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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Dirty Stories: Instant Jackoff Material   Blowin' the cab driver

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Old 13th November 2004, 11:07 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 3
Blowin' the cab driver

I've got this cute Rican friend named Moses. He's 22, very short and very boyish. He's always telling me this crazy shit that happens to him so I thought, hey, why not contribute to the forum with his latest story. So, for those of you familiar with New York City, you should know where a gay club called the Monster is. This past Saturday Moses went there with four buddies. After the club, they got into a cab. They could barely contain their laughter when they realized the driver was listening to this Christian station on the radio. This guy was one of those ultra-religious types, a Haitian man in his early forties. Moses said he had this long dreads and all these rings on his fingers. He got annoyed at Moses friends cause they're kind of queeny. He was scoffing and being rude to them. Moses could see that cause he had to go sit up front right next to the cabbie. His friends got off first and on the way to Washington Heights (where my friend lives), the man went on about how homosexuality is a sin and gay guy would rot in hell, blah blah, you all know...Moses couldnt give a fuck, cause that's the way he is. He said openly he sucked dick before and would do it again. He could tell the guy seemes nervous and edgy. He had cranked the volume up and this gospel song was blaring. Then the guy stops the car and fishes out his dick! He's very quiet and doesnt say a word, just kind of tugs at it before Moses's eyes. My friend told me he went down on it and it felt so weird, with the gospel playing in the car. He said teh guy came all over his face in less than a minute then he felt ashamed and shut off and pushed Moses out of the car. He drove off, leaving my friend to wipe cum off his face and look for another cab. I thought I'd share this story with you guys. It turned me the hell on when I heard it the first time. What about you? Do u have cab stories to share with the message board?
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