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Old 27th December 2009, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 12
Urbanmale (not Urban Male ... not trivial when searching)

Originally Posted by catatonic View Post
... I thought I’d try out Urban Male. Turned out to be the best choice I could have made!
... I soon discovered that John’s massage abilities were well above average. I wouldn’t complain if I got a similar quality massage in a spa!
... I’m not going to get into the gory details, but I just have one word: wow!
Can only confirm what cataconic wrote in August. Went to Urban Male today at 15:30 h for the first time. Already two farangs were there making there choices when I arrived. I was fortunate enough that John was still available (did not know him and chose him because of his looks).

One of the best massages I ever had. John apparently has 3 years experience in massaging. He said he's 22 years old. His English was limited but sufficient for the purpose. At the end we were smoking each other and he was eager to bring me to the glorious happy ending.

When I came back to the reception there were two Asian customers sitting on the sofas. Looked like they had to wait for their preferred masseurs. So the place seemed quite busy.

I certainly will return to Urbanmale.
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Old 27th December 2009, 08:49 AM
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Long time members of this board would have noticed immediately that both posts singing praises of this place were first posts by Catatonic and Suky respectively.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 27th December 2009, 09:13 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I walked past Twinks this evening and it is still staffed but has very few lights outside. The boys were mostly lurking in the shadows and calling to passers-by. If I had had more time, I would have gone in to see who was on offer. next time I will take a flash light.

I tried Pulalai Spa. It has very professional, straight massage services at very reasonable prices and in a good environment...I was given Tik who worked like a Trojan for two hours on a foot and Thai massage. While the customers were largely Thai couples, some male customers did go upstairs after asking for a particular boy. It is a place that could bare fruit with some nurturing.

If you are in need of a titillating chuckle, go to Ima Spa's web site:
and look at each of the pictures in sequence.
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Old 28th December 2009, 05:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I walked past Twinks, [Soi Narasthiwat 1.], this evening and it is still staffed but has very few lights outside. The boys were mostly lurking in the shadows and calling to passers-by. If I had had more time, I would have gone in to see who was on offer. next time I will take a flash light.
... .

--Today, (28th.), I passed-by at approx. 18.30.hrs..
- Sitting outside were three boys and possibly a female, (?), in the shadows and enjoying their evening meal; none called-out to me.
- Inside just a few flourescents were powered on; I saw one other boy inside seemingly not doing anything in particular.

-- Passing by the GOLDEN COCK it was the same story.
-- Only one of the touts for SUPER A called-out to me, inviting me to join the other boyz upstairs.
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Old 28th December 2009, 05:39 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 34

Hey Suky, don't let these guys deter you from posting. I never understand sexstyle's military style JUSMAG directions and appreciate post I can actually understand.
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Old 28th December 2009, 05:48 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 55

Don't take it personal Suky. Anyone who's first post is either very negative or very positive is going to be suspect of having an agenda. It just might be your style to be overly demonstrative in a glowing report as others like to go overboard in the negatives.

Don't stop posting, and cover some other topics and venues and prove us skeptics wrong.
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Old 27th December 2009, 09:57 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 12
What's wrong with praising Urbanmale?

Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Long time members of this board would have noticed immediately that both posts singing praises of this place were first posts by Catatonic and Suky respectively.
Don't understand your remark. I am member here for a longer time than you, but had no reason to post before (except for the real first post a few months ago which was deleted by the moderator).

I just made a great experience today and wanted to let other members know. What's wrong with that?

I went to Body Club a year ago and met a boy who became my "boy special" until recently, but his massage was not impressive. So no reason to post. Went to Body Club again a week ago and had a young, sweet, cute boy who did not know anything about massage. And his other service was not impressive either. Again no reason to post. I also went to Hero, Arena and Aqua before which was never so exciting that I felt the need to post.

Again, what is the purpose of your remark?
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Old 27th December 2009, 10:22 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 21

Suky, your comment is valid, and is precisely why I don't bother generally posting here when I've had a good massage (with extras) at the Banana Club. It's a place that definately is not on the "in" list and most times when the name is mentioned this thread seems to close down for a few days with the members obviously gasping at my temerity of mentioning the name of the place.

However it's the place I go to on my twice-yearly visit to BKK and has been my favoured haunt now for 5 years.
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Old 27th December 2009, 10:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 55

Suky, Only three posts, one deleted, and all about Urban Male or Urbanmale. Your not a long time poster and anyone that posts a glowing report on their first or second post is a suspect spammer.

Urbam Male has some farang in management that seems to be watching the boards. Good management to keep an eye on what's being said but bad management if he is trying to pose as a happy customer.

I went there once and had an excellent experience and will be going back soon. I am not a spammer.
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Old 28th December 2009, 04:12 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 12

Trongpai: If "member" is considered equal to "poster", then I am not a longtime member. But to call me a suspect spammer is ridiculous (spam = unsolicited commercial electronic messages). I joined this forum in 2003; why should I suddenly become a spammer?

I am amazed how quickly the "real" longtime members judge others. I am sorry if I did not show enough respect to the self-appointed gurus here by asking them for their expert view first before expressing my own.

And to the style: If you prefer Sextile's reporting style then I cannot assist.

So, as many other readers here, I will keep quiet and not disturb again your circle with further posts. And confirm thereby your suspicion, that I am a spammer because my number of postings will remain low.
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Old 28th December 2009, 06:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99
Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Suky View Post
Trongpai: If "member" is considered equal to "poster", then I am not a longtime member. But to call me a suspect spammer is ridiculous (spam = unsolicited commercial electronic messages). I joined this forum in 2003; why should I suddenly become a spammer?

I am amazed how quickly the "real" longtime members judge others. I am sorry if I did not show enough respect to the self-appointed gurus here by asking them for their expert view first before expressing my own.

And to the style: If you prefer Sextile's reporting style then I cannot assist.

So, as many other readers here, I will keep quiet and not disturb again your circle with further posts. And confirm thereby your suspicion, that I am a spammer because my number of postings will remain low.
Please keep posting on whatever topics you want. It is always good to get other points of view. Most posters here just want to know about crusing and are reasonably polite to each other.

Don't be put off by one or two negatives. Just ingore and carry on posting. Its great to hear from you whether you have 1 or 100 posts under your belt.
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Old 29th December 2009, 10:52 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (29th.), an Aussie. acquaintance - he manages to stay at the PAN-PACIFIC HTL. during his occasional visits to BKK. - went to ARENA MASSAGE. in SILOM PLAZA.
- Several digressions on the similarities between SILOM & S'VIT. PLAZAS: layout, plenty of S.Korean shops, loc'ns. of ARENA and of B&N., (formerly 'Nice Guys.'), massage parlors and the fact that both of them are under the same mngmnt., (the world is full of coincidences.),.
- He arr'd. at ARENA about 14.hrs..
- First impression was that the place is shabby; 'If I'd had flip-flops I'd have worn them.'.
- Only seven masseurs avail. at that time.
- The 60mins. & oil-massage & after-massage svces. weren't all that memorable.

-- E&OE. as reported speech.
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Old 29th December 2009, 07:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
Waiting for more posts from suky

Dear Suky,

You are more than welcome.

We desperately need some new angles on this board, please go for it.
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