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Old 25th January 2005, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 15
extremly annoying at the abs

I visit an abs sometimes, like alot of you here there are times when you just want to shut the door and j/o with no interaction from anyone else. when that happens you just lock the door and not make any eye contact with anyone when walking to yourbooth,

the other day I went and that is exactly how I felt, So I just walked into my booth, luckly there wasnt anyone in the open area then, but as soon as I put my money into the changer to start the movies, I heard the door being pulled on, but with it being locked it didnt open, most people would figure that I didnt want anything, so the guy went to the booth next to me and started looking through the glory hole, wich I dont mind since I am a bit of an exhibitionist, but this guy kept trying to get into my door constantly, I even said through the door "no thanx", but that didnt stop him he just kept trying to get in, and wispering through the door "I just wanna suck it", this guy would just not get the hint and go away. I ended up leaving annoyed without busting my nut.

does that ever happen to anyone else?
please do not e-mail me, just pm me
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Old 25th January 2005, 11:06 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Talking Yeah, it happens...

Sure, it happens to most of us, with varying degrees of frequency.

Some people won't take 'No' for an answer. As simple as that.

The thing to do is to stick to your guns. You went into the ABS. You want to bust your nut in the privacy of your booth for which your have purchased the tokens. So, you do your thing.

Ignore the distraction. Say 'No' and if the dude, won't give it a break, try to block his view if possible, and carry on with your business. Do not give him the pleasure of knowing that he took over and stopped you from doing what you wanted to do, just because you did not want to do it with him. The more such ego boosts he gets, the more insistent he will be in the future.

Just my 2 cents...

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Old 25th January 2005, 12:07 PM
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Similar experience at the baths. Guy kept stopping outside my door or following me with absolutly no acknowledgement or encouragement from me. I finally just cornered the guy and gave him a earful to the point of being insulting. I don't like hurting anyones feelings, but he wouldn't leave me alone until I got shity with him.
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Old 25th January 2005, 03:43 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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Presumably you have read the "Booth Hogs" thread. There's tons of stories in there from lots of guys about annoying situations at the local ABS.

A few comments about your post, if you don't mind:

1) I have NEVER wanted to go into an ABS and JUST look at movies in private for the express purpose of jerking off. I can watch porn and jerk off at home anytime I want. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, too. I get no thrill from having to plunk tokens into a coin slot just to keep a film running -- and I often find that most of the flicks in the ABS aren't to my taste anyway!

2) I HAVE run into men who DO enjoy doing what you mentioned, though. In fact, I happened to take notice of that this last weekend. A dude entered the ABS back room arcade, walked immediately into a booth, dumped all his tokens. About eight minutes later, he left the booth and walked out the door. BUT...

3) You need to go to a TRULY PRIVATE booth if you want to send the message that you do not wish to be disturbed! Dude, when you use a booth with a gloryhole or a Buddy Window, you are sending the message that you want something MORE.

4) Regardless, knocking on the door AFTER you have said "NO" is rude behavior. MY personal solution would be to exit the booth, say "NO" face to face, then enter a DIFFERENT booth. Alternately, just continue to ignore the asswipe who won't leave you alone in hopes that he finally goes away. Admittedly, this is distracting if you are trying to blow a load, so maybe it's not the best suggestion.

5) You DO have a "right" to use any booth you want. Additionally, if you like being watched, a gloryhole or Buddy Window fills this purpose quite nicely. But you HAVE TO understand and expect that many guys will want MORE than to JUST watch you. So you need to communicate your desire to give a show and NOT have actual contact. Otherwise, if for some reason you cannot get this message through to the other guys, you need to be ready to deal with their advances.

Usually I can tell if a dude is ONLY going to show off and ONLY wants to see me do the same. There is no indication from either of us to meet face to face. We just watch and enjoy THAT. VERY rarely will I ever cum in such a situation, but I can think of two hot encounters I had that involved JUST looking. MOST times when a guy and myself are showing off to each other, it results in a get-together. Sometimes we can jerk off through a Buddy Window for a long time and enjoy getting worked up -- but ultimately we get so worked up that we DO get together.

6) I've had guys knock on the door when they don't even know WHO is in the booth. I've entered booths in complete privacy -- there is NO WAY anyone can know WHO is in there. But guys still knock anyway. I do NOT get this for the life of me. They must be REALLY desperate, willing to accept ANY sex with ANY guy who might be on the other side of the door. This leads me to believe that the dude who is knocking is PROBABLY extremely undesirable. So naturally, I do NOT open the door unless I know who it is.

7) MOST ABSs do NOT have gloryholes or Buddy Windows in EVERY booth. At least I have never seen this myself, nor have I ever HEARD anyone mention it. If YOUR ABS has gloryholes or Buddy Windows in EVERY booth, there is nothing you can do to seek out a more private area. If it DOES have private booths, USE THEM! If you WANT to be watched but do not want to do anything else, then you simply need to deal with the advances of other men. NOT shoving your dick through the hole will eventually send them the message that they are only going to get a show.

8) With all due respect, however... it is a LITTLE annoying to have a dude who isn't into ANYTHING occupying a highly-prized booth with a gloryhole for a very long time. MOST of us are OK with this, though: first come, first served. Yet I have been bugged to some degree by guys who camp out in booths and NEVER leave. I've seen LOTS of OTHER dudes get pissed at this, too. Yet... if you find an empty booth and go inside -- it's effectively YOUR territory to do what you desire. I'm only telling you so you know that you MIGHT get some dudes ticked off. This is THEIR problem, of course. You just have to hope they don't try to make it YOUR problem by initiating some sort of confrontation. This would be pretty rare, though: most guys just shut up and deal with the scene.

9) Even in booths with gloryholes and Buddy Windows, and even in a situation where a guy might want to do something other than give a show, there will be instances wherein the OTHER party will be undesirable for sex. So it's wise to learn the various methods of indicating disinterest. NOT shoving your dick through the hole or turning the Buddy Window OFF is probably the most obvious and easy to understand way to go about this! You can also nod your head negatively or do exactly what you did: "just say no." Blocking the hole is a good idea, too -- it's just kind of defeatist to the purpose of the hole! May as well just choose a booth WITHOUT a hole if you are going to cover it up, right?

Hope that helps a bit. But the bottom line is that going to an ABS will sooner or later involve having to deal with some very untoward behavior. We just have to live with that, mostly.

But it's fun to bitch about it anyway, right?

I know I certainly like to complain about it! Yet I STILL find the scene compelling -- and no amount of "bad" behavior is going to keep me from having a good time overall. I might have some periods where I'm frustrated and hoping for a smoother scene, but... that's life.
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Old 25th January 2005, 11:46 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

Yeah, with any kind of public cruising you're definitely bound to find the annoying guys who won't take no for an answer.

I usually just suck it up and move on since I'm not in my own bedroom where I could actually ask the guy to leave.

I really think these guys who keep trying and trying again do it because it works for them. Seriously, I bet maybe one time out of ten a guy says "okay, come on in" or whatever.

I do have to add that when I see this behavior, I feel rather sorry for them because it's really desperate. Who knows what their situation is or life expereince is that lead them to that kind of persistence, but, it's always a nice reminder that I have it good so to speak that I don't have to beg and plead to get a blow job ;-)

What really get's me more than the persistent won't take no for an answer guys at these venues is the "hustler" factor. I can usually spot them, but sometimes I'll meet up and get the "I'm working" line. It pisses me off because I'm like "Do I look like I need to pay for it?" I'm a good looking, fit, guy and it kind of offends me.

Yeah, that sounds so shallow of me. No judgements to guys who do pay, hell, they probably get what they want at least ;-)
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Old 26th January 2005, 08:01 AM
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Well, by constanly hanging around outside my open door, the guys I WAS interested in didn't have the opportunity to stop and chat. So I couldn't just suck it up and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him win by default.
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Old 26th January 2005, 11:07 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Talking Hustlers...

Nothing against the 'working bois' and/or their clients. If the guy comes over and states right away he is 'working', that's fine, too. The bad part happens, when we get going, and they break the news, hoping you would not wish to break away... I always do. No fun either, but I do not feel like paying up for something that I (still) can get for free and furthermore, I do not feel like encouraging dishonesty on anybody's part.

The other, funnier part of the story are mostly guys who are not precisely topping the 'hotties' list. Every so often they come up and offer cash to suck me or have me fuck them or or whatever might be on their wish list at that given moment. I thank them always. Yeah, it's an ego boost for a guy of my age, I guess..., yet I am wondering, if these guys have any real degree of success by offering cash to guys who would not be usually considered 'working'? Just a question

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Old 26th January 2005, 11:18 AM
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KD, I hooked up with one guy at the ABS and invited him to my nearby hotel room for more privacy and intimacy. Wasn't till we were there (I don't remember our state of undress) before he let me know he expected compensation. Killed the mood and I asked him to leave. I did give him a couple bucks 'cause I couldn't afford to have him make a scene.
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Old 26th January 2005, 02:01 PM
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KD, that's happened to me before as well. I bet some guys do accept the offer. I sometimes want to say how much just to see what my market value is ;-)

IBG, I would have done the same thing. You never know how volatile someone can be in situations like that.
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Old 28th January 2005, 04:43 PM
tearoomatt's Avatar
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"I just wanna suck it" LMAO! Like it's that simple and that sucking another guy's cock is akin to making coffee (or something). In any event, that just cracked me up!

Look, if I wanted you to suck my cock, I'd let you in! DUH!


Sorry there isn't anything of value in my response, I just got a big kick out that!
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