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Old 18th February 2001, 01:40 PM
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LOL..nice try, Sun, and exactly what I said you'd do: more ascribing of your own behavior to jake and me. Our SYNTAX, you moron, isn't even remotely alike.

Happily, only a fool won't notice that you turned around and engaged in exactly the same behavior I described.

You really should get treatment, SybilDog. You've lost awareness of your own rhetorical replications.
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Old 18th February 2001, 02:31 PM
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Note to Sun:

Are you capable of sticking to the issue started in this thread, or are you throwing in the towel?

Dare I agree with bongo? You bet I agree with him. As horrifying as it may be to a self-serving conservative like yourself Sun, there are a lot of people out there (like bongo, myself, and others) who see through your manipulations and games. Your avoidance tactics, for example, are pathetic.

Unlike you, there are some of us out here who can speak for ourselves without resorting to make-believe supporters who back up our posts. I happen to be posting alone in this thread under one name. I am delighted to see that there are others, besides bongo, who share my feelings. As one of the moderators here (Guyncol) pointed out, I am not as alone as you would like to think, Sun. I have a feeling that this infuriates you. Am I wrong?

It looks to me like you can't come up with any intelligent response to justify your defense of Republicans or your bashing of Democrats and liberals. So, now you are resorting to making false accusations and finger-pointing. You sound more and more like a Republican politician by the minute, Sun. Could you have been an understudy for Ken Starr?

You say that "liberals" or Democrats are the cause of the current problems within our gay community. I think that Republicans pose far greater threats to gays. I think that your explanations for your defense of conservatives are utter bullshit. What say you besides making pretend that I am bongo, or the man in the moon, or any other character that allows you to avoid engaging in an intelligent one on one dialogue, Mister? LOL!

[This message has been edited by Jake2001 (edited February 18, 2001).]
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Old 18th February 2001, 03:59 PM
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not to mention the fAct that "the winds of change" Sundogg talks about blowing through Washington are non-existent. we have a Prez "elected" by a minority of the electorate, and a Congress more evenly split between Dems and Pubs than ever. hardly a sweeping mandate for a conservative swing in our government.
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Old 18th February 2001, 04:24 PM
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Another post from yet another "liberal" defender, Sun.

Now, go ahead and claim that Swallow is also me, or bongo, or Priscilla Presley, or Free-the-Slaves-Man, or Gogi Grant! Anything to bolster your own justification for your own phoney-baloney rhetoric and your own false identities that you use to give the appearance of a majority consensus.


Posted by bongo to Sun:
"I have a fantasy that whatever you use to keep track of all your simultaneous screen names must resemble the organization chart of the federal government."

Now, that is a truly hilarious and dead-on-target description. LOL!

[This message has been edited by Jake2001 (edited February 19, 2001).]
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Old 19th February 2001, 02:25 AM
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There were 4 gay men who decided to climb Mount McKinley in Alaska to show their deep commitment to Gay Rights and Liberation. One was a Liberal Democrat, one was an Independent, one was a Libertarian, and one was a Republican.

As they were nearing the top of Mt McKinley, it became apparent all would reach the summit. So, in an effort to show a greater commitment, the Independent guy yells "THIS IS FOR ALL GAY INDEPENDENTS!" and jumps off the summit.

Taking the lead from the Independent guy and not wanting to be outdone, the Libertarian yells "THIS IS FOR ALL GAY LIBERTARIANS" and jumps off the summit.

The Gay Liberal Democrat then decided to take decisive action. Showing the highest level of commitment to Gay Rights and Liberation, he pushes the Gay Republican off the summit and yells "THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!!!"
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Old 19th February 2001, 02:38 AM
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Dwight, the man who initiated this thread, has been awfully quiet during all the flaming. What say you, Dwight? Any comments, observations, gasoline to offer?
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Old 19th February 2001, 08:29 AM
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George was elected with a big debt to the religious right. He wouldn't be president without them, and they are intensely homophobic. To them, gay sex is sinful, and they are working to make it illegal.

George's payback means that long-settled gay political victories will once again be contested. This is not good news for people caught in the crossfire - they will be conflicted between their sexual identity and their personal values. Look for an increase in all the measures of gay misery: low self-esteem, depression, self-destructive behavior, alcoholism, suicide.

My original message was directed at homosexual Republicans who will be harmed by the party's sell-out to the religious right. Don't let these people make you feel bad - become a Democrat! We're the party of real inclusion, not minstsrel shows or phony pageants.
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Old 19th February 2001, 09:57 AM
Posts: n/a

I hate to close another forum but since it has boiled down to silly jokes and name calling I have no choice. Let's keep the posts on subject and try to keep all name calling on the playgrounds. Thanks
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