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Old 26th July 2012, 06:27 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898
Super A - VALE :(

Another one gone!

Tried to drop in for a "cleansing ale" around 1 am last night and was directed to the bar downstairs. Greeted by Khun "Top" (the weedy guy with long straight hair who's been at Super A forever). He told me all the guys from Super A were moved downstairs last night and told it was closed - permanently. So there's very little sleeze left in BKK.

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Old 27th July 2012, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 36

Super A was one of my favorite stop-by sites in all of Bangkok! Say it isn't so... But: what is the setting like downstairs? Is it much different from what I used to know and love upstairs?

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Old 27th July 2012, 07:29 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Originally Posted by NYNakedTop View Post
Super A was one of my favorite stop-by sites in all of Bangkok! Say it isn't so... But: what is the setting like downstairs? Is it much different from what I used to know and love upstairs?

Very different. Long narrow venue. Stage on left hand side, long bench sofas and tables facing, bar at the rear. Boys all on stage but still flirt and love to be invited to sit with you. Drinks only 100 bt last night. Lighting is brighter thatn Super A and any gropping is seen by all

They push you to "off" to the the upstairs massage cubicles reached via an internal staircase - about the same standard as the old Solid with 500bht short time fee + tip for the puu-chai. There were still about 6 boys at 1 am, and Top told me 4 boys had been "offed" already. Having just flown in from Beijing, and not finding anything tasty at that stage, I opted for an early one.
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Old 2nd August 2012, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

thanks for your report-its nearly gone full circle then-it has started-20 yrs ago or so- also ground floor, but from your report I understand its now in that former Khun/massageshop etc-the original Super A (later merged with Lucky S-opposite and beside the Superlek Matsuda) was in a larger oom beside.
TOP: he is a great guy- he must have spent half his life working there-just guess howm old he must be (about double what he claims to new customers). feed him beer.
But why this hiss that it has ben cleaned out? nature boy is also ground floor-and for a while had not even a door, just a curtain.
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Old 12th September 2012, 10:00 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
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new digs

I was sad to see the bar move downstairs and downsize. I'm not crazy about the new configuration of the room. It's hard to see the whole crew, and not much room to sit back and "play" with the merchandise. Plus, most of the guys are just sitting around, bored out of their minds and playing with their cell phones. Not a dynamic experience for the customer. I'll return, simply because I've been going there for 20 years and I like most of the crew --- even the pushy mamasan --- and once in a while I find a real gem there.
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Old 13th September 2012, 01:46 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 55

It's the same owner, I was told last night by Bee, the manager. I did not see the owner around last night. There were some infrastructure problems at the upstairs Super A if you can believe Bee. The down stairs was originally built as a massage venue with three or four cubicles up stairs. Now short time rooms but with only a central AC and a central shower room. Not posh but clean. The downstairs now is called Super A and the old sign from the original Super A was put up. 500 for an Off? really? OK, but I guess that includes the short time room? They used to charge 500 for a massage but you really did not get a massage.

Drink prices seem to be on a sliding scale. If you’re a regular, 100B, more if you’re a newbee and a lot more if you're a confused Chinese or Japanese patron looking like you don't have a clue.

You can ask before entering and walk if they say something a lot more than 100 and it's likely you will not get far if it's a slow night. Most are.

Some of the old upstairs Super A boys moved over to Nature Boys.

Now, when Super A goes back to the format and atmosphere that they had in the 80's/early 90's give me a call.
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Old 16th September 2012, 08:14 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

Originally Posted by trongpai View Post
Now, when Super A goes back to the format and atmosphere that they had in the 80's/early 90's give me a call.
Ah, these were wild and wonderful days indeed. I sure miss them. Super A was where I saw my first live sex show, back in 1992. And the participants were actually good looking ... unlike some of the things I see on stages nowadays.
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