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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Pattaya update

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Old 3rd November 2007, 12:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898
Pattaya update

Just enjoyed a very nice week in Pattaya. Dong tang (Jomtien) beach crawling with boys most days///sat nearly all deck chairs occupied. As well as the usual money boys, I actually scored a very cute 21 y.o visiting from BKK who spend a few horny hours with me ....and not for money!

In Jomtien , Rock Hard bar (opposite Bondi) is new and fun...looks like a small beer bar with boys, but from 8.30 they quickly whisk you into a curtained back room where 18- 23 y.o. twinky Isaan boys gyrate on a series of round platforms in front of the tables. They wear a very scanty cross between muang thai shorts, and a girls hockey dress and are not shy for farang who want a peak. All good dirty fun.

For my last nite (after an afternoon session with a beach boy), I went to Panorama bar, and soon had 2 cute waiters chatting me up, after which I went to Throb Splash where a tall 19 y.o. caught my eye. He is No 35, Dton, quite exotic as he is a Thai /Saudi blend. 19 y.o.175 cm nice thai build.....and on getting him home proved to be hung like a horse. He offered to f**k me (but I'm mainly top and he was BIG)....he then asked me to jerk him off after which he vigourosly blew me, taking the full shot in his mouth. Recommended!
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Old 3rd November 2007, 08:44 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Thanks for the update.

With all the negative press at the moment (paedos with pattaya connections seemingly being arrested every day at the moment) I am starting to regret booking a few days there, but I am sure once I get there, things will seem more interesting...
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Old 3rd November 2007, 08:56 PM
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Don't worry about the pedo reputation

Spoonfed - I'm sure you'll find a short stay in Pattaya quite enjoyable. Jomtien beach should be lovely (even if the water's a bit suspect) and nightlife in the Boyztown area should be worry-free. Boyztown, thankfully, is quite separate from the Sunnee area which I would stay far away from.

If you have noticed from these threads, most of the bad news about police raids, underage boys and recently snatch-robberies, are linked to the Sunnee area.
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Old 3rd November 2007, 11:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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I agree. Just steer clear of Sunee Plaza. There's plenty of big beefy muscle boys at the new Crystal bar (same soi as Wild West) plus Wild West, BBBoys and Splash all quite legal. Sanuk !

(The story you heard was horrific. An 8 year old boy was abducted from a shopping Plaza when his mother was occupied buying something. A few days later she finds him in Sunee Plaza. A 43 y.o Thai guy had taken the kid and was selling him to farang and giving the kid 100 bt a pop. This Canadian got the kid to blow him! I mean 8 years old for Fuck sake...he deserves everything he gets.)
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Old 4th November 2007, 08:09 AM
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Posts: 36

I have been to Sunee only once, but I didn't see any 8 year olds. The boys in places like Krazy Dragon seem to be of similar age as those in Boys town bars, i.e. ~20. I didn't see obviously underage kids around. Is there an underworld in Sunee that's not obvious to a causual observer like me?
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Old 4th November 2007, 08:53 AM
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It's an open secret that certain bars there (not all) cater to specialist customers.
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Old 5th November 2007, 07:54 AM
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Krazy dragon should be OK

asntp - among the sunnee bars, Krazy dragon should be age safe, based on the single visit I've made to that place. Its boys however were not to my taste which is the reason I haven't gone back.

But there are quite a few bars in Sunnee with boys who stand 1.5 metres tall, and can't weigh more than 40 kg. I know they're jail bait from the way things happen, when I walk in through the door and the mamasan does not recognise me as a regular customer (for the simple reason than I am not). She claps her hands and instantly half the boys scurry into a back room, leaving only half or fewer still dancing.

Now what kind of business hides half its merchandise the moment an unfamiliar face walks in, unless there is something suspect about the merchandise?

Needless to say, I turn around and leave.

This has happened a number of times at different Sunnee bars when I was foolish enough to think Sunnee might have potential like Boyztown. I have since concluded that such running into hiding is no accident and have stayed away from Sunnee since.
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Old 16th March 2008, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Kaojai View Post
One caveat, if you don't think you'd enjoy getting drenched in ice water, don't visit Pattaya during Songkran or at least avoid the parade of drunken farang along Beach Road durin Songkran.
If I am not mistaken, Songkran celebrations are on slightly different days in Pattaya. Can anyone confirm?
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Old 6th November 2007, 01:43 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Thanks Biggles for the Rock Hard mention...I just tried it and had the most fun I've had in ages! It had a feel of Adam's Apple and the old Screw Boy with a touch of Nature Boy. The lads are so happy and willing...and gropable. A large selection to enjoy and they have a room upstairs although I felt there wasn't much you couldn't do in the bar.
Then I visited Jungle Boys with an erection still ringing in my pants. The new customer toilet there has a connecting doorway(no door) with the boys' "off-duty" lounge. When peeing, the boys wandered through and looked at my dick and decided it was erect enough to play with. Meanwhile, back in the bar I had settled on Geng....the perfect lad....happy, willing, handsome, cute and after offing, very versatile.
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Old 6th November 2007, 03:57 AM
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I never made it Jungle Boy (very wary of Sunee area) but will make that a definite for next time.

At Rock Hard I offed 1 boy....I'm hopeless at names, but it may have been NEW. Very nice boy..he didnt want to be fucked but still a fun nite.... and stayed all nite
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Old 6th November 2007, 07:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 36

Thanks for the interesting new info. How late does Hard Raock stay open till?
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Old 6th November 2007, 09:42 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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I imagine around 11pm or midnight is the closing time for Rock Hard.
The boys I enjoyed most were Film, Nin, Ice and etc (But that's not all the boys I was able to smoke in the bar or whos penises I was able to use to stir my drinks)..unfortunately, a shy, sexy, foxy-looking new boy called Pond was offed before I could get at him! The boys and staff seemed overjoyed when a boy was offed and yet the mamasan was not pushy. Also the staff at Jungle Boy were pleasant and very polite and genuinely grateful when you offed a boy. Unlike some places in Bangkok where you are totally ignored once you've paid the bill.
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Old 6th November 2007, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 36

Where is Jungle Boy and what is it like?

I will be in Jomtien/Pattaya in two days and would love to get recommendations on the best places (most fun) to visit. Like all kinds of hot young boys/studs of legal age. Thanks!
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Old 6th November 2007, 07:54 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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I have not yet ventured to Jomtien, stayed around Pattataland these past 2 days.

On the first night I went to Dream Boys which had around 15 boys but none particularly stunning. They have an arrangement where the boys dance in small briefs, and the non-dancers put on a vest and sit around the edge of the stage.

One of the boys sitting, name of Lek, number 33, spent a few minutes showing me what looked like a considerable package in his briefs. I tried to ignore, but my curiosity got the better of me...

He is about 5'7 to 5'8, roughly up to my shoulders ,22, nice wide smile and speaks reasonable English. The mamasan was pushy but did not need to work too hard to get me to off him. The price for 2 G&T's, 1 beer and the off fee was 700 baht.

He is indeed a big boy for his small size, I suspect due to his mother being Indian. We had a fun couple of hours, but I was a little put off by his lack of cpncern for condoms. He had them with him (I didn't) but he wasn't bothered too much about using them, although did not complain when I insisted.

His body is not the best - a little out of shape, and he has a few tattoos that either you will like or not - I closed my eyes to them.

Next up: Royal House Massage
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Old 6th November 2007, 08:03 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Went to Royal House Massage - easy to find at the back of Tukcom IT plaza.

When I arrived the boys all lined up in red track suits with white vests below, so not ideal if you like a particular body type. I chose a boy who looked to have the most solid body.

A cream or oil massage is 450 baht for 1 hr or 500 baht for 1:30 hrs. I chose the latter.

The room was small but clean, with a big and high bench that took up most of the space. There were no showers in the room but a block of 4 at the end of the hall. On the way there, I passed a very cute, very tall guy with a lovely open face and nice smile. Sadly I had already chosen.

The massage was acceptably proficient, but it was clear that the boy was not interested. He barely talked, never smiled once, and had none of those special little touches that make all the difference. After I turned over he massaged my legs and chest before moving to my dick, but there was no spark whatsoever so I told him not to bother.

Soon enough he said he was finished so we showered again (the towels are so thin they are almost transparent, and smell very bad) then went to settle up.

It being less than an hour since I entered, I objected to being charged for 1:30 minutes. The mamasan apologised and reduced the fee to 450 baht. I gave the boy a tip of 750.

Next up: Sawasdee Boys
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