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Message Board > Our Archives > Oral Sex -- Is it Safe?   Shooting in the Eye

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Old 20th April 1999, 02:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Shooting in the Eye

I don't swallow cum because I think it is safer not to. But I recently had a similar experience to the authors where the guy I was sucking pulled out before he shot, but when he did shoot he hit me in my open eyes. As hot as it looks, it's probably good to move out of shooting range when a guy's getting ready to pop. Although I feel sorry for the author, I do agree with him that deep throating, swallowing cum, sucking dicks with jewelry .. all add to the risk of getting HIV from oral sex. I've been sucking dick for 25 years now and not swallowing, and am still testing negative. That's just my experience, fortunately.
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Old 22nd April 1999, 12:32 AM
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My best friend was infected the same way. He was just tested negative 2 months prior. He had "safe sex" sex with a known positive friend. During the mutual JO the guy came and his load hit my friend squarely in the eye. I've had a load in my eye before and the prostaglandins in semen produce a really profound vasodialation. That is, YOUR EYE REALLY GETS RED. Fortunately I didn't seroconvert. My friend experienced almost the same symptoms as the author and tested "indetermenant" for HIV antibody. HIV viral particle testing was not available at that time, 1990. He tested strongly positive for antibody a week later. His T-cells plummeted at first and then recovered. He became symtomatic about 3 years later. Rather quickly for a new infection wouldn't you say? Fortunately the protease inhibitors have made his load undetectable and his T- cell have risen by more than 200 to almost 400. He feels better now than he had in the last 5 years. My opinion is early aggressive treatment of a new HIV infection before the antibody response has occurred, signalling the infection is now well established, may led to an irradication of the virus. To me a "cure" would mean removing an established infection, not preventing one from becoming rooted. The best of luck to the author. I really like swallowing cum, too and have still tested negative after 10s of thousands of swallowed loads. I'm glad that I find piercings, jewelery and cock rings and poppers a real turn off. I'm pretty sure that the author was infected by the well meaning positive guy that pulled out and hit his eye. Oops! so much for "safe sex" I'll take my chances sucking to climax, and rely on the saliva barrier rather than my reflexes to avoid that "eye shot".

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Old 29th April 1999, 07:37 AM
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Rick Sowadsky, Senior Communicable Disease Specialist, Nevada AIDS Hotline Coordinator has this to say about semen in the eyes:
Getting semen in the eye is certainly a possibility of transmission.
Transmission of HIV through the eyes is definitely possible. In fact, it has
been mentioned in one report that someone became infected when semen got into
their eye. Also, blood getting into the eyes can also be risky. This is why
healthcare workers (like dentists) wear eye goggles when doing procedures
that have a likelihood of blood getting into the eyes. The linings of the
eyes are made of mucous membranes. HIV can easily pass through mucous
membranes. When something gets into the eye, the first thing that people
naturally do is rub their eyes. This can easily cause microscopic cuts and
abrasions in the mucous membranes lining the eyes. Since semen contains high
concentrations of HIV, and since there is a distinct possibility of HIV
getting into the bloodstream through the eyes (especially if you rub your
eyes), it would not be surprising for HIV to be transmitted in this way.
Since it is unusual for semen to get into the eye (but certainly a
possibility), there have not been many reports of HIV transmission this way.
But if this is how you got potentially exposed, based on our knowledge of HIV
transmission, it would not be surprising if this was how you became infected.
So if this happened to you, you could have become infected from oral sex, or
through semen in the eye.
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Old 5th May 1999, 06:36 PM
Posts: n/a

I agree with the previous posts. The author of the original thread was most likely infected by semen in the eye or the guy with the cock ring, which could easily tear the throat, creating a swift means of transmission, much like a tear in the asshole. Or?

I thank the author for sharing his story and encouraging all this feedback. Coming from a guy who loves to get his cock sucked, I will never put my enjoyment of that above the safety of the guy who's sucking me. But, I've been a sexually active adult man since before AIDS or HIV was a reality and I can tell you that since the beginning and up to this very day, having read and listened to as much about the spread of HIV as I could/can stand, there are still disputes and questions and mysteries about this virus and its transmission that abound, not only from 'the guy next to you at the urinal' but from the researchers in the Medical Establishment as well. We all know it and we do what we do anyway -- from the barebackers to the guys I know who haven't even kissed another man in almost 20 years. Death is the feared tragedy to this epidemic but by no means is it the only one.
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Old 12th May 1999, 01:42 AM
Posts: n/a

I read these posts and think to myself "is it worth death for one orgasm or one cocksucking?"

Everyone says "knock on wood, I tested negative." or "as of yet, I am clean." It's not like any of us don't know better!

I have had two friends become infected with STD's via oral sex. One got herpes - he was lucky compared to my other buddy. He has HIV and he got it from oral - he has never even had anal sex (top or bottom) with any man or woman. I feel so sorry for him because he is just 22.

My point is, everyone in here seems like they are willing to take the risk of death, just for a blow job. Yes, condoms are no fun, but neither is sitting in a hospital ward weighing 80 lbs. Sorry to be so upset, but it just amazes me that everyone seems so carefree - and careless about oral sex. I know transmission is rare - but it still happens.
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Old 15th May 1999, 12:36 PM
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This is a response to Rik for the most part. You ask why people are willing to take the risk of unprotected oral sex, knowing the possible outcomes could be more than just a load in your mouth. I'm 26 years old, which is old enough to have spent my entire sexual life with the spectre of HIV hanging over my head and young enough to have many of my older friends telling me about what being gay was like BEFORE HIV. I don't know how old you are, and I won't presume you're any older than I am, but if you're my age or younger... How can you NOT understand the risky choices young men make? The desire to have sex without having to think the whole time about the risks, never giving yourself over to lust, always having to be alert and careful when there's a possibility of flesh touching flesh. Do you feel the same draining, neverending fear that someday you'll get it, that some time you'll be enjoying sex *too much* and you'll forget, or the rubber'll break, or you'll get cum in your eye, and all the careful tiptoeing you've done through your sexual existence will have been a waste of time? Besides all that, the argument that you should always, always be safe is academic - How can someone seriously ask me to use a condom every time I have sex with my partner of five years, just in case one of us catches it? I can't even imagine spending the rest of my life wearing a rubber, yet that's the only way to have sex and still be safe. But see, I've made the choice to have sex, knowing the risks. I've made the choice to have unprotected sex with my partner, and that's a risk. So many people pay lip service to the concept of calculated risks, when what they mean is the calculated risks THEY'VE been willing to make - Meaning anyone who doesn't take those risks is paranoid, and anyone who takes more than those risks is foolhardy. I'm not saying YOU'RE saying that, not at all, but that doesn't seem to be the way most people approach safe or unsafe sex.
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Old 16th June 1999, 07:52 AM
Posts: n/a

I got semen in my eye because I didn't blink. I didn't blink because it was so dark I didn't see it cumming. If there had been the least little bit of light my blink reflex probably would have saved me. If you're in a really dark place, be very carefull, and keep your eyes tightly closed when he pulls out.
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Old 5th March 2001, 12:12 AM
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Hello, this is Dick 13, the moderator of this forum. I have just updated my website 'HIV and Oral Sex.' It discusses the risks of oral sex, answers the question, "can I get HIV by getting sucked?" It tells you how to recognize if you're recently infected and discusses the latest treatment strategies. Check it out at
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Old 7th March 2001, 04:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Sorry, I had the wrong URL for the HIV and Oral Sex website. It should be
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