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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Cruising History   Provincetown's "Dick Dock" (With Video)

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Old 22nd September 2017, 10:26 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
Provincetown's "Dick Dock" (With Video)

There's a new short article with a longer video about the Dick Dock in P'Town on HuffPost: The Magic Of Provincetown’s ‘Dick Dock’
...The Dick Dock is an open secret; for years and years, gay, bisexual and curious men have gathered here under the cover of darkness.

Much like a bathhouse, the sex is often anonymous. Glances and bodily fluids are exchanged more than names and formalities. And yet, the sex can be passionate, wild, ecstatic and even oddly intimate. Under the Dick Dock, there’s a certain magic that happens. And it’s a magic that’s deeply interwoven into our history...
Worth a look. The video is from Brad Amberheart, a tantric sex coach based in Asheville. For some of you, the magical, spiritual perspective he and other practitioners offer might not be your thing or a bit over the top; it speaks to me and resonates.

Anyhow, the history and the cruising are here.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
Yes, I finally found a way to embed YouTube videos in this archaic software...
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Old 26th September 2017, 12:05 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

The spiritual part is a bit over the top for me...

But interesting to hear him talk about gays were just starting to feel free before AIDS brought everything to a halt.
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Old 26th September 2017, 12:41 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I remember those days well. Growing up Roman Catholic as the product of a devout Catholic father and free-thinking Protestant mother - plus being a naive, sheltered, over-intelligent (i.e., a nerd before that was cool), introverted military brat - I needed to work through a lot of moral issues and authority issues before I was ready to act on the gay feelings I'd had since at least age 12 or 13, if not earlier.

So, coming out for me was a long process that didn't take me to meet other gay men in person until I was in college. I didn't have sex until I was a college senior, 1984, just as HIV/AIDS was starting to explode in our consciousness. You'd better believe I had to get a grip on it immediately.

Coming through that long period of moral introspection and arriving at my own judgments, obviously I kept on gathering information, applying logic, and reserving for myself the right to decide what to do - whether in bed, in a club, in a park, a toilet, a parked car, or wherever.

Freedom was so hard won it was worth keeping, and still is.

A lot of that is why I'd said his spiritual approach resonates with me, but I know that it won't for most guys. To each his own.

~ Bob S.
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Old 11th October 2017, 11:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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It is funny Bob - we are about the same age and had the exact OPPOSITE experience.

There was lots of playing around growing up. A more relaxed view of sex left over from the free love 60's added with "no one will ever know we did it" and all justified with "It's not gay it is just the only option we have right now". There was lots of playing around with lots of different guys. Most I really do think were straight and just horny - but some of us I knew enjoyed it more than just getting off.

So then came college - when you can grow into your own man as you did - but also came AIDS and it scared me farther and farther into the closet. So scared of HIV or being outed I repressed it more and more - often thinking / planing on trying something like a bathhouse - and always chickening out. The ABS were still OK because no one there knew if you were gay/straight/bi - but nothing where you had to be honest with yourself.
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