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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   THE PEST in BIG C toilets

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Old 23rd December 2006, 03:39 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Angry THE PEST in BIG C toilets

I am not talking about the security here .

Ordinary shoppers are really annoyed by one particular cruiser these days .
This guy even doesn't pretend to piss . He flies from one urinal to another just like a butterfly .
Last week , this guy helt a porcelain urinal with his both hands
( even didn't take off his dick out )
Maybe he couldn't hold his weight ( He is fat and old )

Today , he just stood next to whoever came to a urinal .
He is TOO obvious ! I was really annoyed too !
Because when he is in a urinal area , most young goodlooking guys don't cruise .

I am sure THIS GUY checks this board .
I have to tell you that , if you are that obvious , the security will stop you !

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Old 2nd January 2007, 01:25 AM
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 136

I had a pretty aggressive guy in one of the Pattaya shopping malls yesterday. I was in the next to the last booth and he was in the last. I was going to go in his, but there were a couple of guys at the urinal. He ended up coming out and motioning for me to come into his stall. At this point, he'd fucked up. Obviously not a pro at the cruising scene. He should have just waited for me to join him, I knew he was there.

So I just walked out of the bathroom and got my shopping cart and went into the lift. He followed me in and was going to give me a bj in the lift. But we couldn't get the "Stop" button to work. Every time we wanted to lock the lift, the door stayed open. Makes sense, but shite for oral sex. Still, the slow ride from the 2nd to the 1st floor gave him enough time to suck me a bit.

I went to my car, dropped off my stuff and then went back up. He'd followed me out to my car, which I didn't really care for. I thought he was going to try to blow me in the parking lot ("Mommy, what is that man doing to the other man?")

Again, we were going to try the bathroom. But this time it was pretty full. And earlier I saw guys waiting for the next available stall. It was that busy yesterday. So I didn't want to come out of a stall when another guy was waiting to go in. Besides, the only free one was the first stall, next to the sinks.

So I took off again and he followed me and said something (something like "follow me"). But he was heading to the store. I don't think they had a loo in there.

At this point, though, he was acting desperate. Fortunately, he ended up leaving me alone. But I wasn't sure until I left the parking lot. He could have been the Mad Stalker!
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Old 22nd March 2007, 12:59 AM
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In two successive visits to BIG C on R'damri. I've been all too aware of possibly the same man: small stature, elderly, tanned & wrinkled face; wears the usual b'ball. cap over clean & neat shirt & Lee jeans, sneakers - looks to be American.
He does one of two things: either he grasps firmly the urinal before wch. he's standing and peers aggresively at whomever is at the next one, or he stands backa little and without unbuttoning/unzipping makes masturbatory movements with his hands.
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Old 22nd March 2007, 11:04 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
That's not THE ONE

small stature, elderly, tanned & wrinkled face; wears the usual b'ball. cap over clean & neat shirt & Lee jeans, sneakers
Actually I have never seen this person before , though I go there almost every day .
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Old 23rd March 2007, 08:01 PM
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Ninja - True, I've not seen him during my last two visits.
What times do you visit? I generally go there after 16hrs., from earlier arrivals possibly a bit late to see the younger eye-candy?
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Old 25th March 2007, 01:38 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

What times do you visit?
I know when and which day is the best to visit , but
those eye candies don't want me to write it here , I am afraid .
And I don't want my post to get attention by unwanted persons either .

After BIG C is closed , it worths to vist 5 & 6th floors toilet
( the cineplex ) , but then again you have to be like young slim Thai guys to be popular .
Be carefull . They have more frequent security vistis , and I once saw one young Thai guy got cought .

Your observation is quite right !
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Old 25th March 2007, 08:43 AM
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Ninja - Thanx for ur reply - u'stood.!
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Old 27th March 2007, 01:38 PM
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Posts: 28

By the description given, I have met him a while back - if he is the same one, he also goes out to Nonthaburi Rama on occasion - he is 86 years old, small, thin, with that signature baseball cap that seems three sizes too big and still going strong. I have never seen him in action tho' - not sure I would want to and I am in my hi 70's! But then, I am probably the least aggressive person on the planet, even when I am, on that rare occasion, obviously propositioned, I am unwilling to go into one of those booths. Can't say I didn't do plenty of that in my prime tho!!
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Old 1st May 2007, 10:15 PM
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Big C

Big C 1st floor on last friday was quite busy. Few of these guys were just standing at the stalls jerking but cannot view their dicks. So, decide to go up to cinema level. Went in to toilet and saw 2 guys standing around wash basins area as lady cleaner around. I walked out and decide to go back later. This time, 2 guys at stalls and were jerking. Stood next to one of them and showed my dick. The other guy, then gestured to the other one to show his and he grabbed the guys dik and jerk him. I inturn jerk this other guy..... didn't take too long for him to cum till my hand were sticky with his juice.
This is infact my first break after going there a few times. Guess you just got to be there at the right time.
Cheers and happy cruising... was hoping to see Ninja aroudn the toilets but hmmmm no sight of him..
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Old 2nd May 2007, 04:23 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Dear Zippo ,

R U in BKK now ?

I usually don't go to the 1st (Grand ) fl toilet , and rarely go up to the cineplex level these days .
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Old 4th May 2007, 08:18 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

I saw THE PEST in the 2nd fl toilet around 4PM today .
Did you see him , Zippo ?

When he entered the urinal area , all other cruisers left there quickly ( including 2 other older farangs )
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Old 15th December 2008, 12:01 AM
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-- An elderly and American acquaintance has informed me that 'The Pest.', (a fellow American.), is back here in BKK..
- I've not seen him to vouch for this.
- My informant alleges that this will be The Pest's last visit hither because of ill-health.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 15th December 2008, 05:31 AM
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-- An elderly and American acquaintance has informed me that 'The Pest.', (a fellow American.), is back here in BKK..

-- It is he, indeed!
- This a'noon., (15th.), he was not only seen but heard by many enthralled listeners as they heard his side of a cell-'phone. conversation with some other friend who must be hard of hearing.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 15th December 2008, 06:09 AM
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I knw people like that can be a real nuisance but let's have a bit of compassion for the old guy. He sounds very sad to me. Believe me, I've been in his position before. Ugly, unwanted and now, sick, too.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 15th December 2008, 07:25 PM
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... .

-- Taoboxer,
- Thank you for a valid point - appreciated.
- But I've seen him, [the Pest], in BIG C - R'DAMRI. thrust himself between a couple of Thais, who were standing and having a p**-p**, in order to have a better look. There are limits.

-- A few days ago I was availing of one of the hawng hahm in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA and stood one away from a middle-aged looking Thai man, pale complexion, angular face distinguished by a birth-mark or similar on one of his temples; but it was what he was shewing - standing well back deliberately to shew-off his assets: uncut and I'd guestimate at least 7ins. LOA. & of a good girth. An interested & young looking man was standing at his other side.
- Another middle-aged, plumpish, red faced & Thai man emerged from the cubicles, saw what was being shewn and stood so that he could observe.
- I moved to stand next to the shower.
- All of a sudden the a/m. mentioned plumpish & Thai man stepped fwd. and roughly interposed himself between us, almost shoving me aside in his eagerness to see all the better.
- The shower turned away, hurriedly adjusted his dress and left.
- So - despite our LESS than favorable comments - such behaviour isn't confined just to the Pest.
-- Bibi.. --
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