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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   KL's New terminal for low cost airlines opening soon

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Old 27th March 2006, 12:18 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
Service at new LCC terminal no better

In today's Star newspaper, a traveller wrote in to complain that the new LCC Terminal has not provided better service for the Air Asia travellers because of several reasons.
"Most obvious is the aircraft path into and out of the parking apron. There is only one single path available which causes unnecessary delays, whenever several planes are entering and exciting the parking apron at the same time.
My flight was delayed by an hour landed at LCCT but had to wait another 15mins to allow another plane to leave the parking apron.
If there are many planes queuing up on either side to exit and enter the parking apron, it will easily add up several more minutes of delay.
There are also not enough taxis available to pick up passengers. According to one taxi driver, the low fare of RM57 to KL discouraged many taxis to come and pick passengers at the LCCT.
The bus service is commendable with a fare of RM9. However, the departure are not according to the time table as the buses only depart when it is at least half full."

This is an account of a traveller who has just used the LCCT and hope things get better and not worse!
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Old 29th March 2006, 03:25 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Changi's Budget Terminal opened , but

The budget Terminal at Changi has just opened 3 days ago ,
but ONLY Tiger Airways is using this terminal at this stage .

Singapore's new Budget Air Terminal

Jet Star , Adam , Lion and Jet Airways are not using this terminal .
WHY ???
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