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Old 26th January 2009, 09:09 AM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 4

I just discovered this forum after living in BKK for 8 years. Really great forum.

About the price list on this page... based on my recent visits, the average prices have come down. They are around 550-600 for 1 hour, 700-800 for 90 minutes, and 1000-1100 for 2 hours. (Of course, these prices don't include a tip, which is around 1000THB if you're expecting full service.)

I visted two places this month. Gents Spa and UrbanMale Massage. Gents Spa is one of my favorites ( == Thailand Gay Male Massage - Massage by Men in Bangkok by male Gay by Aroma Massage Gay on our Spa Gay Male) I think about 5-10 guys work there (cute and young). I've been three times (with different masseurs) and all massages were fantastic. But don't go there expecting full-on service. (I don't expect it, so I'm not disappointed.) Finding the place is a bit of a nightmare, but worth the effort if you are really looking for a good massage. The 90 minute massage was 900 THB, not including tip.

Also went to UrbanMale (Urbanmale Massage by Thai Men | Male Massage Bangkok Thailand), twice, and had an execellent massage and service both times. There were 8 guys working when I went, masculine beefy and skinny-boy types. The 60 minute massage was 600 THB, not including tip.

More later.
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Old 27th January 2009, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by zippo View Post
[i] Sextile, I went back through the massage thread and read your direction to Whitehouse. Is there any other way to go there by BTS and then taxi maybe? I just don't want to end up sitting on the boat in Pratunam and then don't know where to get off. Thanks.[/I

-- I suppose that you could take the MRT. to either PHETCHABURI or to LAT PHRAO and thence by taxi.; possibly from the latter stn, and along Tnn. Lad Phrao would be the simpler?
- But possibly others might have better and/or easier suggestions to offer?

-- But, I assure you, the khlong ferry is the easiest way; even I - who am not v. bright at finding my way about - prefer it to going by road.
- You'll see that most ferry-landings have name boards shewing their own name and the two adjacent landings, thus some advance notice is given; also THE MALL - a large and tan colored bldg. that comes-up on one's PORT or LHS. after approx. 35-40mins. - is quite unmistakeable, aided by the fact that most PAX. disembark there.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 27th January 2009, 01:18 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- But, I assure you, the khlong ferry is the easiest way; even I - who am not v. bright at finding my way about - prefer it to going by road.

-- Bibi. --
haha thanks Sextile.... how can u be so humble as to say you are not v bright at finding your way about when you seem to have cruise nearly the whole of Bangkok? Anyway, my answer has been answered by shamlessmack's blog. Many Thanks.
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Old 27th January 2009, 01:24 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

bkkLifer...if you frequent gentspa regularly, I would suggest you purchase the promotion pack. You pay bht3500 for five 90mins massage session and it works out to just bht700. It should be more economical especially when you stay in Bangkok. I always purchase mine and use it whenever I visit Bangkok. So far, I haven't been told there's any expiry for the promo pack.
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Old 27th January 2009, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by zippo View Post
... .how can u be so humble as to say you are not v bright at finding your way about when you seem to have cruise nearly the whole of Bangkok? ... .

-- I'll let you into a little secret - just between us girls, of course - I rely to a large extent upon good friends such as Khun ICON, YANNAWA and AN. OTHERS for info..
-- Bibi. --
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Old 28th January 2009, 05:10 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 64
Senso just so-so

I arrived in Bangkok for a day’s visit on Tuesday. I tried calling Khun Toy at Tarntawan massage (I’m certain it has a different name, but never remember to check what it is). When you leave the hotel and turn right, it’s the second of the two that you encounter immediately. His mobile was switch off or not working for some other reason.

Had lunch at Siam Heritage and tried his phone again. Nothing. So I went back to the massage place. In the past there seemed only to be a few men and many women masseurs. This time there were quite a few men. Since I planned to visit Senso later anyway and since Toy wasn’t around I opted for a straight forward foot massage with one man in order to kill an hour. Decent massage and towards the end he made it clear that more was on offer if wanted. For the last bit I was seated on the stool the masseur had been using while he worked on my neck & shoulders and during which time he managed to slide his crotch up & down my back and shoulders several times. Tempting, but Senso was still in the offing.

Using the map from Senso’s website I entered Saladeng from Silom and was under the impression it was very close to the intersection, but it was a fair walk down Saladeng before I saw their name clearly written on the red door.

Very new, clean attractive, if a bit sterile, lobby with reception desk, bar, seating area and a few bits of exercise equipment for the boys in a relatively small area. Very friendly manager greeted me, explained prices. I wanted 90 minute massage with cream … I think it was labeled rose scent. B 900 and B 1200 minimum tip.

They open at 14:00 (not at noon as noted in a couple of references). It was 14:20. There was one guy in the lobby who immediately stood up and took off his shirt when I came in. The manager said there were two more boys upstairs, but since the one I saw was one of the better looking masseurs I’ve run across I said he would be my choice. Khun Tong (or something similar) from Nong Khai. I believe he was gay, though not obviously so. School boy looks, seemed to be slightly above average height, nicely built with great butt, but not by any means a body builder of the sort found in Tawan or Hero.
We walked up what seemed like a hell of a lot of stairs to reach the room. Everything was very bright and immaculate. The room was a good size. The massage table was medium height. No hole for the face, but a small pillow under the cover. A big mirror alongside the table, thus permitting you to enjoy watching your masseur even while lying on your stomach, but it might have been better placed at the head of the table since you had to twist around a bit to get a good look.

There was an alcove with wood cabinet for clothes, etc. Standard large tiled hong nam with sink, toilet and shower enclosure. Soap dispensers in the shower. Tong said I should shower and he left. Somewhat disappointing, but more “understandable” later.

After showering I lay down, he returned and removed everything but his bikini briefs. He placed the towel over me and worked his way up & down kneading my legs & back. I considered questioning where things were going, but then the towel & his briefs came off and the “cream” lotion was used.

He spent a lot of time on the legs, buttocks and lower back. Moderately energetic & pleasant, possibly a little sensual, but neither a meaningful massage nor really erotic. It was nice to watch him in the mirror, though my neck & shoulders got a little cramped in the process. When I turned over he worked on my arms which presented me the opportunity to play with his balls, which produced an immediate erection (or two) and, once again the gymnastics required to deal with all of this on a small table made me question why it was considered such a great experience. I put him on the table while I stood in order to smoke him without endangering life & limb with us both on the table. He came with impressive force & volume. After he rinsed off I was back on the table and he tried to orchestrate a happy ending for me by hand, though not with any skill. He did eventually smoke me on his own initiative, which was more productive.

We headed to the shower about 15 minutes before the full 90 minutes. It was only then that I saw his whole back was covered with a tattoo. Not a problem for me, but a turn-off for some people. It would have been very nice to have had the chance to soap him down as we shared the shower, but when I tried to soap his back he announced that he didn’t like that, which seemed a bit odd considering what we had just finished doing. So we showered together, but separately.

The facilities were good, in many respects better than Hero. The guy was definitely good looking and seemed to want to please, but either hadn’t been well trained or was just naturally reserved & restrained.

The last time I went to Hero I got someone who was a great deal higher up the hunk scale, was very enthusiastic from the starting shower to the excellent massage to mutual smoking at his initiative and who just created an all around very enjoyable experience … although I still find that doing all of that on a small massage table seems absurd. He got an exceptional tip, which he richly deserved. I’ve even had a number of Thai massages in Pattaya that resulting in far more memorable & truly happy endings than at Senso and for less money.

More generally I still can’t quite see why the sexual massage experience is worth the expense. Later that same evening I engaged the services of a boy from The Boys of Bangkok in the comfort of a large bed at the Tarntawan. He even returned in the morning with a friend for more of the same. No 90 minute time limit. No inhibitions. No balancing act. Why not get a proper massage in the afternoon for B 500 or so and then get a gogo boy or two for the night?

Perversely, I might still give Hero another try. That guy I had the last time was exceptionally good and even made the gymnastics on the table worth it.
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Old 28th January 2009, 08:08 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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1.first further to get to White HOuse-in BKK it generally makes no sense to combine MRT/BTS and taximeter-take a taxi all the way. If you still want-Lard Prao MRT is closest by-and midday traffic is not too bad-generally-on Lard Prao road. From SUkhvit area-a taximeter can use the Art Narong Expressway=pay tolls, from near Onnut/Prakanong-that would be MUCH faster.
Bus 514 links Silom and via Pratunam-DinDaeng-RatchaDa onto Lard prao-should take 60/70 mins to there from Silom mid-day. In general I find that too many changes to unknown places only lenghten trips in BKK considerably. In fact I now again sit in ram1-ABAC and though I could have taken this boat-I did it once and never again. Had a free red bus-with seats empty-around 7.20 and came here in 56 mins.
2.s-tile-the rapid buses have ceased-otherwise youre right about the yellow=exway services. Probably a driver who forgot what duty he was on-no other explanation possible.
3.a few days ago I again ventured out to Onnut/Sukhumvit 77/1=the soi full of massage places to Carrefour. Around 17.00 indeed it was all full bisnis-no masseur sitting out and many shoes-mostly lady-shoes. However I saw 2 other farang coming in-out-so its not just Thai.
Came back around 19.30-that last shop (left side, closest to Carrefour) then had both females and the males sitting out-went round the block for some drink and 10 mins later even more masseurs. Decided to try out and XX (forgot the name already) greeted me-an atletic crew-cut man from Nakorn Phanom-said he was 26 (27 next month) and just 2 yrs in BKK. The only angkrit he seemed to know was : ''oil?''-but I declined and opted for the bargain basement 100 bt/hr nouat Thai. No welcome and no drink offered. Took me upstairs- all floors full of curtain-partitioned massage places (the usual mattress on the floor) and the foot-thing chairs. All floors polished wood (a bit slippery on stairs with just socks on). Clean Thai-style hong nahm at end of each floor. 3d floor was empty-AC turned on for me-as curtains dont allow air to go around still a bit scruffy. Again he suggested for oil-no thanks. I was left to change into the clean and ironed nouat-clothes. All in all surroundings much betetr as what I had expected-with even some nice touches-but of course quite basic.
XX then started but not the usual feet-going up etc routine. Touched ''incidentally'' khong slightly-and more as once. No response. When doing my leg he let feet touch his-no response. Must have been a bit disappointing for him. He spoke slow and quite clear proper Thai-so communication was easy. Said he lived there-no own room and did 3/4 turns a day. Farmers son and it soon turned out he did not know a thing about the rest of BKK. After a quite quick going over of my legs at some 15/20 mins he placed his hand on khong-and asked again-and as his massage was so strong and for me not at all even sensual or seducive- he now grasped it was no. Also none of the flattery compliments one usually gets-so think he's not gay. Had it been better I might have succombed. Did the rest of the massage-even more forceful and strong-so you could not ''dream away''-keep vigilant to warn if it would be ''jep''. Put his mobuy-earfones in to listen to radiomusic. I always ask for some extra attention to right shoulder-computer arm-and this he did quite well. At the end we talked some more. Final at 55 mins-payment downstairs-100 bt-and a cup of weak tea offered. Then I saw a smaller and more to my taste boy-and several ladies going on with open for anyone to see nouat of Thai customers.
Verdict: should be obvious: if you go for a cheap real nouat-use one of the other shops here and come at a non-busy time. If you come here as single male farang-it will simply be assumed you come for the rest. No idea about price-level for the extra then-did not ask or talk about.
Another amazing Thai experience for me-but my regular haunt at 160 bt/hr with a real skillfull masseur and also entertaining and joyful lad/part-time student from Kalasin is a snip compared to this and he usually throws in 10-20% extra as not the whole program has been done yet in 60 mins.
The dessert came while waiting for the bus (some gorgeous guys doing the carts for the Lotus) and again a free red came soon- with another real candy sitting besides his bored to death rich mobuy-using friend beside.
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Old 29th January 2009, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
I arrived in Bangkok for a day’s visit on Tuesday. I tried calling Khun Toy at Tarntawan massage ... .
... .
Later that same evening I engaged the services of a boy from The Boys of Bangkok in the comfort of a large bed at the Tarntawan. He even returned in the morning with a friend for more of the same. No 90 minute time limit. No inhibitions. No balancing act. Why not get a proper massage in the afternoon for B 500 or so and then get a gogo boy or two for the night? ... .

-- Reads that you had a good time! Possibly you can remember their names and/or numbers?
-- Bibi. --
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Old 29th January 2009, 03:23 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- Reads that you had a good time! Possibly you can remember their names and/or numbers?
-- Bibi. --
I wrote up the bar boy experience on Sawatdee (under "x in pattaya")

I don't give out names or numbers of bar boys. The people on CFS seem fairly normal, but there are some real psychos on Sawatdee, so I don't want to set boys up for a rough time.

I figure masseurs remain on site, so there's not much chance of a nut case causing them grief.
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Old 29th January 2009, 07:33 AM
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Posts: 3

Just got back from BKK. Each trip I try out a new massage place and this time around, I chose Senso.
Since I decided on it after reading various forums, thought it'd be nice to give my own review to help others who may be considering their options.

I went on a sunday at 3pm. The place is easy to find and within easy reach from Saladaeng BTS (very short walk). One reason why I chose it was because it was convenient for me to access from my hotel which was nearby, just next to DJ station on Silom soi 2. You enter from along Tn Saladaeng via wooden red doors which leads to a small outdoor seating area and pond/water feature. Through the sliding doors, you reach the living area.

There were about 6 guys there at that time (still early) ranging from slim to muscled, fair to dark, tall to short. Looks-wise, I think they were better than others I've been to. The mamasan/mgr was quite nice and not too pushy. He described the boys and informed me which were tops and which were versatile. You can ask him whether a certain boy does something in particular as well. I am usually quite nervous to have the boys all standing in front of me to be chosen so I just told the mgr to ask the boys to carry on with whatever they were doing then I could choose a bit more discreetly.

I took the standard room which had a massage table with pillow. Mirrors on the wall for full view of your masseur. Bathroom was quite big (definitely bigger than the cubicle-sized one at Adonis). 90 min oil massage for 900Bh.

Anyway, I chose a young man named Yoong. Slim, tall dark. Not defined muscle just slim but he had a pleasant attitude and face. He was from Isaan and only just started working at Senso. Previously he worked at Babylon. In the room, from the very start he was nude. He helped out in the pre-massage showering without being asked which was nice.

Now for the massage. This guy was good! I must say first that I do like a good massage and don't just look for the 'after-services".This guy really gave a good massage. Nice and comfortable and he concentrated on delivering the goods without straying to certain sites. There have been some places where the boys just prod and poke randomly eager to just get to the 'after' session. With this guy, I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep.

Once the massage was over, it naturally went to the after-services which was good enough for me. Since we were both tops, we didn't really do much. But he was a sweet and nice kid and I really liked the fact that he had no attitude. Massage 10/10, after-service 8/10.

Anyway, I liked the experience overall so on Tues ard 4pm, I brought a friend to try the place out as well. I chose the same guy cos I really liked his massage while my friend chose another. There were around 7 guys all different from the other time. There were another 4 attending to customers. Looks-wise I really think Senso has better quality.

This time I tried out the VIP room. Bigger with 2 beds (1 for the scrub and 1 for the massage). Has a couch which I felt unnecessary. Had a large LCD TV playing a Gay Porn DVD to 'set the mood' I guess. But no mirrors this time. I had the same good experience. When I asked my friend how his was, he said his masseur was a bit too keen to get into the after-services part but still a nice guy. For his experience, he gave ratings as massage 4/10, after 9/10.

Overall I think I enjoyed Senso and will probably go there again for my next trip. It's a relatively new place so maybe that's why their standards are still good. Hopefully when I go back again in a few months, it'll be the same and not deteriorate. Just a note, it IS pricier than other places but I guess it was still money well-spent to me. Just remember as with all massage places, the boys themselves can be a hit and miss thing so I may have been just lucky. But I'd still say there's no harm trying
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Old 30th January 2009, 03:59 AM
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Originally Posted by TopmanUK View Post
Just got back from Senso.

I chose a Mr Gon (?) 20 years old, with very limited English. He has a very heavily tattooed back, but none on his front. ...
I showered alone to start, and dried myself.

After I turned over he continued to massage me, rather than initiate any sexual attention. ... Although he was next to me in the shower afterwards, he made no attempt to wash me.
I had pretty much the same experience regarding the shower alone at the start and no touching afterward. I thought my masseur was named "Tong" but I guess it could have been Gon. He did have a major tattoo across his back and his behavior was very similar.

At the concluding shower I tried to soap his back and he said he didn't like that. I would have thought in a place like that some basics like showering together would have been de rigueur.

He responded well to me smoking him, but his attempts at a happy ending for me by hand were hopeless. He did resort to smoking me, but the overall experience was somewhat disappointing both in terms of the massage and the extras that are supposed to justify the higher price and tip.
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Old 30th January 2009, 05:49 AM
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Posts: 4
GM Massage Experience

Went to GM Massage a few nights ago with an out-of-town friend ( I had gone before and was dissapointed (with the guy I chose and facilities), but thought I'd give it another try. This time the experience was good and not-so-good.

There were six guys working when we arrived (9:30 pm). Only one of the 14 guys pitctured on their web site was working.

So, first, here's the good part: the massage I had was well above average and the service I received left me completely satisfied. The guy I chose (22, with braces) knew both Thai and Swedish massage and switched easily between the two styles. He was also refreshingly passionate and versitile. Before and after we finished, he asked me if he could help me shower. And, when I said 'ok', he said 'thank you" . My friend said he was also quite happy with the service, but the massage was poor.

Now, the not-so-good part: the manager couldn't speak any English and had no idea how to help us select a masseur. I asked him (in Thai) about the 90 minute massage advertised for 490 Baht on their website (see: GM men massage club). He said the price for 90 minutes was was 600THB and the minimum tip 1000 (again not 800 THB as advertised). I asked for their menu (price list) and was told 'mai mee' (don't have). I found it amusing when I asked him (on behalf of my friend) if one of the masseurs was a btm, and the Manager shouted across the room to get an answer from the guy. All the boys giggled. My friend wasn't so amused. The facilities here are below the standard of any place I've been before: smelly towels; brownish-red faded sheets on foam-massage beds; athestically sterile rooms. The rooms do have air-con and hot showers. (If you like almost grungy places, this could be heaven!)

Overall, my masseur made the experience enjoyable, but I suspect this place may not be around for very long.

It's located in the ARI area, not to far from V Club, where I went last month and was ignored by their manager until I left...

More later.
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Old 30th January 2009, 05:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
I wrote up the bar boy experience on Sawatdee (under "x in pattaya")

Sleepless in Krung Thep : Gay Thailand

I don't give out names or numbers of bar boys. The people on CFS seem fairly normal, but there are some real psychos on Sawatdee, so I don't want to set boys up for a rough time.

I figure masseurs remain on site, so there's not much chance of a nut case causing them grief.
Having read some of x in pattaya's posts I agree there are some real psychos on that Forum and x in pattaya is one of the main contenders.
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Old 30th January 2009, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
Having read some of x in pattaya's posts I agree there are some real psychos on that Forum and x in pattaya is one of the main contenders.
I withdraw my comment that the people here seem normal. It's unfortunate that this forum, which seemed to be pretty free from people who post for no other reason than to attack other individuals , has now been sullied by you.

I've directed others to this site because it does provide such useful information on massage venues and gogo bars by people like sextile, but it looks like the petty name-caller pests will probably ruin that too.
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Old 31st January 2009, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
I had pretty much the same experience regarding the shower alone at the start and no touching afterward. I thought my masseur was named "Tong" ....
On inspecting the Senso website, I noticed there is a masseur called "Tong", whom I recognise as someone who has been forever changing venues. I have seen him in many places, either in person or as a face on a website of a massage establishment. He is young and cute and well-mannered, but is straight and INTO NOTHING! He is believed to be from Chaiyaphum province. On the Senso website, he is not to be confused with "Ton", who is gay.
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