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CRUISING for SEX - Suck Cinema updates?

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josh4u 26th January 2012 04:34 AM

I am not surprised Prince is closed - it was dying for a long time.:mad:

pong 27th January 2012 06:11 PM

is this yet another casualty in this field? Anyway-right now, sat 8.07 I sit in a webshop near WWyai and saw a few days ago, that cinema supposed to be Hawai On Lat ya rd-(across from Robinson) is def. closed-building under destruction, fenced off and various signs about relocated old shops. There was a lady just setting up her stall of saucy DVDs etc (morning around 9.00) and i dared to ask her-she said the same: phit!=close.
Now I am not 100% sure as there was such a confusion about 2 nearby ame-same cinema's, but on a later google-earth view this cinema was shown as still active.
Maybe our all beloved sextile is going on his weekly trips out to faraway Little/big Ohm and can re-check? Bus 84 passes-as he knows.

icon513 27th January 2012 06:45 PM

The Hawaii is on Charoenrat Road and is still open and active.

sextile 27th January 2012 07:37 PM

Thonburi cinemas' closures ...

Originally Posted by pong (Post 684802)
... and saw a few days ago, that cinema supposed to be Hawai On Lat ya rd-(across from Robinson) is def. closed-building under destruction, fenced off and various signs about relocated old shops. ... .

-- Khun Pong,
- CHALERM GIAT CINEMA, Lat ya rd., ( opp. ROBINSON'S.), is CLOSED - that's 100%. for sure: I walked-around it on 26 jan. for a 2nd. & final confirm'n.; whole bldg. surrounded by boarding/hoarding. :(
- As for the neighboring HAWAII I haven't checked.
- See earlier postings in this thread nos.238. & 239..
-- :)

icon513 27th January 2012 09:16 PM

You don't need to check. I was there a matter of mere days ago and it is open and active. You can trust me on this

pong 31st January 2012 01:39 AM

OK-thanks-I read a few of the old items and from there concluded this musyt have been the one/.
Could anyone please give a very short listing of what of these cinema's are now still working? So thats this one. 1 in Sapan Kwai and somewhere near Bang Na? Got a bit interested and do not want to go through all these old postings, thanks.

sextile 31st January 2012 08:22 AM

Current 'suck-cinemas.' ...

Originally Posted by pong (Post 684834)
... .
Could anyone please give a very short listing of what of these cinema's are now still working? ... .

-- Khun Pong,
- By my reckoning there remain the flg. -

1.- BANG KHAE RAMA.: this thread posting #141.;
2.- CHINATOWN RAMA.: #139.;
3.- HAWAI.: #111.;
4.- LAEMTHONG.: #132.;
5.- PHAHON YOTHIN.: #29. and
6.- THE STATE.: #44..

- E&OE.; add'ns. & corr'ns. requested. -- :)

pong 6th February 2012 01:27 AM

thanks a lot dear, for your research-maybe I'll even go and dip my toe in that water this week-or next. Seems they are now all but 1 rather outside the BKks' ''downtown''.
Did not you report on one supposed to be in Daokanong too? Thats not too far from WgWnYai?

sextile 10th February 2012 11:59 PM

Dao kanong?

Originally Posted by pong (Post 684880)
... .
Did not you report on one, [suck cinema], supposed to be in Daokanong too? Thats not too far from WgWnYai?

-- Khun Pong,
- DAO KANONG rings a very faint bell from somewhere or other in my failing memory; but - truth to write - I have no exact details right now; must be olde age or something - ha! ;)
-- :)

icon513 11th February 2012 03:59 AM

There is no suck cinema in Dao Khanong. Both sexy and I tried it he after he refused to believe my initial report) and confirmed that it is a regular cinema (despite decrepit appearances to the contrary).

midwestbttmboy32 19th February 2012 10:43 PM

A great visit to Pahol Yothin cinema 2nd January
Well it's been a while since I was in BKK--like 18 months!--and it was an unplanned visit. I'd spent the previous 2 weeks in Sri Lanka, on my way to Taipei, and had a flight schedule change which allowed me about 24 hours in BKK!
So after landing at 13:00 and checking into my hotel, I of course headed straight over to my favorite cinema, the Pahol Yothin in Saphan Kwai.
I was there a few years ago around New Year's Day and it was full of families for some kind of special show, so I was worried about that--but no, all was normal.
And by normal, I mean that, in the 3 hours I spent there, I sucked out 6 loads, and got fucked 3 times in the toilets!
Ahh excellent--and even better than my memories of the place: I'd say the average stats of the guys I played with was about 25-30yo, in shape Thai guys. Didn't see any other farangs at all, which surprised me since it was high season. More for me then!
Anyway, another great time.
Thanks Icon and Sextile, for continuing this thread (though I could do without the back and forth, one of you obviously likes to be brief and direct, while the other is flowery and indirect. Get over it, both of you! :D
Keep up the good work.

teapot12 25th February 2012 08:33 PM

Any cinema action in Pattaya?
I have sat in the Avenue,and its deserted for the earlier movies 12 noon 1 ish,was optomistic, but have not had any luck. Anyone got info, and any gloryholes ? Thanks

icon513 26th February 2012 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 684810)
You don't need to check. I was there a matter of mere days ago and it is open and active. You can trust me on this

If anyone still has doubts about the Hawaii being in business, you can rest assured that it is. I'm posting this message from inside the theater.

icon513 26th February 2012 01:01 AM

PS: if anyone is wondering, there were about 50 people there on this Sunday mid-afternoon, with not a single one rating more than a two out of ten (in my estimation).

midwestbttmboy32 26th February 2012 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 685023)
PS: if anyone is wondering, there were about 50 people there on this Sunday mid-afternoon, with not a single one rating more than a two out of ten (in my estimation).

Thanks for the update, Icon. Can I ask why they rated low--Were they of the over-50 years old variety? Or the older, chubby variety? Or the, how shall I put it, dirty and unwashed? Otherwise I'm game. :)

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