shiny black hair!
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So many jaded people! Fings ain't wot they used t'be. They never are and never were. Twilight used to have only Twilight sleaze Bar and Chardonnay ripped plastic sofas and tough Mamasan.
The one statement that I would certainly take issue with is: "the Soi has declined in both quality and quantity" sextile There are more bars than ever before and the total of boys must be many more and the bars are more elegantly decorated than before. In fact sleaze is getting difficult to find. Bars go up and down in overall quality and vary by the hour day and week. I will be showing a newbie around in a week and I will take him to Hotmail ( a friend visited this week and reported a very good show ), Dream Boys and Fresh Beach Boys and he will have a ball and gape with astonishment at big cock shows and the fuck shows. He will drool lustily at the boys - which many in the West would happily crawl over broken glass to bed at home. He will not notice the drink prices or worry about the off fees or tipping a mere 1500 baht. That's what happened last time anyway. We went to Dream Boys and he declined to off a boy that he ( 68 years old ) found attractive. In his cups he gave the boy his hotel name and room number. Later that evening the boy turned up and they frolicked, the boy departed, no money changed hands. This friend was delirious with joy. They have remained in touch. The few boys that I have offed over the last year have been a delight. I am constantly astonished how affectionate even the longer serving boys can be. I only had one small contretemps in a bar which was Future Boys. It was about a boy ordering a drink on my account without my permission. The amount was deducted from my bill without a quibble. I think that familiarity breeds contempt. Living in Thailand one gets used to only having sex with gorgeous guys that one could never hope to enjoy in our home countries. Naturally the supply of superstars is limited and they often get a sugar daddy and/or mommy or get whisked abroad. Perhaps there are too many bar competing. Certainly the number of massage/sex places has rocketed and many seem to prefer these. I don't understand why but each to his own. It's hard to see any division of gay establishment that has not had a meteoric rise in numbers and quality in recent years.
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-- Each to his own, of course; olde English proverb: 'One man's meat ... .'.
- Maybe my eyes are jaded from being a permanent resident - subject to the Immig'n. Bureau's good-will - as opposed to a from-time-to-time visitor who might well return to BKK. as a thirsty camel returns to the oasis! - Personally I'm not averse to a bit of sleaze; yes - I do look-back to the good and olde daze to the times of the original 'TWILIGHT BAR.' where there was inter-action between the a go-go boys and us voyeurs; likewise in 'NATURE BOYS.' where the boyz wore only little aprons with nothing beneath. Now, with everyone seated confortably, life has departed from such places. - Instead of UP-grading to untorn seating etc. I'd rather that the money was spent on UP-grading their presently LO-fi. PA. systems. - It wasn't I who originated that a recent perf. in 'X-BOYS.' was 'Boring.' and 'Lack-lustre.', it was an elderly and visiting American on his first visit here. - But I'd agree that today's 'HOTMALE's.' bold/f*ck-show is probably the best in the Soi. -- bibi. --
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-- Further to these matters of 'Quality.' and of 'Quantity.' in Soi Twilight -
- Icon's recent posting in 'Suck Cinemas.' about the two performers who, last sun., were given a round of applause after their act contrasts strongly, in my opinion, to the rather tepid applause - often more from the other R&F. a go-go boyz, (fellow feeling and support?), than from the spectators themselves - that one hears in Soi Twilight's a go-go bars. -- 'X-MEN.', (formerly 'X-Treme Bar.'), has CLOSED DOWN; I see bldg. mat'ls. in the gd. fl. ent'ce., but that's about all. Previously there have been some postings lamentng its closure. - Around the corner, on Rama IV rd., 'BIG JOHN.', (formerly 'Lucky Blue Star.'.), is in bldrs'. hands still. - Across S'wong. rd. 'TEAM BOYS.' CLOSED-DOWN a long time ago. As for the qty. of boyz themselves, I wonder? - With both 'BOYS BKK.' and 'DREAMBOYS.' forming one gp., and with the 'X-GP.' bars making another gp. it might be that there are fewer performers as it's certain that some of the X-Gp's. performers move from one of their bars to the other for a repeat, or similar, dance routine there. -- Sure, it's all too easy to wear one's rose-tinted spectacles and sigh for the good and olde daze! But I, for one, think that there were fewer restrictions and lots MORE characters and fun then! -- bibi. --
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Can't agree more with Sextile, rose-tinted glasses or not. The bars certainly WERE much more fun then - for both boys and patrons. For decades, the original Twilight was a great sleaze bar with a big local and farang clientele. Remember Apollo on Soi 4? The boys were always smiling, laughing and creating a great atmosphere. Sure they always looked for tips, but giving the customer a good time seemed more important. Nowadays everyone is in it for themselves and everything, especially in the chain bars, is geared towards parting the punter from his Baht.
Yes, times and laws change. But please will some owner give us back that FUN element? Solid started that way and had a great atmosphere for a year or two, but even it has gone downhill judging by recent visits.
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-- Fontainhall, - Thank you for supplying 'le mot juste.': F U N! ![]() - Nowadays possibly the only places where one might find a bit of fun might be in either 'SUPER A.' or 'NICE BOYS.',(both off Soi Anuman.), when their boss is absent? ![]() -- bibi. --
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I totally agree that Soi Twilight has become a hall of horrors, and that the quality and quantity of the boys has decreased substantially. Someone remarked that there are more bars than ever. That's nonsense. Compared to 15, 10, or even 5 years ago there are less go-go bars in Bangkok. Thinking about the "glory days" of the mid to late 1990s when both Patpong and Saphan Khwai had dozens of fun places to go to. Nowadays the pickings are slim and uninviting. I see hot guys on the street, on buses, on the skytrain, and in shopping centers. But not in bars.
The last time I was in Soi Twilight was about a month ago. I had met a guy on the street the week before and found out he worked as a cashier in one of the bars. So I went back and asked the mamasan/manager (not sure what title this creature preferred to use) about offing the lad. I was told 500 baht bar fee, plus a minimum of 1,000 baht for the boy. I laughed at that. "You don't tell me what to pay the boy," I said, "I'm the one who decides. If the boy is good, I'll gladly pay that and more. But if he's a dud, there's no way I'll pay him that much. It's up to me. Do you understand?" Evidently, the mamasan (why are they always so unpleasant?) did understand and he/she quickly left to hover over another customer. Anyway, I finished my drink and left. I can't even remember the name of the bar. All these dreadful Soi Twilight bars have become one big generic blur.
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Totally agree re Soi Twighlight. I'm still having fun in Pattaya. Dynamite & Honey Boys have best shows at the moment (very rarely f**K shows here but good dancing , beautiful ladyboys ex Tiffancy and fun acts with lots of audience reaction.) There seem to be new boys arriving every week. They stay about 4 weeks, make some money and go back to Issan until the money runs out. In Jomtien Rock Hard re-opened (apparently closed because only 2 boys turned up that week). otherwise pretty quiet. Beach still active.....weather very pleasant.......and although I avoid the bars in Sunnee Plaza, its quite pleasant enjoying an early evening beer sitting out in what could be a European style plaza, watching the boys mince by. ...and I discovered the bar next to Minou has large bottles of my favourite Archaa beer (from Isaan) for only 80 baht.
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