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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Remittances.

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Old 6th November 2007, 11:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- The flg. is not germane to CFS. per se - but nevertheless this site is a convenient way of alerting any Farangs who receive remittances from their o'seas. banks.

-- K-Bank, Phat Pong branch, has been my local bank for the last three yrs., and the one to wch. my remittances from GB. have been sent; staying here on a 'Retirement Visa.' and not being in receipt of a pension I have to have MORE than 400,000.oo.Bh. paid-in annually.
- Usually these remittances have been processed quite routinely.
- However, this forenoon, I was informed that as this present remittance is for MORE than USD.20,000.oo. I'd have to shew my passport as proof of my identity, as well as completing some new Form or other.
- Despite my reminding them that I'd been with them for three yrs., that they'd all seen me during that time availing of their facilities, and that they must have innumerable Xerox copies of my passport - I even shewed them the copy that I carry-around with me - the officials were not impressed and insisted that I bring my passport. for further identification, photo-copying and so on.
- Please be advised accordingly.
-- bibi..
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Old 6th November 2007, 11:41 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

It's Bank of Thailand regulations, not the individual bank regulations, that are causing you trouble. Remittances of over $20K are required to be given greater oversight, in accordance with Anti-Money Laundering Laws.

In the future, you should make a few remittances in smaller amounts rather than a big one that will cause the red tape to start flying.
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Old 7th November 2007, 02:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Slightly off topic but still Fat Cat Bank related, my bank (UK's Alliance & Leicester) have now restricted ATM withdrawals in Thailand to 5,000 baht per day. Not ideal...
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Old 8th November 2007, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by icon513
It's Bank of Thailand regulations, not the individual bank regulations, that are causing you trouble.
... .
-- Yes - I do realize that they're Bank of TH. regs., but my point was that K-Bank now have so many photo-copies of my P'port. that they could have xeroxed one of those, instead of sending me to collect my P'port., (luckily I live not far away.), and I doubt if the BoT. would have been any the wiser.
- MORE transfers, even of lesser amts., still incur swingeing banks' charges - things I try and avoid if possible, they make enough profits, as it is.
- I see that USD.20,000.oo. are roughly GBP.9,493.oo. and/or THB.629,024.oo..
-- bibi..
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Old 14th November 2007, 07:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158

- ICON is right, Bank of Thailand regulations in regard to money laundering. The regulation probbaly has no real impact but it's policy.

- You surprise me a little in regard to your remarks about many previous copies of your passport, because you seem to be well acquainted with Thailand. Thai banks, and 99% of other Thai companies/organizations have a very strong 'process work culture' one of the strongest in the world in regards to a whole country (as opposed to an empowered work culture). That's what you've just experienced.

- My office just moved to a new building in South Sathorn. For convenience I opened a new account with Bank of Ayudhaya. Wow have they upgraded the whole experience, totally customer oriented, quite impressive compared to their service in the past and compared to other Thai banks.
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