-- Y'day., (29th.), a'noon. - after cruising-around the nearby ROBINSON'S - I went to the CHALERM GIAT CINEMA, (vide supra posting #111.),;
- ETA.: approx. 17.oo.hrs.; - Admn.: 50.Bh.; my tkt. stub was #028.; - Possibly as many as a score of us spectators therein? - Saw one man giving what appeared to be legit. massages to others; possibly similar to masseur in the one remaining CHINATOWN Cinema? - Most films were ortho-sexual & hard porn.; - Little activity amongst the spectators; - ETD.: 18.30.hrs.. |
... . -- Maybe I'll be down that way earlier one a'noon. and we'll see then? -- Today, (04th.), having looked-in at ROBINSON'S - Charoen Krung, (BTS. S. Taksin, [S6.],), I crossed-over Charoen Krung and walked-back to THE PRINCE CINEMA.; -- Occasionally, very seldom the clouds of uncertainly that shroud our lives are dispelled by a ray. of sunshine; a rare beam of sunlight: :-) - 'Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious by the sun of York;', (RIII., I:1.), but I sha'n't asperse yr. knowledge, Gentle Reader, of the works of Sir Francis Bacon, of the Earl of Oxford, of Wm. S'peare, or of trad. and/or anon.; - ETA. approx. 14.05.hrs.; - By the box-office is an hand-written sign: 12-30. - 19.30.; - Adm'n. is still 60.Bh.. -- Hope to see all y'all there soon! ;-) |
I knew I should visit BKK more often. Clearly this could be the result of my reduce patronage...;) |
-- As Mark Twain reportedly said: 'The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.' - let's hope that the same will continue to be true of this cinema. Because of finger-trouble on my part I'm moving an earlier 'Edit.' to this later posting so as to give you the latest & hottest skinny. |
Phahol cinema ... .
-- On tuesday, (14th.), a'noon. my elderly & WYSIWYG. Friend accompanied his MY. friend to the PAHOL CINEMA - Saphan Kwai.
- He told me that he was approached twice by money-boyz, each of whom claimed to have a b-i-g cock, (don't most of them?) - 'Wishful thinking.', in his judgement. The 2nd. one asked for 300.Bh. to be smoked; an offer wch. he found easy to reject. - That cinema was not really all that busy at that time. |
The prince cinema ...
-- Y'day., (16th.), puting my money where my typing finger is - as it were - I visited THE PRINCE CINEMA - Charoeng Krung., (BTS. S. TAKSIN, [S6.],);
- ETA.: Just after 14.15.hrs.; - Adm'n.: 60.Bh.; - After allowing some ten mins. for my eyes to adjust to the gloom I sat-down in a not too uncomfortable seat in the block that is screen LEFT and nearer to the screen, (on the GF. seating is arranged in 4 blks. with a central aisle & a central cross passage.); - just after I'd sat-down a man sat-down in the row behind me and arranged his legs so that one was on the back of the seat to my immediate LEFT - so I could hardly help but be aware of it. Looking-around to see who he is I saw a short & bd.-shouldered man with a roundish & Ch.-looking face; he was wearing a white tee-shirt over the briefest of short & white running shorts that I've ever seen! His smooth and hairless legs were inviting my fingers to do some walking, wch. they did - and with no impeding all the way up. - Of course I had to move back and to sit next to him and recommence my exploration: after a while my tantalising fingers encountered an erect and std. issue sized cock - I fell to my knees - what a welcum change to smoke a c'cised. cock; but, alas and alack, he cummed all too soon, but allowed me to continue to enjoy my fill, in a manner of writing. -- After he'd got-up and left I was joined by an older man; but he wasn't so satisfactory. -- Whilst I was therein it rained quite heavily o'side. - and inside, too! -- Possibly not MORE than half-a-dozen of us voyeurs during the couple of hrs. that I was there; - A real film was being projected: one of those Ch. & costume dramas of some time or other way back in Ch. history - more improbable adventures than even Marco Polo could have imagined or dreamed. |
good to know that prince is opened afterall. maybe they just close early (before 7pm).
-- Y'day., (20th.), my Elderly & WYSIWYG.* Friend went alone to THE PRINCE CINEMA - Charoen Krung, BTS.: Saphan Taksin, (S6.),;
- ETA.: approx. 14.hrs.; - During his stay of some 45 mins. only two other patrons came-in; - He enjoyed each in turn, or maybe they enjoyed him? --* What You See Is What You Get. - As an aside I availed of search-engine Google and entered: 'WYSIWYG.', the answer was provided straight away! - I entered several other acronyms such as GAYDAR., IMHO., ROTFWL. etc. and Google provided the answer every time. - A couple of helpful web-addresses are - 1. - > http://www.acronymfinder.com < 2. - > http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com < |
They are usually open until 7:30 or 8:00 -- but it depends on the length of the movies they are showing that day. They'll also shut down if no one is left in the audience, which happens sometimes.
'THE PRINCE.' Cinema ...
-- Today, (24th.), and having a Pink Ticket from tee-rak I visited THE PRINCE Cinema.- firstly hoping to repeat last week's enjoyable smoke and secondly out of a sense that it's one of a dying breed and should be encouraged to remain in business for as long as possible;
- ETA.: 13.40.hrs.; - Adm'n.: 60.Bh.; - Noticed an hand-written sign by the Box Office: 'Hrs.12.30.-19.30.'; - Only five others in there; e'one. seeming to keep v.much to himself. - I stayed there approx. 40 mins., before going to the river-ferry at S. TAKSIN, (BTS. S6.), and thence to NONTHABURI, (N30.),. |
-- Today, (8th.), a'noon. - being the 2nd. of my 2. 'Pink Tkt.' days - I visited the PHAHON CINEMA., (for dir'ns. vide supra: this thread #29.),;
- ETA./ETD.: around 14.30.hrs./approx. 17.oo.hrs.; - Adm'n.: 50.Bh.; -- As it was my first visit for a v. long time I would not care to comment, comparatively writing, on how busy that cinema was; especially as it was raining o'side., wch. might have encouraged people to seek shelter or else to discourage them from leaving? - A few farangs seen; main crowd mostly of maturer & Thai men; but a sprinkling of younger ones, possibly students by their dress? - An ortho-sexual & interminably boring film being shewn - the dramas of a norml & married life as seen by the script-writers etc. etc.; OMG.! :-( -- A fair amt. of activity in the seating, especially towards the back at screen LEFT. For quite some time a tall, lean & youngish looking man with shoulder-length hair was being fondled & smoked by those who gathered around; an avg.+ cock, with a well-developed hua-kuai, but spoiled - IMHO. - by the three love balls inserted sub cutem. - Not much happening in the walking area behind the rear row of seats. - A few smokers of ciggies. seen & smelt: :-( -- I felt that I'd been AWOL. for too long! ;) |
-- Y'day., (28th.), my elderly, frequently visiting & Am. friend paid his first visit of this trip to the well-known movie-hse. in CHINATOWN* on Yaowarat rd., to wch. he was one of the first arrivals of the day;
- Reported as being v. busy almost from the first moments: he was soon at his devotions, and allowed that his prayers were granted; - But after a couple or so hrs., with MORE arrivals, it developed into more of cliquey gps. of Th./Ch. who appeared to go there just to gossip and possibly avail of any opportunities that might have presented themselves? He added that, as far as he could see, he was the only farang there. -* postings: this thread #20., 84. & 139.. -- E&OE. as rpt'd. speech. |
'CHALERM GIAT.' movie-house ...
-- Y'day., (02nd.), evening in the 'bus. I passed-around the KING TAKSIN THE GT. circle - THONBURI - and noticed that the CHALERM GIAT's* steel girders & roof-top sign has been removed.
-* For ref. earlier posting in this thread #111.. |
Chinatown rama ...
-- Y'day., (05th.), my Elderly & frequently visiting Am. friend visited CHINATOWN RAMA.,* and reorted it as being v.busy;
- However, he believes that the better time to visit is between OPENING at approx. 11.30.hrs. and 13.30.hrs., his reason being that afterwards it may become fuller with elderly Chinese who use it as a meeting & a chat-place. -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- Postings: this thread #20., 84., 139. etc.. |
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