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Old 1st February 2009, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
Visited the bar around the corner from Solid last night (the one up the steps). Not been there for ages and found it is even more sleazy than ever. Found none of the boys attractive, mamasan pushy, and am sure I must have walked out with bugs on my clothes.
Sleazy..... yes... like most of the bars in BKK 20 years ago. How I yearn for the old Twighlight with the couple of outrageous old thai queens and totally out of control horny boys, the original My Way, Super Lek and other long forgotten venues (like the one out of the back door from first floor of telephone bar,) and Apache Boys in Sapan Kwai. All bars where the boys mingled, approached, seduced, played... rather than shuffling endlessly around an elevated platform out of touch and waiting to be bought drinks at 250 bt a pop. I still go to Super A (the one Fountainhall referred to) and haven't got any bugs yet ! ... but do enjoy a good fondle in the back row with the boys who are really quite sweet if you take the time to talk to them... I've even offed a few (but definitely not in their rooms !)
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Old 1st February 2009, 06:01 AM
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How I yearn for the old Twighlight with the couple of outrageous old thai queens and totally out of control horny boys, the original My Way, Super Lek and other long forgotten venues
Totally agree. They were usually such fun. I can even go back as far as the Stockholm joint in Lang Suan where I had my first experience of Bangkok nightlife - and then couldn't stop coming back!
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Old 1st February 2009, 06:21 AM
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-- Deleted, as duplicated others' postings.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 1st February 2009, 08:03 PM
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salary & benefits for bayboys

I disagree to some extent with the two earlier posts on this subject:

1. Boys are paid 25 Baht per hr
2. 30/50Baht turn up fee plus meal

Point 1 is totally incorrect.

Point 2 is true in some bars, mostly in Pattaya, but not in Bkk. Where it is paid it's normally on a monthly basis, say 1.500Baht per month, to try to ensure the boys turn up for work every night. If they dont turn up an amount is deducted and if they get an off with a client then a certain amount is deducted. In reality most bars end up paying out very little at the end of the month.

In addition many bars, both Pattaya and Bkk impose a 'late for work' fine, often 1 Baht per minute, which usually must be paid before they can start work on that night.

It's true that many, but not all, bars provide a meal, and again this is more prevalent in Pattaya. But fall out with the mamasan and ...

For total absence, many bars in Bkk used to have a very strict policy on this:

- One night absent, next evening the boy must pay the off fee for the previous night, and must be paid before he can resume work.
- Two straight nights absent, the boy must pay off fee for two nights plus fine of 200Baht, and must be paid before he can resume work.
- Three straight nights absent, and boy cannot return at all, ever.

The bar where this was applied very seriously was the old Barbiery in Suriwongse Rd. now defunct. This bar also had a policy if boy doesn't get say 4 offs in one calendar month they he had to leave.

Somehow I doubt that these points are still practiced.

Another associated point. It used to be fairly common for bar owners who either 1). lusted after one of the boys, or 2). had a young man who was offed every night, therefore a cash cow, to come up with the deposit money on a motorcycle (to be re-paid to the bar owner in installments), to try to ensure the boy didn't give up work or move to another bar.
Not sure whether still happens but not surprised if it does.

I'm aware of one Thai bar owner (who died perhaps 5 years) who did this regularly but always by making all the arrangements in advance. The boy turns up for work etc., and bar owner says 'I have nice surprise for you', sign here! Boy is trapped. Same barowner expected the working boys to drop their pants in front of whoever was present so bar owner could sucks their cocks. Most boys of course putting up with it to protect their employment.
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Old 2nd February 2009, 01:51 AM
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A sample of one. Last night I asked Solid their pay rates. Boy gets 100bt if there before 8.. after 8 nothing. Commission 30 - 50bt per drink bought. No food provided.
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Old 2nd February 2009, 07:57 AM
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more sleaze

I only WISH that Super A was as sleazy as it used to be back in the early to mid 1990s. Nowadays, one can call it sleazy only because it appears the place hasn't been properly cleaned in over a decade. Plus, the "quality" of boys they offer is almost non-existent nowadays.
Ah yes, those glory days when there was Midnight Cowboy and Apache in Saphan Khwai (and back when Be High was good, and even Adam and Aladdin had go-go dancing worth seeing), and the other Silom & Suriwong area places (Super Lex, Blue Star, etc.). Just not much these days that I find remotely as interesting, sexy, or fun.
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Old 8th February 2009, 02:44 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
For those of you who have been patrons of Solid (and previously Tomahawk) who wonder what happened to Khun Lek (he of the oversized jacket,) I've found him !

After a stint in Chiang Mai he is now a mamasan at a host / massage bar in Jomtien (Pattaya). It's the single shop front adjoining Dicks Cafe and between Dicks and Duo House. Sporting a casual jumper (no jacket) he looks much younger and happier, and has a dozen typical Isaan boys on offer.
Thanks for the update on Khun Lek - he always was friendly and helpful sort in Solid.
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Old 8th February 2009, 06:23 PM
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as its more then 1 week ago I was able to see this site-a short correction on my earlier post (has not that much to do with bar-reviews-have not been in any since): I tried to compare the average wage these boys would be able to fetch in a NON-bar situation-about 24/25 bt/hr-or loosely between 20/30. If course I am quite aware that bars pay out less and also have an enormous list of ''fines'' to apply for coming late, smoking (buri), mobuy-foning and whatever. It was in relation to the advised 100/200 bt ''tip'' for sitting and talking (nothing more-to see if it ''clicks'') with a barboy in some places, in addition to the drink you buy him. And my regular thai nouat=old style massage from a nice ''boy/man'' with good skills and observation of sore spots, with often 10/15 mins extra added, cost me officially 160 bt, plus he gets the change from 2 reds and seems overly happy with that. Comparison?
But nice to read the fond memories of those old bars like Midnite cowboy, and even the SuperA/LuckyS duo (merged since).
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Old 8th February 2009, 10:21 PM
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I did another dummy spit this week. This time the issue is smoking in bars. A number of them have "NO Smoking " signs on the walls, and ashtrays on the tables ! In X boys (opposite Hot Mail) last week when an Asian guy next to me lite-up. I immediately called for my bill (was ready to leave anyway!) and made it clear that smoking in bars is AGAINST THE LAW and UNACCEPTABLE and this farang was not putting up with it. Gave the same message to one of the mamasaan on the way out. If they think they will loose business by stopping guests smoking, its about time they are told they will also loose clients if they do allow it. "I'm as mad as hell as I'm not putting up with it any-more!" (PS the boy selection there was quite good !)
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Old 9th February 2009, 08:01 AM
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sa-moke or smoke?

Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
"I'm as mad as hell as I'm not putting up with it any-more!" (PS the boy selection there was quite good !)
I agree. I hate this blatant disregard for the no smoking laws. Just the tip of the icebereg, though, when it comes to things that annoy me about most Thai-run bars and restaurants.
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Old 10th February 2009, 12:20 PM
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Jesus I'm getting cranky in my (not so ) old age. Went to Nature Boys tonight....only customer... boys same same, ho hum. Solid Bar... really dissappointing. One other farang in, boys looked bored shitless, and so was I. No one approached, smiled, anything. Went next door to the re-opened bar that turns into a disco about 1 am. Same setting as before. Boys generally rough Isaan, but found a little gem amonst the chaff. No 11, Ton from Udon,18 cute smile, boyish build, a little reserved, (claims I was only his 2nd farang..... whatever..) but a willing fuckee . Saved a boring night. I gotta say every time I cum back to BKK recently, I appreciate more & more the variety and freshness of the Pattaya scene. Going to KL ths weekend .. will report, but last time it got tipped out to the Malaysian site!
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Old 10th February 2009, 03:47 PM
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Solid & TT Pub

In Bangkok for a short stop-over I decided to visit Solid Bar, which for years has usually been my first port of call. Since Khun Lex left, I have never found boys that have interested me. They really need to get some new attractive boys that do more that just stand there when they are supposed to be dancing. I had a couple of drinks (2 drinks costing less that one on Soi Twilight.

I then went into TT Pub next door, and was surprised how much larger it was, and a considerable number of customers. The short tubby man that used to run Taurus was there, and looks like he owns/runs TT Pub. He has brought some of the boys with him from Taurus as well, including Mr Tom, who I had offed from Taurus previously. Tom is a 20 year old goodlooking Issan Boy, with, unfortunately too many tattoos. I offed him and Mr "L", a 20 year old Bangkok boy.

Both boys did everything I wanted and more - (including kissing, smoking rimming etc!!!! They are both power bottoms, and because they were so good and interacted well together, I tipped them more that I normally tip short time boys. I will be back there tonight and I will check out their numbers.
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Old 11th February 2009, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by TopmanUK View Post
I will be back there tonight and I will check out their numbers.
Good! I had a boy from Solid a few weeks ago who had moved on to there after spending five customer-less days at Tuarus shortly before it closed. He was completely useless so finding a boy who knows what sex is all about is sometimes more difficult than people imagine
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Old 11th February 2009, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
... finding a boy who knows what sex is all about is sometimes more difficult than people imagine
That is so true! For some reason, it's much harder than ever to find pleasant and talented bar boys. These days, when I find one that I like I give him my phone number immediately and tell him to call me every week. Good to hear the reports about TT Pub. Glad there is something worth seeing again in that area. I haven't been to that bar yet, but I think I'll drop in. From what I understand, it's not a go-go bar, but what do the guys there wear? Just street clothes or do any of them shed some clothing? For my perusing pleasure, the more skin the better!
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Old 12th February 2009, 06:32 PM
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Buzzard-do the reverse-get his mobuy nr. Far easier to handle. (and hide yours in the frist stages...) Boys in the know will often nowadays suggest that themselves. I stopped by at TT (thats the name of that renamed old/new venue) but did not even look inside when urged to. Their ad-pix show ''coyote''style and says its gogo till 1.00-then turns into a disco-same as the old name did. It cannot be only streetwear-unthinkable in that part of BKK for boys bars. Maybe just a little more as the white undershorts the other bars prescribe.
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