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Old 15th June 2009, 01:00 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- How is this H1N1 'flu. affecting the various bars and other places of e'tainment.?
It certainly seems to have killed off Nalong, many of whose posts have been deleted. He's a Pattaya inhabitant, isn't he?
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Old 15th June 2009, 06:27 AM
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H1N1 flu virus

Well would you take a boy at the moment, given that you don't know who he's had close contact with over the last few days, could be from anywhere in the world, and you don't know if he's been kissing his clients?

Quite possibly many of his clients have recently travelled on an aircraft, and of course viruses spread very quickly on aircraft.

And I suggest many bar boys would be seriously unaware or at least quite poorly informed about the situation. And I wouldn't have any confidence that most of the bar owners would be able to understand the situation let alone watch the news and be up to date, etc.

As predicted, the H1N1 virus has taken a long time to get mobile, but as predicted (by WHO) it's now spreading rapidly across many countries, including many of the so called highly developed countries: USA, Australia and many more. And WHO predicts the spread will gain further speed and spread even more broadly.

Pattaya now has over 250 cases reported (from this evenings news).

Dozens of schools are now closed in Bkk and many more closing by the day.

Schools are sending notes home with all children, regardless of whether the child does or does not have symptoms.

The note:
- Outlines the symptoms
- suggests to parents to keep all children at home, no trips to the supermarket, etc., unless any symptoms are present and they should then be taken quickly to a nearby quality clinic.

Hospitals are not being suggested for first visit because health officials (WHO) anticipate that there will be a need for two levels of health facilities needed in the very near future. In other words, if everybody goes to a hospital the system (in many countries) will not be able to cope.

My university is actively and closely monitoring classes and lecturers, and we have been told the university will close instantly if there appears to be any sign of spread on campus.

All lecturers went to a serious and comprehensive briefing this morning conducted by several senior medical staff from the teaching hospital, including some good Q&A, all in English and Thai (compulsory attendance, some classes were delayed).

All senior students who were on campus were also strongly encouraged to attend and asked to become active in monitoring for any students with symptoms.

The fact that the virus can spread quickly in the air was emphasized strongly.

Students who are returning from trips, exchange programs, projects etc., abroad have to get a health certificate before they can return to campus. If they do turn up without certificate, all lecturers have been informed they must personally immediately escort these students to the campus clinic. If they don't, the lecturer concerned will be punished. Masks are now available at many points across the campus.

We were all handed masks on departing the briefing this morning and we were asked to wear the mask whilst in a taxi, bus or any other place where there are crowds of people in close proximity.

All lecturers have been informed there will be a further briefing (attendance compulsory) Thursday morning this week, or earlier if needed necessary.

Small children and middle aged and older people are the most seriously as risk of death (but death not guaranteed).

Seems to me it's time to stock the fridge and lay low. But of course, up to you.
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Old 15th June 2009, 06:33 AM
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If I wear a face mask while the boy is sucking me off, will that help?
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Old 15th June 2009, 09:14 AM
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Older people

What I've read in the States is that the data are suggesting that older people may actually be at less risk, based on their probably having been exposed to close analogues of the H1N1 virus earlier in their lives when those analogues were making the rounds.
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Old 15th June 2009, 09:58 AM
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Just wondering whether it's the other way around - the boy wearing the mask while you deep throat his cock.

Then again, maybe might be better for you to wear the mask, then the boy doesn't have to look at your face.

Then again, maybe the mask could be reconstructed into a nice micro white bikini for the boy.

Then again...
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Old 15th June 2009, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by scoops View Post
Just wondering ... Then again...
Just wondering (since you've posted in a Pattaya thread) that if I don't engage in sex in Pattaya it won't be a problem? The polticians must be loving swine flu - it's distracting attention from the financial mess. And it sells newspapers too, so the media will be beating it up like crazy. Everything points to it being less deadly than the usual strains of flu that go around every year, but Chicken Little is having a great time.
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Old 21st June 2009, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by scoops View Post
Well would you take a boy at the moment, given that you don't know who he's had close contact with over the last few days, could be from anywhere in the world, and you don't know if he's been kissing his clients?.
I took off a boy in Pattaya who, once we were back chez moi, was coughing and seemed a bit feverish.

He spoke of the flu, calling it "Mexico."

Since the main focus of my attention was not directly connected to his respiratory system, I figured que sera sera.

A few days later I woke with a killer sore throat that lasted less than 24 hours and have since had very mild common cold symptoms along with off and on slight fever.

This last week I was visited by a friend from Laos who had been treated in hospital for pneumonia and was still a little off during his visit. I was totally impressed that he wrote "pneumonia" in an SMS he sent me before coming for his visit.

I figure whatever is going around, it's better to be exposed now while it's in its formative stages than wait until it turns into THE PLAGUE. Assuming it doesn't mutate too much, I think I should have a degree of immunity now.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 12:10 AM
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This should be of considerable comfort to several of our posters.

American adults over age 65 account for only 1% of cases of H1N1 flu (swine flu), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 5- to 24-year-old age group accounts for 64% of all cases, with the remaining 35% falling in the 24-64 range (and not broken down further).

One possibility, said the CDC’s Dr. Anne Schuchat on May 21, is “that older people (over 60) might have been exposed to H1N1 strains a long time ago that might have some relation to the strain we’re seeing now.” That exposure could have come from previous infection or vaccination.

She pointed to laboratory findings published in the CDC’s May 22 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that suggest the elderly, “who are at great risk for seasonal influenza,” have managed to avoid this strain.

During typical seasonal flu epidemics, the elderly frequently have the highest death rates, according to the New England Journal of Medicine; but in pandemics, they are often spared. A pandemic is defined as an epidemic, or sudden outbreak, that spreads over large areas, even worldwide. Pandemics often target the young and healthy, rather than the very young and old. Two health experts believe this is because of the way the body responds to the virus.

What makes younger people more susceptible is that their “vigorous immune systems pour out antibodies to attack the new virus. That can inflame lung cells until they leak fluid, which can overwhelm the lungs,” Dr. Anne Moscona, a flu specialist at Cornell University, told the New York Times in April. Older people, who have had the flu over their lifetimes, “may have some antibodies that provide cross-protection to the new strain,” she said, “and immune responses among the aged are not as vigorous,” which would prevent the same kind of lung problems that the young are experiencing.

“It’s counterintuitive,” Dr. Sanjay Gupta wrote on his blog in April. “Typically, someone with a weakened immune system would be most at risk—the elderly and young—but in this case, it is people with the strongest immune systems. Why? At least in the cases of SARS and avian flu, it was not so much the virus that did the killing, as the body’s response to it—an overwhelming immune response, with inflammation that was deadly to the patients. Think about that. A stronger immune system means a stronger response and a more likely death.”

As the number of cases continues to climb, older adults should not assume that they are immune from the virus. “More seniors might get infected over time as the strain circulates deeper and deeper into our community,” said the CDC’s Dr. Anne Schuchat.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk View Post
This should be of considerable comfort to several of our posters.
As George Bernard Shaw said, "Youth is wasted on the young".
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Old 22nd June 2009, 05:55 AM
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Let's please be fair, the language of this webboard is rightly or wrongly English, but there are many members from many countries who make interesting contributions and their first language is not English (and I don't mean that as any form of criticism).

Just wondering whether some members might like to contribute using English which most can understand by all contributors.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by scoops View Post
Let's please be fair, the language of this webboard is rightly or wrongly English, but there are many members from many countries who make interesting contributions and their first language is not English (and I don't mean that as any form of criticism).

Just wondering whether some members might like to contribute using English which most can understand by all contributors.
Well, your contribution is in English, but I don't understand it.

If you could reference your carping to some specific non English usage, that would be a big help in understanding what you find not understandable.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 07:33 AM
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I don't mean "non-English". And I'm not suggesting broken English.

I mean using words which are more likely to be known by the members who have English as their second or third language.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by scoops View Post
I don't mean "non-English". And I'm not suggesting broken English.

I mean using words which are more likely to be known by the members who have English as their second or third language.
So you'd prefer we all resort to messages such as:

See Dick. See Spot. Look at the Spots on Dick's Dick.
If someone is unfamiliar with a word, then he can ask. If he chose to read an English message board, then this will give him an opportunity to expand his English vocabulary, rather than requiring that everyone who is fluent in English edit their messages to suit the slowest wits in the house.

I wonder how one of these alleged 2nd or 3rd language voyeurs is coping with the likes of this:

Originally Posted by sextile View Post

- loc'n.: above MIKE'S SHOPPING PLAZA, ..., wch. stretches between Pattaya Beach rd. and Pattaya 2nd. rd. ...
- Main ent'ce. is on 2nd. rd.;
- NB.: Recept'n. is UP on the 2fl., (US.),; ...

- We chose std. rooms on 5fl. at 800.oo. nett per diem;
- Rooms are std. *** with the usual F&F., but no IN-room coffee/tea-making facilities, and apart from a couple of M*rs B*rs no small snacky foods; although drinks,(alc. & non-alc.), are available; rooms are clean, comfortable and adequate enough;
- Note that C*nd*ms are not provided in the bedrooms;

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
Incidentally, there are people who post here in non-standard English ... Pong comes to mind and quite often Sextile... are they to be banished if some of their words can't be understood by someone for whom English is a first language?
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Old 22nd June 2009, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk View Post
I wonder how one of these alleged 2nd or 3rd language voyeurs is coping with the likes of this?
I agree - I think it's very silly of posters on a board that is exclusively about sex to use * in the middle of words like condom, fuck or cock. Indeed the word "twee" comes to mind (or is that "tw*e"?) - Twee Definition | Definition of Twee at
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Old 22nd June 2009, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Mii_Kwaam_suk View Post
... .
I wonder how one of these alleged 2nd or 3rd language voyeurs is coping with the likes of this:
... .

-- Should someone not understand what I've written then there's nothing to prevent him/her from sending me a PM., is there?

-- As a matter of interest: in the passage of mine that you have quoted are there any non-standard English words, abbreviations or whatever that you do not understand? I shall be happy to explain them if asked.
-- Bibi. --
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