Various bars in sunnee plaza ...
-- During thu., (11 aug.), evening I visited the flg. three a go-go bars in SUNNEE PLAZA -
1. - NICE BOYS. - Apart from the four coyote dancers, who did nothing else than just stand-around, there were maybe as many as a dozen and an half R&F. a go-go boys, not all of whom were energetic by any means; - ETA./ETD.: roughly 21.30. - 22.oo.hrs.; - Non-alc. drinks at 130.Bh.; - Several young men sitting-on the edge of the stage shewing-off their assets, a couple of whom - sorry, did not see their nos. - are quite well endowed. The tall & well-built YM. whom I liked - never mind that all of his back, his LHS. chest & LEFT leg are all heavily tattooed - prefered not to shew-off his assets; - Maybe some five of so other farangs there. 2. - GOOD BOYS. - - Non-alc. drinks at 150.Bh.; - Maybe a dozen or so decidedly YM. dressed in their street clothes, most of whom were lounging around on the stage - none of them worth a second glance; - From time to time one of them would start pleasuring himself before going-up to stand in front of a mature & Th./Ch. looking man and then completing the job on the man's drinks' table in exchange for a pecuniary reward. 3. - EROS BAR. - - My Schweppes' lemon soda cost 90.Bh., the coke that I bought for my companion was 99Bh.; - Some half-a-dozen YM. on the stage; at one time one of them removed his briefs and danced au naturel on one of the small & island stages closer to our table; most of the YM. are well into their 20s. or maybe older; one of whom, wearing lt. bl. briefs, appeared to be well-endowed and would have been my choice had not the Cap't. joined me; - Some 3 or 4 other farangs being e'tained. by their EROS companions; - My companion - the 22YO. Captain - persuaded me to join him behind a conveniently rigged curtain. After entering I sensed the Hand of Discretion ... . Afterwards he seemed to be quite happy with his 500Bh. TIP.. -- In BOYSTOWN I visited - 1. - FUNNY BOYS. twice. I've written about them before and have nothing new to add. 2. - On friday, 12 aug., evening my Enthusiastic & AM. Friend and I visited HAPPY PLACE., wch., despite it being HM. the Queen's B'day., was OPEN; - Maybe as many as half-a-dozen others there at 22.hrs.; MORE drifted-IN as Show-time approached until maybe a score or so? - We noticed that the portly-built owner was sitting outside but never entered inside; he was not there when we left after the show; - O'all. qual. of R&F. YM. not all that good; my E&AF.was greatly taken with khun Kai - #16., while I cast my eye on khun Bebe - #8., but MORE for his energetic & dancing skills than for his rather self-possessed looks. #999. - an ugly looking YM. - was all too busy smiling at someone else and playing with himself in a manner MORE reminiscent of one of the SUNNEE PLAZA a go-go bars :(, a couple of others joined him in improving their assets & possibly chances of being 'Offed.'; - The show was but so-so, as was their erotic act; - In short my E&AF. and I agreed that the stds. there had fallen considerably in the few weeks that we had been OUT of PATTAYA. 3. - One evening I was persuaded to walk upstairs and to visit a newly-OPENED bar: JET., wch. is next to X-BOYS and roughly opp. to CUPIDOL; - Non-alc.drinks at 130Bh.; - A dozen or so youngish and generally not bad-looking YM. were dancing - some MORE energetically than others; - I was joined by the M'San. who did her best to encourage me to take one of the YM. upstairs - 300Bh. for 'Off.', 400Bh. for upto 4 hrs. in the room with HW. shower & clean bed-linen; and a suggested 1K.Bh. TIP.; an offer that I declined as politely as I knew how as the 22YO. YM. in question - allegedly from C'BODIA. - looked quite pleasant and, as a bounus, was told to me as being well-endowed. -- :) |
[ 2. - On friday, 12 aug., evening my Enthusiastic & AM. Friend and I visited FUNNY PLACE., wch., despite it being HM. the Queen's B'day., was OPEN; - Was that "Funny Place" or "Happy Place?" (Ref portly owner sitting outside ?) also .... on my last visit to Jet , I was offered "pay one off fee, take 2 boys." Tempting but had other plans that night. |
-- Khun Biggles, - Thanks for yr. corr'n. - it was HAPPY PLACE., of course. -- :o -- :) |
Vasa & happy place a go-go bars ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend visited both VASA and HAPPY PLACE twice on his own -
1. - VASA was visited earlier in the week and on sat., 13 aug., evening: - For the both visits he was its only visitor at the time of his visit; - For the first visit he remarked that #9., who both of us thought, on a previous visit, was such an attractive youth, this time looked as though he'd been 'Offed.' every night and expected to perform twice or thrice - really haggard looking. As for the others my Friend had doubts if anyone was genuinely over 18years of age. - For his 2nd. visit on sat. #2. had rejoined the ranks and looked even younger than before; my Friend doubted if the ages of any four YM. would have added-up to his own age of mid-fifties. 2. - HAPPY PLACE on the sat. evening was quite disorganised for the show; fewer R&F. young men on parade and thus fewer men available for the various acts, several of wch. suffered from a lack of co-ordination either between the katoey lip-synch. chantoosi and her accompanying team of 3 or 4 others or within the gps. of performers. - No sign at all of the portly farang. -- :( -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- :) |
Pattata - no recent news ...
-- No news on this thread from PATTAYA for quite some time: no floods, no scandals, no nuffink - so ho-hum and presume that all are OK.?
- Although from > The Baht Stop < I gather that CORNER BAR - Sunee plaza, is for sale, (or maybe not?), wch. has given rise to some postings therein; -- But tomorrow my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I shall be going thither for a few days of R&R. - to get-away from BKK.! -- :) |
Pattaya OK
I have been in Pattaya for the past week and unfortunately leave tomorrow. Having just been to the go-go bars in Bangkok the week before I can report that inflation has not struck at the Pattaya bars. Drinks vary between 150bht abd 180bht. Maybe a bit more for Copa. As usual the shows are better than Bangkok although as usual there is no explicit sex. The boys are a mixed bag but there were usually at least one or two of interest in each bar. Overall the lineups look new compared with my previous visit. Cupidol has the best looking boys and plenty of them. Offed several boys from the various bars over the week with mixed results but that was more than likely due to my exhaustion :-) The successful offs got a gratefully received 1500bht for their trouble.
Sunnee bars seemed just as dull as previous visit and thankfully the boys were not underage. Crazy Dragon was dreadfully dull with hardly any customers and a bunch of ugly boys who moped around on the table tops barely moving but expecting tips! My Way was very busy with a large contingent of boys. Happy Bar was empty but a few of the boys were interesting. Back at Boyztown, almost all the bars are worth a visit with Copa having the best show. Overall there were hardly any customers in the bars, probably because of the weather which although not raining much has shown little sunshine. The daily bleak news about the Thai floods probably has reduced the tourist numbers especially in Pattaya. By the way, I had a very pleasant massage with 'afters' at Boyz Gym and Sauna in Boyztown - 400bht for 1 hour plus I tipped 1000bht gratefully received. I have enjoyed Pattaya more than Bangkok on this visit. |
-- Khun Trentaus, - Thanks for yr. UP-dating report; - What is the masseur's name at BOYZ GYM. & SAUNA.? But not important if you can't remember. -- :) |
sextile, I have sent you a private message in answer to your question.
Pattaya's weather ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I went-down to PATTAYA on 19 oct. and ret'd. to BKK. today, 22 oct..
- 19th. - Generally a few & sunny patches, cloudy to o'cast. with slight sea-breeze; dry; 20th.- O'cast.; hy. rain-storm around 17.hrs.; 21st.- As for 19th., scarcely a breath of wind on DONGTAN BEACH; 22nd.- Day began sunny bright with few clouds seen. -- A few shops have built 3-4ft. high walls with gaps in for ent'ce./egress; quite a few shops along Beach & 2nd. rds. have stock-piled sand-bags - but the whole thing does look to be rather haphazard. -- Chatted with a casual acquaintance from LAS VEGAS who gave us to u'stand. that on 16 oct. only six customers in the concession roughly opp. to TUI's.,(has blue & beach umbrellas with red & yellow edgings.); only a few MORE on the flg. mon. & tues.: :( - In the neighboring & our concession, roughly opp. to AVALON HOTEL, and by the octagonal hawng nahm, (blue & beach umbrellas with red & white trimmings.), v. many German-speakers - the 'Herrenvolk.'; the Russians prefered to be farther along & nearer to the tall tower with its two cable-cars. -- :) |
'boyz town cares.' ...
-- Gentle Reader - for your Dear Diary -
26 oct. from 20.oo.hrs. - BOYZ TOWN - Concert in aid of TH's. flood-victims.; - Source: Posters seen in BOYZ TOWN. -- :) |
Misc. Notes re pattaya ...
-- In SUNNEE PLAZA CORNER BAR is for sale, as are the former EUROBOYS and several others in its gen'l. area; in JOMTIEN PAPA DAVID'S REST'T.,(nr. Hanuman's statue.), is UP for sale.
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I visited the flg. bars - FUNNY BOYS - BoyzTown. - twice - we reckoned that #61. was the only one worth considering for 'Offing.' followed by poss. #16.; quite a few other customers; FUNNY PLACE - once was enough! OMG.! What has happened to it? No sign of the portly farang, thus has the feeling that that place was running down like a no-longer-powered flywheel, as it were: true: cool towelets still provided; we asked for Schweppes' & Lemon-sodas and were given Singha's soda-water with slices of lemon; qual. of R&F. a go-go boys sadly fallen right DOWN, possibly just above say A-BOMB qual.?; music loud;no smoking! DAVID - non-alc. drinks 120.Bh.; nine a go-go dancers, none of 'Offable.' qual.; had longish chat with khun Jhun - waiter - 26YO., hails from Roi-Et, speaks quite fair English - possibly 'Offable.'? SUPER STAR SHOW BAR - non-alc. drinks 110.Bh.; some score of a go-go dancers; rather kitshie decor.; TOY BOYS - No comment. -- HAPPY A GO-GO BAR - Sunnee plaza. - non-alc. drinks 90.Bh.; were told that 20 dancers avail., but saw only 07. of them; a couple of other farangs came-in, but otherwise far from busy; MIC-MY BAR. - Many young men, but did not count them; several displaying their assets and/or m'bating.; one VWE. for a Thai youth. Quite a few & other customers - noted that it was the younger & twinkier young men who seemed to be the MORE pop. for being asked to join the farangs. -- E&OE.. -- :) |
DONGTAN BEACH at approx ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I arr'd. at our usual conession at around 1911oo.hrs.; Khun Nat - the concession-holder's factotum - wasn't there, so we made do with the svces. of his assts. instead;
- At approx. 12.15.hrs. my E&AF. noticed a small procession of Pattaya's Finest, four on their m/s. and one PU., driving-along the small & brick-surfaced rd. that separates the beach from the beach-front ptys. and in the gen'l. dir'n. of the tall tower with its two cable-cars; - All of a sudden a comotion as a young & male ice-cream vendor dashed between our concession and the neighboring one with one of Pattaya's Finest, obviously one of the younger & LESS paunchy members, in hot pursuit. The YM. ran straight into the sea to above his chest, but managing to keep his p'styrene. box, with its ice-creams, balanced on his shoulder. The police-man halted at the water's edge, waited for several moments before turning-around and walking-back, smiling ruefully; we spectators were smiling a bit MORE broadly as it was all too obvious with whom our sympathies lay. - The YM. stayed in the water for quite some time and then made his way, still in the sea, away from the dir'n. taken by the police, who, after some half-an-hour, were seen ret'g. whithersoever; - After a further 40 or so mins. the ice-cream vendors re-appeared; we were given to u'stand. that Pattaya's Finest were trying to shake-down each one of them for a 200.Bh. donation! -- As an aside I was reminded of a long winded story that began with the Capt'n. of the USS. Constitution saying to some young matelot, clad only in his skivvies: 'Son, son, what are you doing standing here on the quarter-deck of the USS. Constitution, lad only in your skivvies, and in the cold clear light of the early American dawn?'. - The matelot had picked-up some girl or other in a bar and they had ret'd. to her house for some nookie. - But then, quite unexpectedly, who should return but her husband: 'Least-wise so I surmised from his opening remarks wch. went something like this: "Git outa ma wife, git outa ma bed and git outa a ma house."; - 'So I got outa his wife, I got outa his bed and I got outa his house by jumping through the open window, pursued by the irate husband, or least-wise so I surmised from the opening remarks of the crowd wch. went stg. like this: "Run, run, hairy bum, there's a man chasing you with a large carving knife just one inch from your left testicle!"; - During the pursuit he nearly tripped-over a cat: 'Or least-wise so I surmised from the opening remarks of the crowd wch. went stg. like this: "Get outa his way, you furry four-legged f*cker, and let them that's gotta run, run!"; - Various other adventures & would-be mishaps ensued until at last the young matelot concluded by saying: "So you see, sir, that's how I come to be standing on the quarter-deck of the USS Constitution, lad only in my skivvies, and in cool clear light of the early American dawn.". -- Apologies for the a/m. digression. ;) -- :) |
FUNNY PLACE - BoyzTown ...
-- Khun Luky. - - Tks. for yr. report; glad to read that the portly owner is still much in evidence, and that a good evening, and night, was enjoyed! ;) -- :) |
Pattaya's road-traffic ...
-- Gentle Reader, Should you be contemplating a last minute drive to PATTAYA then you might like to read the flg. web-site:
- > The Baht Stop <-> FORUMS > OPEN Forum > 'Traffic-snarls in Pattaya.'; - I fear lest 'Go well - go Shell.','The ESSO.-sign means happy motoring.' or even the latter's 'Put a Tiger in yr. tank.' might not avail you very much. :( -- NB.: There is no need either to Register or to log-IN for casual reading. -- :) |
Traffic was quite bad over the weekend- mainly because the cops decided to "regulate" flows causing more chaos than the usual free for all (e.g around the dolphin round about) - but not much worse than the new year or Songkran periods. Most of the Jomtien road widening now finished and dual highway right though and parallel to Jomtien Beach road means quicker run to Na-Jomtien areas.
Getting out of Pattaya tonight and back into BKK will be hell as a million people head back home after their un-planned extra long weekend. |
Pattaya now ...
Have been here in PATTAYA from 02-05 nov. -
1.- Hotel full of boisterous Russians on package-deal holidays; 2.- Beach full of the usual Germans! 3.- Weather mild & pleasantly warm, with generally a gentle breeze blowing; 4.- Bars & clubs seem to be variably busy from night-to-night; my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend went to HAPPY PLACE on 04 nov. evening: portly farang in attendance, so music not too loud, service attentive & efficient; possibly some 30 R&F. a go-go boyz, mostly hy. tattooed; many visitors, almost sitting-on eachothers' knees; - While there I visited MIC-MY BAR on two successive nights, tue. & wed.: tue. quite busy with several young men shewing-off their assets; but on wed. nigh on empty of both YM. and visitors. Also visited HAPPY BAR twice, non-alc. drinks at 90.Bh.: first time quite busy with several YM., all wearing their usual & slitted shorts, on parade, 2nd. time LESS so; also to EROS BAR wch. wasn't all that busy, some half-a-dozen YM. available, all wearing briefs; non-alc. drinks at 90.Bh.; but three enormous farangs, who made my E&AF. - who weighs some 330lbs.,(say 150.Kg. or 24.stone.) - seem quite under-nourished by comparison, were amongst the spectators -- :) |
Pattaya now ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I ret'd. to BKK. today, (05 nov. - 'Remember, remember the fifth of november ... .'), forenoon; from PATTAYA to EKKAMI 'bus.-stn. no problems, 'buses. dep. PATTAYA for BKK's. other 'bus.-stns, and also MUKDAHAN in NE.I-SAN;
- On DONGTAN BEACH many chatty & loud-voiced Germans, who otherwise appeared to be harmless. V. few Russians seen near the AVALON HTL'S. end, prefering to gather at the farther end and nearer to the tall twr. with its cable-cars; - A fair number of the usual and poor but honest beach vendors hawking their wares, wch. incl. porno. DVDs. of young persons of questionable ages; - Our htl. - MIKE'S HTL., nr. to 'Walking St.' - full of Russians on package tours: commandeered the swimming-pool from opening to closing times, and later ran up-and-down the corridors hallooing & shouting until the wee small hrs.. - My E&AF. told me that he encountered a gp. of four & youngish males in a 7/11. store: all wanted the same & small product - LESS than 20.Bh. - and all paid individually with 1K.BH. notes, after wch. they remained at the till until requested to move, wch. they did with ill-grace and then gathered outside the shop's door stopping all INgress & Egress until after they'd finished their conversation: 'Nekulturni-i mujiki-i.' as they say in Mother Russia! - While the Russians might be welcomed for the income that they bring they are far from welcome by the mild-mannered Thais for their boorish behaviour: :( |
05 december ...
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend and his lady-friend have been in PATTAYA for the last few days;
- A brief SMS. has informed me that SUBWAY SANDWICH BAR - Pattaya South rd.,(Beach rd. end.), has CLOSED; - VASA BAR - Boyztown has CLOSED; - The portly gentleman is seen at HAPPY PLACE - Boyztown, but the quality of the young men on the stage therein is of 'Tuk-tuk driver.' standard: but possibly that means too many tattoos? - E&OE. as reported speech. -- My above-mentioned friend, my Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend and I plan to visit on or about 02 jan 2012.. -- :) Posted via Mobile Device |
"My Enthusiastic & American Friend and his lady-friend"
Three people, or two? "my Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend & I plan" Three friends, or one? Posted via Mobile Device |
1.- Two of them and 2.- Three of us. -- :) |
Thank you.
One might have to ask such questions if you would write in plain English instead of the affected, archaism- and abbreviation-strewn jargon which you seem to favor. Posted via Mobile Device |
It was clear enough to me. When I hear about "my above-mentioned friend [the Enthusiastic & American one], my Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend and I," I count three.
Besides, how important was it to know whether he was mentioning one, two, or three friends? Some of us may find archaisms and affectations rather charming. :-) Posted via Mobile Device |
And some may find them silly at best, grating at worst.
But -- to each 'is own. Posted via Mobile Device |
Stop sqabbling girls ! The sun is shining in Pattaya /Jomtien, weather perfect and no crowds yet. Get yr fat arse's down here for some fun :)
Posted via Mobile Device |
Don't let the style bug you. Just remember that without his comprehensive & indefatigable posts with map coords, whats open and whats not etc. this board would be a lot less useful! ;) Posted via Mobile Device Now where were we? Ah yes cruising for sex... |
Cruising for sex? I'm too busy cruising the malls looking for cans of condensed milk.
Posted via Mobile Device |
I want to know the bar with muscular boys .I don't like the young and thin boys.
BTW, any one has experienced with massage on the beach (DONGTAN)? Posted via Mobile Device |
Apart from hoards of Ruskies, Pattaya is still very quiet . I took a visiting Aussie friend around this week and was surprised at how few go go boys there are in some of the bars. Wild West and Copa both only had about 8 boys (c/f usual 20 to 30) and only a doz or so customers watching the shows. Funny Boys well stocked (about 30 cute twinks), with Vassa and Dynamite closed . Gent's Club has been opened under another name but not yet tried.
While the Thai tourist ministry is spruking a record high season, Thai airlines poor quarterly result and pessimisitic 4th Q load forecasts are telling a truer story with farangs staying at home or going elsewhere. Posted via Mobile Device |
Could be because it is the rice harvesting season. They'll be back (probably).
Posted via Mobile Device |
-- If various hotels and/or Eating houses here in BKK. are any guide - I've been checking-out quite a few for our Christmas Day's buffet-luncheon - then tourist-numbers are DOWN indeed. - Whereas last year reservations were required this year - for our group of some half-a-dozen or so - I've been told that no reservations will be necessary, just walk right-IN from off the street; - Simplified menus. will be the order of the day, too. -- :) |
Try A-Bomb (tattoed farm boys) Copa Bar (a few body builders) or Happy Place (all in Boystown.) Most beach massage guys are straight. |
If you find a good one 'squeeze and squeeze until the eagle grins' as the song goes... ie don't let him go, book him again for tomorrow and slip him extra. There are two I use regularly and they give an excellent massage. One comes back to my room for activities. Straight as, but says and makes me think, he enjoys it. Go figure! As far as foot massage is concerned the ladies in PTYA give better massages and cheaper but for setting, atmosphere and chemistry you can't beat DGTN. :D |
Two & gay themed resorts ...
-- From the u/m. source and hearsay two, new & gay themed resorts have OPENED recently in PATTAYA -
1.- BAAN SOUY RESORT., - Addr.: No address given, but looking-at a map it's on Thappraya soi 15., (shall we write roughly half way between S. PATTAYA & JOMTIEN? - Tel.: (038)-364 580.; - E-mail > < - Web: > Baan Souy luxury gay hotel in Pattaya, Thailand < - The owner is reported as being Mr. J Lumsden, of BOYZTOWN fame. 2.- ORPHEUS HOUSE., - Addr.: 146/8-9 Moo 10., Thappraya soi 1., Nongprue, CHONBURI, 20260.; - Tel.: (038)-250 530. & (085)-254 2527.; - E-mail > - < - Web: > < -- Source: Freebie & monthly THAI PUAN - #46.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- :) |
Dongtan beach
-- My two, Elderly & Am. Friends and I were at DONGTAN BEACH from 02-06 jan.; on the whole the weather was changable and far from what one might have expected for the height of the tourists' season: tue. was o'cast. with an English type drizzle for most of the day; wed. began o'cast. but then the sun broke-through fitfully between 11.-15.hrs.; thu. began brightly, clouded over with a slight sprinkiling of rain around 11.hrs., after wch. it cleared-up just a little; fri., (today), began quite brightly.
-- In our concession - by the hexagonal hawng nahm & opp. to TUI'S PLACE - most of the others were Germans, many of whom are hy. smokers of ciggies - ugh! - O'all. occupancy was approx. 50%. at the most. -- In gen'l. not all that many hawkers and/or sellers of DVDs., food-stuffs, ice-creams & trinkets seen; but plenty of masseurs - most of them wearing their blue & numbered jkts. - doing fairly brisk business, plus the usual & elderly ladies giving mani. & pedicures. -- In the next concession to out RIGHT v. few of the young men, who might be seen later-on working in the bars, were in evidence. -- :) |
Agree Pattaya / Jomtien now quite quiet- doesn't seem like high season.
In Sunnee Euro boys has re-opened and also a new Sawasdii go go (ex Boystown) on Soi Yen Sabai near entry to Sunnee. Not yet tried either as my Aussie thii-rak is staying with me for the holidays (which is sweet but cramping my style some-what !) Will be sampling from mid Jan :) |
Funny boys & vasa ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend visited FUNNY BOYS and VASA A GO-GO BARS on 03 jan., (I was desporting myself in the Dark Side - a rpt. will follow.), so what follows will be reported speech -
-- He arr'd. quite early to find FB. nigh on full with three main gps.: Herr Markus, (mngr. of either AMBIANCE or of CAFE ROYALE.), & farangs, several of the bar's young men and having an enjoyable and not too rowdy a time; two gps. of Russians on either side of the stage who bawled at eachother, were there to spend ostentatiouly and to make disparaging remarks about the bar's YM.. Mde. Rose, the M'san., while happy to see all of their money was LESS so with their 'Nekulturnii.' behaviour. -- In the RE-OPENED VASA several of the young men on the stage looked to him to be all too young - scarcely of legal age? There were two other & elderly farangs, each with a couple of YM., who left soon after his arr'l. & without giving TIPS. to their YM. to judge from the latters' expressions; - Another & v. mature farang entered, closely followed by #2*. still in his street-clothers, and sat-down with a couple of YM., seeing #2. the farang offed all three of them! -- :o |
Some notes on sunnee plaza ...
-- As my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend doesn't like to visit what he calls 'The Dark Side.' I visited on my own -
EROS. - - Non-alc. drinks from 100Bh. and UP; - Approx. a dozen young men on stage, three of whom were wearing jock-straps and clearly indicating their preferences to the several & matuture farangs present; - One YM. & farang disappeared into the backroom for their own pleasures; several other farangs were getting to know their chosen YM. quite intimately; - Bkgd. music not too loud; no smoking of ciggies.. GOOD BOYS. - - Non-alc. drinks at 150.Bh.; - Some dozen or so assorted YM., mostly sitting on the stage - a few of whom were m'bating. rather half-heartedly while looking-at their cell-'phones.; - Bkgd. music loud enough; a couple of staff seen smoking ciggies.. TOM YUM. - - Non-alc. drinks at 140.Bh.; - Again possibly a dozen or so YM. on stage or sitting-down at the end opp. to the bar and looking-at their cell-'phones.; - A couple of farangs were offering inducements to those YM. who felt up to it - similar to what one might see in TAWAN CLUB. - Bkgd. music quite loud; only some staff seen smoking. NEW SAWARDEE. - - Fairly recently OPENED; the usual central & finger-stage approx. 5x20ft., seating on two sides and bar opp. to the door; - Non-alc. drinks at 120.Bh.; - Another bar with a dozen or thereabouts YM. all wearing briefs, and numbers on ribbons around their necks - two YM. both having the same number! - While I was there a gp. of three farangs entered and sat on the opp. side of the stage to me. Their offerings into the pot were MORE generous than I saw in TOM YUM, wch. possibly encouraged several of the younger participants to contribute enthusiastially. I noticed that after a while the older YM. - a couple of whom are VWE. - had retired, thus leaving the stage to the youngsters, who are of slighter build and endowments. Quite a few of the younger men walked amongst us, offering to shew themselves in return for a suitable ack.; - I'd position this bar as UP-mkt. from GOOD BOYS but not encouraging the OPEN intimacies seen in EROS; I must allow that I spent longer therein than is my wont and that 'Il vaut le retour.': ;-) - Bkgd. music quite quiet; no smoking. -- Just an aside: I prefer to drink Schweppes Lemon Soda wch. is avail. in FUNNY BOYS but in none of the bars that I visited in SUNNEE PLAZA.; in the latter I had to make do with soda-water & slices of lemon. -- :) |
Cartier a go-go bar ...
-- For my last night I visited CARTIER A GO-GO BAR.* -
- Doors OPENED at 22.hrs.; - Non-alc. drinks at 200.Bh.; - Half-a-dozen YM., none of whom was worth a second glance, danced on the stage three at a time; - Seven other spectators present; - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.35.hrs.; - The acts all followed the same format as I've seen previously - only the performers were different; - During one of the longeurs between acts one of the YM. sat next to me; after a while he took hold of my hand and placed it where he wanted. Being satis. he took hold of my hand and led me to the hawng nahm, where, Gentle Reader, I fear lest I might have to leave you as the Hand of Discretion ... . - I paid the bill and left soon thereafter; - Bkgd. music loud enough, several staff seen to be smoking ciggies.. - I would not feel disposed to return. --* Vide khun Orson's posting in this thread, #137.. -- :) |
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