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Old 2nd December 2010, 07:36 AM
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Sor superman ...

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post

-- Today, (02nd.), a'noon. - after waiting nearly half-an-hr. for a suitable 'bus. - I took a #547. from o'side. SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (BTS. Sala Daeng, [S2.],), all the way.
- Fare & time: 17.Bh. & approx. 70 mins.; ETA. at CARREFOUR approx. 13.55.hrs..
- I de-'bused. at CARREFOUR** on Phet Kasem rd., (Khet Bang Khae.), look-out for the CARREFOUR logo. logo over the word CARREFOUR on yr. RHS., it should be quite visible atop its 60ft. & grey painted steel tower! My map shews it as approx. 2.5M. farther OUT of BKK., (going WEST towards MYANMAR!), from THE MALL - B.KHAE,* ( RHS. - a large & buff-colored bldg. ),.
- At C'FOUR. I shewed the address, written in Thai, to several m/c. taxi-men; either they did not know or did not want to take me thither.
- So I shewed it to some taxi-drivers who looked equally non-plussed until I mentioned the Thai word "Noo ut." & accompanied it with the int'l. gesture for massage. One of them used his cell-'phone ot contact the place & then we drove-away.
- We drove along Bhudda Monthol Sai 2 rd. for quite some distance before turning LEFT and turning through several small sois until we reached the i'sect. BM. Sai 3 rd.: Siri Kasem rd.*** at wch. point I was dropped-off - fare 55.Bh..
- At that i'sect. is a largish sign: 'ZUPERMAN.', & an arrow with 200m. & 7-11. written beneath; on the opp. corner is a shop selling TOA. paints;
- Much to some people's amusement I walked up & down several times - even pacing-out approx. 200m. -with no success; buildings are numbered a la Thai!
- Of course everyone whom I asked knew that SOR S'MAN. is somewhere along Siri Kasem rd., maybe this way or possibly that way - but to obtain a precise loc'n. was too much!
- Finally I stopped and enquired of a lady whose husband's tailor's shop should be but a few doors away from SOR S'MAN. if there was any consistency in the numbering system.
- She called them using her husband's cell-'phone. and confirmed that S. S'MAN. would not be OPEN until 19.hrs.! As politely as I could I declined her offer to wait.
- A sadder but wiser man I took an m/c. taxi back to CARREFOUR for just 40.Bh.; distance approx. 2.25M. along BM. Sai 3 rd..

-- For the return journey I took a #163. 'bus.; fare & time 07.Bh. & 90mins..
- I noted that the IN-bound journey's time between CARREFOUR & THE MALL - B. KHAE was between 15-20mins. but nearer to 15mins.. Rd.tfc. was heavy after crossing-over TAKSIN BR..
- ETA. BKK. XTN. HOSP. on Si Lom rd. around 17.55.hrs..

-- Lat. & Long. co-ords.:
-* THE MALL - Bang Khae:.......... 100-24-28.E.x13-42-52.N., (Google Earth.),
-** CARREFOUR - Bang Khae:...... 100-22.005.E.x13-42.495.N., (Garmin.) &
-*** BM. Sai 3.:Siri Kasem i'sect.: 100-21.831.E.x13-44.264.N., (Garmin.), on Google Earth that is obscured by cloud cover.
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Old 2nd December 2010, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Thanks a lot for the effort Sexy. From your description, I believe the location of the intersection is:
100 21 51.3 East and 13 44 15.9 North. Unfortunately on Google Earth, there is a cloud at that point!
From Phetkassem I believe bus 91ก passes that way. 91 doesn't.
But 200 meters from that junction north, south or west is cloud free. East is still cloudy. Which way does the arrow point from the intersection?
Thanks least the telephone number listed is working..after 7pm at least.
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Old 2nd December 2010, 06:52 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Thanks a lot for the effort Sexy. From your description, I believe the location of the intersection is:
100 21 51.3 East and 13 44 15.9 North. Unfortunately on Google Earth, there is a cloud at that point!
... .

-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thanks for yr. kind ack. - appreciated!
- My Garmin device gave the loc'n. of the BM. sai 3:Siri Kasem i'sect. as: 100-21.831.E.x13-44.264.N.; you're quite correct about the cloud cover.
- The a/m. i'sect. is approx. 2.25M. from CARREFOUR along BM. Sai 3 rd..
- ZUPERMAN's arrow points EASTWARDS - 200m. - along Siri Kasem rd.; the bldgs'. numbering system, being a la Thai, may suggest that you enquire diligently as to ZUPERMAN's precise whereabouts.
- I noticed that the newish Metrobus.-route #10. goes along Siri Kasem.
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Old 2nd December 2010, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... .
Round the corner, I was invited to have a massage at Blue Swan massage by a pleasant young lad...but the other staff were ladies and I believe it is a straight massage place. I had a Thai massage with no hanky or panky. It is right opposite Golden Cock.

-- Y'day., (02nd.), evening - and on the principal that 'Love is sweeter the second time around.' - I went to BLUE SWAN MASSAGE AND SPA.,
- Addr.: 8/4, Soi Anumarnrajathon, (aka. Soi Naras Thiwat 1.),
Surawong rd., Suriyawong,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- Loc'n.: approx. opp. to the GOLDEN COCK A GO-GO bar;
- tel.: (02)-634 4220.;
- e-mail: > <
- web.: ON-line in maybe a few weeks' time;
- hrs.: 11.30.-22.oo.hrs.;
- staff: 3 masseuses & 2 masseurs.

-- ETA.: approx. 21.hrs.; only one masseur on duty then: khun Saen, 32YO., hails from Petchburi, speaks ltd. English; smallish & slightly built body that caused my Gaydar. to twitch; has worked there three yrs.;
- I asked for my usual 90mins. & oil-massage and was quoted 400.Bh. - accepted;
- Masseur Saen shewed me directly to the abh-nahm, (thus no fears about leaving my clothes unattended in the massage-room.), the actual shower cubicle is approx. 3ft.x3ft. - there is HOT water! The towel was soft & smelled fresh.
- The massage-room is a largish: one air-cond., (not turned DOWN to too COLD - thank goodness), a sliding partition to divide the room into two; a couple of std. massage-table with cut-outs for one's head with clean linen;
- Masseur Saen was awaiting me dressed in lose shirt over masseur's trousers, wch. he did not remove.
- A good & honest massage without any frills: effleurage, body-to-body or whatever - long & slow strokes wch. did not omit those parts ... but equally didn't spend an undue amt. of either effort or time there.
- Having turned-over onto my back the massage continued UPwards from my feet and then seemed to falter a bit at my groin - an hint possibly? Indeed so; we pleasured eachother manually - most satis. as far as I was concerned - to an HE..
- Some MORE massage before I was rubbed briskly all over with a towel and that was that.
- This clock-watcher noted that it was for a full 90mins..

-- In Recept'n. - over a cup of hot & herbal tea - I chatted with the owner & manageress, an apparently strong-minded women, I thought.
- I was offered their Loyalty Card - attend thrice and be given a free & 60mins. either Thai or foot-massage.

-- Vaut le retour.
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Old 2nd December 2010, 10:26 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Thanks again Sexy. Seems we agree on the intersection location. Your Garmin is set to Degrees and Minutes to 3 decimal places. My reference was in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds...hence the apparent difference.
Even though your were pretty pissed off by the end of your investigations and way too early for opening time, did you finally have the impression that the place was actually about 200 meters east of the junction and findable?
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Old 2nd December 2010, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... did you finally have the impression that the place was actually about 200 meters east of the junction and findable?

-- I walked along Siri Kasem rd. on both sides scrutinising the bldgs'. numbers and looking-out for anyother signs - nothing remotely helpful seen. In fact I did walk for 220 of my longer paces, (allowance that they would not be metres but yards.), from the S'MAN. sign and then cast-around for several metres either side to allow for errors.
- I'd. suggest that were one that interested then one should arrive on that st. round and about 19.hrs. - after S'MAN. is scheduled to OPEN - and enquire by cell-'phone; if necessary giving one's own pos'n. like: 'I'm standing outside the 7/11. convenience store.' or wherever.
- There is an m/c. taxi-drivers' point on that st., possibly the drivers might know?
- Looking-at the sign at the i'sect. I saw that it had the figure of a Tawan Club like figure on it, so conjecturably it might be more for body-builders than for massages?
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Old 3rd December 2010, 11:09 AM
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I was on bus 1 along Charoen Khrung today and spotted a doable lad with massage trousers and T shirt with money in his hand as if he was just leaving his work to buy something to eat. I had no idea there were any massage places around there unless he worked in the Ramada lobby or similar. This was around soi 72/4 infront of the Ramada Hotel. Anyway, a few hours later, I got off the bus at around soi 70 and started to walk away from town, south, looking for any sign or a massage joint. Then I came to soi 72 which is an access road to Wat Warachanyowat pier. Walking down there on either side of the soi were many small shop-house massage places all charging around Bht70/hr for foot or Thai. 30 yards down on the right, I saw my lad sitting and waiting! Tried him for 1 hour Thai massage and he was so good...but no sex But I think he was interested but at that shop there is no privacy (and no English). I will try for oil when I am less shy!
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Old 3rd December 2010, 06:59 PM
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Also thanks from me, dear khun sexytile, for these intrepid explorations into suburban BKK. Go on weekend there-then there is also an enormous market for garden+home-Sanam Luang 2, end of bus 91KOH. Or get off and have a peak in tha MALL in Bang Khae-a fancy one with a nam tok 9a real one) in the house!Some mildly amusing notes about LISA-which has featured so often in your walks around the block of Silom-Suriwong. Always classified as ''in disguise.. But then I foudn a JPNese mag, aimed at visitors (much for food, shooting and massage) and this had big ads for LISA-3 saakhaa. I asked a kind khon Nihon=Yipun to translate, and this clearly showed all-in prices for a big job. In between all the Thaniya ads advertsiing the same. (these mags are strictly str*-but there is 1 that shows ''pink zones''-but we all know them already)
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Old 3rd December 2010, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459
POng in 88 with Kong

Enticed by the good servcie from K-maler and having seen the not that glorious reports of ourr intrepid explorers of suburban BKK-Khuns Yannawa and Sextile, I decided to give 88 in Nonthburi-soi rewadee a try.
I had made a selection from www for 2 boys-and asked for a good proper masage too. Without any hesitation (after I had also discreetly asked to point out the 2 while sitting in the basement), it would be KOng. This was NOT the Kong sexy hit on his visit. he turned out to be a real LAOS national, from womewhere in the south, near Pakse, living here in BKK since some 4 yrs, and working at 88 the last 5-6 month and living in the house.
He was not very talkative, understood my central Thai but was often hard to understand in his fat lao/Iran talk.
It took him quite a while longer to shower before (separate-he left his precious jeans outside) and then started, at first wrapped in his towel. The massage started with some 10 mins Thai (lao?) style-quite firm, with him standing above me and doing backside of legs and back.
Then he sat down and started with the boil. This was quite god and reminded me a bit of my hit in K-male. It went slowly and he was quite good at slowly, slowly getting more sensual. he had (unusual) on both hands 2 long nails which he also used. He was quite evasive at answering any perosnal questions-it could all have beeen done totally silent. The surprise came that fater having done the back, he did body2body, also slowly-slowly getting a bit more aroused.
The aftermath was a bit disappoiting (in my view at least)-it was more me who did the work as reverse (well-that is mainy why I get service). His kong was quite short, even for laos/isan stdd. He treid to, but maybe he was unused to farang or had a job already done. But for a 1sdt time alltogether not too bad.
Some more details and remarks:
-not a word of angrit was spoken-not even asked from reception if I coudl speak Thai.
-after my entry there was not ther immediate servise you are by now used to in suburbia. Reception seemed to be more engrossed in the latop. The boss was also present ( a nice, quite small guy). I was then told that they ran a promosyen of 300 (www says 299) bt/hr (100 less before 16.00), which I took. You know tip? This has now changed to same as K-male: 500/soft and 1000/hard (for the inquisitive: this means penetration, not a kong khaeng=hard thing). I assured I had been to K-M and knew from there.
There were more boys as I expected-11/12, with 2 pasing by when I went into this short soi going for dinner. All are quite long and more to the taste of our dear Mr. Mack as in K-Male. I guess the owner lives there too (a big detached house) and is surrounded by his choice of boy. Hardly any of the skin+bone or fem type. Boys sit in street-clothes. Kong had some fancy jeans-low rise, with underpants showing out, had a short beard (not on www-pix) and a ring in 1 ear. I guess they also do not see that many farang-some boys showed what looked like bewilderment when they spotted me.
Shower on 3d floor has low water pressure. Without any hint or asking Kong followed me into afterwards and he knew how to get it a bit more streaming, but still.
You leave shoes outside, the whole of the house has shiny Thai-style wooden flooring, also the stairs, which may be slippery when you walk on socks (they seem to have house-slippers, but I was not offered any).
KOng was also the 1st since a very long time who did not offer to carry my bag upstairs. (not that I care much-but this struck me as unusual).
To get there: closest by is songhthaew 1102 from the othburi market-goes into the oi and stops anywhere. There is a small market at that soi.
As Tiwonon road (buses 18,63,32,33,505,63,114,545,356,367,6028) gets a new skytrian, traffic is bad. Also in anticipation many shophouses were torn down to make way for aprtmts. later.
A better way is to take bus 134 from the Mochit toward the riverbridge-bang Bua Tong (both AC and red), or taxi, and ask for Central-which is beyond the main Khae Rai junction. Get off at the stop after Khae Rai (before Central) and walk a little on, turn left into first small soi and this leads into rewadee-close to 88 (which BTW is a pun intended=in Thai phet-phet as ''hot-hot'' too).
For me Kong could do as a fairly good 2nd choice if others move on. he is 25, 1m75 or so and has a well-trained untattood good, firm body.
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Old 4th December 2010, 03:01 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Thanks for the account Pong. I was particularly interested by the Skytrain construction comment on Tiwanon Road. I had thought that that was part of the MRT Purple line. Have they now changed it to above-ground? It certainly looked like it when I was last there.
But I am not sure as during the construction of the existing MRT, there was a lot of above-ground construction and not just at the stations...some was cut-and-fill I believe.
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Old 4th December 2010, 08:40 AM
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SPA.BANGKOK - Chaeng Wattana

Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
Has anyone tried the male Tantric Massage at Spa Bangkok?
Tantric Massage

-- A few days back my Ethusiastic & American Friend walked-IN to SPA.BKK. - C.Wattana. without making an app't., (that gp. prefers that one calls beforehand to make an app't.),;
- Addr.: Soi Chaeng Wattana-Pakred 19.,
Amphoe Pak kret;
- loc'n.: approx. 660.yds. NORTH of CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE - C. Wattana;
-- Google Earth co-ords. of CENTRAL: roughly 100-31-41.E.x13-54-14.N.;
- tel.: (02)- 962 3257..

-- He was offered a 90.mins. & aroma-oil msg. for 1,500.Bh. (TIP. not incl.),;
- The msg., given by masseur Chai, started with a foot-msg. that involved the feet being in a basin of water that contained heated stones, wch. was not an extra but included in the 90.mins.
- The msg. itself was good - an 100%. straight & professional job; although, at the end, there were mutual HEs.;
- There was a supply of warmed towels to hand to better assist in the absorbtion of the massage-oils;

-- In Recept'n., where he was given a cup of hot & ginger tea, the receptioniste proposed that he become a member, (a generous red'n. in fees PLUS other benefits.);
- Finally his masseur, (who has been with that gp. for ten yrs.), walked-out into the st. with him and helped him catch a taxi.

-- The estab. is well & lavishly laid-out - v. much for those who expect good svce. and are prepared to pay for it PLUS any extra pampering.

-- Massuer Chai gave him a list of the other parlors in that gp. and the names of the various masseurs on-duty; his masseur also suggestd that the estab. on Sam Sen soi 30. would be better for men such as himself!
- A suggestion that Chao Praya ferry-svce. - pier Khiao Kha Ka, (N21.), - would be a good way to get to Sam Sen was offered.

-- For add'n. info. on SPA.BKK. I availed of search-engine Google - but doubtless that gp. has its own web-site.

-- E&OE. as rpt'd. speech.
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Old 4th December 2010, 10:56 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 97
Thai Prime

On the recommendation of a local, I visited Thai Prime yesterday afternoon around 4pm. Located at the end of Silom Road Soi 6, it appears as a normal commercial enterprise. I chose the 90 minute scrub and oil massage for 600 baht and asked for a "Mr Bek" or "Mr Pek", not sure. He is 20 yo from Isaan, tall and lean and has a beautiful face and amazing 6 pack which I only got a hint of until the end. The venue seems modern, cool and airy. The massage rooms are arranged in pairs, each pair sharing a shower, which in my case had very little water pressure. I showered before and after alone. Mr Bek was very business like and set about providing me with an excellent scrub and massage, just the right firmness for me. His limited english made chit chat difficult but he got the appropriate hints. Unfortunately his constant checking of his mobile phone and a clock and announcing to me every now and again how much time was left, tended to dampen my desire. He asked if I wanted a hand job and told me he expected a tip of 600 baht after I refused to volunteer what tip I would give him. However, his vigorous jerking displayed a lack of finesse in happy endings and even his bare chest could not excite my passions and so only a 200 baht tip was forthcoming from me. We both left the encounter disappointed .
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Old 4th December 2010, 11:16 PM
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You promised him a 600 baht tip, but only gave him 200?

No wonder he was disappointed...and I can't say I blame him.
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Old 4th December 2010, 11:41 PM
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Blue Lotus (Ekkamai soi 7) has disappeared from the Thai Massage Boy listings long ago. I did have an exciting massage there about 2 years ago with one of their lads....about the only one not over 30! I had confirmed ahead of time that the lad was available and been well rewarded. But then thought no more about the place until I recently received a simple "hello" text from the boss..Mr M. He then advised me he had a lad of 19-20 who is "very handsome" available. I will give it a try this week and let you know.
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Old 4th December 2010, 11:42 PM
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Is it in the same place as before?
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