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Old 19th May 2010, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by spoonfed View Post
Spoilt for choice? I think that your tongue is firmly in cheek, Mr S!
... .

-- And where else should my tongue be, kind sir?
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Old 25th May 2010, 11:12 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I found Pranee massage open this evening. I fine young lad outside. Pranee has been closed for 2 weeks he told me it's just re-opened this week. I had a Thai massage and think I was the only customer...what with the rain as well. Nim did well with the massage. Stripped out, he has some attractive features that respond well to sucking, but should be taken home for the full treatment. A very pleasant lad who needed sex after a long lay-off.
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Old 28th May 2010, 12:49 AM
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-- Y'day. (28th.], a'noon. - after having visited Immig'n. at Chaeng Watthana for my usual & 9O days' notific'n. - I decided to visit one of the local & massage parlors, if only to make a change from the area we all know and love!

-- My feet took me to HAREM.,*
- addr.: 71/26, Soi Ngamwongwan 54,
Sang Arun village, Ladyao, Jatujak, BKK. 1O9OO.;
- tel.: (O2]-941 2344.;
- web: > Emmanuelle <;
- dir'ns.:
1.- Start from the i'sect. Viphavadi Rangsit:
Ngam Wongwan rd. with the VIPHAVADI HOSP'L. on one's RHS. and KASETSERT UNI. across the rd. on one's LHS.;
- A fairish walk to Ngamwongwan soi 54., (RHS.], - 7/11. on one cnr. and a Shell svce. stn. just a bit farther along on the other cnr.;
- Turn RIGHT and walk ahead passing the GROUND-WATER RESOURCES Bldg. on one's RHS.;
- Turn RIGHT and walk ahead until one arrives at sub-soi 13. - all ODD numbered sois are to one's LHS.; this is at house #8/23. wch. has an outside & orange wall; on a concrete electricity pole to one's RHS. is an HAREM dir'n. bd.;
- Turn LEFT and then take the first RIGHT, (again an HAREM dir'n. bd. pointing the way.];
- HAREM will be towards the end, there's another sign to info. one that one has arr'd.!

-- A modified & modern town-house, with a recept'n. area inside, the masseurs sit in another room close by;
- I was brough the usual glass of iced water and soon thereafter was joined by the MamaSan - a Thai of a certain age and demeanor, named Khun Art, (?],.
- We discussed the menu and I chose my usual 9O mins. & oil-massage; I accepted the M'san's. recommendation of Khun Ae, (21YO. from BKK.],. I was info'd. that there's a MINIMUM TIPS. of

-- Khun Ae & I went upstairs & into the room, (obviously a bed-room.], with a bed having a towel spread over it;
- The toilet & shower are right next door, (I saw no facilities for locking-up one's valuables.];
- As soon as I'd laid-down on the bed Khun Ae's towel was removed;
- A good massage - not quite up to WHITE HSE. SPA's. stds., but adequate enough; a certain amt. of att'n. to those parts upon wch. the sun ... .
- Not long after I'd turned-over onto my back Khun Ae made his intentions known and we pleasured eachother; my questing fingers suggested that he might well be prepared to be versatile?
- Afterwards Khun Ae joined me in the shower.

-- Downstairs I was bought a cup of herbal tea.
- I was joined by the M'san. who told me that for may & probably for june there's be a promo. period: my massage is priced at 6OO.Bh., but I was given a price of
- I gathered that there's usually some 5-6 masseurs during the working week but a dozen or MORE for the week-ends.

-- Probably worth visiting should one change to be in that area?

--* Not quite the name that I'd have chosen for a M2M. massage parlor.
- There is an advert. in the monthly & freebie MAX Magazine - #94..
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Old 28th May 2010, 09:08 PM
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Yellow massage ... .

-- I see, from an advert. in the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine - #94. - that what I have been calling YELLOW MASSAGE is in fact part of X-SIZE in Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd. - along with a Pool Zone, I'net. Zone & a Short Room svce.
- tel.: (087)-994 4875.;
- web: not available.

-- My enthusiastic & American friend has info'd. me that an acquaintance's friend visited SENSO MASSAGE** recently; the acquaintance's friend's report of his apres massage experience was: 'I found J*s*s.!', or words to that effect - his masseur's name is Khun A.;
-** addr.: 5/8, Soi Saladaeng, off Si Lom rd.,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng,(S2.),/Silom;
- tel.: (02)-636 3535.;
- web: > SENSOMENCLUB :: Male Massage Bangkok <
- hrs.: 14.-23.oo.hrs.;
-- NB.: SENSO has a MINIMUM TIPS'. policy!

-- I chatted with my E&AF. y'day., (29th.), hence the corr'ns.; reportedly the acquaintance's friend visits BKK. not infrequently and always sets-aside one whole a'noon. for Khun A. - doubtless to one's satisfaction and to the other's gratification!

-- E&OE. as reorted speech. -- Usual disclaimers. --
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Old 30th May 2010, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

hello you all-and greetings from Indonesia/Yogyakarta. It jas been some time since i was able to visit this site. Some updates, partly from the shamelessmack-blog:
JanSpa, end of Sukhumvit soi 13 has closed.
The new ''venture'' in soi Hotmail might be the new name of RED-see shamelessmack-it got a very bad review from him.
While I was in BKk I tried out Jeyspa=the former Janspa-insde some upmarket Sukhumvit soi-in the early days of the red protests. When I arrived around 19.00-there were just 3/4 boys-all very sleepy and giving the impression I just disturbed them. They might have had some big customer before? Anyway-I declined and tried out Bodyclub again. Which -as others also have noted-appeared to not even have a mamasan at that time. Some boy with better english filled the gap after a few minutes.
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Old 30th June 2010, 08:55 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Is this thread dying? I hope not - I am not sure that I can inject a lot of life into it, but I will do my best with 2 reports from this week...

Prime - once again, no offer to choose my masseur. I took the 2 hr oil massage for 650 baht. The room was on the 1st floor with a somewhat grubby but acceptable shower room at the back.

The massage was not actually that great - the boy started with his shirt off, trousers on, but for some reason slipped his shirt back on just before asking me to turn over. His English was as non-existent as my Thai, and his massage skills were also rather limited, seeming to consist mainly of long strokes with no manipulation or strategic pressing. I guess I will go back to Prime soon enough but that was one encounter that will not be the one to encourage me back.

I also visited Fan Club this week for the first time in a couple of years. It remains exactly as I remember it - lots of bare concrete and pressed steel. I cannot remember whether this place or Suvarnabhumi opened first, but certainly one seems to have influenced the design of the other.

As the last time, I was led up to the first floor with its large picture window overlooking the gym area. About 8 boys lined up for me to choose from. I choose a small, athletic lad called Ta for a 90 minute salt scrub and cream massage.

His massage was not bad - just not one of those that leaves you feeling relaxed and that you were treated by a professional. His other skills were much better, and he was enthusiastic towards making me happy.

After the massage, I was led down to the ground floor and I suddenly remembered why I had not been for so long. As with the last time, I was basically led into a group of lads who were playing 'confuse the farang' - lots of laughing and joking around me in a very small room, one guy asking for 1000 baht for the massage - more than was on the original menu, but I could not remember exactly how much the original price was. As the chatter increased, I decided not to challenge them but paid up, plus 1200 for a tip for Ta. Maybe I will check it out again in another couple of years.
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Old 30th June 2010, 11:38 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by spoonfed View Post

I also visited Fan Club this week for the first time in a couple of years. It remains exactly as I remember it - lots of bare concrete and pressed steel. I cannot remember whether this place or Suvarnabhumi opened first, but certainly one seems to have influenced the design of the other.

After the massage, I was led down to the ground floor and I suddenly remembered why I had not been for so long. As with the last time, I was basically led into a group of lads who were playing 'confuse the farang' - lots of laughing and joking around me in a very small room, one guy asking for 1000 baht for the massage - more than was on the original menu, but I could not remember exactly how much the original price was. As the chatter increased, I decided not to challenge them but paid up, plus 1200 for a tip for Ta. Maybe I will check it out again in another couple of years.
I think Suvarnabhumi opened first. It looks a lot more finished than Fan Club.

Strange experience! I have been there about 8 times over a few years, and never had anything but usual behaviours, both in and out of the rooms.
The mamasan (Bobby?) seems to try harder and be more genuine than many, in my experience.
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Old 1st July 2010, 12:19 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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[quote=sextile;677433 -
[COLOR="Blue"] ... .
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend has info'd. me that an acquaintance's friend visited SENSO MASSAGE recently; the acquaintance's friend's report of his apres massage experience was: 'I found J*s*s.!', or words to that effect - his masseur's name is Khun A.; ... .
... . [quote]

-- Latest news, from my E&AF's. acquaintance is that khun A has quit SENSO. and has moved to ARENA MASSAGE.*
- It was told to me that khun A prefers to work with a MORE liberal mngmnt.; allegedly SENSO expects its staff to attend daily, (apart from approved off days.), and mulcts its masseurs for late/non-arrrival

- addr.:Silom Plaza,
491/19-21, Si Lom rd.,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- tel.: (02)-635 3645.;
- BTS.: Chong Nonsi, (S3.),;
-- Recommended masseurs, (alpha. order.),: khun Nong, (ask for the smaller,round faced & darker skinned one, the other is taller, weedier & has chest hair.); Ya & Yoong, (NB.: these are all others' recommendations.)

-- E&OE. as reported speech. --
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Old 3rd July 2010, 12:21 AM
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-- Y'day., (02nd.), evening I went-to INDRA MASSAGE., (my local massage parlor.), - opp. TAWAN BAR on Soi Than Tawan.
- ETA.: before 21.hrs.;
- I chose my usual 90mins. & oil massage; cost was 800.Bh., on the pricey side, I thought;
- My allocated masseur was khun View, who has massaged me there before: 30YO. and beginning to shew his age with both face & body starting to fill-out; he's worked there for 6yrs. and speaks quite good English. I was their 4th. customer & khun View's first of the day;
- We went upstairs to room #5 wch. is divided from the next roon by 6ft. high & wooden partitions - a shared air-cond.; there was another customer in the next-door room. Std. massage table with an head-hole; room small but just large enought for masseur to work around the customer without being cramped. Clean bedding & towels etc.;
- Neither shirt nor trousers removed at beginning, but they came-off at the right time for our mutual pleasuring; he has a small & uncut appendage - even by Thai stds. - but I was satisfied;
- He did not join me for a post-massage shower;
- The actual massage etc. lasted just 80 mins.;
- Downstairs I was offered the trad. cup of hot & herbal tea while my Loyalty Card was signed-off, (10 massages qualify one for onexone hr's. free massage.
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Old 7th July 2010, 10:04 AM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by sextile;677433 -
-- Latest news, from my E&AF's. acquaintance is that khun A has quit SENSO. and has moved to ARENA MASSAGE.*
- It was told to me that khun A prefers to work with a MORE liberal mngmnt.; allegedly SENSO expects its staff to attend daily, (apart from approved off days.), and mulcts its masseurs for late/non-arrrival
Good to know that! A happens to be one of my favorites and he's the one who always spends a night or two with me each trip. I'll have to ask him more about the switch when I'm in Bangkok next.
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Old 9th July 2010, 09:06 PM
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-- My elderly & visiting farang friend visited PURE MASSAGE & SPA. y'day., (09th.), evening:
- loc'n.: Suriwong rd.; in same blk. of bldgs. as BAVANA & S'WONGSE.HTLS.; opp. to Soi Twilight; has a skin-nibbling fish-tk. o'side.;
- tel.: (02)-632 9180.;
- web: n/a.;
- hrs.: 12.-02.oo.hrs.;
- Menu: Foot:............. 40-60mins. - 200-250.oo.Bh.
--------Th. Trad. Msg.: 60mins. ---- 330.Bh.;
--------Oil msg.:......... 45-60mins. - 450.-550.Bh.

-- Good massage and fair enough apres massage svces. from a well-enough endowed young man;
- My farang forgot his masseur's name: possibly khun AE, AH or similar;
- He will return for MORE massages there.

-- The masseur complained to my friend that his previous customer - 60mins. TTM. - gave him only 100.Bh. as a TIP. - a SGPean.!

-- E&OE. as reported speech etc. etc..
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Old 10th July 2010, 05:27 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- My elderly & visiting farang friend visited PURE MASSAGE & SPA. y'day., (09th.), evening:
- loc'n.: Suriwong rd.; in same blk. of bldgs. as BAVANA & S'WONGSE.HTLS.; opp. to Soi Twilight; has a skin-nibbling fish-tk. o'side.;
- tel.: (02)-632 9180.;
- web: n/a.;
- hrs.: 12.-02.oo.hrs.;
- Menu: Foot:............. 40-60mins. - 200-250.oo.Bh.
--------Th. Trad. Msg.: 60mins. ---- 330.Bh.;
--------Oil msg.:......... 45-60mins. - 450.-550.Bh.

-- Good massage and fair enough apres massage svces. from a well-enough endowed young man;
- My farang forgot his masseur's name: possibly khun AE, AH or similar;
- He will return for MORE massages there.

-- The masseur complained to my friend that his previous customer - 60mins. TTM. - gave him only 100.Bh. as a TIP. - a SGPean.!

-- E&OE. as reported speech etc. etc..
I think 100B tip are quite normal if no EXTRA services are offered. I talked to the...very friendly.. manager of "Magic Hands" (Soi Ngam Dpuhlee..same street where Malyasia and Pinnacle are situated)about this issue and he told me he had Thai customers who did not tip at all.I had 3 very good massages there and my tips (200 no apres /500HJ) were more than welcome. BTW Still waiting for a report about this place from other cruisers.
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Old 13th July 2010, 12:18 AM
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Senso massage ...

-- Y'day., (12th.), a mature & visiting Aussie., (he visits about twice per annum and stays in the PAN-PACIFIC HTL., [Rama IV. rd.],), visited SENSO MASSAGE*, wch. he visits every time, during the late a'noon.;
- He reported that he was their only customer at that time;
- Eight masseurs avail. varying from a couple of stylish & twinkie-looking boyz to some well-muscled ones;
- He chose an avg. muscled masseur: good massage, (1hr. oil.), and fair enough 'Happy ending.';
- Mandated TIP. of 1,000.Bh.,(wch. he felt was quite enough.), was given, but no more.

-- E&OE. as reported speech.

- addr.: 5/8, Soi Saladaeng - off Si Lom rd.,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom;
- tel.: (02)-636 3535.;
- web: > SENSOMENCLUB :: Male Massage Bangkok <
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Old 21st July 2010, 08:02 PM
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-- Y'day., (21st.), in between my visits to THE MALL - BANG KAPI, (the filling in the sandwich, as it were.), I went to WHITE HOUSE MASSAGE, wch. I visited last many months ago - it does seem to have dropped-OFF the CFS. RADAR., doesn't it?
- Dir'ns.: vide supra this thread, posting #121., wch shews how this thread, like Topsy, has just growed!
- ETA.: 14.25.hrs.;
- Khun A - mngr. - is there still, but this time seemed to be a little pre-occupied to spare me - a customer - much att'n.;
- 90mins'. oil-massage before 17.oo.hrs. is still 500.Bh.; there is a 500.Bh. MINIMUM TIP. policy now;
- Just three masseurs on duty at that time, although MORE would arrive later on. Khun Bird no longer works there;
- I chose khun Kim, the one who brought me a glass of cool water & slippers: 25YO.; from BKK.; one of eight children; slightly built and with a pale/chinese looking skin color; learnt basics of massage from his physio-therapist parents; studying computer arts at R'haeng. Uni. and designed the tattoo on his left shoulder himself for prof. application.
- For other two masseurs: one was, I'd guestimate, well into his 30s+.; well muscled body and tattooed. The other looked somewhat insignificant;
- UPstairs to one of four massage-rooms: en suite shower etc. room; massage table did not have cut-out for one's head;
- Basically a good massage with use of fingers & thumbs and forearms, but the body-to-body massage was not so good; att'n. paid to those places upon wch. the sun ... ;
- Khun Kim did not join me in the shower either pre or post massage;
- Total time from entering to leaving the massage room was just 95mins..

-- I realize that it's all to easy to put-on one's rose-tinted glasses*, but I had the feeling that that place had lost its edge; however I could not put my finger on any precise detail(s);
- Possibly I'll return, but - unlike previously - am in no gt. hurry to do so.

--* 'Love is sweeter the second time around.' - or so the song would have us believe - but, unfortunately, I cannot write the same about my return visit.
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Old 21st July 2010, 08:13 PM
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-- A visiting acquaintance from OZ. - he worked here in BKK. for some five yrs. before ill-health forced his return - gave me some news of SABAI THAI MASSAGE. -
- addr.: 16/2, Si Lom rd.;
Suriyawong, Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- loc'n.: opp. to SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, next to BUG & BEE;
- BTS.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),;
- tel.: (02)-632 7579., 632 7799.;
- rate-card: rates comparable to other & similar parlors in that part of BKK.;

-- He enjoyed & recommended to me the massage svces. of khun Dee. He added that khun Dee might be available for private & OUT of hrs. svces.?

-- E&OE. as reported speech.
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