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Old 2nd September 2009, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 23
Babylon downhill

I have been visiting Babylon for a number of years. During the last few visits though, it seems a different place. Restaurant downstairs is closed (for renovation, they say). And one sauna plus steam room closed, and several cruising areas closed. It is probably due to the economic downturn.

What follows is a reduced number of visitors - very few during the weekdays. And, I don't mind older guys, but last time it seemed the majority was of the grandfather generation.

Perhaps things will change when the economy picks up?
Or, not..
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Old 2nd September 2009, 08:09 AM
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Dont get this kind of remarks. Not a top fan of BBL but ;

Restaurant downstairs is closed (for renovation, they say)

They not only say but u can see the painters doing the ceiling and airco men putting up new machines!

And one sauna plus steam room closed,

Yes one is closed at 5pm and the other is opened . Always has been like this.

What follows is a reduced number of visitors - very few during the weekdays. And, I don't mind older guys, but last time it seemed the majority was of the grandfather generation.

Really? It was packed when I went there last week- yes grandpa's but also twinks and imports from korea, hkg and japan. and tons of hard thai bodie's
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Old 2nd September 2009, 11:14 PM
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Posts: 64

It's been a long time since the international sauna has been a senior's haunt.Some,no doubt,but don't forget this is a legitimate taste type too.Check the popularity of Silver Daddies site and once you reach this age you'll find your market (sorry) is smaller but life remains busy.Even away from money boy territory.

After November the young circuit crowd arrive and if last years Babylon anniversary is an indication the over-45's are less represented.

Renovations are always slow there.The smaller coffee shop seemed to be finished on a lay by scheme.
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Old 14th September 2009, 12:34 AM
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-- After a long absence I went to BABYLON SAUNA y'day., (13th.),.
- ETA.: approx. 15.15.hrs..
- Adm'n.: 260.Bh..
- I arr'd. just before a small coachload of Ch. visitors - most of them middle-aged & plumpish looking.
- I'd judge that most of the younger Thais arr'd. after 17.oo.hrs..
- The main & GF. restaurant is CLOSED still; from looking-in it seems as though most of the internal painting has been completed, but still quite an amount to be done before re-opening.
- The Sound Shaft was OPEN, v. few customers therein, but the maze was CLOSED.
- There was no IN-house e'tainemnt. in the Inner Courtyard by dancers, musicians, singers etc..
- I thought that possibly some prices in the upstairs' rest't. have been INCREASED? Coffee is now 60.Bh. a cup and a glass of IN-House wine is 130.Bh..

-- WEF. 01 nov. there will be revised hours of business: 10.30.-22.30.hrs., with a possible staying OPEN later on high days & holidays?
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Old 13th October 2009, 06:27 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 97

I have just stayed at Babylon again and I think it is really good value overall. The restaurant downstairs has re-opened but the same tired old menu is still on offer. Had a massage again and it was excellent, just like last time. Don't believe that 'no sex' policy during massage. It is part of the routine even though the masseurs make it look like they are doing you a favour - always checking over their shoulder to see if anyone is watching.

This time I stayed in Room 1001 - a garden suite - which at 4000 baht per night all inclusive is the best choice there. It is located in the gardens adjacent to Babylon and is actually two adjoining bedrooms upstairs in a self contained flat called Flat B with its own living room, kitchen, and private garden terrace all of which are shared with two other bed rooms 1002 and 1003.
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Old 13th October 2009, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by trentaus View Post
... . The restaurant downstairs has re-opened but the same tired old menu is still on offer.

-- BABYLON's management claims that it listens to its customers' suggestions - as the forthcoming change in opening hours would have us believe.
- There is, or used to be, a Suggestions' Box to ones' LEFT on going-OUT; maybe if enough patrons suggested that the menu should be changed to reflect the refurbishments in the GF. rest't. the mngmnt. might take notice in time for the new Visitors' Season?
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Old 18th October 2010, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... .
-- WEF. 01 nov. there will be revised hours of business: 10.30.-22.30.hrs., with a possible staying OPEN later on high days & holidays?

-- The a/m. is from scrolling-back and is from posting #4. in this thread about BABYLON SAUNA.;
- tel.: (02)-679 7984.;
- web: > Babylon Sauna Bed & Breakfast <

-- NB.: The freebie & monthly MAX Magazine., #98., shews B'LON's. business hrs. as;
- But > < gives the hrs. as 10.30.-22.30.hrs..
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Old 5th August 2010, 05:55 PM
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Babylon Post-crackdown

How's the Babylon after the crackdown? Are the Isaan hunks back?
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Old 7th August 2010, 11:11 PM
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Farang-friendly & sleaze-type saunas ...?

-- A farang's friend, he would be mid-50s.+ I suppose and of a certain life-style, from the USofA., visited BKK. recently and for just a few days - BABYLON SAUNA. was the only sauna visited.
- Later the friend enquired after a farang-friendly sauna that is sleazy? There should be clean towels, HOT water and suchlike available, of course, for good pers. hygiene; but as for the rest ... . I was unable to offer any suggestions based-upon my pers. experience. Do such places exist here in BKK.?
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Old 8th August 2010, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- A farang's friend, he would be mid-50s.+ I suppose and of a certain life-style, from the USofA., visited BKK. recently and for just a few days - BABYLON SAUNA. was the only sauna visited.
- Later the friend enquired after a farang-friendly sauna that is sleazy? There should be clean towels, HOT water and suchlike available, of course, for good pers. hygiene; but as for the rest ... . I was unable to offer any suggestions based-upon my pers. experience. Do such places exist here in BKK.?
I'd say the one floor in Sauna Mania is sleazy--but I'm not sure if this place is farang-friendly (but it's probably closer to farang-friendly than almost any sauna other than Babylon). A few farangs do show up there--it's not all Thai. Farose 2 is also sleazy (especially the one floor with dirty rooms and dirty floor)--and it draws a huge Thai crowd on Sat. nights--but again, I don't think it's that farang-friendly.
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Old 9th August 2010, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
I'd say the one floor in Sauna Mania is sleazy - ... . A few farangs do show up there--it's not all Thai.
Farose 2 is also sleazy, (especially the one floor with dirty rooms and dirty floor), - and it draws a huge Thai crowd on Sat. nights - but again, I don't think it's that farang-friendly.

-- Thanks; confirmed my own suspicions.
- It's a long time since I visited SAUNA MANIA.*, my only score there was with a visiting SGPean..
- As for FAROSE 2.** I cannot write at first hand - but others' reports agree generally with what you've written.
- Candidly I cannot see my farang friend's friend scoring in either place; but then ... ?

- addr.: 35/2, Soi Phipat 2 - Convent rd.,
Khet Bang Rak;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom;
- tel.: (02)-636 8129.;
-- On my last visit there was a Naked Zone on one of the floors and after 19.30.hrs.?

--** FAROSE 2.,
- addr.: Ramkahaeng 21. - sub-soi Nuandi 2.,
Khet Wang Thong Lang.;
-- Soi 21. is between MAJ. C'PLEX. & BIG C.;
- tel.: (02)-319 4054..

-- E&OE., corr'ns. welcomed --
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Old 9th August 2010, 01:13 AM
Join Date: May 2002
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a few years ago (2 or 3?) I went to farose 2. Talk about grimy/grimey. That said, there were scores of guys. All squashed into the top naked area. I scored simply because there was no room to move and guys could not aviod each other. I do fantasize about going back on my next visit. Thai Thai really. I think the best way for coupling in the saunas other than Babylon is to work slowly with conversation, smiles etc before the hard word.
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Old 27th November 2010, 08:51 AM
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Not a pretty picture...which is exactly why I never go there.
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Old 27th November 2010, 09:05 AM
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Might be interesting to see what you say when you hit 60.
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Old 27th November 2010, 09:14 AM
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It might be more interesting then. For now, though, there's no place I'd less rather be than somewhere full of elderly farangs in towels.
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