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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Magnificent ?? Obsession

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Old 14th August 2009, 04:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 56
Magnificent ?? Obsession

Obviously those amongst us who visit Thailand for relatively short amounts of time, maybe once a year or even less often, do devote a considerable amount of their time here to the bars, massage venues, saunas, etc. Once you’ve returned home it’s enjoyable to relive some of your experiences by composing reports of where you went and what you experienced and sharing them with everyone.

On the other hand, for those of us who are permanently resident here, I wonder how much of one’s’ time is spent going to gogo bars, getting massages, standing at mall urinals, crawling through the bushes at Lumpini and otherwise filling the hours with activities that are to some degree sex-related … and then feverishly reporting it.

I sometimes think I spend too much time in these pursuits, but basically I hit Bangkok for a day about once a month and occasionally visit a bar to off a boy in Pattaya or get a massage. The latter seems to run in cycles. I may do several bars in one week ( or at least call several boys in one week for a home visit) and then go a month or even several months without bothering. One factor for me is that I do have a long-term friend who stays with me for a week or two at a time, but we never go to gogo bars or such. I’m fairly certain he would think I had gone round the bend if I ever suggested it.

There seem to be a few people here who apparently do little else other than visit every possible gogo bar, cruising spot or massage venue in Bangkok, Pattaya and lesser locales and dutifully report every possible detail including latitude and longitude. I’m sure we all appreciate the effort made and I like to run through the bar & massage reports before my monthly trip to the Big Mango, but do any of you ever feel it’s taking up a disproportionate amount of your lives?

Those of you who live here full-time, how much of your life is given over to the bars etc? Are you comfortable with that or could your life be becoming a little too narrowly focused?
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