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Old 10th February 2011, 11:23 AM
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Penis Hair Removal

Not sure if this is the correct forum, but wanted some advice on the different techniques on removing hair from the shaft of my penis...any pros/cons, etc., costs involved, pain?

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Old 10th February 2011, 02:20 PM
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I have always just used scissors to trim the hair close, then the mini-shaver screen head on my beard/sideburn trimmer to get rid of the rest. (An electric shaver will also do the job.) It's good for a few weeks. Use aftershave or a moisturizer like Nivea after to soothe any razor burn. Good for about a month. You do want to be sure the foil is in good condition with no visible damage or could nick or cut yourself.

I've known a lot of guys who take a straight-edge to it...or even their regular razor. It's also a hot scene for some guys. No matter how much I trust someone or even myself, no way am I letting a bare blade anywhere near my junk.

I only shave for personal comfort. I'm uncut so I have to keep my bush trimmed...getting a hair caught in the skin is exceedingly uncomfortable. I don't go for the whole "manscaping" thing...guys with a manicured lawn or topiary turn me off. So, unless you are experiencing discomfort when fucking or jacking off, just leave it be.
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Old 12th February 2011, 08:50 AM
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I'm uncut so I have to keep my bush trimmed...getting a hair caught in the skin is exceedingly uncomfortable.
How the hell does that happen? I'm uncut and have long pubic hair but this is not a problem for me.
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Old 12th February 2011, 10:14 AM
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I also am uncut with an extended hood. I know what he means about getting a hair caught in it. Happens more often when you are not using a lube that mats down the hair.
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Old 15th February 2011, 02:04 PM
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hair removal

I had also read about laser hair removal from my shaft. I am OK with my "bush"...I can trim that, but hair on the shaft is kinda' annoying.

Has anybody had any experience with laser hair removal on their shaft?

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Old 4th March 2011, 12:41 PM
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What about using something like Nair? Isn't that designed to remove hair from your legs, and if so, why not around your third leg.
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Old 5th March 2011, 10:37 AM
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I use Nair for Men Speed Cream. It goes on like shaving cream. You leave it on for a few minutes then rinse off the cream and hair. It will leave your balls and cock as smooth as silk. It tends to be a little irritating at firt so don 't leave it on too long. I get mine at Wal-Mart.
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Old 11th March 2011, 11:38 PM
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I've never liked hair on my balls or shaft. I especially like the feel of smooth, hairless balls. Believe it or not, I use a regular razor. Very carefully of course!
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Old 17th April 2011, 11:54 PM
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Just to let you guys know, I tried the Nair option and it worked great! Took the hair my shaft just fine...maybe needs one more application. A by-product of it was that it took off some of the hair at my groin...that's OK...I may try Nair on my balls next. Thanks for the help.
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Old 26th April 2011, 04:34 AM
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I had always trimmed the hair on my penis and balls for hygiene reasons, but it's something you have to do all the time. Plus I've always hated the growing in period when everything itches, and I always had issues with ingrown hairs. Last year I started laser removal which works great for dark hair. The process is a bit painful but it works and the discomfort only lasts a little while after you have it done. I unfortunately have blond hair on my balls which the laser won't take care of. For those I have electrolysis which takes longer and is equally as uncomfortable, but it's worth it when I don't have to shave/trim every other day. Both take time (a year or longer) to get rid of all the hair permantly, but I think it's totally worth it.
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Old 10th July 2011, 01:44 PM
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The irony of all of this hair removal business is that I actually like a nice fuzzy guy with beautiful fur patterns covering his chest, abdominals, and butt crack. However, not all of us are blessed with aesthetically pleasing fuzziness, and so we go the other way, reveling in the heightened sensitivity of our denuded cock, balls and ass, like I have done for many, many years.

There is a good introduction for hair removal newbies at WebMD Dot Com called “Hair Removal: For Men Only” that provides a nice overview of the process, experience, effectiveness and median costs of Laser, Waxing, Electrolysis, Shaving, and Depilatories (cream hair removers). Based on my own experience, and a bit of Googling, I can offer the following additional information, including sample pricing (which will vary from city to city).

Laser – Shaft of penis $50, Scrotum $100

Waxing – Male Brazilian $75, Buttocks $30, Anal Area $40
A standard Male Brazilian includes the frontal pubic area (the mound), about 2 inches where the upper thigh meets the pubic area, the shaft, scrotum and anal area. It is optional to leave a landing strip (patch of hair) above the shaft. A 100% bottom friend has been getting professional Brazilian’s for the last 4 or 5 years, and he couldn’t be happier with the results. I tried a home waxing kit a few years ago, and found it too damn awkward (and painful) for self-application, and consequently had very poor results.

Electrolysis – Shaft of penis $50 for each treatment (usually requires multiple visits)

Shaving – Free!
And quick! It just requires a bit of flexibility and overcoming the fear of self-injury of our most prized possessions. See prior entries in this thread and all over the Internet for tips on shaving your cock-and-balls, and dealing with subsequent in-grown hairs.

Depilatories – $7 and up (Nair also has a men’s line of products)
While Nair’s warning states “Do not use on [among other areas] breast nipples, perianal, or vaginal/genital areas,” I’d bet that at least half of the purchases go towards cleaning up the region below the belt. I, for one, have had good luck using Nair on my ass crack and perineum for years, with applications 4-6 times a year to keep The Center of My Universe (um, that would be my hole) relatively free and clear of those rather long hairs that grow down there (long ass hairs are damn annoying and irritating when one is getting fucked, fisted, or dildoed). I’ve been leery to use it on my shaft and balls (choosing to pluck with tweezers instead), but now that I’ve read the success stories in this thread, I will give it a try.

Plucking – Free!
But NOT quick! Like shaving, it requires a bit of flexibility, a tolerance for some discomfort, and an investment in time. I’ve been tweezing the hairs on my shaft and balls for many years (using Nair for my perineum and ass), mostly because I’ve been too shy and, admittedly, too cheap to visit a waxing salon. As I age and my flexibility wanes (all of those years of Yoga can do but so much), I will relent and budget for periodic waxing of my balls and ass crack. While tweezing offers the advantage of more control when shaping the pubic hairline, one should expect more discomfort when plucking above the penis in the fatty area of the pubic mound – the hairs are deep there, and they don’t lose their grip without a bit of a fight. However, the hairs along the shaft and scrotum are surprisingly less painful to extract. (See shaving tips for dealing with subsequent ingrown hairs.)
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Old 28th November 2019, 07:27 PM
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Laser hair removal is a slow costly way to go. I spent almost $3K to get what would be a Brizilian for women. Forty five minutes every six weeks for almost two years. I still have a few stray hairs but not much. And I have to say my skin is nice and soft, no bumps.
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Old 1st December 2019, 02:10 PM
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Waxing is the most effective and economical method. Laser can cost a bunch. I have gotten waxed for years, works great.
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Old 3rd December 2019, 08:05 PM
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I tried that once and it burned my sensitive skin real bad. I trim it or shave it with no issues. I have seen ads on Craigslist for shaving & waxing but never tried that...yet.
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Old 4th December 2019, 03:38 PM
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I can refer you to a very experienced, very good waxer in So Cal. She is a female domme but is a certified cosmotologist and is very reasonable.
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