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Old 7th September 2006, 05:11 AM
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Why did everyone leave?

So I am sitting in my vehicle in a public park/boat ramp parking lot with 6 more vehicles. All have someone in them all guys cruising. Suddenly a cop drives in and sounds a cyrine. Everyone cranks up and drives out immediently but me. So the cop just sits there a few minutes then he drives behind my vehicle and stops. Then he starts driving back and forth then drives off to the exit of this place. He sits at the stop exit for like 20 minutes. Cuts on his blue lights then sounds the cyrine again. I am still parked sitting in my vehicle and I never leave because I don't consider meeting another guy with my pants up a crime at a public place that my tax dollars keep up. Why did everyone leave but me??? Is there a law against sitting in a vehicle fully clothed in a public park/boat ramp area in Georgia??
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Old 8th September 2006, 11:33 AM
mine's double-wide
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Who knows why guys leave when the cops drive through. I'm in GA too and I don't know of any laws barring the public from useing public facilities. We're the public too. We may be there for a different reason than others but we're still tax payers.

I've never been one to run when the cops drive by. Other guys will freak out and it's like the start of the Indy 500. They can't get out fast enough.

I've never been harassed, questioned or made to feel uncomfortable by any law enforcement officers. Once I had one strike up a conversation and almost got the feeling he was cruising.

There was a rumor going around that a Gwinnett Co. cop was cruising Medlock Bridge Park. That's been many years ago and I don't know if it was true or not. Medlock is pretty much dead as a cruising spot these days.
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Old 9th September 2006, 07:25 PM
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I can't provide too many details for obvious reasons, but there is an EX cop that I run into from time to time who sucks me off at a certain place.

We generally hang out and talk for a while after. Nice guy, interesting stories to share.

Once, while chatting it up, a police cruiser came into the area. The guy said to me: "A lot of dudes would take off right now, but that only will make him more suspicious."

I agreed, so we just remained where we were and kept talking. The cop sat there about half an hour. He didn't check plates or get out of his vehicle, just fiddled with his in-dash computer, then took off.

Now, if I heard a siren go off, I might think it was a warning to get out. Not really sure why a cop would blast his siren like that, except to tell people to go away or announce his presence in general. But since you stayed put and he did nothing... I guess the siren didn't mean all that much.

You're right. As long as you aren't doing anything illegal, no need to panic. It isn't against the law to meet other guys.

However, you CAN be busted for solicitation (which does NOT always mean an exchange of money for sexual services), so it is imperative that you watch what you say when engaged in conversation.

Finally, take it from a guy who has lived to regret it... poppers can be big trouble, even though they are technically legal. If a cop really and truly wants to fuck with you and gets you to empty your pockets... could be bad news if you've got poppers.

Otherwise, don't sweat it, but DO make sure you check signs and are not trespassing after an area is closed to the public.
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Old 11th September 2006, 11:07 AM
mine's double-wide
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What's up with the poppers Scruff? Never heard that before.
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Old 11th September 2006, 04:45 PM
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Even though they are legal to purchase and to sell, they are ILLEGAL to actually SNIFF.

Say the wrong thing to a cop who finds poppers on your person, admit that they are for inhalation, for example, and you are busted for misdemeanor possession of an inhalant.

Just like having a tube of marine glue. Perfectly legal, unless you foolishly admit that you sniff the stuff.

And, of course, cops do a GREAT job of casual conversation to get you to say shit that you shouldn't!

Learned MY lesson, that's for sure.
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Old 16th September 2006, 12:38 AM
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If you're sitting in a parked vehicle and doing nothing illegal, why would you freak out and immediately leave just because a humor-impaired sock puppet user (law enforcement officer) shows up to make his presense known?

Turning on the flashing lights of his patrol vehicle or sounding his siren is something law enforcment officers do before they start their tour of duty for that day. It's part of the officer's vehicle checklist. Even Barney Fife checked his vehicle before each tour of duty.

So, what's really going on here? For the most part, it's intimidation. It's a public park and open to the public. The park may be closed to the public during certain hours. So long as you are not parked during the posted closing hours, you're not violating any city or county ordinances. If you are sitting in your vehicle and listening to the Top Ten hits on your radio or listening to your favorite music on your DVD or iPod, that's alright too. Or, you may be having a private conversation with another person or just having a relaxed general discussion on just about anything that happens to enter your minds. That's alright too.

It's probably not a good idea to be parked with your pants down around your ankles and the guy seated next to you has his face buried in your lap, slobbering all over your cock and balls -- or vice versa. Best to do that elsewhere. Has something to do with indecent exposure and we wouldn't want a local church minister or a local politician to get too much public exposure from an indecent exposure or lewd and lascivious conduct arrest.

So, why do many people immediately leave the area when a law enforcement officer shows up in his Barney Fife cruiser? Probably for the most basic human reason -- consciousness of guilt for thinking about doing something that might be unlawful if caught in the act. Sometimes people just react out of instinct to avoid any confrontation no matter how slight or insignificant.
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