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Old 9th October 2008, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 23
Offing Senso boys

Bring out the Popcorn....I have some gossip from Senso.

Following the advice given to me on the boards and my liking for my humble masseur Neng, I decided to take him with me on my travels through thailand.

I told the Mamasan that I wanted to off Neng for 20 days. After giving me a very dramatic shocked expression and repeating '20 days' three times, he again asked me 'are you sure?' at which point I just felt like teasing him with 'no, I am not', but I resisted the urge and said I was sure.

He said ok. He said I could off him for 1000 Baht a day. I thought it was a good deal, but then, I have never hired an escort on a long term basis so it is my first time.

Anyways, its now been three days since I offed him and the arrangement is going quite well. Honestly, I am no sex fiend. Once a day is enough for me. But not for him. The guy needs to come atleast four times or he can't sleep. Its crazy!

And, when he realises you are not in the mood or are working on your lap top ( like writing this post ) ,
he will just strip and start masturbating with his eyes closed, which he is doing right now. I must say its pretty sexy.

I was asking him for info on other masseurs at Senso. If you look at the website, there are 3 masseurs featured there. One of them clearly looks like a lady boy. He is fair and skinny and of no interest to me so I did not probe further.

The other two were of interest and here is the info on them.
The fair hunky guy with the practically shaved head and tattoo on his arm is called Mr X. He is gay and versatile and was actually in a relationship with the darker guy with the gorgeous smile who is also gay and versatile.

The darker guy was asked to leave Senso after he went of on a vacation with a Farang without telling the mamasan.

The darker guy according to what Neng tells me is now the Farang's keep and broke up with Mr. X

Thats all for now. Will keep you updated. This is Peterinmypan reporting from Pattaya.
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Old 10th October 2008, 12:31 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

out of curiousity, is the bht1000 per day for you to off Neng paid to Senso or to Neng? If it is to Senso, then I have to say its more than offing a boy from the gogo bars.
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Old 10th October 2008, 01:21 AM
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Posts: 45

Originally Posted by peterinmypan View Post
Bring out the Popcorn....I have some gossip from Senso.

Following the advice given to me on the boards and my liking for my humble masseur Neng, I decided to take him with me on my travels through thailand.

I told the Mamasan that I wanted to off Neng for 20 days. After giving me a very dramatic shocked expression and repeating '20 days' three times, he again asked me 'are you sure?' at which point I just felt like teasing him with 'no, I am not', but I resisted the urge and said I was sure.

He said ok. He said I could off him for 1000 Baht a day. I thought it was a good deal, but then, I have never hired an escort on a long term basis so it is my first time.

Anyways, its now been three days since I offed him and the arrangement is going quite well. Honestly, I am no sex fiend. Once a day is enough for me. But not for him. The guy needs to come atleast four times or he can't sleep. Its crazy!

And, when he realises you are not in the mood or are working on your lap top ( like writing this post ) ,
he will just strip and start masturbating with his eyes closed, which he is doing right now. I must say its pretty sexy.

I was asking him for info on other masseurs at Senso. If you look at the website, there are 3 masseurs featured there. One of them clearly looks like a lady boy. He is fair and skinny and of no interest to me so I did not probe further.

The other two were of interest and here is the info on them.
The fair hunky guy with the practically shaved head and tattoo on his arm is called Mr X. He is gay and versatile and was actually in a relationship with the darker guy with the gorgeous smile who is also gay and versatile.

The darker guy was asked to leave Senso after he went of on a vacation with a Farang without telling the mamasan.

The darker guy according to what Neng tells me is now the Farang's keep and broke up with Mr. X

Thats all for now. Will keep you updated. This is Peterinmypan reporting from Pattaya.

keep them coming...
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Old 10th October 2008, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by zippo View Post
out of curiousity, is the bht1000 per day for you to off Neng paid to Senso or to Neng? If it is to Senso, then I have to say its more than offing a boy from the gogo bars.
You might be right about that, but then I have an escort, a fantastic masseur and great sex all rolled in one.
The 1000 bht is what I paid per day to Senso.
I asked Neng what he expected. He told me that he had never been to Koh Samui and Phi Phi and never had a customer offed him for a holiday, so that by itself is a big thing for him. He told me 'you take me for holiday, that enough....I very happy.'

Of course I will be giving him a great compensation package. Considering that he does have a son back home I do think its fair to give him around what I think he makes in a month. Plus I have been trying to explain to him the concept of Fixed Deposits and I plan to give him something to put into that and build on slowly.

He is a nice guy. Already 30 and I think he has only a few years working in this line before he might start finding it difficult to find customers. Hope if he invests what I give him it will help him in those tough times.
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Old 10th October 2008, 05:57 AM
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HIS Massage trivia

My masseur from Senso, Neng told me that he used to work at His massage. One Farang apparently went in there and hired 12 masseurs for a session.
What I have been trying to ask him is that did he have them one at a time or for a circle jerk cum bath.

I am finding it very difficult to translate that to him.

Still, when I heard that I had a feeling that it might be someone on these boards....

was it you sexytile?
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Old 10th October 2008, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by peterinmypan View Post
My masseur from Senso, Neng told me that he used to work at His massage. One Farang apparently went in there and hired 12 masseurs for a session.
... .
Still, when I heard that I had a feeling that it might be someone on these boards....
Was it you Sexytile?
-- Peter. -
- Alas, no! In my younger days of visiting BKK. I was too uncertain of such activities, and now that I'm so much older - but not necessarily that much wiser - ha! - I don't have either the energy or the finances that I used to enjoy; 'Si jeunesse savait - si vieillesse pouvait.', as is said in G*y Paree!
- Possibly B*ll*nBkk. might be the culprit? We'll be meeting in approx. three weeks' time and so I'll ask him then - on your behalf, of course!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 10th October 2008, 09:12 PM
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I think 1,000 baht/day to the shop is reasonable for a massage boy from a small place like Senso. Remember, you are basically compensating them for lost revenues due to your having relieved them of an employee. 1,000 baht is less than two massages' income for them per day.
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Old 11th October 2008, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
I think 1,000 baht/day to the shop is reasonable ... Remember, you are basically compensating them for lost revenues due to your having relieved them of an employee. .
I disagree with the above. One person less will hardly affect their business. On the contrary, it means the other boys have more chances of being picked. The owner must be laughing his way to the bank.
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Old 11th October 2008, 07:34 AM
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Senso only has a handful of masseurs. It might not matter so much in a Twilight bar with 75 boys on staff, but it would in a massage parlor with 6-10.
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Old 11th October 2008, 10:45 AM
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when is peterinmypan gonna post again... waiting for his gossips
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Old 11th October 2008, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by peterinmypan View Post
HIS massage trivia
My masseur from Senso, Neng told me that he used to work at His massage. One Farang apparently went in there and hired 12 masseurs for a session.
What I have been trying to ask him is that did he have them one at a time or for a circle jerk cum bath.
Peter, I can confirm that story. I arrived at HIS one day a few years back and found the masseurs in lively mood after 12 of them had just been tipped 2000 baht each by a farang after acting out some kind of fantasy as a birthday treat for him, apparently. I couldn't get anyone to admit what they had to do for the 2000 baht each, so if you can get it out of awesome 4-times-a-day Neng, do let us know!
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Old 11th October 2008, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Bago View Post
I disagree with the above. One person less will hardly affect their business. On the contrary, it means the other boys have more chances of being picked. The owner must be laughing his way to the bank.
If you off a boy from a go-go bar for a few days you pay a fee, but certainly not 1000 a day. You pay the usual off fee (400 or 500 - whatever it is these days) multiplied by the number of days. I think 1000 is way OTT.
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Old 11th October 2008, 07:03 PM
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Go-go bars and host bars are different from massage parlors. Boys at the bars are only expected to get "offed" once a day (if that). That one off fee is all they are expected to produce.

Massage boys, on the other hand, often do three or four massages a day, especially if it is a small place with limited manpower like Senso.

If a boy does on average just two massages at 600 or 700 baht a day (not sure what it costs at Senso), he is producing 1200-1400 baht a day for the parlor owner. Charging 1,000 baht a day for the loss of his revenue stream is therefore not unreasonable.
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Old 11th October 2008, 07:11 PM
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I have read a few posts saying that 1000 Bht a day is way too much and at a go go bar you would pay only 400-500 bht. That may be true but then again, you forget that you can't really get a good massage from the boys from a go go bar. All you'll get is sex.

I like both (sex and massage) and to be honest, is you were to ask me to chose between the two, I would more often than not go for a fantastic massage.

For me this deal works. It may not work for some. I think deal making is all about putting a value to a certain service or object. It is also about both parties leaving satisfied and looking forward to business in the future.
So if the mamasan at Senso is laughing all the way to the bank...good for him. Because I feel that what I got for the price I paid is worth it.

K enough said I guess.
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Old 11th October 2008, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by hiscox View Post
Peter, I can confirm that story. I arrived at HIS one day a few years back and found the masseurs in lively mood after 12 of them had just been tipped 2000 baht each by a farang after acting out some kind of fantasy as a birthday treat for him, apparently. I couldn't get anyone to admit what they had to do for the 2000 baht each, so if you can get it out of awesome 4-times-a-day Neng, do let us know!
Hiscox, apparently the falang just wanted the boys to cum all over him.

Now that just makes me think....24000 bht for a one hour cum bath plus what he must have paid the mamasan for the boys.....that was one expensve birthday treat he gave himself.

Its my birthday today..... but I am going to use the day to meditate on the blue waters of Koh Samui.
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