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Old 21st September 2010, 01:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by JupiterJake View Post
I recently went to a bar in Pattaya and had no less than 10 guys sit next to me and jerk off (with my help) to completion over the course of a couple of hours. I have NEVER seen anything like it in Bangkok. Drinks were 140 Baht. Each guy got a 250 Baht tip. A lovely couple of hours with all sorts of gorgeous cocks and hard bodies. Honestly, where else in the world...
what bar did you go? I have never seen this before in Pattaya:
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Old 21st September 2010, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by firecat View Post

Also except for the Fucking which is laughable, these types of show are available all over the world and boys to look at also. Try Montreal, Prague , Rio Ft Lauderdale and many more and none of them charge $10 for a drink.
you forget to tell that in Pattaya the barowner has to pay everything for the boys, like housing, food, daymoney for the boys etc etc. I think that is not the same in Montreal or Prague.
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Old 21st September 2010, 06:15 PM
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Wow, I think I don't have anything left to say to you. Best to hang on to your five dollars if it causes so much stress and anger.
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Old 21st September 2010, 07:26 PM
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I will and so will many others as you can see from the responses.

We don't like Thieves which is what the Soi Twilight Bars are. BTW typical when you are losing an argument not to reply to any of the points stated by the person you are having the debate with.
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Old 21st September 2010, 07:32 PM
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If $5 are "hardly worth arguing or worrying about" as Icon states, why do the bar owners charge us $9 for a glass of soda?

I'm with Firecat on this one. The bars on Soi Twilight have been a total ripoff for several years now. I vote with my feet and go to Super A, Solid and Nature Boy. The boys are cuter, the atmosphere more relaxed and the prices reasonable.
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Old 21st September 2010, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
Whilst I am astounded at your stamina (10 guys j/o) and wallet (10 x 250bt = a LOT) I agree Pattaya gets my vote every time.shows, ... .

-- One notes that the writer of the original posting, (this thread #129.), omitted to give the name of that particular bar - but possibly the lighting was so dim that he was unable to read it?
- As a v. infrequent visitor to Soi Twilight - a rip-off soi - but an occasional visitor to PATTAYA I'd vote for the latter every time!
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Old 21st September 2010, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- One notes that the writer of the original posting, (this thread #129.), omitted to give the name of that particular bar - but possibly the lighting was so dim that he was unable to read it?
- As a v. infrequent visitor to Soi Twilight - a rip-off soi - but an occasional visitor to PATTAYA I'd vote for the latter every time!

I'd guess the bar is named after a popular (iconic) thai dish !
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Old 21st September 2010, 10:48 PM
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I cease being interested in debating when my conversation partner becomes shrill and emotional -- especially when you're talking about the cost of a Big Mac set. Using words like "thieves" and "rip-off" when someone finds a place simply too expensive for their tastes.

I happen to think the Normandie Grill is expensive for the food it serves, but I don't call the hotel a pack of thieves or a "rip-off" -- I simply don't go there. Other people think it's a bargain.

As long as everyone knows the price going in, and agrees to pay it, then there is no "thievery" or "ripping off". I know people who patronize those Soi Twilight Bars every week, and love them.

As for me, I personally lost interest in anything they offer about ten years ago, so it's a moot point for me. The only time I go is if I have a visitor in town who wants to be taken there.

Anyway, to each his own. Peace.
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Old 21st September 2010, 11:27 PM
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Since I am sure the Normandie does not have a 50 x mark up, I doubt I would refer to them as thieves, just over priced.

Also part of my problem is caused by the one price strategy by all Gay Bars. Johnnie Walker Black is 300 baht and a bottle of water is 300 baht. Only in Thailand. When that water costs me 140 baht, I can live with it but 300 baht is just plain ridiculous.

No where else in the world are Hard Liquor, Sodas and beer all the same price.
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Old 22nd September 2010, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
I'd guess the bar is named after a popular (iconic) thai dish !

-- Ha! Ha!!
- I'd agree with you; in wch. case 250.Bh. for each JO. seems a wee bit much for such a place. Upstairs for sure - but upmkt.? Debatable.
- But each to his own, of course. It is not for me to suggest to others how they spend their money; however just a passing thought that such largesse might start to raise undue expectations for the future amongst the boyz there.
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Old 22nd September 2010, 03:36 AM
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Firecat: that's because you're not paying for a drink, you are paying admission/cover charge. And it comes with one free drink. Same at any discotheque any place in the world. It's your choice if you want water, whiskey, or beer.

As for the second drink, yes -- water should be cheaper. That's why it's better just to nurse your one drink. It's not the kind of place where you go to get drunk (or hydrated) on the cheap.

In regard to the Oriental, I have no problem whatsoever believing that a salad they might charge 500 baht for might have ten baht or less of ingredients in it.

Anyway, as noted, it is not a drink you're paying for in Soi Twilight. It is admission that happens to come with a free drink. Maybe if you look at it that way you won't be so violently angry about it, accusing people of stealing your money and other such shrill nonsense.
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Old 22nd September 2010, 04:21 AM
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Another ridiculous argument. When will you address the the fact that my problem is that the same thing can be had in Pattaya for 1/2 the price with all the same expenses. Please don't give me that Financial Capitol of the world argument again.

They want to charge me a cover charge then give me something for it. If I enter at 830 and leave at 10. I do not get a Show. Please do not tell me I am paying to look at the Boys when I have pointed out to you that is why they get off fees. I have also pointed out I can look at Naked not dressed boys all over the world for far less money. You also have no answer for the one thing you constantly point to the dreary Fuck show which 30% of the time does not take place. Where is my refund???

Also please don't tell me I should make my drink last 60 or 90 minutes so I don't get further ripped off. And you have also not addressed that the same boys are available on Soi 4 where my water costs 60 baht. True they have their shirts on (maybe)which is the only difference.

All I want is something for my money, the same things provided to me in Pattaya and much more for much less. Don't give me that police argument again unless you can tell me why I don't get a refund when no Fuck Show takes place or when I am not there at Showtime.

Fact is the expenses are equal to or less for the Bars in Bangkok then in Pattaya and still Soi Twilight Bars charge twice as much.

Please tell me how those illegal Lady Blow Job Bars that charge 100 baht for drinks can do it or the Lady Bars who have Ladies going Full On at it on stage can only charge 100 baht.

The answer is simple. The Gay Bar owners on Soi Twilight know they can Fuck the gay Customer and they do.

Simple as that!!!
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Old 22nd September 2010, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by firecat View Post
... .
The answer is simple. The Gay Bar owners on Soi Twilight know they can Fuck the gay Customer and they do.
... .

-- No need to patronise the rather played-out scene - to my olde & jaded eyes, at least - in Soi T'light.; go instead to places such as GOLDEN COCK, NATURE BOY, SOLID BAR & SUPER A along Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.), where drinks are but 100.Bh.-150.Bh., and the boyz appear to be satis. with much LESS for the pleasure of their company.

-- Usual disclaimer, of course - just a satis. customer!
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Old 22nd September 2010, 05:36 AM
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I definitely agree and persue that course most of the time along with Gayromeo!!!
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Old 22nd September 2010, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- No need to patronise the rather played-out scene - to my olde & jaded eyes, at least - in Soi T'light.; go instead to places such as GOLDEN COCK, NATURE BOY, SOLID BAR & SUPER A along Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.), where drinks are but 100.Bh.-150.Bh., and the boyz appear to be satis. with much LESS for the pleasure of their company.

-- Usual disclaimer, of course - just a satis. customer!
Agreed. but Night Boys (near Golden Cock in the old massage venue, ) are charging 200 bt for a beer. About a dozen scruffy boys ( were they "love handles " I saw on an otherwise cute twink ? Is the McD / Pizza effect finally reaching Thailand? Not good.) Avoid!
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