I was interested in pong's report on Body Club, as this place has only recently become of interest. In the past, I had never considered it.
A falang friend told me what good value it was, that the facilities were passable, and how he had had several good experiences there. He did this on the morning of the day I was leaving the country for a block of time! How is that for timing which sucks? But I plan to try it next time I am in town. pong specifically mentioned that the mamasan was of no help in making a choice of masseur. This has almost always been my experience. They merely show your a price card, and set up a line-up or wahtever, and then you are on your own. Hence it is complete guesswork or intuition about a choice. My experience suggests the odds are about 60:40 in favour of a good time, but it is pure luck. Most mamasans are only interested in being sure that you do take a masseur and spend some money, rather than leave. Am I getting too cynical? Hence I should mention a recent visit to Aqua, my first visit. I sat with a pleasant mamasan, with excellent English, friendly and chatty without being swarmy, who seemed to actually want to help my choice, and who wanted to know what type I was after, and who made suggestions. So re-assured was I (or was it shock?) that I even went with this mamasan's recommendation, rather than the boy I might have chosen myself. Normally I would never do that! And it turned out to be one of the best overall experiences that I have ever had in a masage joint. One never knows!!
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