hmmm....a pretty vague request.
I am going back in 2 weeks to the DR....i have never had a problem finding available guys....but there are a few factors involved. DO you speak spanish? (if you dont then you will generaly just meet overpriced hustlers...or sankies as they are called there) what area are you staying at? North or south? WHEN are you planning on traveling? I typicaly stay in boca chica....but i am conisdering traveling to the north for a few days (in sosua). I dont care to spend too much time in the capital as i live in large city...and i just dont like the guys that i meet there. IF you dont need city life (and like me prefer the beach)...AND you speak SOME spanish...i suggest staying in either boca chica in the south or sosua in the north. DONT go for the first guy that you meet. Thank them for their interest in you....but chill for at least two days and really get a feel for where you are at. DO bring some gifts (baseball hats...nice tee shirts...designer underwear....and perhaps a pair or two of jeans)....DONT bring used clothing (unless you donate them at a church). DONT be flambouyant....carry yourself with dignity and discretely....and you will be surprised how the guys will find you. If you are a single man travling solo and not running after the girls...they will pick up on that. Also...if you travel to the capital at night...dont go in shorts and sandles. If you want to meet a nice dominican man the GOOD ones have standards...if you look like an ignorant gringo tourist you will be ignored by anyone of class......well...perhaps if you are exceptionaly good looking you might get a break:-) I am not sure how boca chica is lately.....as they had a big bust there a couple of weeks ago and closed a few of the discos and bars and busted many of the putas and even some tourists. I can let you know in a few weeks how things are there now. IF not...i hear there are pleanty of guys on the north part of the island (mainly in sosua). oh...DONT pack dildo's or vibrators!!!! I know a guy that was busted for that. DO bring pleanty of concoms and lube tho!!! feel free to email me and i can give you more info I would love to hear from other domincan travelers. Also...do a google for DR1...there is a great message board there. but even there....dont go overboard screaming gay gay gay....search the threads there...there is quite a bit of information there
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Hey jrzyguy38! I think we exchanged some posts about the DR a while back.
I'd love to hear more about your experiences in the north. As I said before I usually stay in the capital and I've had some really nice experiences there. Now that my Spanish is a lot better I'm looking forward to going back. I got along OK before but I felt like an idiot. Now I will be able to hold up my end of a conversation! So please do post again after your visit and let us know about your experiences. Or please feel free to email me. I'd also like to know where you've stayed in Boca Chica. Was it you that told those hot stories about the island off Boca Chica? Thanks for the informative post!
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Hey gringo!
I'd like to hear about your experiences in the capital. I actually feel more inclined to check it out first before heading to any resorts or beach destinations, just because I am an urban kind of guy - but I'd like to know what I'd be getting myself into. The movie theater described here on CFS sounds really hot. I'd appreciate any info you can share. ![]()
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well...i am totaly jacked up for this trip!!! 1.5 weeks to go and i am climbing the walls here thinking bout all the men and the beaches.
i have decided to spend 5 days on the beach in boca chica.....but i will be with friends so we can share cab fare at night and hit the capital when we want. My last three days (solo). ..i am going to spend in the capital. I figure i can take a guagua (bus) to the beach in the morning and work on my tan.....then prowl around the city streets at night....and find as much cock and ass as i can!!! I am already working on my skills. Yesterday...went to the grocery store and ended up going over this guys house and having a 3way with 2 hot latino guys. AIY HOMBRE!!!! I will definitely clue you into the hot spots in the capital....or wherever else i may find. I am not going to post specifics until i get back.....as i hear the police have really hit boca chica hard...and i dont want to trigger any more arrests. but so far it looks like...boca chica in the day....santo domingo at night
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I didnt really spend much time in the capital. But just hanging out on El Conde briefly i me a couple of AMAZING guys wanting to have fun (the were pay for play...i would have gone for it but my hotel was in boca chica.....and well...i was on a budget).
A very easy and nice place to meet guys...is by the cafe across from the cathedral at the end of el conde (basicaly an outdoor shopping mall) Met some HOT guys in boca chica tho! I cant recommend this spot for everyone...as it takes about a 10 minute swim (in calm waters...the beach is surrounded by a reef) to get to the isla of the main beach. It is really hit or miss here....as at some points durring the day there is not a soul around...other times it is surrounded by snorklers....but if you hit it right...I had walked into a group scene of locals on my second day!! AMAZING! Granted....one still has to be discrete....i recommend a snorkle and mask for the isla...or else you will look very obvious and the guys DONT dont that at all!!! THere was another guy (perhaps a couple of years older than i...but not much)....but he basicaly got chassed off the isla cuz he kept on cock blocking us every day..he just WOULDNT leave!!! I also think the politur sorta monitor the isla from the beach....so if they see some big stalky white guy mulling around the mangroves...they are gonna notice that. i am CERTAIN they know what goes on out there. I also do not recomend cruising there if you do not speak the language. some of the guys are looking for money (always keep 500 pesos in your bathing suit...about 15 US)....some are not...but the guys on the isla do NOT speak english...or other languages....just espanol...and if you dont speak at least intermediate spanish...or pretty decent tourist spanish...you really wont be welcome. THe nightlife in BC currently sucks. THere used to be a lively strip at night...just a few blocks...but it was FUN!. hopefully this will come back eventualy...they closed the main disco and a few bars....and it is BORING!!! There are still guys to meet there tho. There is this sorta corner bodega that locals and tourists hang out at....and i met some pretty cool guyz there. One night there was 20 brazilian men hanging out there (there were on leave from the army). Eye candy for days.....but those guys were there to spend there pesos on the hot chicas there. UGH...and i never DID make it to that porno theatre! Thats a long story that i wont bore ya'll with. From what i heard while there....JD's is the spot to go to for hot strippers and macho guys.....club Aire....is more for the queeny set...and Bar Pheonix is where you go to find a hustler quickly. The bathrooms that were listed earlier here...are no good...either closed...or they ONLY let tourists in. welll boys...i hope that helps you out. I MUST reiterate....that the isla off that beach is NOT for everyone.....so do not flock there!!! Speak spanish....be in "decent" shape...be discrete, and if they arent feeling you....back off and try again later. DONT hover around the island like a cock blocker!!!!
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Day one: i ran into this guy that i have been playing with for a few years now while there. Its kinda funny....he sorta stalks in the water....you think you are swimming solo...then you see a snorkle following you....with my snorkle and mask still on he would swim up to me and start waving his cock at me under water (i need to get an underwater camera for my next trip).
well...we continued swimming to the inland....and there are about 4 structures out there (a couple tree houses...and 2 others that resemble tress housed at ground level) amongst the mangroves. (mangroves...how appropriate! lol). WEll...what can i say...he's dark skinned and sleek and packs a solid uncut ten....and when 2 snorkelers came by....he was undeterred. Then on day two when i went to the island....i could hear something going on in the woods....there were a few guys carrying on...all dominican...but they let me join in. AIY HOMBRE!! They were a mixed group of guys...a couple of flacos...one dark skinned guy in his early 20's with a solid 11....a shorty with a hot body and avg dick....my my my. I also hooked up earlier with a guy on the beach who rents boats and stuff.....he followed me out to the ilsa and again...tall and lean and hung...but i got to play with ass like crazy. Day three...back with black annoconda....the guy with the snorkle and mask. Day four..was in the capital...not a great day...but i met a HOT HOT HOT HOT carlos by the cathederal...i didnt have a room in the capital...but i know what bar he hangs out...and i plan on finding him on my next visit. That night....was having some cervesas with this guy that i know that has yet ANOTHER solid 11. He wouldnt go to my hotel tho....so i had to suck his cock under a palm tree on the beach at night. THEN....the day that my travel buddy left....i kept on running into guys that i have known in the past...while i kept on just meeting more and more.....until it was a 3 times a day thing....and i was turning down freebies!!! (sercurity guards...hotel workers...motochonchos....even POLITUR...and a few other guys could see what i was up to....and they were definitely interested in getting "freaky freaky"). And i am NOT exagerating about the dick sizes. I have been there 5 times....and i gotta say...in the past most of the guys were just average (dick size)...hot but average. but this time they just kept on getting bigger and bigger and bigger!!! Ok...now i am depressed cuz i dont know when i can afford to get back there! I will start doing some major overtime at work.....hopefully i will get back there....sooner rather than later. not sure if you can post links here....but i have some hot shots to share Oh...i just attached a file with a guy that i met (with one of the avg cocks)....we just got back from the beach...so pardon the talc and body lotion (it is kinda blurry as i had to decrease the file size for CFS :-(
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Last February I spent eight days in Santo Domingo staying in the older part of town (Zona Colonial) and the Hotel Caribe. If this is your first trip to SD, I'd suggest that you stay in the capital and take a one day trip to the beach area mentioned in the above posts.
Check out Monaga.com site; you'll get loads and loads of information as to your queries. I went on this party trip with others, but I spent a lot of time independent of them. Anyway if you check out the aforementioned site-- you'll get enough information to have a great stay. Also check out male4malescorts.com message center-- escorts South...; join (free) and you'll receive much information that is in the archives. Do a search: just type in Santo Domingo...
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In November 2006 I am going to DR. I would like to know what the boys expect in return for short term or overnight?
is it a shopping trip or money and how much is the rate in DR? Where in Santo Domingo is the best cruising?
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