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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   24 Hour Fitness located with men-only saunas and steamrooms

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Old 14th October 2005, 01:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Checked out the 24 hour fitness in West Hollywood and the arclight.

The Arclight 24 Hour fitness (Sunset): Clean gym with a younger crowd. Lots of guys in their 20's and the lockerroom was full of 'em. The men's sauna looks to be on the outside of the lockerroom are next to the womens. I haven't checked that out, but did shower - 6 stalls. Clean place, but very lit. I don't see how any decrete action could happen here except maybe in the showers on less busy days. The parking was $1.50 with validadtion. Good looking bunch of guys working out.

Thw West Hollywood 24 Hr Fitness: First off, you guys weren't kidding about the gym being rundown. Most of the weight lifting machines looked prehistoric compared to those at the other 24 hr gyms I've been to. The leg press machine alone was rusty and creaky. I did however like the layout of the lockerroom area and how the steamrooms, saunas, etc were within the mens lockerroom and pretty much all enclosed allowing one to walk around fully nude - which many of the guys were doing. The locker area was located downstairs from the shower - very large and open layout with no obstructions - you can pretty much see from one end of the room to the other. starcases on either side going up to the steam, sauna, shower and jacuzzi area. Lots of naked guys, though the 3 nights i went the there was no action, just a lot of looking going on and one guy in his 20's pulling on his dick for a short bit in the steamroom. The guys here seem to be a little older than the crowd at Arclight and a little more latin, asian and mixed. I noticed one really hot Italian looking guy resembling Alec Baldwin exiting the steam room going to the shower with a nice beefy body, big flaccid dick and low-hanging balls. I just wish there was a little bit of action, but there wasn't too much going on. Compare to the Arclight, Magic Johnson on La Cienega/Slauson and LAX gyms - this one was very rundown and not kept up at all, but has the best layout as far as the locker area is concerned. Parking in the lot next to the gym is $4.00 with validation. Permit only parking in the residential area south of SM Blvd unless you can find a meter.


what is the deal with the private locker area on the upper floor next to the steamrooms? I saw a couple of guys press a keycode to get in and noticed this was a locker room as well. Is this for staff? One of the guys I saw wander in there came back out, went in the steamroom and seemed to be looking out the window in the door into the other steamroom across the way. I thought maybe he might be staff or something, though I did see him working out earlier (and quite unattractive too).

Anyone know why this area is separate? is this for straight guys? staff?

I'd really be interested in hearing some more details about the activity going on, especially in the Arclight. I'd be interested in hitting that place up again (only went once) but hoping for a little more action.

I haven't yet ventured into the showers at LAX or Slauson locations even though the guys that go there are pretty hot.
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Old 15th October 2005, 01:41 PM
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Santa Fe Springs 24 Hour

Anyone play at Santa Fe Springs 24 hour fitness? I go regularly in the morning, but the co-ed steam room is pretty empty. Did watch one guy get blown one morning. Very hot, but that's about it. Anyone go there at night? It seems like a place that people work out only before or after work.
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Old 15th October 2005, 06:54 PM
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Long Beach/Bellflower 24 Hour Fitness Sport

So what's the deal? I thought this place was supposed to be cruisy. I went there last night at about 8pm and it wasn't too crowded. I worked out a bit and then went to shower. The other guys in the wet are all had bathing suits or shorts on, even in the shower. There were signs up saying they shorts were required. I can understand needing a bathing suit in the pool or jacuzzi since it is co-ed, but in the men only areas?
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Old 15th October 2005, 07:00 PM
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The West Hollywood location had seen better days, but being an older gym, the set up is pretty good for cruising.
You can see everyone in the downstairs locker room.
The private locker room upstairs is for members that pay an extra fee for that usage. I have gone in there a few times with a member late at night to get more up close and personal.
The steamroom and showers can be pretty cruisy, depending on the crowd as well as under-the-water in the jacuzzi.
They used to have a large communal shower area, but they made the indivdual stalls a few years ago (no doors or curtains) which seemed to make cruising easier as you can jack off in your own stall while watching the guy(s) across the way.
If they do a total remodel, I think it might be too antiseptic like new gyms area (co-ed saunas, steamrooms and jacuzzis) as well as adding brighter lighting.

PS...this used to be the Sports Connection (ie Sports Erection) and they used it to film the movie "Perfect" with John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis (I bet he loved filming a movie in a men's gym since he likes meeting guys that way).
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Old 17th October 2005, 07:34 AM
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Red face Marriott LAX Steamroom Oct 20

I'll be at the LAX Marriott health club this coming Thursday - late afternoon and again in the evening and plan to spend a lot of time in the steam room. Hope it gets busy like it has during other visits. Yum.
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Old 18th October 2005, 11:58 AM
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Question can you get kicked out?

I was told that you risk loosing your membership if caught fooling around in the wet areas at 24 hr fitess in WeHo...can anybody verify?
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Old 19th October 2005, 06:39 PM
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RustyBear....never heard of that, but I am sure if you are too obvious and not paying attention to your surroundings, anything can happen.
That being said, they are open until midnight from Monday--Thursday night and until 11pm Friday--Sunday nights. I have never seen any workers check out the wet area (showers, jacuzzi, dry sauna or steamroom) late at night until about 15 minutes before closing when they are letting everyone know it is almost closing time.
The steamroom can get very steamy making it hard to see what is going on inside, they have single shower stalls so you can see what your neighbor across the way is doing, under-the-water fun sometimes happens in the jacuzzi and there is a prviate locker room that members can pay extra for so if someone nods for you to follow them in....
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Old 29th October 2005, 09:29 PM
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I stopped at the 24 Hour Fitness Sport in Santa Monica this evening and was not impressed.
I thought I had read they had a men's only sauna, steamroom and jacuzzi, but it was all co-ed next to the pool.
A few cuties in the locker room, but didn't get any gaydar from them.
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Old 30th October 2005, 09:33 AM
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They had all three and gang showers at one time and could never figure out how to "control" them. So they improved them out of existence.

Had lots of great workouts there.

BTW in the 70's the WeHo club was Sports Connection, all male and had a clothing optional outdoor pool and sundeck.
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Old 30th October 2005, 05:04 PM
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Wasn't it used in the movie "Perfect" as well?
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Old 10th November 2005, 05:12 PM
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I finally checked out the 24 Hour Fitness Active on Century Boulevard near LAX. Since I read that the locker room wasn't used much and didn't want to pay $11.00 parking fee, I parked behind the Crowne Plaza on the side street and walked over to the 24 Hour Fitness. It is located on the 2nd floor of the building directly across from the Crowne Plaza.
It is a very clean gym with a small locker room and 4 showers (one large handicapped stall with a curtain). It is a very industrial looking new locker room with stainless steel sinks and benches. Good size lockers.
None of the guys in the gym used the showers when I was there and they didn't even look wet so I doubt anyone uses them. The 2 in the back face each other so I think action could happen if more guys would shower.

I then checked out the health club at the Marriott on Century Boulevard. They are filming a movie in the lobby so it is a very busy area. I went down to the health club but a hotel card was required. I waited a few minutes and a guy was leaving so he held the door open for me. I had a gym bag with me with flip flops and stuff like that so I looked like I belonged.
I worked out for awhile which gives great opportunity to see who is coming and going.
After I finished working out, I went into the small locker room, stripped and headed for the dry sauna (larger than I thought it would be). A cute guy was showering and when I entered, no one else was in there. I sat on the bottom shelf and the guy showering joined me. A stocky guy (looked German) passed in front of me with his uncut cock swinging. We played cat and mouse for awhile, then when he came back from another shower, he was half hard and made sure I noticed as he passed me. he kept watch at the door thru the little window while I sucked him off.
No one came in the locker room the whole time we were in there. They have fresh towels available.
There was quite a bit of writing on the wood panels inside about dates and times to meet for I guess it is quite popular. I haven't seen writing like that since I used to cruise restrooms in New Jersey when I was in my 20's.

A can I get a hotel guest card without staying there? Is the health club open 24 hours? Does security check if you are a guest?
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Old 10th November 2005, 06:14 PM
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Guest Cards

PublicSex90069 asked:
A can I get a hotel guest card without staying there? Is the health club open 24 hours? Does security check if you are a guest?

I've actually picked up cards that have been left in the lockers (no, I did NOT steal them from anyone's wallet!) They were left in the locker and no one else was in the locker room. I was fortunate enough to find a Premium card that someone had left. I used that when I go in to show that "I do have a card, but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to open the door. " I have never NOT gotten into the fitness area.

Hmmmmmmmm.... thinking I just might have to go down there this evening....
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Old 11th November 2005, 09:31 PM
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I was there this afternoon/evening as I had 2 hours to kill after I got out of work and before I met friends for dinner...a nice man held the door open for me but it was dead in there. I did take a nice hot shower and sat in the dry sauna for about an hour. Very relaxing.
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Old 12th November 2005, 09:10 AM
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LAX 24 Hour

I work out at the 24-hour on Century and it is a great setup and always quiet. The showers aren't used much. I've gotten lucky and stroked off a few times, but it's rare - usually I'm just standing in there waiting for someone to come by and see my hard-on. If it ever does get busy, you can always move in to the large handicap bathroom stall, which is also quiet. Anyone want to meet up there later today and stroke out a load. Love to unload with another big shooter! E-mail me and let's pick a time. Also...the parking in the structure behind the building is only $0.75 with validation at the don't have to pay $11.00
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Old 13th November 2005, 06:37 PM
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Thanks for the info on the parking for the 24 Hour Fitness on Century...
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