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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Georgia   Georgia\'s Governor \"Sonny Perdue\" GAY?

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Old 17th October 2006, 08:48 AM
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Question Georgia\'s Governor \"Sonny Perdue\" GAY?

It is true that Georgia\'s Governor \"Sonny Perdue\" is gay?
If you think gays, lesbians and bisexuals choose their sexual orientation, ask yourself when you chose yours. If you are heterosexual did you wake one morning and decide that you were going to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Did you decide that you would be attracted to the opposite sex? Did someone recruit you as a heterosexual? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals do not choose their orientation any more than do heterosexuals. Studies consistently demonstrate that the problems gays face are caused by the attitudes and behaviors of society at large, not by sexual orientation
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Old 17th October 2006, 08:53 AM
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I sincerely hope not. We're already embarrassed enough by having Mark Foley claiming to be "one of us".
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Old 17th October 2006, 06:57 PM
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Puhlezz! Where did you ever come up with that brain storm?

I'm voting for him cuz he's republican, and I'm into minorities (and I despise liars!)

Only an imbecile like Taylor could have invented that one. As for Foley, what ever happened to the idea that Dems liked gay men? Hell, they gave that ass hole from Mass. who just died 3 (not 1, but 3) standing ovations! Of course, he did present his sweet hairy butt to the audience...

Perdue is as gay as my foreskin is long.
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Old 17th October 2006, 07:03 PM
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Make your statement. VOTE LIBERTARIAN. He doesn't have a chance of winning, but anybody is better than two FAT CROOKS.

Perdue would suck cock to get a vote! He was the only one to benefit from that "special" $100,000 tax break (his accountant who is also a Ga. legislator introduced and got passed).

Taylor would sell his dog to get a vote. He's been there for years and has only "helped" the H.O.P.E. scholarship, pre-K and Dominoes, Pizza Hut and Pappa Johns.

Shouldn't a real Lt. Governor have done much more than that?
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Old 17th October 2006, 08:36 PM
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Sonny, do recognize gay families have value, too.

GEORGIA CERTAINLY ISN’T New York, as the tactics in our respective governor’s races showed this week. But if our governor wants us to believe that he harbors gay Georgians no ill will (just the state’s “radical homosexual lobby”), there are a few basic issues that belong on the “Sonny do” list that his television ads tout.

1. 1. Sonny, do not engage in any further gay-baiting in this campaign. It demonizes your fellow citizens, and it’s not like you need it to win.
2. In your second term, Sonny, do not allow GOP lawmakers to bluster about banning gay adoption. As a foster parent yourself, you know that debating whether children are better off with opposite-sex or same-sex parents is irrelevant until there are enough adoptive parents for all of the kids languishing in state care.
3. If you truly mean what you say about gay Georgians being free to “work and live our lives,” Sonny, do prove it. It’s currently completely legal in Georgia to fire someone for being gay, so issue an executive order banning discrimination based on sexual orientation for state employees, and push the legislature to pass a law covering the private sector.
4. If that is more than you can stomach, Sonny, do start by allowing us to live our lives by backing a hate crimes law that includes sexual orientation. After our first hate crimes law was struck down for being too vague, Georgia is now one of 21 states with no gay-inclusive statute.
5. And if you don’t do any of those things, Sonny, at least do not attempt to pacify us with any more comments about how you don’t hate us while you attack our relationships for political gain.

Sonny, do recognize that our families have value, too.
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Old 19th October 2006, 06:56 AM
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i thought all along that this was true
If you think gays, lesbians and bisexuals choose their sexual orientation, ask yourself when you chose yours. If you are heterosexual did you wake one morning and decide that you were going to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Did you decide that you would be attracted to the opposite sex? Did someone recruit you as a heterosexual? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals do not choose their orientation any more than do heterosexuals. Studies consistently demonstrate that the problems gays face are caused by the attitudes and behaviors of society at large, not by sexual orientation
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Old 20th October 2006, 05:45 AM
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I don't believe Gov. Perdue is gay anymore than I think Mark Taylor is. From a gay standpoint neither the Republican or Democratic parties are our friends in Georgia. Notice how quickly both Democratic candidates distanced themselves from gay marriage, domestic partnerships or unions during their primaries. Neal Boortz or Sean Hannity could have written their campaign pledges. Democrats are good at giving lip service to gays in areas we live in with large enough numbers such as Atlanta but that's it.

Between Sonny and Taylor both are liars and unethical. Sonny pocketed a very nice tax savings designed specifically for him and snuck through the Georgia Legislature with the same skill Gov. Barnes used changing the Georgia flag.

I'll vote Libertarian in the Primary and in the event of a runoff vote Sonny simply because the Democrats have turned on Georgia gays in the name of political expediency. Why vote Democrat which is what I have done 90% in the past when we find out they are no better than the Republicans when it comes to civil rights for gay men and lesbian women.
46 yo gwm, I like my sex but also into running, college football games.
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Old 20th October 2006, 06:44 AM
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Originally posted by hairylegs
I'm voting for him cuz he's republican, and I'm into minorities (and I despise liars!)

Only an imbecile like Taylor could have invented that one. As for Foley, what ever happened to the idea that Dems liked gay men? Hell, they gave that ass hole from Mass. who just died 3 (not 1, but 3) standing ovations! Of course, he did present his sweet hairy butt to the audience...

Perdue is as gay as my foreskin is long. [/b]
Yes, I'm sure you'll continue to vote for those "family values" candidates and ridicule openly gay men while you step out on your wife to have sex in the bushes and bathrooms and motel rooms with other men. Hypocrisy is the new Conservative.

BTW, the people of Mass. obviously liked Studds enough to keep voting for him. And the issue with Foley is not that he is gay (though he seems to be using that as a crutch) but that he acted inappropriately. The two things are not really related, except in the minds of some conservatives bent upon demonizing all gay men.
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Old 20th October 2006, 10:51 AM
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Yeah, like outing them, if they don't agree with your political philosophy. Very Liberal! Boy, you pick your friends in strange places! And I loved Pelosi walking with the titular head of NABLA at the Pride parade. Didn't you see the picture on the front page of the New York Times?
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Old 26th October 2006, 07:13 PM
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Angry -His sick tv ads shown over and over strikes all my queer nerves!

-His sick tv ads shown over and over strikes all my queer nerves!
If you think gays, lesbians and bisexuals choose their sexual orientation, ask yourself when you chose yours. If you are heterosexual did you wake one morning and decide that you were going to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Did you decide that you would be attracted to the opposite sex? Did someone recruit you as a heterosexual? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals do not choose their orientation any more than do heterosexuals. Studies consistently demonstrate that the problems gays face are caused by the attitudes and behaviors of society at large, not by sexual orientation
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Old 27th October 2006, 07:47 PM
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Well, to get down to the truth, neither party on a national level is really gay friendly. The democrats give that appearance but it is only lip service to get votes. All those fakes like Pelosi that patronize the gay comunity but to stab us in the back in another meeting to win a vote.
The Republicans are just as bad. Here they have closet cases that talk to their base (The family values folks). Then hook up online!

I will say this to the republican favor. I see a little more diversity in the appointed staff than in the Clinton administration, at least in the higher level jobs.

One of the few things George has done right. Dont get this not in his fan club at all. The stuff that came out about him and Kerry and their college grades was perfect. Remember Kerry's people implicated Bush as being dumb and used the college grades as an example. Turns out Kerrys were just as bad!! So we had a choice between DUMB and DUMBER!!

I agree with an above poster. Vote Libertarian!!
Clean all the crooks out!!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.
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Old 31st October 2006, 08:43 AM
mine's double-wide
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Re: Georgia\'s Governor \"Sonny Perdue\" GAY?

Originally posted by georgiaboy
It is true that Georgia\'s Governor \"Sonny Perdue\" is gay?
I've never heard any rumors that he's gay but I've always thought he was. Gaydar at work I guess.
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