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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Washington   looking for other collegiate dudes into making photo art stuff with other similar

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Old 13th December 2009, 08:16 AM
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looking for other collegiate dudes into making photo art stuff with other similar

Hey I'm a 30 year old, but pretty youthful looking and collegiate/jock kinda dude with an all-american but also edgy unique style basically all my own which I've always had. (non of this being dictated to by A&F)......
...into 501s, camos, sports jerseys, caps, old-school high tops, and jocks (but only the 'thin banded 'swimmer's jockstrap' far as that particular intrinsic article goes...)

...I've had a hobby for years of taking erotic art of myself, both still photography and rarely but some videos, one of which is actually out there and somewhat successful. I want to start shooting other guys too now.
Guys in their 20s who fit into the all-american/collegiate look and style I'm into, but unique combinations of this are what I'm all about too, like edgy punk types would fit in to my vision as well...

I am really into locations too, I mean that's what makes an art piece, largely. Think abandoned locations, locker-rooms, motorcycles, etc...

Far as sex I'm into all things vanilla plus hardcore assplay and poppers. But nudity is not even necessarily necessary in the photos I want to shoot...erotically charged, definitely.

Well I don't have any money to pay models but it'd be cool to find like-minded guys who'd be into this for empathetic artistic motivations. How can I find the right kind of other guys who might be into this project with me???
Attached Thumbnails
looking-for-other-collegiate-dudes-into-making-photo-art-stuff-other-similar-xbrad_1dec09.jpg   looking-for-other-collegiate-dudes-into-making-photo-art-stuff-other-similar-decc4-09-brad1.jpg  
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501's , assplay , jockstraps , lockerrooms , public

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