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Old 30th October 2008, 05:22 AM
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Agaya Massage

Sounds interesting... Will put it on my "to do" list when I'm next in Bangkok. Thanks, Sextile, for the review.

I note that the boys don't line up. On the one hand it does save us the awkwardness of choosing a human being from what seems like a slave market, on the other hand, choosing from a photo album tends to be even more of a hit and miss affair.
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Old 31st October 2008, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Sounds interesting ... . Will put it on my "to do" list when I'm next in Bangkok.
... .
I note that the boys don't line up. On the one hand it does save us the awkwardness of choosing a human being from what seems like a slave market, on the other hand, choosing from a photo album tends to be even more of a hit and miss affair.
-- I hope that you'll be kept busy during your next visit hither!

-- I'll allow that I'd much prefer to see in the flesh who'll be my masseur rather than take a chance with some possibly dubious photo..
- After all - I'm not interested in the man and how he looked way-back and whenever but in how he looks today - right now and in front of me.
- But, from the boyz' viewpoint, it could be disappointing to be called-out to stand before some customer or other and then be rejected; but in that line of business that's how the Fortune Cookie crumbles, isn't it?
- This a'noon. I chatted with a couple of farang acquaintances who contribute to this and to other threads and I felt that they were in general agreement with me about wishing to see the masseurs before making a choice.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 31st October 2008, 09:52 AM
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What you can do and it worked for me at Smart Bank, is select two or three from the photos and ask to have a look and then select the one you like, rather than specifically reject anyone.
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Old 1st November 2008, 01:22 AM
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-- A web-acquaintance from another site reported-back on his experiences in some of BKK's. massage-parlors:

-- to save unnecessary repetition I've split his reply into the flg. cols. -
NAME - time & type of msg. - cost - decor. - msg. - TIPS - other comments.

1.- INDRA - 1 oil ------600 - avg - good - 100;
2.- P'DISE - 2 swed - 1,050 --gd -- gd --- 200;
3.- PRIME - 2 Th+oil - 550 -- avg - gd ---100;
4.- SENSO - With TIPS. at 1,000.Bh. 'We turned back.'!;
5.- SILOM - 2 Th+oil -- 750 - poor - gd --- 200;
6.- VI VAI - 2 Th+oil -- 800 - gd -- gd --- 200.

- Masseurs at INDRA & P'DISE. initiated 'Extras.' w/o. being asked.

-- No need to ask from wch. City-state the critic hails, is there?

-- Usual disclaimers! -- Bibi.. --
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Old 1st November 2008, 02:14 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 24
Taurus/Tuarus Massage.

On Friday night, having noticed a few good looking boys after visiting their go-go bar upstairs a little earlier in the evening, I decided to return for a late night massage, and arrived back at around 1230am

Feeling in need of some sexual relief after a week of traveling, I thougt I would be greedy and have a 4 hands massage.

The mamasan. who I had seen earlier upstairs, wanted to charge me THB2,000 for each boy which would include the tip for the boy. I said that I was not prepared to pay that as the tip was up to me if they performed well, and did everything I wanted. Finally, we agreed THB600 for each boy for a 90 minute oil massage. I guess he considered that some income was better than no income!!

The massage room was quite small and well airconditioned with very subdued lighting. The large shower (which accommodated all three of us) was next door. One of the boys was heavily tattooed and interestingly had a tongue piercing (which made for interesting kissing and smoking) The masseurs were both 19, and did do "everything" that I wanted. They both ensured that my feet were well placed and pressing against something hard while they were working on my lower legs. (I cannot remember their names and will try to get them later)

The session ended with the three of us showering together)

It was a most enjoyable session which left me feeling exhausted and, getting back to my hotel well past 2am, I had an excellent nights sleep.

I plan to try Senso and Arena next.
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Old 1st November 2008, 02:25 AM
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Did they "do" each other as well, or just you?
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Old 1st November 2008, 02:54 AM
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I have often found two guys from the same place to be shy in front of each other, and I made a point of ensuring that they would not be shy. They both bottomed for me, and there was some mutual kissing between them and jerking each other as well.

I did once have a four hands massage in Phuket, and they would not be f****d in front of one another. They left the room in turn while I f****d the other one. Spoiled the session a bit for me
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Old 1st November 2008, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
I've split his reply into the flg. cols. -
NAME - time & type of msg. - cost - decor. - msg. - TIPS - other comments.

1.- INDRA - 1 oil ------600 - avg - good - 100;
2.- P'DISE - 2 swed - 1,050 --gd -- gd --- 200;
3.- PRIME - 2 Th+oil - 550 -- avg - gd ---100;
4.- SENSO - With TIPS. at 1,000.Bh. 'We turned back.'!;
5.- SILOM - 2 Th+oil -- 750 - poor - gd --- 200;
6.- VI VAI - 2 Th+oil -- 800 - gd -- gd --- 200.

- Masseurs at INDRA & P'DISE. initiated 'Extras.' w/o. being asked.

-- No need to ask from wch. City-state the critic hails, is there?
Sextile, must you be so cryptic?
Which city state?

Whoever he is, he seems to be looking primarily into the Silom Road Foot Reflexology joints, and have learnt to expect that particular level of "decor" (Indra's decor is "good"?), pricing and expected tips. It's hardly surprisingly then that he was too shocked to go into Senso, which is in quite a different category.

I'm not familiar with Vi Vai... is it a new place? Where?
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Old 1st November 2008, 07:35 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 24
Thumbs down Senso

Just got back from Senso.

The place is nicely fitted and the massage rooms are large with ensuite showers. There is a great selection of 12 masseurs.

Why do these places have to pitch the minimum tip at such a high level - THB1000 for 1 hour, THB1200 for 1 1/2 hours. I would much prefer them to show a lower minimum tip and then reward the boy for a good time.

I chose a Mr Gon (?) 20 years old, with very limited English. He has a very heavily tattooed back, but none on his front. I specifically explained to the Mamasan that I wanted a boy to bottom for me and he pointed out 6 supposed bottoms. I also chose a 90 minute massage with their lavender oil, which the mamasan had recommended.

I showered alone to start, and dried myself. Gon was naked from the start and did give a pretty good massage and there was quite a lot of attention to my buttocks and fleeting rubs between my legs and upper thighs.

After I turned over he continued to massage me, rather than initiate any sexual attention. Eventually I did manage to get him to do a limited amount of smoking, but then found out that he was really able to get f****d. The massage pretty much finished after that. Although he was next to me in the shower afterwards, he made no attempt to wash me. To avoid any argument, I decided to pay him the minimum tip, settle the THB820 for the massage and left rather disappointed. I guess, on another day with a different masseur the I might have had a better time. However, I doubt whether I will go back there again!! If the tip had been up to me it would have been no more than THB700

Despite showering, I still feel sticky, so I would suggest anyone going to Senso, avoid the oil with lavender.
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Old 1st November 2008, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Sextile, must you be so cryptic? Which city state?
... .
-- Sloot,
- In my o'wheening ignorance I'd thought that in today's world there are only a couple of City-states; but your query persuaded me to trawl-through seach-engine Google for verification.
- Amongst contributors to Google there's some uncertainty about the precise def'n. of a sovereign City-state, so it's with some dubiosity that I post the flg. and possibly initial list -

-- There are also some City-states that are non-sovereign, amongst sch. may be incl. -

-- The two foregoing lists may not be complete, up-to-date or even accurate - AYOR.!

-- But to answer your specific query, quite by chance - as one writes - the Weekend Financial Times'crossword #12,902., (w/e. 18/19 oct.), provides the answer in one of its clues -
- Nation getting aggrieved orbiting in space (9),.
- The correct answer is provided above.
- In another thread I wrote that I could be trying if I tried! How true - ha! Just joking

-- Bibi.. --
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Old 1st November 2008, 11:30 PM
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-- Y'day., (sat.), evening, after a small supper in DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight: off Tnn. Suriwong), I walked to TUARUS MASSAGE & SPA. GALLERY, (Soi Anuman.: off Tnn Than Tawan.) to arrange for my four hands' massage on monday, (03rd.),.
- Their Capt., Khun JEK, welcomed me,as did his dozen or so masseurs!
- While Khun Jek enjoyed a beer I had a whisky & water, no ice, (drinks are just 150.Bh.), as we discussed my simple requirements -
1.- Massuers must be accustomed to working together;
2.- Masseurs must give me at least an hour's thorough massage;
3.- I'd prefer masseurs with ***** of a good c'cum'fce. for sm*k*ng, emphasising that I was not interested in length.
- Of course, he has just the type of masseurs whom I was seeking, and pointed-out one of them: Khun THON - a maturer looking man, slight physique - who smiled brightly as soon as he realized that he was the object of our att'n. and made it plain that he would be just the man - using his hands to shew why!
- I was offered the two masseurs for a 90mins'. & oil-massage for 800.Bh., PLUS TIPS..
- As a voluntary earnest of my good intentions I paid a deposit of 500.oo.Bh. and was given a tkt. in return.

-- For about an hour or MORE Khun Jek and I chatted about this and that.
- If I wanted I could 'Off.' one of his masseurs for o'night. company for just 400.Bh., an offer I declined.
-- There are usually 16 masseurs available - most of whom look to be on the younger and twinkier side of life.
-- While we were chatting a few farangs looked-in, but only one stayed for services. Khun Jek lamented the current turn-DOWN in business.
-- Khun Jek told me that earlier in the week there'd been a farang who enjoyed the att'ns. and svces. of three boyz!

-- Well, we'll see what moday will bring.

-- Bibi.. --
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Old 1st November 2008, 11:42 PM
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-- Y'day., (sat.), a'noon., while enjoying a cup of coffee in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA's 'Bird cage.', I was joined by a mature and well-built farang acquaintance who looked like a cat who's just enjoyed an illicit bowl of cream. "Why?", I wondered.
- Apparently he'd just enjoyed a fabulous svce. in APSARA MASSAGE:
- addr.: 12/1-2, Tnn. Si Lom,
Bang rak.;
- BTS.: Sala Daeng,(S2.);
- tel.: (02)- 632 6885.

-- Naturally I enquired for data about this well-endowed masseur; but unfortunately my acquaintance was so o'come, what with one thing and another that he quite forgot to ask. However, remembered phys. details were: older looking than most of the other masseurs there, hair-line shewing signs of starting to recede and prominent pecs., (as though he used to work-out but doesn't do so any longer.).
- Any suggestions as to this masseur's name?

-- Bibi.. --
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Old 3rd November 2008, 07:10 PM
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), evening I went to TUARUS MASSAGE, (Soi Anuman.: off Tnn. Than Tawan.), as arranged previously with their Capt., Khun JEK..
- ETA.: 20.50.hrs..

-- Khun JEK was not there, (he had gone-away on vacation.),. Instead an older and smaller man who speaks quite good English was standing-in for him, (a locum?), to whom I explained anew my requirements, wch. he seemed to u'stand.. I said that we'd agreed previously on 90mins. for 800.Bh., of wch. I'd paid 500.Bh. in advance. In return he reminded me about giving them TIPS.; to wch. I replied that the amt. of their TIPS. would depend LESS upon their special svces. & extras and MORE on massage-skills.
- There were possibly about 10 massseurs there - most of them twinkie-looking young men. The man told me that he knew all the boyz and so I asked him to choose two that fitted my criteria. Instead, he asked me to select as I was the customer; much against my will I did so, as I thought that none of the boyz really fitted my preferences for that evening. Had I my wits about me at that time I'd have left and gone elsewhere, returning when Khun Jek would have been there. However, I chose a pr. and hoped for the best:
1.- Khun BEA - 18YO.; I-San; small body and with a cheerful smile;
2.- Khun THOM - 18YO.; Roi-Et; slightly taller & MORE serious looking.

-- Khun Bea accompanied me into the shower.
- It was all too obvious that the masseurs had never worked together before as a pr.. Of the two I'd say that it was Khun THOM who gave the better massage, wch, might be described as adeqaute - were I feeling charitable.
- Eventually, having completed my back, I turned-over for some slight att'ns. to my frontal area.
- After some MORE time the masseurs judged that it was time for my Happy Ending; Khun Bea appeared to be quite surprised when I asked to smoke him, and after a moment's chitter-chat with the other masseur complied for a few mins., and not over-enthusiastically at that. Both masseurs are uncut and both have ***** not much more than 4".LOA,.
- A final shower with Khun Bea and that was all - finished.

-- This Clock-watcher observed that he was IN & OUT in LESS than 75mins..
- On leaving I observed that apart from the two masseurs who had attended to me the locum and the other masseurs were clustered-around another farang outside; thoughts that it's the repeat businessthat ensures steady profits went through my mind.
- After Khun Jek's return I'll have some words with him about non-delivery of svces. - but as of now I'm not minded to return or to offer any encouraging or warm encomia.
- Great Expectations can, and did, lead to great disappointments - how true.

-- This forenoon, before arising, I considered that Khun Bea might make MORE of an huggy & cuddly bed-boi that a masseur?

-- I fear lest visiting WHITE HOUSE SPA. may have set higher stds. than many another massage-parlor could or would care to reach. Memo. to 'self.: "Time to re-visit!".
- Possibly I should look-in at SENSO, wch. has received several appreciative entries? By now PIMP. should have concluded his travels in the LoS. and thus Khun NENG - greatly enriched by his experiences, no doubt - will be available for the rest of us.

-- Bibi.. --
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Old 4th November 2008, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
... .
I'm not familiar with Vi Vai... is it a new place? Where?
-- In my arrogance I thought that I was fairly familiar with the gen'l. area either side of SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA - but it took me a couple of passes to spot VI VAI MASSAGE & SPA. -
- addr.: 169-171, Tnn. Si Lom,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500..
- tel.: (02)-632 0380..
- locn.:
Rama IV. - Dusit Thani Htl. ->- Top Charoen Opt'.l - MISSHA - LH. Bank -->-- SCSP. -> --..................................on other side of Tnn. Si Lom are:
Rama IV. - (ex-Robinson's.) --->--- Coffee Soc'y. --- UOB. - Thanochart Bank - Silom Massage ->---
- VI VAI is reached through or is part of MISSHA, wch. is directly opp. to UOB..
- BTS.: Sala Daeng,(S2.),.

-- Usual disclaimer as I've not availed of its svces. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th November 2008, 02:29 PM
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Posts: 24
Wink Taurus - more than just a massage

Sextile Wrote
- On leaving I observed that apart from the two masseurs who had attended to me the locum and the other masseurs were clustered-around another farang outside; thoughts that it's the repeat businessthat ensures steady profits went through my mind.


Sextile, the other Farang outside as you left was me. I should have stopped you so we could have had a chat.

Was Khun Thom (described to me as Tom) the heavily tattooed guy with the pierced tongue? There was also a Khun Thon there.

As I posted on 1 November I had a four hands massage which I enjoyed. The masseurs names were Tao and Tom. The massage was enjoyable, but the full blown sex afterwards was excellent.

I went back on three further evenings. The second time late on Saturday 2 was was with Tao alone and I had a 90 minute session without bothering with a massage which was excellent (I thought I might get an extra discount for not using the cream LOL). The third night I took Tao and Thon to BBB Inn which was not too good and not so enjoyable. I subsequently learned, after I complained later to the manager who was still outside as I walked past at 1.30am on my way back to my hotel on Silom Road (with a brief diversion into Nature Boy ) that Tao had already had three customers that day.

Finally, to round off my stay in Bangkok, I finished with a further late night 90 minute session with Tom and Tao again on Monday night. Tom was absolutely excellent and did just about everything I wanted. Tao was a bit hyper, and I think he might have taken something that evening.

The short guy that Sextile referred to as a locum might be the owner as he was there every evening I visited and seemed to be very much involved with both the massage and gogo bar upstairs. Khun Jek I only saw in the massage area.
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