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Old 7th September 2014, 09:21 PM
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 21
So I Sucked My First Cock...

As posted in the stories, here is the recap below:

This was just late Friday late. I put up a CL ad and got a few replies. This guy was one of the first to reply and was local, less than 10 miles away. I almost drove to someone who was about 25 miles away, would have been a bit verbal and instructive from his response. Anyway, since I had to travel due to a roommate, I thought the local guy had a place. Nope, but we met in a Target parking lot, then I followed him to a secluded place near a park a mile away. I got in the passenger side of his Ford Explorer and we chatted for a minute. He was kinda inquisitive - seemed more nervous than I. Anyways, since I've been wanting to try sucking cock for years, but never had the courage to follow through, I just told him to lets get to it and he whipped it out of his shorts. I guess he was an average 6". He smelled good, probably had just showered (his dick actually tasted a little soapy). I just dove in, leaning over, put my hands on his thigh, and started sucking up and down. I pretty much got the whole thing in my mouth and worked up and down with sucking. I could feel some growth in my mouth, but he never seemed to really get totally hard to me. Sucking his dick didn't really seem weird, taboo or I was sucking on his thumb or whatever. After just a few minutes, his moaning (it wasn't load at any rate), started to pick up and he thrust his hips into my face a little. Since I was doing all the work, it just helped a little. He didn't put his hand(s) on the back of my head, which I think I would have liked. After just a few minutes, after the first couple of hip thrusts, I heard him say "I'm gonna cum." and I think he expected me to pull off. I didn't and just kept sucking. He cummed, but I didn't really taste much. It didn't seem like he actually cummed much. I guess I just swallowed it easily while sucking. It wasn't shocking - mine has tasted stronger - rather mild, a little sweet. When he finished cumming he pretty much pushed me off saying, "It's so sensitive!" I offered to give him a second and do it slower; he was a little hesitant but declined. He tried to small talk a little more, but it was awkward. He did ask to keep my contact info, so I guess he liked it. I think he lasted less than 5 min from start to cum.

So I guess I consider myself straight, want to have a wife and kids, but have been fantasizing about sucking a cock for nearly 20 years.

About the sucking itself though, leaning over in a car is a bit awkward. He wasn't big - probably no more than 6.5" (if that), and I pretty much got the whole thing in my mouth, but he never seemed to get completely hard to me...or my mouth didn't feel it. The last inch of the base seemed thickest, as I would need to open my mouth further. Would the back seat have been more comfortable? I could be between his legs with better access I guess. If we meet up again, I'll suggest that - he just seemed so nervous (as I). I almost think I was the first guy who sucked him or maybe his first blowjob ever. Also, I guess I should slow down, try licking his balls (I thought about it) and up and down the shaft.

I almost hooked up with another guy later, but it was just getting to late (like nearly 3 am). I also definitely want some reciprocation sometime, so may just post an ad wanting a bj myself. When I did get home, I barely even fell asleep - my heart beating like crazy. Weird. This first time just seemed so low key, but I guess being the "crossing that bridge" of it just made my heart race.

I'd appreciate your thought of all the above (technique, what I'm feeling, whatever).
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Old 8th September 2014, 05:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Congratulations Curious! You have now done the first one - in terms of the mental mind games it does get easier now - after all "I did this before" so you realize you will still be the same guy after.

As for how long it should last... how long is a piece of string? It totally varies on how horny you both are, when you last came and often how much time you have. In a Target parking lot not sure you would want it to last to long! Only in porn movies does it go on and on and on....

A car, especially the front seat - is a very awkward place to do it. It will be much more comfortable for both of you when you do it some place else. Back seat is better - but still not a ton of room.

As for not tasting much - some of that depends on what he eats and where in your mouth he shot. If his cock was deep you won't get as much flavor as if he is in the front and cums on your tongue and taste buds.

When he says "Its too sensitive" that all depends on the person. Some guys you can keep right on going for round 2, others you can't even touch their legs for a few without them acting like it was a shock.

I am glad to hear you tried it. If you have been thinking about it for 20 years you never would be happy until you tried it at least once. And from the sound of it you enjoyed it.
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Old 8th September 2014, 07:41 PM
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Posts: 21

John3, thanks for the reply.

No, it didn't happen in the Target parking lot - we just met cars there, then I followed him to a secluded spot near a park about a mile away.

I guess I just expected the guy to take longer to cum. When he was cumming, I just kept sucking up and down (remember, I did get pretty much the whole thing in my mouth), so maybe I just swallowed most w/o tasting. I mentioned that I didn't seem to get much and he seemed a bit bewildered liked he came a lot. I guess I just expect anyone else to taste harsher than mine own...not that I eat asparagus all the time. I think his cock was probably about an ideal "first time" size for me. Anyway, if we meet again, I'll suggest the back seat, maybe ask him to suggest what he wants and be a little less aggressive. He really did seem to be like you said - couldn't even touch his legs afterwards. He really seemed a bit shook up...almost winded. Maybe it really was an intense orgasm and he was overwhelmed.
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Old 21st September 2014, 03:05 PM
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Curious -

Glad you met in public - very smart when hooking up with a stranger.

As for how long it took - studies say "the average time from insertion to ejaculation is less than three minutes. " So the long sex scenes we see in porn are often unrealistic. Also a lot of guys if hooking up like that in a park are VERY horny and just want to cum fast to keep it safe.

The fact he was out of breath probably does mean he really enjoyed it.

Did he help you out after he came?
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Old 28th September 2014, 08:47 PM
Join Date: May 2004
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Sounds like a good first experience to me

If the guy came in a few minutes, you obviously were doing most everything right. Glad you had such a complete experience, because some guys do take a long time (Jonn must be a very lucky cocksucker). Some guys, when they are really horny, will cum before they get totally hard if they are really enjoying your technique. Also depends on his age, state of health, whether he had been drinking, etc. Vegetarians tend to have milder/sweeter tasting cum BTW.
I hope you can figure out a place to have sex besides a car/truck. You're right, the position is awkward. The back seat might be a little better, but probably not much. It's fun to try standing/kneeling, sitting/kneeling, both horizontal, etc. Maybe you could see if there are some ABS or other spots where you could rendezvous. Good luck.
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Old 23rd October 2014, 11:48 AM
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Another thing to keep in mind about how long it took for him to cum - by the time guys are searching CL for sex they are usually so damn horny they are ready to explode!

Have you guys meet up since then?
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Old 26th October 2014, 07:26 AM
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The beauty of the anonymous m2m sex is that no one out there can really have any specific expectations. You hook up with a completely unknown dude. If he and you agree to mess around, you do. A sucker takes the risk that the suckee may take a long time to come, or short time to come or anything in between.

Equally so, no suckee knows how good is the technique of his cocksucker. Sometimes a guy servicing your cock is a master of his craft. Sometimes he is totally clueless, and most frequently, the dude's skills are just somewhere in-between.

The m2m sex is "AS IS".If you like it, try to make it last, and see if you can repeat the experience. If you don't, feel free to move on. Simple and easy.

The notion that you have to "perform" and make someone happy is something that comes from the heteroworld and does not apply here.

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Old 29th October 2014, 12:25 PM
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Hey Curious -

Just wondering if you have continued to meet up with him?

Or have you found someone who is looking for more mutual play so you can get some reciprocation?
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Old 30th October 2014, 01:25 AM
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6.5 is the perfect size for a newbie. Not too big and not too small. Plus you can put all of it in your mouth. Larger dicks take experience and finesse. As for car back seats...the cars/trucks of today are not built for "play" like the the models from the 70's or older. Fully recline the front seats and pull up the center console.
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Old 6th November 2014, 02:12 PM
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Very true sbstudtop - my parents had an old 72 Plymouth station wagon -

That was perfect to play in - it had more room than a suite at the Motel 6!
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Old 25th March 2019, 02:14 PM
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Ahhh, memories: first time car plays -
First time I swallowed: we were about 13-14yr old, 1940's Buick back seat (car was in 'storage' in a back yard, we used to pretend to drive it! lol). Lots of room!

Couple years later another friend got his license, had his dad's old ford falcon wagon, early-mid 1960's. picked me up and parked on a trail in woods. (think it was a 'service access road') around sunset. Sucked in back seat, fairly roomy, but then folded it down and used the big back. First time i fucked (preferred head but I liked it) and first time i got fucked (not enjoyed) (learned about lube years later). lol
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Old 26th March 2019, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Lupine56 View Post
First time i fucked (preferred head but I liked it) and first time i got fucked (not enjoyed) (learned about lube years later). lol

Every time I hear about a guys first time and no lube I just can't imagine it!

Thankfully the buddy that took my cherry had been to an all boys boarding school and I guess Lube 101 was a required class because he said everyone in the school knew about it!
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Old 27th March 2019, 01:46 PM
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guess that is why i did not let anyone "in" for years after, though looking back on it, i guess he had a lot b4 me, &/or maybe pre-lubed? i know he enjoyed i wasn't quick to finish.
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Old 3rd July 2019, 03:47 PM
orallyours61's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
Congratulations Curious! You have now done the first one - in terms of the mental mind games it does get easier now - after all "I did this before" so you realize you will still be the same guy after.

As for how long it should last... how long is a piece of string? It totally varies on how horny you both are, when you last came and often how much time you have. In a Target parking lot not sure you would want it to last to long! Only in porn movies does it go on and on and on....

A car, especially the front seat - is a very awkward place to do it. It will be much more comfortable for both of you when you do it some place else. Back seat is better - but still not a ton of room.

As for not tasting much - some of that depends on what he eats and where in your mouth he shot. If his cock was deep you won't get as much flavor as if he is in the front and cums on your tongue and taste buds.

When he says "Its too sensitive" that all depends on the person. Some guys you can keep right on going for round 2, others you can't even touch their legs for a few without them acting like it was a shock.

I am glad to hear you tried it. If you have been thinking about it for 20 years you never would be happy until you tried it at least once. And from the sound of it you enjoyed it.
Back seats are better...but now with SUV's and minivans )
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