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Old 29th October 2006, 09:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Super A

Having panned this dive in the past, I surprised myself on Fri night by climbing the "stairway to Heaven" to check it out again (N.B. only had 4 small boys, CG was busy and with Alex closed it was something of a last resort.)
To my surprise it seemed to have improved from "rancid" to just "dirty sleaze" but was full of boys, had brightened up with a string of coloured fairy lights on stage, and at only 100Bt a beer .....worth a go. I soon had a tall lad showing off his reasonably big stiffy to me and several others trying to get into my pants. I finished up offing a very shy (really!) 20 year old who caught my eye, and passed a very pleasant nite with the little tiger. (One warning, check your change.....they tried to charge me 900Bt for 4 beers and an off fee instead of the 700 Bt it should have been!)
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Old 30th October 2006, 06:53 AM
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Biggles, thanks for the report! I'd also about given up on Super A. I was so bored/disgusted the last time I visited earlier this year (maybe 9 months ago?) that I resolved never to go back.
But...if it's as lively as you say it is, I may change my mind. Glad to hear there is life in that old soi again. After Super Lex closed, and then Alek, I had given up hope.
Around the corner is Solid Bar, which has gotten favorable reviews from many posters, but I've been there 5or 6 times in the past couple of years and have never seen anything in there that I wanted to take home. And that new bar next to it (just to the left) is another bizarrely managed place that leaves me yawning. Golden Cock is another bar that has also puzzled me. I've never seen anything remotely attractive in there.
Bring back good sleaze and cute boys!
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Old 30th October 2006, 07:38 AM
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Thumbs up encouraging news

Sounds encouraging, what you're writing about Super A. You're mentioning that there was quite a bunch of guys... how many actually? And are there some nice guys type "boy next door" among them? If so, then the good old times of this bar might be back! That would be great news indeed! Please, let us in a bit more...
Johan the Viking
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Old 30th October 2006, 09:33 AM
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Ok guys don’t get too excited! It’s still more sleeze than boy next door, but there were about 12 guys on the night I was there….on the young side and of course all from Issaan, but they are flirtatious and fun even if u don’t want to off them. I actually went 2 nights running…just checked things out the 1st nite…saw this 20 y/o (he wears candy striped knickers) and has a hot little body……and then on the 2nd nite asked the boys who pounced on me to make room for him so I could chat. He was shy but turned out to have a heart of gold and be very loving.

And in as a strange little twist ….remember when u first got pocket digital & camera phones how u would ask the boys to pose for you?....well after we showered and my boyish enthousiasm manifested in a raging hard on, the boy whips out his camera phone and asks if he can take a pic of MY cock!! I nearly wet myself at the thought of how things have changed over the 15 years I’ve been enjoying the poor boys of Issaan!

Just go and have a beer there and see what u think….I’ll be interested to hear.

I have offed quite a few boys from Solid but lately nothing there appeals …..I agree with your comments re the bar next to Solid…..but one of the captains there…a slim 25 y/o boy who hangs at the door to drag you in …has a great smile…is a real boy next door type and used to be a massage boy at the 5th floor X club opposite N.B. that only lasted about 6 months. He gave me a great massage with a very mutual happy ending and is worth offing.

Good hunting….
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Old 6th November 2006, 07:23 PM
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also thanks, krap khun, biggles hok-gau.
I had to register first etc, before able to respond. But the word is, that since ALEK closed, the remaining boys went to SuperA (visited the merger LuckyS quite a few times, but the last 3-4 yrs I simply call ''him'' on his mobile and he arrives.
Also I was, being a tiger myself, as is ''him'', interested to note that the new tiger-yearly generation (the Chinse horoscope 12-yearly cycles) has entered. Has usually worked out really good, 2 fighting tigers, nah.
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Old 8th November 2006, 07:55 AM
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What tiger year?

Sorry to disillusion you but according to the Chinese horoscope, the next Tiger year isn't for some time yet. Maybe what he meant was that you were both born in the Tiger year. Anyway, this is the cycle for this year and the next 12 -

2006 Dog
2007 Boar
2008 Rat
2009 Ox
2010 Tiger
2011 Rabbit
2012 Dragon
2013 Snake
2014 Horse
2015 Goat
2016 Monkey
2017 Rooster

In 2018 the Dog year returns. Note that the cycle normally starts with the Rat.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 10th November 2006, 08:43 PM
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I have been a regular visitior to both Super A and Alex and yes there are now quite a few boys in Super A but they are not the boys from Alex, don't know where they have gone. On a visit earlier this week there were 5 or 6 customers, the most I have ever seen. and yes some of the boys are a bit on the young side. You will find that when you enter 2 or 3 boys will immediately sit down with you, can be a bit difficult if you don't like them and prefer one of the others.
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Old 10th November 2006, 08:57 PM
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I used to find it difficult too----but eventually the penny dropped. Just ask if the one you fancy can come over as well and ask the first boy to move over to make room. They get the message quickly and will move onto another customer where they may have a better chance. They dont want to spend time with some-one who has no interest in offing them...and at the end of the day....the customer is always right!
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Old 12th November 2006, 08:34 AM
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Went last night - most active seen it for sometime. Many extra boys and first time mamasan did not try and persuade me to buy boys drinks.
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Old 24th December 2006, 07:39 PM
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and NEW premises opened now

not visited personally, but according to spokesperson, a new bar, same owner, name NIGHT BOY (whcih will likely be renamed as naughty boy?)has opened downstairs, likely in the old/1st Super-A (of years ago). Most boys seem to have moved there too, just some 5-6 to remain in the old upstairs.
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Old 25th December 2006, 12:25 AM
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I thought it was NICE BOYS and it seemed the other night that only a few boys had moved down - the majority seem to have stayed upstairs, and it is two doors further along than the old A/Alek

they have spent the expected amount on the "decor" and I hope they get around to taking the plastic bags off the sofas soon and buy some spirits - 1 bottle of "black", 1 gin and three left over bottles of Thai rum leaves the bar shelves looking quite empty!

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Old 25th December 2006, 02:17 AM
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Didn't I read somewhere on this board that Super A had closed down recently?


Darn...I really have got to find the wherewithal to get to Bangkok SOON!
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 25th December 2006, 03:27 AM
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No; Alek (downstairs) closed down.
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Old 26th December 2006, 02:33 AM
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Thanks for the update.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 26th December 2006, 03:24 PM
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Night Boy

Has anyone been. Do the boys set upon you the moment you enter, with mass fondling?
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