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Old 9th January 2005, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 9
Tender Butt

I hope this part doesn't sound like bragging, but it is important for context. For most of my sex life, I have been able to take any cock no matter how big. I have been told by several well-hung gentlemen that I was one of a few bottoms who could really take their dick easily enough that they could really let lose and fuck. Occaisionally after a particularly energetic or inconsiderate top had fucked me, I might be sore for a day or two, but never much longer than that.

About 4 or 5 months ago, that changed. Now any cock that is above average seems very hard to take. Often after getting fucked I will have an outbreak of hemorrhoids that seems to take longer than usual to heal. My doctor doesn't seem to think there is anything unusual. His only suggestion is to have surgery on my hemerhoids which sounds a little extreme to me. Any thoughts?
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Old 9th January 2005, 04:49 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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With all due respect, I had always thought that folks were supposed to be impressed by the TIGHTNESS of an anus or a vagina. Then again, I am not actively involved in fucking and this is not my area of expertise. It doesn't take an expert to also see your point of view, however: it could be highly beneficial to top-men if they have an ass that doesn't clamp onto their dick and prevent good thrusting!

I have to admit, I rather like the notion of some good, slick, easy, slip-sliding action going on. Sometimes gay porn shows fucking scenes where it is easy to tell that the guys are having some trouble moving. It looks awfully dull to me. Though I can't watch straight porn for more than a couple minutes, the straight "actors" do seem to be able to get a hell of a lot of fast friction inside those slimy vaginas.

As for whatever is causing your new-found tight ass syndrome, I have no idea. My best guess is perhaps some psychological issues. This isn't to suggest you need therapy -- I'm just saying that maybe you aren't relaxed enough for some reason. Has anything happened in your life recently that may have triggered this?

After the first bout of hemorrhoids, did you notice that you have become nervous about getting fucked or fucking hard? Are you tightening up because you are unconsciously thinking of how rotten the hemorrhoids can be and you just don't want to go through that again?

It's GREAT that you have discussed this with your doctor. I'm curious, though... WHAT have you discussed with him or her? Have you simply mentioned JUST that you have had a lot of hemorrhoid flare-ups lately, or does your doc know about your sexuality and that you enjoy anal intercourse? If you want to get the best medical information and advice possible, it is wise to be forthcoming with your physician.

Hemorrhoid surgery IS, indeed, generally considered as the LAST option for treatment and management of hemorrhoids. It isn't so much "radical" surgery -- but I'm afraid it isn't an awful lot of fun, either.

There are several different types of hemorrhoid surgeries available. Some techniques are used for internal hemorrhoids, some for external. There are a couple different methods for each type, I believe. I'm pretty sure that about all of them involve a single day at the hospital. Not sure if that means overnight or being released as an outpatient. Guess it would depend on the amount of surgery involved, the type of surgery, the doctor's preference, etc. Recovery takes about two weeks, more or less. This quoted recovery time almost certainly does not take into account full healing as would be needed to get back to taking a dick up your ass! I have NO IDEA when it would be OK to start having anal sex again. I'd imagine it would be mandatory to ASK your doctor about this. Obviously, you put yourself at high risk for post-op infection and OTHER infections of the STD variety if you have healing wounds in your ass! Odds are good you'd probably need to stay away from dick for a while until you are completely and fully recovered.

This is an elective surgery. There are many pros and cons. It is up to each patient to determine if this is the best course of action for him or her. Many people live with hemorrhoids and find ways to manage and reduce flare-ups with proper diet, exercise, hydration, etc. Others have tried everything and still don't get any relief and thus opt for the surgical approach. A few weeks of "down time" isn't necessarily a bad trade-off for a painful, recurring problem. But you have to weigh the options and discuss your choices in detail with your physician.

An easy Google search will take you to many sites where you can read about other people who have had hemorrhoid surgery. There's lots of stories online detailing just about EVERY surgery out there. It takes a lot of courage to post these stories and share experiences with what many people deem to be an embarrassing problem. The folks who share this personal information in an effort to help others make an informed decision should be commended for their selflessness.

One last bit of important info you should know... In general, when you read about surgeries on message boards and stories posted on personal websites, you need to keep in mind that quite often the folks who might post there are those who have had to deal with some complications from their procedure. They are often looking for support and advice. Some of these stories can be scary to read. It is possible to believe that ALL surgeries will involve complications. This is NOT TRUE. Most surgeries turn out just fine. So don't get freaked out if you read about some nasty stuff. However, it is wise to know ALL the potential risks for any elective surgery.

Good luck to you.
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Old 13th January 2005, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65

I've only taken average to mostly above average cocks. I thought like Scruffy said, men like tight anus. But then I've seen really big ones that scared me off. I imagine one round with them I'll need anus repair. But then so would many men. These hung guys can only meet their match with those bottoms who can open wide enough and let them in and could really let lose and fuck. So these are exceptions.

Like drscorpio, I do get sore for 2 to 3 days after a hard session. I wonder if there's something we can apply to help relieve the soreness and prevent things like hemerhoids. Or is there such a thing as too much fucking for one night? In powerlifting, we learn that if the sore muscles take too long to heal then we are over stretching our training limits. Well, nobody ever train as long as we used to fuck. Maybe that can cause overstretching problems?
Or maybe bottoms are greedier and have more sex partners than the tops?

I've never heard of any complaints of soreness of their cocks from any tops. Somebody told me it's because the condoms slide in the bottom's ass but not the top's cock. So the bottom gets rubber-burn from a fast hard fuck?
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Old 15th January 2005, 04:19 PM
tevaboi's Avatar
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Originally posted by Versatile1010
I've never heard of any complaints of soreness of their cocks from any tops. Somebody told me it's because the condoms slide in the bottom's ass but not the top's cock. So the bottom gets rubber-burn from a fast hard fuck?
Good observation. I never get sore bareback, but often get sore with rubbers because it is hard to keep them lubed up.

One way to test if this is the problem is to use a female condom (Reality brand in the U.S. and Femidom in the UK -- available in most large drug stores or chemist shops and at Planned Parenthood and the San Francisco Health Dept. -- tell them you won't use a condom otherwise if they won't give them to you.) Some guys will take the ring out, but I find the ring makes it easy to insert and it will keep the female condom inside your ass.

With a female condom, the top will be doing most of the sliding against rubber and your ass will be spared the friction. Also, because Reality is made out of a material that is compatible with Vaseline, you can really lube it up well with a oil-based lube that won't dry out like KY does.

(Yes, I am aware of the medical hazards of oil based lube in the rectum -- do it at your own risk. Or you could just let your top get a sore cock.)
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