PATTAYA please
Hi guys
I checked message board for Pattaya /bars/massage/mamasan etc etc for the past 4 years and noticed that there is almost no info or review of bar activity there in the last year or so, Apologizing in advance for not being original I would like to kindly ask for some more detailed/updated information on bar shows/activities there. Specifically I am interested in so called sleazy bars where boys are enthusiastic about approaching customers, getting naked/erect, bars that perhaps have some bigger rooms for voyeurs watching other guys engaged in sex. From what I read in the past years Kaos, K Boys Tom Yum, Nice boys, Holidays-boys would be the offering that kind of entertainment. I read that several years ago Happy Boys allow you to go upstairs and have a look at other guys having sex. I will be in Pattaya for two weeks at the beginning of May 2010 and would greatly appreciate your comments and advice. I was there 2 years ago but without any real recommendation I really did not know what to expect and after having a peep at boys dancing I usually left for another short and disappointing inspection. |
you might try the message board on Gay Thailand - The Information Center for Gay Thailand, Gay Pattaya, Gay Bangkok, Gay Chiang Mai, Gay Phuket and Sunee Plaza. as it is more pattaya-focussed
Slease is basically limited to Sunee Plaza.
Happy has been closed for a few weeks but will reportedly reopen tomorrow. The upstairs provides opportunities to explore your new friends major assets. Tom Yam is sleeze but the boys are on the young side , Krazy is for sale and a shadow of its former self, Sundance is now a beer bar, Cat's is closed and generally the whole place is toned down compared to what it was even a year ago. |
Pattaya's a go-go bars.
-- My enthusiastic & American friend & I were in PATTAYA from 11th.-15th..
- 11th. to SUNEE PLAZA - Our initial walk around was so disappointing, even for a sunday before the Songkran Fest'l.: what I felt to be a gen'l. air of doom & gloom, with just a few bars appearing to be hanging-on grimly before the expected "Time, gentlemen, please." would be called and the bell rung. -- TOM YUM A GO-GO BAR: ETA. approx. 21.3O.hrs.. Drinks 14O./15O.Bh.. The usual & mostly young looking twinkie boyz. Several older ones playing openly with themselves and trying to interest us. Possily half-a-dozen or so spectators. A couple of v. young looking twinks attached themselves to me and asked to be 'Offed.'; both alleged that they are over 18YO. and have IDs. to prove it; both said that they were prepared to do anything. -- We looked-in at a couple of other bars: pretty much the same scene, although the boyz tended to be older. - 12th. to BOYZTOWN - -- FUNNY BOYS: ETA. around 21.3O.hrs.. Drinks 14O./15O.Bh.. Possibly a score or so of boyz on parade with a couple of fairly good looking ones there; just an handful of spectators. A NO SMOKING bar with music not loud. -- Then to WILD WEST BOYS.. Possibly a score or so of boyz on parade and a similar number of spectators. Show started promptly at just before 22.3O.hrs.; nothing v. daring by BKK. stds., but well-put-together and no long waits between acts. A NO SMOKING bar; after leaving we noticed several boyz outside smoking ciggies. while they were OFF-stage. - 13th. - back to BOYZTOWN - -- WILD WEST BOYZ: ETA. 22.OO.hrs.. A good 5O or so spectators. Show differenty from previous night but following the same gen'l. lines. -- Then to A BOMB. Mature men, many of whom are tattooed. Possibly the last such bar for many such men before it'll be time to retire. - 14th. - to SUNNEE PLAZA - -- To KRAZY DRAGON - OMG., :-( , such a discouraging sight within: just a couple of boyz in briefs dancing on the central bar; another two or three in their trad. & white shorts and a small handful of waiters. Somany off & away for Songkran, I was told; but they'd return on saturday. - A NO SMOKING BAR; music not too loud. -- PS. - One evening we passed by CATS - it was CLOSED. |
How many?
"My enthusiastic & American friend ..."
Does that mean: - An American friend (is 'American' meaningful), and - An enthusiastic friend Total of 2 friends, or.... |
There's no doubt many boys have gone home for Songkran, - even Jomtien Beach has far less free lancers and bar boys than usual. However perhaps more significant is the depressed state of tourism which means there's far less farang money to go around and many boys have been forced to go home or find a real job.... and the offer of 500bt a day (I've even heard of 1,000 bt) to join the red shirts has syphoned off a lot more to BKK in the last few weeks.
Favourite bar at the moment is Funny Boys... and for beefier boys Crystal has re-opened in same soi as Wild West, towards the beach end on Left hand side. In Sunnee Eden beer bar has some fun friendly boys who will chat, flirt and may be offed. Unlike go go boys, these boys are however very selective and there's no pressure on them to accept an invitation from a farang they dont fancy! So be nice :) |
No-one has mentioned Happy Boys just outside the Sunnee area. Was there twice last week-end and had an absolute blast. Great fun evenings.
Actually on 4th Apr I said "Happy has been closed for a few weeks but will reportedly reopen tomorrow. The upstairs provides opportunities to explore your new friend's major assets."
I havent been back yet but glad to hear u had fun :) |
Not only the upstairs! It was quite exciting downstairs as well!
With many thanks
Thanks guys for informative replies
No-one has mentioned Happy Boys just outside the Sunnee area. ... . [quote] -- I u'stand. that for the 'LOW season.' HAPPY BOYS - Soi Yensabai - has waived charges for the use of its upstairs' room, the only requirement is that one buys one's boi a drink. -- source: Sunnee Plaza news. |
Happy never charged to take a boy upstairs. May be cos I always buy them a drink downstairs first :) and tip the boys well when they cum.
-- I took a forenoon's 'bus. from MOCHIT 2 to PATTAYA on 30 apr. and experienced no delays on the journey thither.
- My enthusiastic & American friend was at M'CHIT. early on sat. (01 may.), morning, saw the crowds, became aware of the uncertainties of departure and negociated with a BKK. taxi. On the way they saw several RTAs., (Road Traffic Accidents.), experienced various delays and arr'd. eventually at the hotel after a five hrs'. journey! -- For the short journey from PATTAYA to JOMTIEN BEACH Pattaya's finest were at the Hanuman corner diverting only tuk-tuks away from turning RIGHT towards the beach, (other road tfc. was not being diverted.); so he was dropped-off a Km. or MORE away somewhere to the SOUTH. - We walked back for most of the way; a few returning tuk-tuks were fully laden but most were returning empty and not stopping to pick-up the foot-sore pedestrians, many of whom were either unaccustomed to walking or else were nigh on unfit to do so. -- No problems with tpt. on the following days. -- I ret'd. to BKK. today, (04th.), forenoon with no en route problems,(journey time just under 2hrs.), to EKKAMI,(BTS.: E7.),. -- DONGTAN BEACH was far from crowded during the whole Labor day vacation - long faces from most of the poor but honest beach-vendors. |
-- During the evening of 30 apr. I went first of all to HAPPY BOYS.; nearest landmarks for wch. I have business cards are -
1.- WHITE ROSE MNSN., 568/19, Moo 10, Soi Yensabai, S. Pattaya, Chonburi 20150.; - Pass WRM. on yr. RHS. and HAPPY BOYS is farther along on yr. LHS. - look first of all for an HIGH up FAMILY MART sign, then below look for HAPPY BOYS' illuminated & colored neon sign. 2. -TWOGUYS' GH., 5O4/497, Moo 10., Soi Yensabai, S.Pattaya, C'buri. 20260.; - Pass TGH. on yr. RHS.; continue and pass YENSABAI MNSN. on yr. RHS. ; at end of YM. turn RIGHT and HAPPY BOYS is at the end of that bldg. on yr. RHS.; - Google co-ords. roughly:100-52-32.E.x12-55-17.N.. -- Drinks are 99.Bh.; - Just a few other visitors being e-tained. by half-a-dozen or so boyz, (many away at a local I-San party.), dressed in loose, numbered & white shorts with many slits all the way to the waist-bands. - I was joined by #11.: Khun Noi, 25YO. from I-San, worked there for 2 wks., (at invitation of his friend, #1.), while on break from R'haeng. Uni.. We went upstairs. Noi's trousers were OFF quicker than one could say 'Jack Robinson.', and it wasn't long before my shirt etc. etc. followed. Modestly I'll allow the hand of discretion to draw the veil of silence across what followed. -- Then to CRAZY DRAGON; - OMG.! What's happened to that place? On my previous visit just a few boyz, (many returned to their home country for the Songkran Fest'l.), but returning for the Labor day w/e.? Unlikely. Just a couple of dancers in briefs, possibly 3 or 4 boyz in the usual white shorts who were clustered-around a farang couple, a couple of waiters and a bar-man. I stayed just long enough to finish my drink. -- For 01 may we went to BUBBLES., (formerly CRYSTAL.), in BOYSTOWN; - Drinks at 150.Bh.; - Not all muscle boyz, several twinkie and/or queanie boyz amongst the on-stage R&F.. But at least they were dancing energetically - even if that might have been only for their own benefits and to admire themselves in the looking glass. - Show time at 22.oo.hrs.: various acts, mainly alternating between 4 rather effem. looking dancers, who performed well enough, with one ladyboi, and other and all male intervening acts - I thought that the most muscled men were the two who indulged in a version of the usual soap scene. -- 02 may - Back to HAPPY BOYS.; but neither my friend nor I felt like going upstairs that evening. -- 03 may - to HAPPY BOYS on my own; took #29., (another I-San boi.), upstairs, but he wasn't as 'Ready, Willing & Able.' as #11. -- 04 may - to HAPPY BOYS for my last visit of the long w/e.. - ETA. 22.oo. hrs, wch. I hoped - it being a monday - would be early enough for me to meet #1; but I was forstalled. Some 4 or 5 other farangs there on my arrival, but they all left soon after and I was one and all alone surrounded by some half-a-dozen or so boyz with not only their tongues hanging-out! This time it was a plumpish #26. who joined me to go upstairs; another 'Ready, Willing & Able.' young man from I-San.. He explained that the Big Boss would be quite happy for little sex to take place upstairs - but big sex must be for outside, fair enough. -- Then to TOM YUM BAR.; - Several other farangs there and maybe a dozen or MORE mainly twinkie-looking boyz, quite a few of whom were playing with themselves - not overly well-endowed, I judged - and looking expectantly at the farangs. - I was joined by a 19YO. & twinkie-looking boi, Khun Ae, whom I'd met earlier that day at DONGTAN BEACH, and who didn't waste much time in introducing himself and making it all too clear what would be his favorite pleasure - ;) - It was 01.oo.hrs. when I left - home alone. |
-- An elderly American, who spends most of his time in PATTAYA, and admits that he doesn't get-around as much as he used to, has come-up to BKK.. I enquired about the latest news etc. etc.?
- His recommendations, (in alphabetical order.), and especially for those who enjoy the company of young-looking & often twinkie boyz who work in the bars MORE as a lark, are - 1.- HAPPY BOYS BAR; 2.- MIC MY BAR; 3.- TOM YUM BAR. -- In a previous posting I wrote about both HAPPY BOYS and TOM YUM; both recommended. ;) |
One new bar report. Opposite Tom Yum in Sunee, the old Top Man (and about 5 other incarnations) has re-opened as "Wonderland". Quite a spacious venue with stage and central catwalk. Competent pleasant cabaret at 10 pm , just long enough at 30 mins, and about 16 cute go go boys, all looking to be legal age up to 25 max. Beer 130 bht. I did not sample the boys last night as I had a date, but will return :)
-- I've been given to u'stand. that PATTAYA - like BKK. - will be under curfew from 21.oo.*-06.oo. hrs. nightly until 2406.oo.hrs..
- The thought of being confined in say HAPPY BOYS or TOM YUM from 21.*-06.hrs. quite boggles one's mind! ;):D -* Note corr'n. of start time to 21.oo.hrs.. |
Update from Sunee Plaza
I just received this message from Sunee Plaza info site
Quote UPDATE ON THAILAND 20/05/10 Up until a few days ago, we were carrying a “travel advisory” that said it was “business as usual” in Pattaya. I am sure you heard yesterday the troops stormed the red shirt encampment in Bangkok and ended the siege. Yesterday evening at 21.00 the police came round and closed all the bars. There was a curfew imposed and we had not heard about it. Today we heard the curfew has been extended for a further 3 days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) from 9 pm to 5 am. We have no knowledge of any possible extension to this, or what will happen after these three days. However, that apart, the bars are all open from 6 pm to 9 pm. DON’T LET THIS PUT YOU OFF! The boys are still here. They still want to meet you and entertain you. In fact with the bars closing at 9 pm they are more keen than ever! They still need money and it's not long until the end of the month when rents are due. There has been no trouble in Pattaya that we have heard of. Reports of explosions at Big C, or the Town Hall appear to be false rumours. Paradise is here, it just closes at 9 pm for the time being. As soon as there are any real problems here we will let you know. End Quote I hope this will allow anyone currently in Pattaya to at least have some fun before the curfew kicks in Stay safe |
By some (for me) unusually fortunate timing, I left Pattaya for a scheduled trip to Phuket. I can confirm, however, that on the days running up to 20th curfew, Sunnee and Boyz Town were both busy with boys, if not punters.
Highlights for me were Nice Boys gogo where #70 was very rewarding (sorry, cannot remember his name, but had golden brown hair to match his golden brown skin...); New Queens Beer Bar, which was staffed by some very funny, friendly and welcoming guys; Relax massage (directly out the back of TukCom) where there were a very pleasing clutch of young guys offering massage. If you are looking for great food without the frills, head to Minks in Sunnee - a really cheap but hugely tasty and decent Thai hole in the wall cafe (other side of the road from White Nights, a little before you reach the Little Mango). Pad see ew gai and a watermelon shake for 75 baht... |
As the curfew was suddenly and unexpectedly lifted at 8.30 pm tonight (Friday) I venture out. The message hadn't reached the main part of Boystown where Panorama, Sunnee, Boys Boys and massages all closed. Wild West open and about half the go go's in the 3rd soi (Sawsdii & Cupidol closed Star Boys open and X boys open.) I settled for X Boys and nearly left as the music was so loud conversation with the boys was not option. The big surprise was the 11.30 show which is a full on BKK style f**k show which I have NEVER seen before in Pattaya. If you're into this, better get in quick before the local constabulary shuts it down!
Some cute boys there - a fun night! |
Life appears to have returned to normal for the time being in Pattaya at least. The curfew is over and all the bars and gogos were open again last night. All the shops, ATMs and change bureaus were open yesterday and the Banks say they will be open tomorrow (Monday). There are no problems getting from the airport to Pattaya, and the taxis in the area are back asking “Taxi Bangkok?” We have today heard that the curfew will be extended in Bangkok and some other provinces for at least one more day, and then on a “day-to-day” basis. But the news specifically says it’s relaxed in Pattaya. It’s still 35 degrees here and the boys are waiting. The beach is cosy and if anything crowded as the residents from Bangkok take shelter here. There are plenty of rooms to be had in the hotels, although they are not totally empty and screaming for customers. Some good deals are still available. Most businesses are reporting that despite their worst fears, this month won’t be as bad as they thought it was going to be. The tunnel has light at the end of it. Obviously we have to take things on a “one day at a time” basis, but just for today, it’s great. If you were booked and have doubts, come. If you are thinking of booking, come. We miss you. Unless things dramatically change, this will be the last daily report from the area, and we will go back to our normal weekly reports. |
What wet season? The weather is absolutely perfect here. Not a drop of rain all week and unusually low humidity. No need for aircon during the day as a balmy breeze sweeps in from Jomtien Bay.
The beach and bars are quiet, but most of my regular boys are still here and there's always new fresh talent to discover. The old Crystal bar is about to re-open as "Happy Place", Vasa has changed hands and the boys are a bit older (20's rather than teens) and in Jomtien "The Venue" continues with its high standard of cabaret , with the dreadful spot opposite (Monty's) finally throwing in the towel. If the heat of BKK is getting u down, the new freeway extension whisks you direct to Pattaya's Sukumvit road in under 90 mins from Bkk's of the same name. From Suvarnabuhmi to Jomtien beach now only 128 kms which is a comfortable one hour drive by freeway (tolls 60bt from airport or 130 from downtown BKK). Bar drinks range from 110 bt to 150 max, off fees usually 300 and 1,000 tip for overnight accepted with a big smile. "The Dave" disco in N Pattaya has great coyote dancers and open until 4 or 5 am for the late birds. Packed with bar boys from 1 am who are always on the lookout for farangs. Enjoy ! |
Yes, names never were my strong point !!
You are correct from Crystal (briefly to a girlie bar ) then Bubbles now Happy Place :) |
A while back I think I recall someone recommending the Siam Bayview Hotel. Is this still a good recommendation for a relative comfort with a pool and relatively gay friendly?
Any other recommendations? I'd like to stay near Boystown/Sunee Plaza rather than at the beach and would like a decent pool Thanks! |
Re pattaya shows
X boys currently has 'no holds barred' shows but be prepared for numerous japanese female customers all smoking (cigarettes) like it's going out of style.
I am thinking of going to Pattaya this weekend for the first time in about 10 years and I have several questions. I would be grateful for any thoughts.
1. Accommodation. Something tasteful, prefer boutique style. Any recommendations? 2. I read about the Muay Thai Boxing bars on Beach Road and the fact that the boxers mingle with farang guests after their matches in the hope of tips. Are these boxers open to other opportunities? 3. Which host/gogo bars have more beefy/muscular guys? 4. Is Jomtien beach itself worth a look? Cheers and thanks in advance, JJ |
I enthusiastically recommend TUI'S GUESTHOUSE (Welcome to Tui's Place - Gay Guest House Pattaya) to you... small, gay owned and managed, welcoming and well located on the beach at Jomtien. (Please tell them that "Richard from New York" referred you if you look into the place!)
I will be there and can also help you navigate the Pattaya'n ropes if need be! |
Arrived in Pattaya yesterday early afternoon. Checked in at the Rabbit Resort on Jomtien Beach. I read very good reports about it on Trip Advisor. A great choice.
Last night I ventured out with a friend to a few bars. The first was Wild West Boys. It was absolutely tragic. No other customers and they boys were truly a sorry looking bunch. Standing on stage, stony-faced, no doubt bored to death. The next bar, A-Bomb was no better. Both of these were in the Boys Town area. I was ready to admit failure and call it a night after but my friend suggested we visit the Sunee Plaza area. I was very hesitant given what I have read here about the ages of the guys but I decided to have a look. We wandered around for a while before choosing a bar called Good Boys. The only reason we chose this bar is because one of the guys was sitting outside shirtless and in boxers woofing into a bowl on somtum. He was delicious so we decided that his bar would do. Well, what can I say - it was fun! All guys were all clad in boxer shorts and were really fun. I called one over a very cute guy (about 20) for a chat. He said there weren't many customers (which was true) because there was no show tonight (only on Mondays and Wednesdays). He said it was a chuck wow show. I asked whether he usually takes part and he said yes, he did. I then enquired further whether he has ever "won" the chuck wow competition by being the first to ejaculate. Again, another affirmative response. He then noted that, should we wish, an impromptu show could be arranged for a mere THB 300. The winner would get the cash. Why not, I thought. Within seconds those interested (numbering about 10) were sitting on the stage chucking in front of us - but our young friend who continued to sit between us wasn't participated. We encouraged him to join in which he did. He ended up winning and shooting a very large and thick load on the little counter where one sits ones drink. Thereafter, over the space of an hour or so, we invited four more guys to sit with us and jerk off. Four more cute guys with nice bodies and cocks. Four more loads. All of this happened in the bar in view of the other two or three punters, one of whom was busily pleasuring another guy in one of the corners of the bar. I cannot imagine seeing anything like this in Bangkok. In fact, I have not seen anything like this in the 10 years of being in Thailand. I loved it and no doubt will be back for more! The gay stretch of the beach was also quite fun today with lots of guys selling this and that - some of them very handsome. All in all, I enjoyed myself a great deal - despite my initial reservations! |
Took the suggestion and visited HAPPY BOYS last night. Had no trouble finding it thanks to the excellent directions posted here. Many thanks.
A query. I go with the intent of finding the most appealing guy there and having fun with him. However, and this seems to happen in many Pattaya bars, as soon as I sit down there are swarms of boys wanting to sit, asking for drinks, and so forth. They are so persistent (and annoying) that they make it impossible for me to simply sit back, relax, enjoy being there and then proceeding with my "plan". Am I alone in having a problem with this? Any suggestions on how to cope? Perhaps I err on the side of politeness, but I end up having a really bad time because of it. Thanks! |
Well perhaps you might like to think about their side of the coin, right now.
Tourism has close to dried up because of the political problems/concerns, evidenced by news reports. Many bars have close to zero customers, and their owners can't pay the rent, the electricity etc. In Pattaya it has been the custom (opposite to Bangkok bars) that go go boys are on a small guaranteed salary (if they turn up for work), and it would not surprise if many of the bar owners have also stopped paying the small salary element, simply because of a lack of funds. Already quite a few bars have closed. Tourism will probbaly spring back, but not for at least a few months, and in any case right now is still low season. Many of the over zealous boys who now surround you are simply desperate for a small tip and hopefully an off, simply to survive. Maybe it's not what you want but it's the economic realities of the situation. Life ain't easy. |
Well understood, Xfun. As one who has been coming to Thailand for about 100 years, I understand the economic dynamic behind the situation.
But what is curious to me is the inability to recognize that the "swarming" approach tends to make me want to leave the bar quickly instead of actually offing someone. Any suggestion on some way to get that point across in the bar? |
100 years, well that beats me, although i've been living and working here for nearly 30 years (most of that time working for an international management consultancy).
My best advice is to run with it. With all due respect to the staff, 99.9% of working boys and 99.8% of mamasans and captains have no 'marketing' knowledge, no understanding of the concept of 'customer service / customer first / customer is king '(not sure if that works), no understanding of the concept of building a strategy according to the immediate circumstances, etc. I've never had any interest whatever in running a bar but I have farang friends who have operated gay bars and they will tell you the same thing, trying to get most mamsanas / captains to understand the above is in most cases a lost cause. Everything is process and go for it now! 100Baht cash now is much more important than protecting the future. It's also true that working boys quickly realize that they are on their own, in the big picture nobody is there to support you, life as a bay boy is survival of the fittest, you have to go for it on your own. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture, it's not intended to be, it's just me venting and it's probably true that you know all of this already. |
JupiterJake was talking about Good Boys bar, not Happy Boys. In Good Boys, I believe the boys won't bother you that much uninvited.
I find a smile, a shake of the head and "sorry" is all it takes. Once one or two get the message, you'll be left 'happily' on your own.
Uninvited boys can certainly be a problem, but my experience is the same as fountainhall’s.
As an uninvited lad approaches one makes the briefest eye contact, gives a genuine smile for a millisecond while making a subtle negative motion with the hand, and courteously saying “No, sorry cannot”. Then look away, and pay him no more mind. This approach to the problem rarely fails. Perhaps where some fail is in maintaining eye contact too long or, if a lad persists, continuing to engage him. He may feel that as long as you engage him he has a chance. In the unlikely event a boy should sit down beside you unbidden, he has transgressed proper bar boy behavior; you owe him nothing more. He no longer exists. I genuinely sympathize with the spurned lads, and as soon as I have unlimited funds and unlimited time I intend to off every single one of them, but until my resources are infinite I must deal with reality. |
Re Happy Boys Bar
I happen to know the manager of happy boys Bar well,
if other people also feel that the boys are a bit of a problem and swarming I can talk to Manager Wat about this. But i would like tom know if this happens all the time and if it is a problem. |
I find the approaches in Happy Bar are fun and usually only 1 or 2 boys at a time (which I enjoy more than the bars were the boys seem to be forbidden to approach.) I was in Happy last week and once I chose 1 boy to buy a drink, the others melted away. I've never been "swarmed" there - maybe I should try another perfume :)
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