Went back after a long time and some reportings here. They increased the price to 60baht! Must be for the redecoration they didnot do. Holes and iron sticking out of chairs as usual.
Got lucky within 30 minutes! Handsome bottom with a big boner jerking in his chair and lots of lurkers around him. We moved to the toilet which is smelly,sweaty but rather kinky also. He took of his shorts and tshirt and we sucked and kissed than I fucked him bigtime. Guys were trying to peek through holes in the door and look under it - they also climed the wall at the adjacent urinals to peek. Other than that it was very ok. After that nothing happend that day so I left. Came back a few days later for a repeat order but zip - zero- nothing but old old money boys- some old farangs and tons of middle aged Thais but nothing to my taste and nothing happening except the boring boring blowjobs by money boys in the seats. Sad story .
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Josh4u Quotes ,
*** They increased the price to 60baht! *** When some saunas offer FREE ENTRY to young Thai guys on certain days of the week ( PARADISE , K PLACE and so on ) ? No wonder why young horny guys with not much money to spend wouldn't go to suck cinemas any more . Some suanas offer very low price entry fee regular basis ( 69 Bhats and the similar ) I think everyone wants to have a shower after hot sex , right ? ![]()
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That IS the exact web address. In any case, here is the info you need, from the site. Only updates are that the admission is now 60 baht (up 50% in two years!) and the last flick usually ends around 8:00 pm.
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I think this place is great if you have patience and some time to kill...it can go from boring to wild in a half an hour. Closing is between 8-8:30pm, and there is almost always action with those who are still there at that time...sometimes quite hot. The place is not for everyone and for it to work, you have to really like the sex cinema scene to begin with, but there is something to be had for everyone. I never seem to encounter money boys though, maybe just luck on my part. In the past week, I did a 3-way in the front row with a 30'ish hot dude who loved pushing our heads down on his thick dick, sucked off a young, thin guy who was very verbal about it in English, fucked a dude in the bathroom, got sucked off twice in the urinals, had my dick played with by several different guys in the seats, and finished off two other guys right before closing....one guy a hot jock in tshirt and shorts who walked up to me and stuck his cock in my mouth. Not the best looking boys/men in BKK, but so what....the scene can be hot.
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I've been going to the Prince for over ten years, and have only run into a money boy once. He lured me into the toilet, then said "you give me 100 baht". I said "no." End of encounter.
If someone demanded money after the deed was done, I'd simply ask them for more for my services.
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