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Old 29th November 2005, 02:19 AM
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 26
1st wierd experience in a booth

im slowly jerking off in my booth, watching a few vids and a guy opens the door,walks in,starts to talk to me a little about how he wants ME to fuck him with my hot cock. first im NOT into fucking guys and this guy was wierd as hell. im there looking to suck a few off before i give a big creamy load to a guy. im standing there and he grabs my cock gently and tells me im gonna fuck him hard and long, i answer saying, nah im not into that (politely) he keeps talking wierd stuff to me and holding my cock. i tell him a little bit more forcefully im NOT into that stuff and im gonna just stay here for a while. he keeps holding my cock now tighter and more forcefully. i ask nicely one more time to please go and leave me here to jerk off by myself he says i have to fuck him...i was starting to get a little scared by now and had no choice but to grab him by the throat as hard as i could and throw him out on the floor of the place and was hoping id scare him into lettng go of my cock which he did thank god. so of course i had to kick him once to make a point. he got up and left. i stayed a while to make sure everything was ok. i did not get to suck any and didnt want anyone in my booth after that with fear he might bring in cops or something but he didnt.

i dont think i did the wrong thing. but what the heck am i supposed to do after asking him a few times to let go and leave nicely ?

im hoping it is a one time problem. i dont go to the booths very often anymore so im not worried about him being there again.
37 years old,married, VERY discrete,6'-3",hairy,255 lbs with a nice 6" cut cock. Im very oral and if it is right you can fuck my nearly virgin ass. as long as it is safely and at your place or a motel.

located in oakland. (nnj)
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Old 29th November 2005, 04:43 AM
mine's double-wide
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36 years old,married, VERY discrete,6'-3",hairy,250 lbs with a nice 6" cut cock.
I can't think of anything more discrete than grabbing a fellow patron of an adult bookstore by the throat and throwing them to the floor and for good measure giving them a swift kick.

I can't say I would have handled it the same way though. I would probably A) put my dick away B) walked away or C) had my door locked in the first place.

But I was not there so you probably did the right thing.
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Old 29th November 2005, 06:12 AM
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For the record ...

For the record (is anyone keeping a record?), I had a very similar thing happen one time. It was in a public toilet, not an ABS, so it was a little worse ... the last thing that I wanted was someone coming in while this guy was all over me. I ended up doing the same thing (minus the coup de gras kick).

I truly think the guy was nuts ... I tried several times to give him the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes you have to make your point (and to extricate yourself from the situation). The next guy getting groped/grabbed/semi-threatened may be a kid. At some point it pretty much becomes rape if you keep saying 'no', and the aggressor keeps groping.

Just my opinion. I probably would have advised anyone else to handle it differently, but it's easy to be objective when you aren't the one feeling threatened.
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Old 29th November 2005, 10:11 AM
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If you actually felt physically threatened then you did the right thing, maybe minus the kick, but I understand that adrenaline rush when one feels they're in harms way.
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Old 29th November 2005, 12:41 PM
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I DID feel threatened for sure. I certainly don't scare easily but I was then. I felt like I had no choice after asking a few times nicely. the kick was for MY fun though. I was looking for company in the booth but not from this nut
37 years old,married, VERY discrete,6'-3",hairy,255 lbs with a nice 6" cut cock. Im very oral and if it is right you can fuck my nearly virgin ass. as long as it is safely and at your place or a motel.

located in oakland. (nnj)
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Old 29th November 2005, 06:17 PM
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he keeps talking wierd stuff to me and holding my cock
First, why was he STILL holding your cock? If I'm telling someone no thanks, I'm also pulling my hips back and pushing his hands away from the jewels.

i tell him a little bit more forcefully im NOT into that stuff and im gonna just stay here for a while. he keeps holding my cock now tighter and more forcefully. i ask nicely one more time to please go and leave me here to jerk off
Now he's holding your cock TIGHTER and you haven't stopped him?

and had no choice but to grab him by the throat as hard as i could and throw him out on the floor of the place and was hoping id scare him into lettng go of my cock which he did thank god
You had to throw him on the floor to get him to let go of your cock? Wow, he must have had quite a grip... I'd have just given him a good shove and said DON'T TOUCH ME!

Personally, I don't think your response was appropriate. Your stats show you're a big guy... I would think NO means NO.

But, if you pussyfoot around and act coy and sort of beat around the bush, you're giving mixed signals.

I've seen guys that reject my first advance, but, by just standing there watching them (and letting them watch me) they're bending over taking it in ass... oh yeah, they say they NEVER do this, but you know it's all a game.

Make sure your signals are CLEAR. Tell him NO and push his hands away IMMEDIATELY. You'll get better results in the future.
Hairy top guy looking for some hot action now and then. 44, 6'1", 220, lots of body fur, nice cock with big nuts. Enjoy rimming a nice clean ass before I fuck it. Open to other options. Groups rock! Drop me a note.
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Old 30th November 2005, 05:16 AM
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believe me I was firm. anyone else would have known exactly what I was saying. I don't have a pussyfoot attitude in me. I did try to pull his away on the last NO but he kept holding it. trust me I felt I had no choice in it. and besides I don't look like the kind of guy who is passive.
37 years old,married, VERY discrete,6'-3",hairy,255 lbs with a nice 6" cut cock. Im very oral and if it is right you can fuck my nearly virgin ass. as long as it is safely and at your place or a motel.

located in oakland. (nnj)
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Old 2nd December 2005, 03:42 PM
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After spending time in the ABSs, one tends to get a feel for things. MOST of the time, after careful observation, you can usually tell who is looking for WHAT. Consequently you can do your best to avoid men who aren't your cup of tea.

Yet no matter how good we might get at picking up signals and non-verbal cues, sooner or later we are going to get surprised and sooner or later we are going to run into an asswipe.

I sure don't think you were discreet or subtle at ALL. I think there are many ways you could have handled it. I, for one, would have told the guy: "If you don't let go of my dick right this fucking second I'm going to yell out that you are trying to rape me and then I'm going to make sure the cops haul your ass to jail."

That would usually do the trick.

However, I realize that having your dick and balls in a vise-grip tends to take the steam out of any well-thought response.

The reality is... odds are good that most dudes are NOT going to cause you any serious harm. If your dick is soft, especially, you would certainly recover from a little abuse if it were to happen. If you were hard -- well, he's getting the wrong idea based on your erection alone and a broken penis is a very real possibility, in which case I'd also take a more careful approach and try to avoid threats.

I've ditched NUMEROUS asswipes by simply speaking LOUDLY in a bookstore. Once you have drawn the attention of the other patrons in this VERY public place, odds are good you will be left alone.

But... what's done is done. I DO agree the final kick was not necessary -- and could, in fact, land YOU AND HIM in jail. Shoving him could be defended as self-defense. Kicking a man who is already down -- that's assault.

So don't do that anymore.

I've gone to bookstores in many states, cruised many unfamiliar locations. "When in Rome..." I find the best way to get a handle on how things go down in new places is to observe a little bit first.

Generally speaking, however -- it almost always goes down the same way in just about all bookstores.

The reality is also that it is pretty damn hard to be truly raped AND be the top! The guy seriously could NOT force you to fuck him.

Another GREAT exit strategy (tell Bush) would be to LIE. Agree with him: "OK, man. Bend over and I'll fuck you."

Bingo. When he's let go of your dick, has his pants around his ankles and is bent over -- you walk out and away!

Now, that was pretty simple, huh? I'm surprised no one else thought of that.

I've frequently told men: "NO means NO." Most get that, but it seems your case was extraordinary in many respects.

Learn the signals, learn the atmosphere, learn the clientèle, do NOT be afraid.

One final thought, as a last resort. This phrase will generally get anyone to leave you alone: "I have herpes, sorry."

Or feel free to insert the STD of your choice.
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Old 2nd December 2005, 04:00 PM
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Posts: 59
For all you men who had these weird encounters at an ABS ---

you should reflect on the advice your Mother gave you as a youngster.

Stay in your own yard and stay away from the "strange boys."
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Old 5th December 2005, 12:33 PM
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One always has the choice to NOT venture out into the world and experience new things. To me, that just seems too damn boring...

And even on days when I needed to stay in my own yard, the "strange boys" would eventually stop over to visit and we'd jerk off together in the garden shed anyway.

The more real-world experiences you have, the better suited you will be to handle new and unique encounters.

If you stay away from everything that is out there, you won't ever gain any knowledge or build any socialization skills.

It's like home-schooling -- it just doesn't work in the long run.
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Old 5th December 2005, 04:29 PM
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It would appear that....

discretion is the better part of valor here.

You should do what others have done when it became apparent they were swimming against into the tide.

Go to edit, delete your post and walk away as if you were never here.

I could send you my list of those who have preceded you.
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Old 6th December 2005, 10:49 AM
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I'm sorry, I'm confused here.

Am I supposed to be swimming AGAINST the tide or INTO it or BOTH?

No matter. The water is too cold this time of year anyway.

Just who the hell are YOU, dude? Am I supposed to recall if we have an online beef? Sorry, I don't. Whatever your contributions here, I'm afraid I just don't recall them and haven't paid much attention to your screen name. Probably we aren't supposed to like each other, I guess.

Whatever. That grows old, doesn't it?

My comments above most certainly DO say that everyone has a choice in matters such as this. They CAN take your advice and NOT get into situations which may be troublesome to them.

Nothing wrong with that -- IF that is their choice, JUST LIKE I SAID.

Or they can do what I do and EXPERIENCE the many fascinating facets of gay life and learn to enjoy them while at the same time learning how to interact within new and different situations.

So I'm not sure why the hostility.

Seems to me that I'm entitled to give an alternate option.

And in doing so, I didn't berate you, didn't make any personal attacks, didn't say anything insulting at all.

I gave another opinion and went so far as to say that YOUR suggestion is an option -- just not one that works for ME and not one I would personally recommend to others.

What's so fucking wrong about that?
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Old 6th December 2005, 03:53 PM
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Scruffy ...

Scruffy, don't get baited by that idiot. It is hard to resist the urge to reply when you read his nonsense (I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about, either), but I've found that that ignoring him is a better use of time/energy ... although it's SO tempting to show how shallow his thinking is.

Several of the moderators have started removing his posts (and the replies, inlucind mine). While I hate censorship, if a person posts again and again and again and isn't really contirbuting to the thread ... well, that's a waste of bandwidth and time. Nothing 'sensual' about that.
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Old 6th December 2005, 09:02 PM
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If an individual viewing booth has a door that can be locked by a patron, a little common sense would suggest locking the door is usually sufficient to prevent others from entering an occupied booth.

But, when someone enters an unlocked occupied viewing booth and grabs the occupant's cock and won't let go, common sense would dictate two possible recourses to such an intrusion. One recourse would be to directly look the intruder in his eyes, tell him to let go of your cock, and to get out of the booth. The second recourse would be to grab his nuts firmly and twist them as you tell the intruder to leave the booth. The intruder might have your cock in his hand, but having his nuts firmly in your hand leaves no doubt who has the upper hand in this situation. Unless a guy has a very high pain threshold, you can get him to do anything if you have his balls in your firm hand.

The second recourse is probably the best course of action for someone who does not understand the word "No" or some variation of it. But, then again, locking the door of the booth would have probably prevented the intrusion in the first place.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 10th December 2005, 04:00 AM
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ButchMascGuy, like i said i WAS looking for fun, just not HIS kinda fun and NOT with him. i tried to talk to him more than once and i finally had to do what i did. i wouldn't have had to do that if he would have just walked out like i asked him nicely more than once. on my last asking him to leave he certainly shoulda got the point. so then i did what i did.

i admit i was prolly wrong as usual but i felt threatened and NOBODY is gonna threaten me without me trying to end it. and this time i did.
37 years old,married, VERY discrete,6'-3",hairy,255 lbs with a nice 6" cut cock. Im very oral and if it is right you can fuck my nearly virgin ass. as long as it is safely and at your place or a motel.

located in oakland. (nnj)
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