Thanks for the info and guidance.
Re Sextile's slightly impatient post: as a newbie I've read innumberable posts about how quickly the scene changes. I therefore thought the 2006 post might not be updated. In any case, I persume all newbies would be greatful if all you experienced guys would bear with our basic questions. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand all the codes and slangs you use. BTW, what does "sticky" mean? Is that a term for a local Thai? |
However, when oriental guys are only interested in other asian guys, we say they are "sticky rice" :) I am a "rice queen" (white gay who likes asians, ) while an asian who likes whites (farang) would be a "potato queen". Mixed couples are "rice and potato" etc etc 39 has heaps of great looking thai (and other asians ) but sadly as they are pretty well exclusively "sticky rice" its usually a case of "look but dont touch" if you go there. |
-- As a matter of interest for MORE up-to-date postings I scrolled-through this thread: SAUNA REPORT in approx. 15 mins. seeking-out those reports making mention of 39 U'GD.SAUNA.; - Posting numbers & dates are - 07. ----- 03 aug '09.; 09. ----- 09 aug '09.; 16. ----- 07 jan '10.; 17. ----- 18 jan '10.; 19. ----- 19 jan '10.; 21. ----- 19 jan '10.; 22. ----- 19 jan '10.; 49. ----- 26 aug '10.; 63. ----- 16 oct '10.. -- Not too difficult and not too time-consuming really, even for a TOF. such as myself: :rolleyes: -- Agreed that my earlier ref. back to the Archives of 2006 is going-back a bit far - and as you write the scene can & does change quickly - but that was to suggest that you do some MORE up-to-date checking-around of yr. own - it's called 'Homework.'. -- As an aside, a possibly helpful web-site to wch. my att'n. has been drawn is: > < |
FAROSE I SAUNA - Pradiphat ...
-- Today, (19th.), a'noon. I chanced to meet one of my 'Talking Boyz.' - tall & well-built in most aspects, and fetchingly dressed in a pink & white hooped vest over tightish & pink trousers, (just 2,200.Bh. in SIAM P'GON.), that shewed-off his sweet & little arse to such effect that my chang noi ... - in CENTRAL-SCSP., (BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2.],), and who was pleasuring orally another Thai man in an hawng nahm, tsk! Tsk!! -- He was seeking funds so that he could visit FAROSE I SAUNA. - - addr.: 108/3, Pradiphat soi 19., Saphan Kwai; - loc'n.: Vide the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine., #98., map shewing the PHAHONYATHIN-LADPHRAO-R'HAEM. area; - BTS.: Saphan Kwai, (N7.),; - tel.: (02)-618 4505.. - He suggested that I ought to visit and promised that I would have a v. enjoyable time there should I so choose: ;-) -- A recent rpt. in > < noted the flg. points: 1. - adm'n.: 150.Bh.; 2. - OPEN until 06.hrs. daily, (but no mention of its OPENING time.),; 3. - one free Condom provided, but no lube. |
What that place should be providing is two condoms: one for each foot. You could catch something serious from their seriously filthy floors...
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I was at Farose 2 recently, and although it was filthy, I had a great time. I had about five mouths (and one ass) on my cock within about an hour. Good fun, and not particularly "sticky" based on my experience -- even though I was at least twice the average age and weight and I don't usually take attention for granted.
-- Maybe our esteemed Moderator, for whom no-one has an higher regard than me, will audition for and obtain the part of Cinderella in this year's panto.: ;) - My feet are UK.10. & wide fitting, (equiv. to an US.11E., I believe?), and I was unable to get a std. & 52mm. Condom* onto one of them without it splitting. --* SAX BABYLON condom. |
Can one go to Farose 2 quickly now by taking the Ariport Link? Should one get off at the Ramkamheng station and then take a taxi to Soi 21?
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