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Old 21st August 2012, 06:32 PM
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Red face

Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
It's still sometimes used for inanimate and abstract things like restaurants, hotels, art, music, etc. But no longer to refer to people, at least in the US.

The preferred term now is simply "Asian".
Agree that 'oriental' is a quaint out of date term not used with reference to people.

Having lived in both Oz &NZ for decades it would probably not be PC to talk about someone to there face or in front of them as Asian. And if you said 'my friend here is from Asia' why would you state the bleeding obvious. You would be more likely to state exactly where they are from if it was appropriate and it seems to matter less and less in Oz. My doctor is Cantonese, dentist a Vietnamese, optician a Mainlander! (Now there's a pejorative term here in HK!)
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Old 21st August 2012, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by KhunTST View Post
Agree that 'oriental' is a quaint out of date term not used with reference to people.
... .
-- For argument's sake let's write that after being in LONDON and having ret'd. hither I was writing-about my experiences there, and so on and so forth;
- Let's write that I visited 'THE QUEBEC.' pub. in Old Quebec st., (nick-named 'The Elephants' Grave-yard.'), - possibly known to some of you? - and recounted some of my times therein. Reportedly it is popular with younger men from o'seas. - especially from east of Suez - looking for 'Sugar Daddies.' and suchlike;
- Now, to me, there is a distinction between Asians - people who hail mainly from the Indian sub-continent - and those who come-from farther East. Would I not be correct in calling the latter Orientals, as a catch-all word?
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Old 22nd August 2012, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- For argument's sake let's write that after being in LONDON and having ret'd. hither I was writing-about my experiences there, and so on and so forth;
- Let's write that I visited 'THE QUEBEC.' pub. in Old Quebec st., (nick-named 'The Elephants' Grave-yard.'), - possibly known to some of you? - and recounted some of my times therein. Reportedly it is popular with younger men from o'seas. - especially from east of Suez - looking for 'Sugar Daddies.' and suchlike;
- Now, to me, there is a distinction between Asians - people who hail mainly from the Indian sub-continent - and those who come-from farther East. Would I not be correct in calling the latter Orientals, as a catch-all word?
Would not "South Asian", "East Asian", and "Southeast Asian" also serve your purpose, without the possibility of possibly offending with the term "Oriental"? You would definitely soon be out of favor using the term to refer to anyone who might have grown up and/or been schooled in North America. You could even end up with a bottle broken over your head.
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Old 3rd September 2012, 05:18 AM
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re sauna; still lists Hercules-so fair chance its open+working. The link to site does not work anymore.
New kid; UD, also linked on gthai-but no adress given. Anyone knows more? it says its open already, and has men and is hot.
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Old 4th September 2012, 12:32 AM
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Ud sauna ...

Originally Posted by pong View Post
re sauna;
... .
New kid; UD, also linked on gthai-but no adress given. Anyone knows more? it says its open already, and has men and is hot.

-- Y'day., 03 sep., I spent a few mins. reading its web-page and chasing-around search-engine Google! - all too little avail.
- However:
1.- Address - not found;
2.- Loc'n.: - not found;
3.- Cell-'phone: (081)-792 8555. & (086)-006 5565.;
4.- Business hrs.: 15.-24.oo.hrs.;
5.- Adm'n.: not found.

-- Source: > : :UD Sauna : : ซาวน่าของชาวเราแห่งแรก แห่งเดียวในจังหวัดอุดร :: <

-- Posibly those who are fluent on cell-'phones. would be good enough to give UD. SAUNA a bell, and then to share any useful info. obtained?

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Old 4th September 2012, 05:38 AM
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The website says (in Thai) that the place is located in Udorn Thani City on Posri Road, Scross from McDonalds, caddy corner from UD Tower, next to Nong Bua Market.

I called the number and they confirmed that they are in business.
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Old 4th September 2012, 07:29 AM
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Hercules sauna ...

Originally Posted by pong View Post
re sauna; still lists Hercules-so fair chance its open+working. The link to site does not work anymore.
... .

-- Well - that's as maybe; depends upon how up-to-date > [url][/url] < might be?
- Y'day. evening, while seeking info. re UD. SAUNA - Icon, thanks for yr. reply - I came-across a web-site that was advertising CITY OF ANGELS SAUNA, still in its SILOM CENTRE address!
- So, possibly, either a 'phone.-call or a visit to make sure is necessary for 100%. accuracy?
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Old 22nd September 2012, 01:49 AM
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Had an interesting time at Heaven last night. Since last there upgrading has continued. The sauna area has been relined inside and out with new cedar.

In the dark areas there is an additional entrance to dark maze....

Believe it or not they have fixed the sliding door to the steam room so it closes completely all by itself!! instead of leaving an infernal gap. It is starting to look very smart.

Lots of guys and lots of noisy action... slurping, rhythmic rockin' etc.
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Old 22nd September 2012, 04:05 PM
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The problem I find is that a number of SE Asian guys don't know the term and refer to themselves as "South Asian" which is supposedly the term for those from the sub-continent or, as those of us less PC call them, "Indians". Given the contempt the Thais have for the Lao for example (an ex-boyfriend from Isaan objected loud and long to be called "ethnically Lao" even though he spoke the Isaan dialect of Lao at home) I am careful of how I refer to "SE Asians". And there seem to be a lot of Thai guys on the "meet for a fuck" Web sites who are very careful to refer to themselves as "Thai-Chinese" rather than just "Thai".
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Old 20th October 2012, 05:57 AM
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and to finsh it off
that new GAYA in far away bang Khen is 1 year and celebrates with FREE entry -between 15-17 hrs, untill 31/10. (ad in Thai mag DESIRE). Permanent coupon for 2 for 1 entry.
Chakran advertsies with stunning MODEL shows on sats.
M-club in faraway Nonthburi (except for our dear edtior, if I understand well) comes up to 2 yrs-big party on 3/11.
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Old 20th October 2012, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by TouristBangkok View Post
The problem I find is that a number of SE Asian guys don't know the term and refer to themselves as "South Asian" which is supposedly the term for those from the sub-continent or, as those of us less PC call them, "Indians". Given the contempt the Thais have for the Lao for example (an ex-boyfriend from Isaan objected loud and long to be called "ethnically Lao" even though he spoke the Isaan dialect of Lao at home) I am careful of how I refer to "SE Asians". And there seem to be a lot of Thai guys on the "meet for a fuck" Web sites who are very careful to refer to themselves as "Thai-Chinese" rather than just "Thai".
Another example of a community's own internal prejudices, I think - Thai-Chinese are probably perceived as being "of a better" social/economic class perhaps.

This kind of discrimination happens everywhere across the globe.
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Old 25th October 2012, 07:45 AM
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GAYA SAUNA - R'othin. ...

... that new GAYA in far away bang Khen is 1 year and celebrates with FREE entry -between 15-17 hrs, untill 31/10. (ad in Thai mag DESIRE). Permanent coupon for 2 for 1 entry.
... .

-- GAYA SAUNA - Ratchaothin is really not too far away - even for the Silom-centric visitor - being reached without too much difficulty by MRT. to Phahol Yothin stn. -
- Thence one may go by 'bus., m/c. taxi., tuk-tuk, taxi-cab. or even on foot. My copy of the BANGKOK BUS GUIDE - ISBN.: 9-786169 018926 - shews the flg. OUTbound 'buses. passing by the door: 24*., 26., 34., 39*., 59., 63*., 104*., 107*., 126., 129*., 177., 178., 185., 188., 206., 503*., 513., 524*., 528., 543. & 545*., (As opposed to trusting to a map asterisked 'buses*. were actually seen by me going OUTbound while I stood outside the sauna observing the gen'l. scene.),;
- For those who like to walk here are dirn's. from MRT. PY. -
1.- Go OUT via Exit 3.;
2.- Walk along PY. rd. with the OUTbound road-traffic, passing CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE, (LHS.), and TESCO-LOTUS, (RHS.),;
3.- Continue walking OUT until you come to soi 37., (after approx. 35mins.),;
4.- Walk on for a farther 75yds. - past a row of shops, ([B]LHS.[/b]), that ends with a DTAC. store;
5.- Immediately past the DTAC. store is a covered passage way, with a GAYA SAUNA sign suspended from the o'head, turn LEFT, walk a few yds. along the covered passage and you'll see the sauna's door to your RIGHT - and there you are!
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Old 25th October 2012, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- GAYA SAUNA - Ratchaothin is really not too far away - even for the Silom-centric visitor - being reached without too much difficulty by ......
for many of the "Silom-centric" visitors getting the escalator from the first floor to the second floor in the newly renovated Silom Complex is "too far" when cruising for sex!

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Old 25th October 2012, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by bkkguy View Post
for many of the "Silom-centric" visitors getting the escalator from the first floor to the second floor in the newly renovated Silom Complex is "too far" when cruising for sex!

...which is just fine by me!
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Old 25th October 2012, 07:47 PM
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I want to go but what is the sauna like? busy? Has anyone been there before? Pls tell!
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