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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Another scam artist on Gayromeo

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Old 18th December 2010, 08:06 AM
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Another scam artist on Gayromeo

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a guy who calls himself newinbkk2010 on Gayromeo. He comes from Chiang Mai but has been in Bangkok for some time. He was down to his last 80 baht and needed money urgently. He agreed to meet in a few days and I could pay him the rest of his fee. It wasnt a great deal of money but I always fancied the guy and thought it was worth the risk. Well needless to say he didnt bother to meet and then blocked me on gayromeo. I am just posting this as a warning should he try the scam again, as I said the money was no great loss but beyond me why he bothered for such a small amount when he could have earned a lot more.
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Old 18th December 2010, 05:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Your first clue should have been his description of his rather average cock as "XL". LOL.
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Old 18th December 2010, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Your first clue should have been his description of his rather average cock as "XL". LOL.
He did have pictures showing face and full body so I don't think there is any doubt he is well endowed. I just know he would have got a lot more out of me as a friend rather than the pittance he scammed from me.
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Old 18th December 2010, 06:28 PM
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There is still a cock pic, but no way is it "XL" as described.
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Old 18th December 2010, 06:29 PM
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PS: never, ever respond to requests for money in advance. I thought that would have been a given...
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Old 18th December 2010, 06:55 PM
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It's not something I normally do but given what he was asking for I thought it was worth the risk as he would have got a lot more had he turned up for a date.
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Old 18th December 2010, 10:02 PM
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Hmmmm , strange - he has 8 recent positive / enthousiastic comments in his guest book and no negatives. Maybe he just didnt fancy you - which would not excuse, but could explain !
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Old 18th December 2010, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
... he has 8 recent positive / enthousiastic comments in his guest book and no negatives. ... .

-- Possibly what our dear medical colleagues would call: 'False positives.'?
- Personally I'm always MORE than happy to receive a NEGATIVE reply from such people!
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Old 19th December 2010, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
Hmmmm , strange - he has 8 recent positive / enthousiastic comments in his guest book and no negatives. Maybe he just didnt fancy you - which would not excuse, but could explain !
Well I might agree with that had we met or he had ever seen me or pictures of me but I just got this desperate plea for some help and taking into account that the remarks in his guest book were positive I thought I was dealing with a genuine guy. Maybe others have not parted with their money until they had received some service for which they were then prepared to pay some money for.
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Old 19th December 2010, 03:37 AM
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Posts: 66

I lived in BKK for several months 2ys ago and had a GR account then. Got messaged buy a 22y old guy, university degree, great English and worked for a BKK law firm. We chatted when still in Europe and finally met in BKK. He said he was into mature Caucasians and had had a longer relationship before. Now he d just be into 1night stands but I was "different" and he would like to have a real relationship with me. We met several times for dinner in a Thai restaurant and later for cinema. Once a week, no sex, because he was not "ready" yet. I accepted but after one month he chose a quite expensive restaurant before cinema and this time I decided to stop and pretended to have headaches after dinner bec. I felt "used". He sent me several mails when I did not pick up the phone. "Drama nit noi". I told him about my point of view and he said I was wrong and he would have come to my room next time. When I answered and said I d agree he said he was too busy at the moment working on his thesis. Never met or heard again. He still has is account on GR (send PM for name) and is online every day. I am curious how this story possibly would have ended. He NEVER asked for any money and seemed to come from a wealthy family. Maybe somebody on this board can share similar experiences.
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Old 11th February 2011, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by pitrevie View Post
It's not something I normally do but given what he was asking for I thought it was worth the risk as he would have got a lot more had he turned up for a date.
I don't understand how you got the 80 baht to him without meeting him. Did you mail it to him? Odd. And only 80 baht? Strange.
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Old 11th February 2011, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by pitrevie View Post
It's not something I normally do but given what he was asking for I thought it was worth the risk as he would have got a lot more had he turned up for a date.
I don't understand how you got the 80 baht to him without meeting him. Did you mail it to him? Odd. And only 80 baht? Strange--just some cute femmy guy asking everyone for money--what do you expect?
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Old 11th February 2011, 09:00 AM
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The profile No is Profile No. 7777781 but it is now waiting to be validated, yesterday it had all his pictures on it. Where did you get the 80 baht from? It was a bit more than that. I have chatted with the guy a couple of times and he seemed to have good reports so I transferred it via the ATM to his account not something I normally do but I made an exception for him. The money will not be missed but I thought I would warn others and from what the other user says he enjoys going through your pockets if he gets the chance.
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Old 13th February 2011, 03:30 AM
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Posts: 79

The user use_pass received a nice guestbook entry today as well, have a look... Seems credible, but on the other hand, someone who's pissed with one of his GayRomeo contacts might also make something like that up to discredit the guy. And to keep others away, jealousy plays strange games with many minds... ;-)
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Old 19th December 2010, 05:56 AM
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Personally, I think you blew it.

The kid probably WAS from a rich family. He probably always had everything he wanted and needed, and therefore the cost of a restaurant probably never crossed his mind.

You should have simply said that the place he suggested was a bit expensive for your budget and suggested another.

Sounds like you missed out on a rare opportunity to form a relationship with a well-educated, well-off Thai guy.
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