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-   Southeast Asia (
-   -   PATTAYA please (

JupiterJake 29th June 2010 06:41 PM

We had several boys swarming at Good Boys but that was entirely our fault after having had five of them jerk off and cum for us right there in the bar. Others wanted to get in on the act as well. Quite understandable. Those that we did not fancy we just smiled at and then ignored. They were good sports.

sextile 30th June 2010 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 677805)
I find the approaches in Happy Bar are fun and usually only 1 or 2 boys at a time (which I enjoy more than the bars were the boys seem to be forbidden to approach.) I was in Happy last week and once I chose 1 boy to buy a drink, the others melted away. ... .

-- I visited that particular bar twice during my most recent visit of this last long week-end and was not 'swarmed' - whereas in TOM YUM I was - thank goodness.
In general I've found most of their boyz to be both pleasant & polite and have not suffered any bad experiences to date; it's one of my prefered bars in PATTAYA. :)

sextile 30th June 2010 01:40 AM

-- During the evening of the 27th., and at my suggestion having read some of the postings, our gp. went-to X-BOYS to see its 22.30.hrs. performance.
- ETA.: 22.15.hrs.; approx. six or so other farangs there;
-Once seated we saw notices for its perfs. at 22.30., 23.30. & 00.45.hrs.; the 23.30.hrs. show is billed as a 'Sexy Show.';
- Drinks at;
- Maybe about a dozen or so R&F. boyz on parade - pretty much the usual run-of-the-mill types; I saw but one whom I fancied.

-- Hse lts. dimmed at approx. 22.30.hrs.;
- 1st. act: Big Cock Show with about a dozen boyz all wearing brief briefs. Most kept their cocks inside their briefs, so we voyeurs had to be content with just gaping & gasping at the outlines. However, for the final walk-around the stage most pulled-down their briefs; we all reckoned that it was the smallest boi who had the biggest cock - but possibly bodily size made it look larger?
- 2nd. act: Drum Show, for wch. several boys beat an African-style drum using their erect cocks.
- 3rd. act: Shower scene;
- 4th. act: Two prs. who did ground work only - no swinging from the chandeliers! Interestingly enough one of the Bottoms was the boi with the smallest body in the BCS.. They made a tour of the spectators and then concluded on stage.
- Hse. lts. were sw. on at approx. 23.05.hrs.;
- Afterwards, and clothed once again, another tour was made of the viewers.
- We sensed no-one smoking ciggies.!
- Music was too loud - but that's Par-For-The-Course in many such places.

-- I was given to u'stand. that that was indeed a 'No holds barred.' show by the usual PATTAYA stds.; thoughts were expressed as to how long it would be allowed to continue as such?

sextile 30th June 2010 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 677713)
... . The weather is absolutely perfect here. Not a drop of rain all week and unusually low humidity. No need for aircon during the day as a balmy breeze sweeps in from Jomtien Bay. ... . Enjoy !

-- Agreed about the weather; after the heat & airlessness of BKK. the four days on DONGTAN BEACH were most pleasant; while not a blazing sun it was warm enough and the sea-breeze took-off any excess heat.
- Not all that may beach-goers: for example on sun., (27th.), a'noon.; in the concession in wch. I sit, and wch. has some 150 or so chairs, possibly 50-60 were occupied.
- Chatting with 18YO. khun Nat* who runs that particular concession, (its beach umbrellas are blue with red & white flaps.), - its roughly to the seaward of the AVALON HTL. - and who has 3 or 4 others assisting, on monday he made just 80.Bh. in TIPS., wch. makes my enthusiastic & American friend & I wonder what he'll do and how he'll survive should the concession's owner decide that he's too old, or whatever, to continue working there?
- Plenty of boyz selling DVDs. of various types, (six for just 500.Bh.), masseurs & pedicuristes in plenty, not so many selling doughnuts, fresh fruits & ice-creams.
- We noticed that the concession to our RIGHT, (blue umbrellas with red & yellow flaps.), seems to be the center for Twinkie-boys, presumably from various bars, and their maturer admirers - of wch. there appear to be plenty!

--* NB.: Khun Nat is straight but v. u'standing., so one can laugh & joke with him about various topics quite openly. Most days he's 'assisted.' by khun Om who's as camp as the proverbial row of pink tents & then some MORE.

sextile 30th June 2010 05:40 AM

-- On moday, (28th.), evening I went to HAPPY BOYS.;
- ETA.: 21.oo.hrs. or thereabouts;
- Drinks: 120.Bh.;
- Maybe another farang or two there, as well?
- Boi #1., whom I hoped to meet, (having seen him go off with some other farang on my previous visit :( ), just happened to be dancing and displaying his sweet little arse at the table at wch. I sat down.
- Of course he joined me for the usual & intro. drink before telling me a little about himself: khun Em; just happened to be celebrating his Twenty-first that very evening; hails from I-San; speaks adequate enough English for basic conversations.
- Well, it wasn't long before, and at his suggestion, we went upstairs.
- His slitted shorts were off quicker than one could say 'Jack. Robinson.' and my clothes followed suit.
- His uncut cock is of avg. size and makes an adequate enough smoke, for wch. he was rewarded with the usual TIP. PLUS a little extra for his b'day..

-- Afterwards I went to TOM YUM;
- Drinks at their usual Sunnee Plaza price;
- Just one other farang present who left soon after my arrival;
- Some score of mostly young & twinkie boyz present with a mere handful on stage and the rest lounging-about on the seating; some half-a-dozen or so pleasuring themselves - nothing noteworthy to be seen amongst them.
- An older boi sat on the edge of the stage facing me and shewed me what he has - probably the best developed of those present? However, when I arose to leave he demanded that I give him 20.Bh. for displaying himself to me, wch., had he been MORE civil, I'd have been happy to oblige. The katoey who served me made sure to remind me to give her a TIP., too; something that I would usually do as a matter of course.

biggles69 30th June 2010 09:43 PM

Just a warning on the DVD's offered at 100bht each. The sex DVD's are mass copied and of reasonably quality unless you have 42" screens when they need to be viewed from distance. Usually the only functions that work are fast forward or back.

The big movie copies however are terrible quality being taken from hand held cameras in movie houses, apparently in Russia, as the titles etc are all in Russian even thought the audio may (or may not) be in English !You can hear the audience coughing, babies crying and the sound tracks are echo-ey and barely audible. They are offered within a week of release, long before official DVDs are released, hence the poor quality.

fountainhall 30th June 2010 11:33 PM

In my experience, the copies of the "big movies" depend very much on how current the movie happens to be. If it is still being shown in cinemas, the chances are you will get a dud copy. If the run has just finished, you are much more likely to get an good DVD transfer (although you do not get most of the usual DVD features to go with it).

sextile 1st July 2010 12:36 AM

-- On tue., (29th.), evening I visited HAPPY BOYS again;
- Some half-a-dozen or so other customers present, one of who was e'taining., or being e'tained., by a couple of the boyz!
- No smoking & music not overly loud.
- I waved "Hello." to #1., whose svces. I'd enjoyed on my previous visit, and decided upon #15. - purely because I'd not been before with him and he did seem to be better endowed, uncut & with a Thai love-ball under his 'skin., than many of the other twinkie boyz therein.
- I must allow that I've forgotten his name; he hails from BURI RAM; is aged in his early 20s. and told me that he is not gay - but enjoys the att'ns. of other customers there for going upstairs.
- So we went upstairs - a busy place that evening! -but as he'd enjoyed pleasuring himself before coming to work - a point that I forgot to check beforehand - it was rather 'Much ado ... .'.

-- Then it was to CRAZY DRAGON, where I didn't see many other customers; maybe a dozen or so boyz present. No smoking & music not too loud. All drinks still at 99.Bh. each.
- I was joined by #88' whose att'ns. I'd enjoyed on a previous visit.
- But, for me, the prefered boi was the only one wearing a bk. & wh. patterned pr. of briefs who danced MORE energetically that the others - quite a fair-sized cock wch. he enjoyed to be smoked, albeit but briefly.

sextile 2nd July 2010 09:25 PM

-- Passing-on a request from a farang patron of ChinaTown's only remaining cinema of that type -
- Any info., please, on 'suck' cinemas in PATTAYA would be most welcum?
- Thanx in advance.

sextile 3rd July 2010 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 677713)
... .
... . The old Crystal bar is about to re-open as "Happy Place", ... .

-- I u'stand. that HAPPY PLACE., (ex-CRYSTAL ...), - in Pattayaland soi 2. - OPENED for business on 28 jun.., with spit-roasted pig etc. etc..
- For a fuller description pl. go to: > Gay Guide Asia & World <

-- Usual disclaimer. --

Chuai-Duai 5th July 2010 02:32 PM

I was in Happy Boys twice last week. I went upstairs with guys called "Mat" and "M".

Mat fucked me very efficiently and M rimmed and fingered me and would have probably fucked me as well if I'd asked him to. Both gave me a good blow job and both came all over me.

Loved being naked in a public bar and with the current policy of no fee to go upstairs and drinks at 100 Baht I thought it a good evening's entertainment. Obviously I tipped the boys for their efforts.

The first evening it was dark upstairs but they had the lights on the second evening which I prefer as getting naked in public and being seen is a large part of the fun for me.

sextile 5th July 2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chuai-Duai (Post 677882)
... .
Mat fucked me very efficiently and M rimmed and fingered me and would have probably fucked me as well if I'd asked him to. Both gave me a good blow job and both came all over me.
... .

-- Surprised to read about khun Mat's. activities upstairs, as all the boys with whom I've been have emphasised to me that the Boss does not like 'Big sex.' in his estab.; if one wants that then one will have to 'Off.' the boi.

marcan 5th July 2010 08:57 PM

Do I understand that upstairs the Happy Boy bar, the intimate activities are all in the open where every one walking around can see everything?

JupiterJake 5th July 2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chuai-Duai (Post 677882)
Loved being naked in a public bar and with the current policy of no fee to go upstairs and drinks at 100 Baht I thought it a good evening's entertainment. Obviously I tipped the boys for their efforts.

The first evening it was dark upstairs but they had the lights on the second evening which I prefer as getting naked in public and being seen is a large part of the fun for me.

I am confused. I always thought that when one went "upstairs" at these establishments it was to a private room. Is that not the case at this particular bar? If so, please provide some details as to layout etc. On your second evening, when the lights were on, who was upstairs to "see you naked" apart from the young man servicing your needs?

Chuai-Duai 5th July 2010 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by JupiterJake (Post 677888)
I am confused. I always thought that when one went "upstairs" at these establishments it was to a private room. Is that not the case at this particular bar? If so, please provide some details as to layout etc. On your second evening, when the lights were on, who was upstairs to "see you naked" apart from the young man servicing your needs?

The second floor at Happy Boys is much like the ground floor with low tables and sofas where you sit with the boy and the area is open so anyone else can come and go and see what's going on. The floor actually ends short and there's a mirror which in theory enables people downstairs to see what's going on as well but it's not easy as there's a lot of stuff in the way. It's not like any other Bar I know.

I assume it was the owner who was happily encouraging customers to take a boy upstairs with the promise that they would "do everything". I saw one other Farang getting fucked doggy fashion and it seemed normal for the boys to strip. I had never seen anything like the action that was going on last week on previous trips. I got the impression that the current lack of customers in most Pattaya Bars was the cause of the relaxed attitude to what was going on as it was obviously encouraging visitors. Last Christmas under the "old rules" I saw no one go upstairs at all.

If the owner doesn't like full sex on the premises then he wasn't doing anything to try and prevent it.

JupiterJake 6th July 2010 12:30 AM

Can one go upstairs for a drink and to watch the proceedings?

Chuai-Duai 6th July 2010 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by JupiterJake (Post 677891)
Can one go upstairs for a drink and to watch the proceedings?

You go upstairs by buying a boy a drink. I don't think you can just go upstairs for a drink without taking a boy and being part of the action but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

sextile 6th July 2010 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by JupiterJake (Post 677891)
Can one go upstairs for a drink and to watch the proceedings?

-- You want to watch a free show? :(
- HAPPY BOYS is not some sort of an a go-go bar in say Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd..

JupiterJake 6th July 2010 07:40 AM

I am happy to pay for a young man to have a drink with me upstairs if I get to see other interesting goings on. I shall try it next time I am in Pattaya and report back.

biggles69 6th July 2010 03:10 PM

Enough said about Happy. We dont want the boys in brown paying it a visit ! There are very few places left offering such facilities. The curious should just go along to suck it and see :)

sextile 8th July 2010 08:05 PM

Two guys' gh. ...
-- TWO GUYS' GUESTHOUSE has published a news' letter with a couple of jokes and some info. about events in PATTAYA -
- source: > The Baht Stop <
--- OPEN FORUM ...

-- Usual disclaimer.

TopmanUK 9th July 2010 05:17 AM

Madam Ed (previously Adam & Eve)
Was wondering whether anyone knows whether Madam Ed is still open in Sabajai Village, Sukhumvit Rd.

It is a quite few years since my last visit, but they used to specialize in their full body foam massage. I remember having some great massages (plus extras) there and getting a lift back to boystown on the back of a motorbike. I was a bit of a trek to get there but I always found it to be worthwhile

I notice it is still listed on Dreaded Ned, but assume that is very much out of date.

Thanks in advance

trentaus 9th July 2010 09:29 PM

Happy Boys
Visited Happy Boys last night (Friday) after reading posts here. It is just as others say. Took one boy upstairs where we indulged in mutual oral and then I f...d him for a while then he sucked me until he blew, but not me, preferring to conserve my energy for later efforts in other bars. On returning downstairs, noticed another customer being smoked in full view of a few other patrons. Quite a free and easy place as far as public sex goes.

trentaus 9th July 2010 09:37 PM

New Dynamite
I think this is the best go-go bar in Pattaya currently (and I have been to most of them over the last few days). "New Dynamite" is full of gorgeous guys. Offed #30 two nights in a row. Wow, he has a hot body, very handsome, and a great bottom. Mamasan is very helpful. The bar gets quite busy which is not surprising considering the quality of the boys. The show is not bad either.

biggles69 9th July 2010 10:37 PM

In Dynamite beware No 1. He is underage, even though he has a fine body and looks older.

JupiterJake 10th July 2010 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by trentaus (Post 677952)
Visited Happy Boys last night (Friday) after reading posts here. It is just as others say. Took one boy upstairs where we indulged in mutual oral and then I f...d him for a while then he sucked me until he blew, but not me, preferring to conserve my energy for later efforts in other bars. On returning downstairs, noticed another customer being smoked in full view of a few other patrons. Quite a free and easy place as far as public sex goes.

Were there other patrons upstairs at the same time? Can't wait to visit.

Chuai-Duai 11th July 2010 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by JupiterJake (Post 677960)
Were there other patrons upstairs at the same time? Can't wait to visit.

I don't really think that the layout upstairs is really ideal for watching but there were other patrons upstairs on both my visits.

On my last visit last week a customer (German I think) was downstairs and gave each boy a 100 Baht tip and pulled their loin clothes down in turn and gave each a quick blow job. One boy stayed naked but the others did pull their loin clothes back up but weren't shy about openly playing with themselves.

On my first visit when the lights were off upstairs there were some condoms on the table but on my last visit when the lights were on there were no condoms so I provided my own.

Xfun 11th July 2010 06:38 AM

Up to you, as they say in the classics Jupiterjake, but you might like to note that some customers, and the boys they take up to the second floor, might not appreciate you hanging around for a free 'look'. I wouldn't and I would tell you to move along.

Chuai-Duai 11th July 2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Xfun (Post 677974)
Up to you, as they say in the classics Jupiterjake, but you might like to note that some customers, and the boys they take up to the second floor, might not appreciate you hanging around for a free 'look'. I wouldn't and I would tell you to move along.

I have to agree as although I love having sex in public and being watched that doesn't mean that everyone feels the same and except for a quick glance around upstairs I didn't deliberately watch what the others were up to.

I think the situation is different downstairs as there the boys are on show and watching them is rather the point of a Go Go Bar even if they are going a bit further than in other places.

sextile 11th July 2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Xfun (Post 677974)
... but you might like to note that some customers, and the boys they take up to the second floor, might not appreciate you hanging around for a free 'look'. I wouldn't and I would tell you to move along.

-- Agreed, that's 100%. for sure! :(

phoenixstorm 12th July 2010 03:08 AM

Hi guys I'm going to be in Pattaya on July 19th! I'm hoping someone can recommend a nice place to stay for around 1,000baht or less. I'd like to be near the action!

Travellerdave 13th July 2010 12:20 AM

Hi Guys I'm a new member of this board. As a regular visitor to Pattaya I've read this thread with great interest and excitement as I will be there next week. During my March visit I went to Happy Boys a few times. I had to pay to go upstairs with a boy but it was money well spent - got sucked to completion. Wanted to be rimmed but he said that boss would not allow.
Another gogo, not mentioned in this tread is Euro Boys in the central part of Sunee. Nice selection of boys, including some fems, dancing in cute white lace-up briefs. If you need a short-time room they have a real nice one up the Soi.
I go often to the Dongtan Beach in the afternoon. Very pleasant atmosphere but not 100% gay these days. If you are looking for a boy the standard seems to vary day to day. Somedays virtually no attractive ones, but other days you see a parade of hotties sometimes wearing brief bright speedos. Poppers on sale.
i'm an older guy tending towards fems/twinks but occasionally likes to be bottom to muscle men. Love to hook up with similar for friendship during my next visit starting 22/7/10.

Chuai-Duai 13th July 2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Travellerdave (Post 677990)
Hi Guys I'm a new member of this board. As a regular visitor to Pattaya I've read this thread with great interest and excitement as I will be there next week. During my March visit I went to Happy Boys a few times. I had to pay to go upstairs with a boy but it was money well spent - got sucked to completion. Wanted to be rimmed but he said that boss would not allow.

It would appear that the financial climate is having an effect at this bar as not only is it now free to go upstairs but I was enthusiastically rimmed by "M" with no problems just over a week ago.

I wonder if this more relaxed regime will continue into the "high season". I'll be back over Christmas/New Year to find out...

Xfun 13th July 2010 05:40 AM

QUOTE: "I had to pay to go upstairs with a boy but it was money well spent - got sucked to completion. Wanted to be rimmed but he said that boss would not allow."

Do you really expect that the staff (in any bar) are going to readily agree to rim you, on the premises, before bathing? Thais (99.9% percent of) are fastidious about personal cleanliness and hygiene and most especially about this part of the body.

The selected young man has no idea whether you have showered (and paid special attention to this area) within the last 10 minutes or the last 10 hours, or more.

Further, some gay men love the idea of rimming and some are certainly not partakers, in fact some just don't want to participate in this activity from either end of the activity.

The young man quite possibly told you that "the boss don't allow" but it's quite possible that he simply did not want to participate.

hans030 13th July 2010 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Travellerdave (Post 677990)
Hi Guys ... During my March visit I went to Happy Boys a few times. I had to pay to go upstairs with a boy but it was money well spent - got sucked to completion. ... Poppers on sale.

What do you mean by "sucked to completion"? And where you can have "poppers on sale"? I do not want to take poppers from my homecountry, because maybe problems with customs.

sextile 15th July 2010 02:02 AM

'poppers.' ...
-- Rather than trying to take-over this thread about PATTAYA with further info. about Poppers wch. might be possibly MORE widespread than just that one place, I have OPENED a new thread - with our esteemed Moderators permission, of course - under the a/m. title.

Travellerdave 15th July 2010 11:28 AM

I'm in Pats next week and would like to buy myself a nice pair of speedos to pose in when at the beach. Anyone know where they might be on sale in Jomtien ?. Boys seem to prefer the "surfer" type shorts and you only occasionaly see them in speedos displaying a nice bulge.
Anyone had any experience crusing around the exercise park near Big Budha Hill ?. In March I went jogging around there and saw a few boys hanging around the shelters.

gorcum 15th July 2010 04:47 PM

in Jombtien complex their is a store that sells nice swim wear for location Nicky's Gay Pattaya - Map of Jomtien

Also in tuck Com Shopping mall in south Pattya their is a store that sells sexy underwear and swim wear for 200 bath Nicky's Gay Pattaya - Nightclub bars in Sunee Plaza

many boys in Jombtien beach wear this stuff.
Click on the links for locations

Travellerdave 15th July 2010 10:20 PM

Thanks Gorcum - I've not noticed the swimwear shop in the Jomtien Complex before. I will go there early in my trip also have a look in Tukcom.

sextile 18th July 2010 06:02 AM

House-breaking by ... .
-- Today, (18th.), reading through > The Baht Stop < my att'n. was held by the flg. item entitled: 'House-breaking by Sunnee boys.',.
- Original article from:
> Housebreaking By Sunnee Boys - Thailand Forum <

-- Naturally, I cannot vouch for the veracity of the a/m. article.

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