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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   "Sleeze bars" up-date wanted

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Old 1st March 2013, 07:32 AM
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"Sleeze bars" up-date wanted

I dislike the usual boy-bar concept with "dancing" on stage, "shows" and limited possibilities for a closer contact in the bar to "check the merchandize". Prefer the "sleezier" bars, such as A-boys.
So, can anyone of you guys give an up-date on BKK-bars such as;
A-boys (rumur say it is closed), the rather new bar on street-level and to the right of A-boys, Golden Cock, Nature Boys and Screwboys (if that can be categorized as "sleeze" nowadays)
And for Pattaya; Happy Boys, Eros and the bar (forgot the name) up-stairs close to soi VC but in direction Sunnee-plaza.
Are there any other bars of this type which I missed??
Would appreciate any information For my up-comming visit to BKK and Pattaya!
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Old 2nd March 2013, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by RoNo View Post
And for Pattaya; Happy Boys, Eros and the bar (forgot the name) up-stairs close to soi VC but in direction Sunnee-plaza.
Are there any other bars of this type which I missed??
Happy and Eros both have "facilities" for playtime without off fees. Good Boys has closed and Tom Yum re badged as Cock-tails (but not yet visited.) Crazy Dragon is worth a visit for a bit of fumbling and touchee-feely, and there's a new single shop front bar almost next door which offers "big cock show" and where a guy will let you give him a j/o in the back stalls for 300bt. (I'm in Sydney this week but will do the rounds when I'm back on 17th.)
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Old 3rd March 2013, 02:06 AM
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as for BKK-you look a bit confused.
That bar has always been named SUPER-A. It has closed upstairs and moved to ground floor and got a new name, with still like Super A in it (in the shop of that old massageshop). Their touts will find you in the street. Still has a lot of the very same old boys from Spr-A.
Just round the corner is still-after 22+ years, Golden Cock, just a minor contender in the sleeze.
And 20-30 mtrs on is Nature Boy-same place as it has always been, though I guess tattooboy, of whom we spoke such a lot, has now moved on.
And thats about it, I am afraid, for now.
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Old 3rd March 2013, 02:30 AM
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Thanks for info! And you are right, the name of the up-stairs bar was Super A. My mistake
Last time I looked in to Golden Cock there were only few (two) boys and far from my taste. I wish they could get som more variety of boys
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Old 7th March 2013, 11:58 AM
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Go go boy bar in Soi VC, near Sunne raided earlier this week. Name of bar is M something. News report says many working boys 14 to 17 yrs old, police detained manager, boys and foreign customers. No known update.
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Old 7th March 2013, 09:35 PM
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How lovely.
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Old 8th March 2013, 09:44 AM
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see link below for full story - as far as I am concerned ur running a risk in any of the bars in this area. Must be insane to even consider renting boys over there who may well be underage. Dont trunst documents they carry - can be fake also

Police Raid Soi VC Bar With Go-Go Boys For Sale | Pattaya Daily News - Pattaya Newspaper, Powerful news at your fingertips
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Old 8th March 2013, 10:40 AM
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Nature Boy

The tatooed boy at Nature Boy is still there. First time I took him off is close to 10 years ago. Still performing, kissing, rimming, sucking and fucking.
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Old 18th March 2013, 01:15 AM
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well, then he has learnt a lot! Reports from before suggested that he could only shak-wao and even when taking off to some room, he did not know to do anything else.
Super A also has a few long-serving staff. Some have worked over half their life there-and they did not start below age! But he can still easily deceit unknowing customers by claiming he is 22/3- 18 would be a little too young.
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Old 21st March 2013, 10:13 AM
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A brief sojourn in BKK, accompanied by an aversion to the pushy mamasans and near pensionable aged "old timers" in soi twighlight, lead me to make a 3rd visit to "Heart-Beat" bar in the soi almost opposite.

As on my previous 2 visits (both around 9 pm) I was the only patron and the stage soon filled with about a dozen young, (all appeared legal age) but largely just passable twinks in briefs or jeans. Having negotiated the price of a drink down from 250 bt to 200 (before entering) I decided to stay just long enough to finish the beer, when a newly arrived twink caught my eye. He was wearing briefs of the lace up front variety - but back to front - showing a tasty crack in a more than adequate bum. Smiles were exchanged and I called him over. What a delightful young man he turned out to be. 18 1/2, but looked like 20, smooth firm flesh completely unblemished (no tatoos) and a broad smile to match. From paak glang (Central Thai not Isaan) he was very tactile and cute as apple pie, and a tentative juub soon became a passionate deep throat, and as usual my resolve to behave my age crumbled and off we went to the Suriwong (now 340 bt short time.) The off fee was 500 bt which is too bloody steep, but by then I was besotted and just wanted to get into his pants a quickly as possible. He turned out to be a virgin bottom (and expressed a desire to stay that way) but engaged enthusiastically in 69 and mutual fingering, followed by a vigorous mutual j/o session and inevitable very happy endings. A "short time" tip of 1,000bt was accepted without hesitation and with a big smile.

Apart from those sordid details, cruisers may be interested to know that at 2 am Heart Beat changes from a host bar to a disco, the boys become waiters and it's open to 5 or 6 am - so night owls now have somewhere to go when DJ closes.
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Old 23rd March 2013, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
A brief sojourn in BKK, accompanied by an aversion to the pushy mamasans and near pensionable aged "old timers" in soi twighlight...
How come I never saw any of these old-timers when I went to Soi Twilight last year? I think it must be a well-known fact here by now that I have a thing for maturer men...I think I only saw ONE - and that was at Hotmale.

Either I'll need new glasses the next time I come to LOS or else I'm going to have to look much harder.

Oh dear...that didn't quite come out the way I meant it, did it?
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Old 4th May 2013, 02:33 AM
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No life in Thailand

Any new hot reports from the sleezy bar scene in Bangkok?
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Old 9th May 2013, 01:24 AM
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Screwboys - pp2. ...

-- SCREWBOYS - Phat Pong 2. - is CLOSED, being in the hands of internal decorators.
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Old 10th May 2013, 09:07 AM
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Sad to hear that Screw Boys has closed, although I'm not shocked. I've dropped by there only a handful of times in the past year and the offerings ranged from pretty poor to totally scary. Nevertheless, I had some good experiences there over the years and kept going back, even when the pickings were slim, hoping there would be something remotely cute to take home. After the demise of My Way, and now Screw Boy, about the only bars I care to go are Super A and Heartbeat Boys, and they are often hit and miss too. I won't even venture down Soi Twilight any longer; too annoying and too expensive, and nothing I see in those bars strikes me either. Time to chat up the cute guy selling khao mun gai on my street!
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Old 10th May 2013, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
Sad to hear that Screw Boys has closed, although I'm not shocked. I've dropped by there only a handful of times in the past year and the offerings ranged from pretty poor to totally scary. Nevertheless, I had some good experiences there over the years and kept going back, even when the pickings were slim, hoping there would be something remotely cute to take home. After the demise of My Way, and now Screw Boy, about the only bars I care to go are Super A and Heartbeat Boys, and they are often hit and miss too. I won't even venture down Soi Twilight any longer; too annoying and too expensive, and nothing I see in those bars strikes me either.
Amen to all the above. My sentiments exactly re BKK. Cum to Pattaya while there are at least a few fun / sleeze venues still operating - I don't think they will be here in 5 years time!
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