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Old 15th October 2010, 12:52 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by 12is12 View Post
Since I'm unfamiliar with the geography of gay sex in Bangkok, please guys - direct me to a street or close-knit area (walking distance between establishments) where I can pass the time liesurely between 12:00 and 21:00, perhaps hopping between hanky-panky bars and massage+ sessions and some kind of show or a place with spa/movies/restaurant, and restart the cycle.

Given the reputation of Bangkok and the collective experience in this forum, I'm hoping to come up with a 9 hours program.

Hope you find this an intellectual challenge. Thanks.
Oh boy, you sound desperate

Stay in the Saladaeng area. See map at Directions to Saladaeng and Convent.

You will find these within walking distance (assuming you are able to walk 500 - 1000m in tropical heat):

Reliable Erotic massage at:
1. Adonis; 2. Fan Club; 3. HE Massage

Adventures in massage at:
1. Sukothai (check out dirt and squalor)
2. Saladang (cute boys, doubt if they know anything about massage)
3. Angkor ("we not gay")
4. Senso (investigate how stratospheric their charges can get)
5. Bento (investigate how clueless they can get)

Foot massages at:
Any number of shops north side Silom near Saladaeng BTS station

Sauna/Steam at:
Sauna Mania (Soi Phiphat2 )
[For this one, you'll need to refer to another map: Directions to Chong Nongsi locality

Food and drink:
Any number of places around the corner of Convent and Silom Road (Starbucks, Au Bon Pain, Bua Restaurant for Thai food, pizza, etc), fast food along the north side of Silom Road (Pizza Hut, KFC, Burgerking, O'brien's Sandwiches) or gay cafes in Silom Soi 4 (Telephone Bar, Balcony, Sphinx)

Toilet sex:
Silom Complex Level 2.

Fresh air:
Lumphini Park.

Polluted air:
Stand beside Rama IV Road for 5 minutes.

Buy Sex DVD on north side of Silom Road after 6 p.m. T-shirts, fake brand watches and 100 other things which you actually have no use for. Books at Asia Bookstore in Thaniya Complex (Level 3, I think).

Surf the net:
Silom Net on south side of Silom Road; unnamed internet shop on Patpong 2.

Get a haircut:
Saladaeng Barber adjacent to Silom Net.

Change money when you run out of baht:
Any number of forex counters along Silom Road, north side.


That should keep you busy.
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Old 15th October 2010, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Oh yes, there's Style Sauna on Silom Soi 2/1 (or as Thai boys call it, "Soi two and a half"), occupying, I think the former premises of Andy's Man. I've never been in though.

Has anyone checked it out? Anything to report?
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Old 16th October 2010, 02:24 AM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Oh yes, there's Style Sauna on Silom Soi 2/1 (or as Thai boys call it, "Soi two and a half"), occupying, I think the former premises of Andy's Man.
... .

-- Go to SAUNA REPORT thread, posting #44. et seq.; but no recent reports.
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Old 16th October 2010, 03:59 AM
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Posts: 393

postings #1067 and 1072 above cover my recent experiences at X-Boys massage and "We not gay" Angkor
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Old 19th October 2010, 11:00 AM
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Busaba soi six massage parlor ...

-- flash! Flash!! FLASH!!!

-- BUSABA SOI SIX MASSAGE PARLOR is OPEN now for business;
- addr.: 132/13, Si Lom soi 6.,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- tel.: (02)-634 2977., (081)-811 4998.;
- web.: in progress;
- business/calling cards: not available yet;
- hrs.: 10.-02.oo..

-- Today, (19th.), I passed-by at approx. 21.20.hrs. and, on a whim, entered - to be greeted by the co-owner & manageress, Khun Jom, who speaks good English;
- Rates are the same as they were when in Tnn. Thaniya: I noted: 60 mins. & oil-massage at 500.Bh., but I was offered a 'Special.' discount of approx. 40%. to mark its opening;
- In speaking with Khun Jom I remarked that Si Lom 6. isn't on everyone's map and that she might have difficulties in attracting enough customers, especially as the longer estab'd. PRIME ON SIX is just around the corner. But she replied that it's better than being on Tnn. Thaniya, where the JP. are interested only in girls!

-- Y'day., (08th.), I walked-by at around 21.hrs., staff were o'side. distributing Discount & promo.-fliers.
-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. --
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Old 19th October 2010, 03:15 PM
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I beat you by 3 hours! But they only had one boy when I was there.
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Old 19th October 2010, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I beat you by 3 hours! But they only had one boy when I was there.

-- Ad victorem spolia.
- So only one worm for the early bird? Perhaps better to be the second mouse and to get the cheese?
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Old 21st October 2010, 01:41 AM
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Yet another massage-parlor on ...

-- As pawn-shops are to MNL. so massage-parlors seem to be to BKK!

-- Yet another massage-parlor in Soi Than Tawan - off Suriwong rd. - will be OPENING soon -

- add'r.: Soi Than Tawan, (off Suriwong rd.),
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- loc'n.: next door to TAWAN CLUB;
- tel.: (081)-755 6777.;
- OPENING: 01 nov..

-- So right now in Si Lom 6./Soi Than Tawan - a short distance of approx. 280.yds. - there are the flg. men's massage-parlors:
1. - BUSABA - v. recently OPENED;
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Old 21st October 2010, 07:36 AM
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Assuming this is NOT the same location?

Can someone clarify?
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Old 21st October 2010, 10:08 AM
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It's the same owner/name, but, as Sextile said above, "But she replied that it's better than being on Tnn. Thaniya, where the JP. are interested only in girls!", the location address of your reference is the old place (now closed) referred to as Tnn. Thaniya where mostly Japanese customers roam.

This is the new location opened this week...Silom, soi 6.

I passed it again around 6pmish tonight (having just spotted Sextile in the same area) and they had more than one boy on things are looking up.

Sextile mentioned three places for massage on this soi...and he is correct of course...subject to the expected opening of "calmax" (not Climax as mentioned above...I think, after studying the banner opposite Indra.).

But there is yet another place almost opposite Busaba, called Ben Ten, where one item they offer on their board outside is "testicle massage". When that place first opened a couple of years back, they had just one boy on offer. Now they have only girls. But the boy did drop his pants and perform to my high standards while never pausing the perfunctory massage. I never did try the testicle massage, but think Sextile should find out what it's about.
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Old 22nd October 2010, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... .
But there is yet another place almost opposite Busaba, called Ben Ten, where one item they offer on their board outside is "testicle massage". When that place first opened a couple of years back, they had just one boy on offer. Now they have only girls. But the boy did drop his pants and perform to my high standards while never pausing the perfunctory massage. I never did try the testicle massage, but think Sextile should find out what it's about.

-- Just between us girls the thought of having a masseuse working on my Family Jewels. would be a complete no! No!!
- There is an high class massage-parlor on Si Lom 3., (Soi Phipat, wch. runs alongside the BKK. Bank's Hd. Office.), that specialises in 'Manhood Massages.'; memory suggests that one is i'viewed. before any talk of massage to ensure that one is physically fit; also that it is not cheap.
- I'll scout-around and see if I can remember its name & anyother pertinent data.
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Old 22nd October 2010, 03:26 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Just between us girls the thought of having a masseuse working on my Family Jewels. would be a complete no! No!!
- There is an high class massage-parlor on Si Lom 3., (Soi Phipat, wch. runs alongside the BKK. Bank's Hd. Office.), that specialises in 'Manhood Massages.'; memory suggests that one is i'viewed. before any talk of massage to ensure that one is physically fit; also that it is not cheap.
- I'll scout-around and see if I can remember its name & anyother pertinent data.
Sextile, might you be speaking about the establishment mentioned in my Post # 1105

The following is taken from their website:

The Tantric massage will make you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether.

Tantric massage is basically just a massage. However it was created from the belief that if you are sexually happy and relaxed then your health will benefit. The Hindus describe Tantra as achieving personal growth through pleasurable existence. The massage itself does not tend to cause orgasms, but these are described as a bonus rather than the aim. Although Tantric massage does not involve actual penetrative sex, it does involve full on touching of the organs. For this reason you will not find it offered in ordinary spa.

Not all customers will be able to have Tantric Massage, so we you will need to consult with our therapist first. After that, we will begin by having you recline on your back with pillows under your head , your legs will be slightly apart, your knees just a little bent. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, toes, chest, nipples and fingers are then gently massaged with warm aromatic oil. Nothing will escape attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity increases.

According to Tantric ideals, your entire body will be massaged, including those particularly sensitive areas. Perceptions of sensuality and lust are located here, but these "intimate" areas are an important source of joy in life. You will feel relaxed, yet wide awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation which will give you a feeling of comfort and sense of well-being.

Limited availabilty at Spa Bangkok. Due to our spa etiquette and proper treatment, the treatment will be provided by male therapist
I found particularly amusing their statement that "although Tantric massage does not involve actual penetrative sex, it does involve full on touching of the organs. For this reason you will not find it offered in ordinary spa" (emphasis added)

In my experience, "full on touching of the organs" is rather de rigeur in most massage establishments in Bangkok.
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Old 22nd October 2010, 08:15 AM
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might you be speaking about the establishment mentioned in my Post # 1105

-- Indeed I might.

-15/11, Anarak Bldg.,
Si Lom 3., (Soi Phipat.),.
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- tel.: (02)-238 1850..
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Old 24th October 2010, 01:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
offer on their board outside is "testicle massage".
I like oral testicle massage -- but I have only done this in the course of regular sex ! I don't think I'd enjoy is done with hands (which is probably how it's done in massage places).
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Old 24th October 2010, 11:47 AM
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Sor Superman massage

Any ideas how I can find this place?
Welcome to Sor Superman ,MAN FOR MEN ¹Ç´¹éÓÁѹ,¹Ç´ä·Â,ªÒ¹ǴªÒÂ

I know it's at Bangpai on Budamonthon 3 somewhere. I SMSd the 08 number but not delvered. I didn't try the 02 Thai is not good! I am not sure if the address is complete enough to make it worth going there. The boys look good enough to make it worth it though.

I found this address after searching some more:
sor superman, 98/42 Moo 4, Bangpai, Bangkae, Bangkok 10160, Thailand.

Any suggestions?
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