Hi, I'm a newbie, and went to my first boy bar last night. I'm sure these questions have been asked before, but, would appreciate any kind assistance.
I went to Future Boys tonight. I noticed a kind of hierarchy and I would like to understand better and prevent any embarrassment in the future. (Like a white guy in a go go bar in Bangkok has ever done that before) Anyway, there were some guys in colored shirts that seated and greeted and rung up the bill at the end. There were guys in dark shirts with numbers who'd sit around and make nice, had a nice neck rub from one of them! And there were the boys/entertainers. Now the guys in dark shirts and boys all had numbers. Are they ALL available? To be honest, those guys were far better looking to me than the go go boys. Who gets tipped and how much? I assume the dark shirt guys can also tell you which of the boys like to perform from the top or bottom and/or what they will or won't do? And lastly, is there a standard of sorts to offer the guys you like for fun? Sorry to sound like a moron here, but at the tender age of half a century, I've never been to a bar like this before. Thank you very much in advance for any help you can offer.
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"Now the guys in dark shirts and boys all had numbers. Are they ALL available? To be honest, those guys were far better looking to me than the go go boys."
I also think they are better looking. All should be offable however mostly likely 100% straight and don't do anything. Probably will cost u more to off, ie 500 bahts vs. 300 for the stage boys.
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But to the OP questions. In most bars virtually everyone is offable. Either engage them in conversation on your own or ask the mamasan or one of the waiters to send the one your interested in over. Unless he's a visiting telephone repairman, no one will be bothered by your request and the telephone repairman might be up for something too. You can tell the guy what you want to do with him (to him?) and see what kind of response you get. Or you can ask the Mamasan before hand. Neither is guaranteed to be wholly reliable but often it's helpful. Usually you buy the guy a drink (he gets a little kick-back on that) and you sit for a bit & chat, which will also help you to decide if he's the one you want to off. If it becomes apparent it's not going to work, give him B200 and say thanks and move on. Assuming you decide to off him, tell him. He'll go to get changed. The waiter will add the off fee to your bill and you settle up. If he's not a dancer, the off fee will be a little more. It's nice to tip the Mamasan a little something if he helped you and a small tip for the waiter. You can go back to your hotel and later, when you part company, you tip the boy. In Bangkok the minimum (always a debate between the Scrooges and those with jai dee mak mak) is around B1500. If he's been especially good and/or he's still around for breakfast in the morning, the tip should rise to loftier planes. Probably the biggest hurdle facing newbies is the worry about looking/sounding foolish or reluctance about being explicit in what you want. They've heard it all before and it's far better for you if you are as clear as possible about what you want. If they guy's English is limited, sort it out with the mamasan before you leave the bar. These guys are not mind readers and what you want/expect could be entirely different from the guy who offed them last time and a whole lot different from what they'd want if the roles were reversed, so be explicit. Most guys I've offed have been happy to oblige and if you hit it off, things will probably improve with repeated offs as you get to understand each other a little better. Chok dee!
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-- As I u'stand. these matters there are three types whom one may off -
1.- The R&F. a go-go boyz on the stage, who are identified by the number shewn on their briefs. - NB.: in TH. it's considered extremely rude to point at someone with one's finger or foot- hence the number. One asks one of the waiters or Bar Capt'n. for 'Boi number so-and-so.', who will be brought-over to join you for a drink, social chat and whatever else! ![]() - The off-fee for an R&F. boi is gen'lly. 300-400.Bh.. 2.- Ordinary waiters who serve you drinks. - Their off-fee is MORE expensive than ordinary R&F. boyz. 3.- Bar Captains, who generally look and try to act superior to the ordinary waiters; quite often they'll be the ones wearing jackets, or will sit with you making small talk, massaging your neck and so on; trying to sweet-talk and to soften you up for taking-out a boi or two. - Again their off-fee will be MORE expensive than for an ordinary waiter. -- There's no need to be embarrassed in talking-about your needs/requirements to a Bar Capt'n. or MamaSan - they've heard it all before and probably a lot MORE than you'd imagine in your wildest and most uninhibited moments! ![]() - Contrary to many another respondent in CFS. > TH. before leaving I try to obtain agreement on svces. offered and provided and a rough expectation of payment - back in the hotel it may be too late! ![]() -- Just go ahead and enjoy! -- Bibi.. --
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I've never had a boy act reluctant before hand or disappointed afterwards. If things work out well, I usually make an explicit offer for future encounters since I do agree that the guy's pay shouldn't always be left to my mood of the moment. And, the few who have repeatedly put in award winning performances are presented with a long-term contract of sorts. In the first encounter there is definitely an element of trust involved. I think maybe the guys can "read" who is going to be a penny-pincher and who will be reasonably generous, just as many of us can predict who will be good for us and who will not make the evening one to remember fondly. Not always accurate on either side, but fairly good percentages. I have noticed that certain posters repeatedly complain about boys "demanding" a certain amount either before or after an off or massage, or grumbling when cash is tendered. Never experienced anything like that myself. It has to be something other than random luck that makes for the different experiences.
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