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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   PATTAYA please

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Old 4th August 2010, 09:01 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 55

Currently Sunee is very quiet - partly due to the raid mentioned above. No doubt things will get back to normal in the coming months. I do not think there are significant numbers of under-aged boys working there. Some gogos like to employ young-looking, but 18+ boys to satisfy the demand.
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Old 4th August 2010, 09:18 PM
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Agreed. Sunee now has the feel of a "no fun zone" - The mamasans complaining lack of farang and the boys have lost their zing.

The 3 fun bars now are all adjacent in Boystown , Dynamite, X-Man (still got the 11pm f-show) and (slightly rougher farm boy types) Lucky 7.
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Old 5th August 2010, 01:19 AM
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-- Today, (05th.), forenoon two farang friends & I have ret'd. from three days in PATTAYA:
1. -02nd.:
- addr.: Pattayaland Soi 3.;
- tel.: (038)-71 05 97.;
- web: > Panorama and Funny Boys <
-- Above info. courtesy freebie mag. SPICE.
- Drinks at 140.Bh.;
- NO smoking & music at LOW volume!
-- Every sat. evening there will be a 'Sexy U'wear. Night.' from 22.30.hrs. onwards.
- Drinks at 140Bh.;
- Boyz chiefly remarkable for their gelled hair-styles, taking back one of those could be too little fun as he'd be overly concerned about messing-up his hair!
- A couple - sorry, didn't check their nos. - apeared to be well-enough endowed;
- We were info'd. that there would be boys' shews at week-ends;
- NO smoking & music not overly loud.

2.- 03rd.:
2.1.- X-BOYS A GO-GO.,
- On entering we were blown-back by the excessive volume of the music - so we did not enter!
- addr. etc. - see earlier postings;
- Khun Em, #1., greeted me enthusiastically;
- drinks at 140.Bh.;
- It wasn't too long before I was invited to go 'Upstairs.'; at the front of the balcony is now a folded-up ping-pong table and a couple of plant pots to provide some extra add'n. privacy.
- NO smoking & bkgd. music not to o'whelming..
- addr.: Sunnee Plaza;
- drinks at 140.Bh.;
- A couple of other farang-customers; a few boys in briefs either standing on the stage & not doing v. much or else sitting on the seating & playing with themselves; most boys wearing their jeans and just standing-around. Possibly a couple of boyz on the twinkie side of age but the rest looked ato be MORE than 18YO.;
- I invited #28. to join me: Khun Et., 22YO.; from Lop Buri; speaks ltd. English. Quite happy for me to play with him - well enough endowed, I thought.
- Smoking of ciggies. and loudish music.
- Sunnee Plaza;
- ETA. was after 23.oo.hrs.;
- drinks at 99.Bh.;
- I was their one and only customer, and faced with a dozen or so horny boyz!
- What has occured in/to that place, wch. was so happening only a few months ago?
- No smoking and music pleasantly bkgd..

3. - 04th.:
- A couple of farangs, one of whom was smiling contentedly and progressing well enough in the 'Getting to know you.' routine!
- Khun Em joined me, as did two of his young friends, all of whom wanted me to take them upstairs either individually or a a sandwich! But it was Khun Em who was favored with my smile and MORE!
- There was some tallish young man there, white vest over jeans, who served drinks and who whispered: 'Good luck.' to me as I passed-by going upstairs - worth getting to know better, I thought.

-- But I'd agree with some previous postings about SP. having lost its fun - it was so quiet and ho-hum, really.

-- Just my Enthusiastic & American Friend & I shall be returning next week!
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Old 5th August 2010, 02:07 AM
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Dong tan beach

-- We visited DONG TAN BEACH daily during our recent visit to PATTAYA:
- 02nd. ETA. 14.oo.hrs. and were told that we were that concession's first visitors - the weather wasn't really all that conducive to going to the beach, but still ... .
- Some MORE farangs arr'd., but few of the usual Thai boyz whom one sees there most days. Several familiar faces amongst the Thai boyz, usually lamenting their being so out-of-luck with the few farangs there!
- 03rd. & 04th. were much better; although o'cast. the breeze was fresh and the seas were not too rough to discourage the swimmers.
- Not all that many vendors hawking their wares;
-- As for Russians we saw & heard several, including a couple that would put most capitalist & decadent White Whales to shame - immense, if not humungous!, but with all of that bulk they should be remarkably buoyant!

-- We'll see what next week will hold.
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Old 5th August 2010, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by marcan View Post
Yes there are more, suffice to say.... Regardless of the bar you are offing someone, just check the ID if you have any doubts. If they don't have ID, drop them and move on.
But there is a difference between thai/non thai in counting years. Does anyone know the difference? 543 years?
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Old 5th August 2010, 07:11 PM
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Correct 543 years. However if you examine the ID closely you'll see the date of birth is shown in both Thai and western calendars.

Also be careful , if a boy says he is 18 he often means he is in his 18th year, i.e. he will be 18 on his next birthday. A slight cultural difference rather than intentionally misleading.

I've never seen any reports of any -one being charged for sex with a 17 year old, but often for 16 and below. However if in doubt caution is the always the best policy.
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Old 5th August 2010, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
Also be careful, ... .
... . However if in doubt caution is the always the best policy.

-- In some of the LESS scrupulous a go-go bars it's not unknown for IDs. to be passed-around and given to any boi who's going to be offed.
- The bottom line is that checking both the DoB. and photo. may be insufficient as far as Pattaya's finest are concerned.

-- Some months ago my Enthusiastic & American Friend, having verified the boi's DoB., offed him from one of the SUNNEE PLAZA bars and ret'd. to his hotel.
- The next morning, when he came to retrieve the boi's ID. from Recept'n., the Receptioniste invited him to look MORE closely at the photo. - it was scratched, blurry and of little practical use in identifying the holder! One look from the Receptioniste was enough to advise my E&AF. that possibly he'd stepped into the wrong side of the legal age?

-- I can only endorse Khun Biggles' above WARNING!
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Old 5th August 2010, 08:24 PM
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I recently offed a beautiful 21 y.o. guy from Lucky 7. His face was very familiar, but I couldn't quite place him - I only knew I was strongly attracted to his lithe smooth body and cute chinese- featured face. Later that night around 1 am, after a very enjoyable few hours with him, he apologised that he had to leave to go to his other job. .... as a coyote dancer at The Dave disco. Then it clicked,,, I had oft' lusted after him as one of the hottest dancers there.

He confirmed that all the coyote boys at The Dave are gay, and available Pity I just cant handle 4 or 5 am nights any more
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Old 6th August 2010, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
I recently offed a beautiful 21 y.o. guy from Lucky 7. His face was very familiar, but I couldn't quite place him - I only knew I was strongly attracted to his lithe smooth body and cute chinese- featured face. Later that night around 1 am, after a very enjoyable few hours with him, he apologised that he had to leave to go to his other job. .... as a coyote dancer at The Dave disco. Then it clicked,,, I had oft' lusted after him as one of the hottest dancers there.

He confirmed that all the coyote boys at The Dave are gay, and available Pity I just cant handle 4 or 5 am nights any more
Where is "The Dave Disco"? In Pattaya?
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Old 6th August 2010, 07:30 AM
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dave disco

this map may help you to find Dave disco

Nicky's Gay Pattaya - Bars, Nightclub, Saunas, Massage, Restaurants
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Old 6th August 2010, 11:02 AM
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In Sunee plaza it is not unusual for a boy to present an ID which is in good condition except for the date of birth or the photo which is, for some curious reason, not quite legible. That, of course, is a deal breaker.

Sometimes the ID photo will have been taken several years earlier and the appearance may have changed. The boy may have presented another’s ID.

I ask for a boy's ID then, after I have it in hand, I ask the boy his birthday. If he has presented another lad’s ID, the look on his face upon realizing I have “his” ID, and he doesn’t know his birthday is easily worth the price of a drink.
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Old 6th August 2010, 06:06 PM
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The Dave Man club is very easy to find on North Pattaya Road (Pattaya nua) on the left about 100 m before you reach the beach road.

It doesnt even open til around midnight and the dancers first appear after 1 .30 am to 2 am. You can ask any of the waiters to tell a dancer you'd like to buy him a drink and he'll join you. Then it's "up to you"

It's 90% Thai patrons and they will usually order a botttle of whisky (for around 1,000 bt) for a table of 4 or 6 people and just offer a drink from that . However bottles of beer (my choice) and single drinks are available but if you order the bottle (usually 100 Pipers) it comes with its own cute waiter who makes sure the table has plenty of ice and never an empty glass! Dude Bar very similar but I havent been for a while and think it may have closed.
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Old 6th August 2010, 08:12 PM
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Sent you PM

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Old 6th August 2010, 09:58 PM
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Old 7th August 2010, 10:28 PM
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HOTELS'/GHs'. news ...

1.- NEW PARADISE INN., 'The economy class hotel.',
- addr.: 12 moo, 10 soi 17, Pratumnak rd.,
- tel.: (038)-42-64-10.;
- web: n/a.;
-- This inn is CLOSED pro tem. while in the hands of the builders, interior decorators and suchlike, who seem to be doing a thorough job of gutting it!

2.- On its advice - as our prefered hotel is accepting reservations for the Xmas./NY. period right now - my Enthusiastic & American Friend has reserved our rooms for a few days during that period; a sweetener being a small reduction in HIGH season's prices for early & confirmed bookings.
3.- From walking-around and asking various other hotels/GHs. have OPENED their books for reservations during that period, too.

-- E&OE.. - Usual disclaimers.
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